Impara l'italiano a Siena | Toscana | Italia
Commenti degli studenti
Marilda Camargo 442  
Bragan - Brasile
età: 50s  
professione: Professora do ensino fundamental

Gostaria de compartilhar minha experiência como estudante de língua italiana na belíssima cidade de Siena. Eu e mais quatro amigas tivemos o prazer de fazermos um curso de duas semanas nessa renomada escola, cujo responsável Mauro nos recepcionou pessoalmente no dia de nossa chegada junto com o experiente professor Rafael, que logo de início já nos mostrou um pouco da cidade Siena e relatou vários detalhes sobre sua história, tudo com muita propriedade e  segurança. Foram aulas maravilhosas, onde também pudemos conhecer Verona, Veneza, Pizza e Firenze sempre na  companhia do professor Rafael. Quanto as aulas na escola tivemos o prazer de ter duas excelentes professoras Sabrina e Elettra, que com muita paciência e dedicação nos ensinou um pouco da gramática italiana e de conversação, com elas também realizamos passeios a feira, ao bar (para tomarmos um café) e conhecer a rotina de um cidadão italiano. Não bastando tudo isso, ainda tivemos o prazer de jantarmos na casa de famílias italianas de modo a conhecermos a culinária e os costumes da família. Sendo assim gostaria muito de agradecer à todos da escola pela recepção e oportunidade que nos deu de convivermos um pouco com vocês e aprender muito. Para outras pessoas que pretendem também conhecer a língua italiana peço  que procurem os responsáveis pela escola e avaliem sua oferta antes mesmo de procurar outras escolas, pois essa tenho certeza de que vocês não se arrependeram, pois todos que ali trabalham são muito comprometidos e honestos. 

Eva 441  
Vienna - Austria
età: 40s  
professione: kfm.Angestellte

Ich war im Mai 2019 bereits das 5. Mal in dieser Sprachschule und war - wie immer - begeistert. Mauro, Elettra und Sabrina sind freundlich, hilfsbereit und bringen  mit ihrem Enthusiasmus der ital. Sprache und Kultur viel Motivation in die Stunden. Die Ausflüge und gemeinsamen Nachmittagsstunden sind eine ideale Ergänzung zum Lernunterricht und man lernt auch die anderen Schüler, die aus allen Ecken der Welt kommen, besser kennen. Ich freue mich schon auf nächstes Jahr!


Stevan K. 440  
Santiago - Cile
età: 20s  
professione: Dentista

Llegué a Saena Iulia por un convenio entre la escuela y el Instituto Italiano de Cultura de Santiago, donde tenía mis lecciones de italiano en Chile. Llegué sin demasiadas expectativas, pero me llevé una grata sorpresa. La escuela tiene una dinámica bastante interesante debido que todas las semanas rotan los alumnos (algunos se quedan por una semana, otros por más). Todos los lunes se evalúan los alumnos nuevos y se rearman los cursos en base al nivel de dominio del idioma, lo que esto significa es que de las 3 semanas que estuve, mi curso varió cada semana. Esto puede sonar caótico, pero lo manejaron muy bien y al final me permitió conocer e interactuar con mucha más gente. El ambiente en la escuela es muy acogedor, todos los profesores son cariñosos y se nota que sienten placer por lo que hacen, hay un genuino interés por enseñar su cultura, pero también por aprender de la de uno. Esto se evidencia cada viernes cuando la escuela hace un almuerzo para todos los alumnos con platos típicos locales cocinados por los mismos profesores, no sólo resulta una experiencia entretenida, además se come muy bien! Adicionalmente, todas las semanas la escuela organiza una excursión, en las tres semanas que estuve me tocó conocer San Gimignano, Pienza, degustar vinos en Montalcino; fueron excursiones interesantes, entretenidas y bien organizadas.

Muchos de mis compañeros eran alumnos recurrentes de la escuela, venían una vez al año por un par de semanas, o cuando pudieran. Creo que esto es lo más decidor sobre la escuela, que sus alumnos siempre vuelven por más. Yo estoy seguro que haré lo mismo.

Viktor T. 439  
Aalen - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: Freier Journalist

Ein Palazzo im Herzen von Siena, einer wunderbaren mittelalterlichen Stadt mit einer der schönsten Piazzen, der Piazza del Campo, und mit einem der prächtigsten Dome in Italien: Dort ist Saena Iulia, eine kleine, aber feine Schule, in der Italienisch lernen einfach nur Spaß macht. Das liegt nicht zuletzt an dem engagierten Team um Mauro, das jeden ausländischen Gast herzlich aufnimmt, sich um ihn kümmert und viele Tipps auf Lager hat, um den Aufenthalt noch angenehmer zu machen (grazie mille a tutti!). Hier lässt sich gut lernen und eintauchen in die italienische, lockere südländische Lebensart: Bei der morgendlichen Pause in einer Bar, beim wöchentlichen Aperitivo oder bei Ausflügen in herrliche Orte der Toskana, bei kulturellen Vorträgen und beim gemeinsamen Mittagessen am Freitag in der Schule oder auf der Piazza zum Abschluss und als Higlight der Woche. Dabei bleibt aber auch noch viel Zeit für eigene Unternehmungen und Entdeckungen und man kann die Bekanntschaft von vielen interessanten und lieben Menschen aus aller Herren Länder machen. Sehr zu empfehlen auch: Wohnen in einer italienischen Familie. Ich war übrigens im Mai 2019 zum siebten Mal in Folge an der Schule – es wird mit Sicherheit nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein.

Margaret L 438  
Denver, CO - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Attorney

I recently spent 4 weeks at Saena Iulia in May of 2019.  I join ALL of the previous accolades here about this wonderful school.  The city is a jewel.   My accomodations were very comfortable and the personal attention was impressive.

I was fortunate to have Elettra, Sabrina and Mauro as instructors.  Simply stated, they are professionals with a deep reverence for their language and culture.  It is the backbone of all accomplished educators.  And, they have a keen understanding of their committed goal-  To keep the world talking to each other.

Grazie di tutto

I look forward to returning next year.


Leah L. 437  
New York, NY - Stati Uniti
età: 70s  
professione: Writer

After much research I decided to go to Saena Iulia because many reviewers stated they returned year after year.  Now I understand why! This school is truly special. The teachers are among the best I’ve ever come across and their language learning system really works. Students ranging in age from 20’s to 80’s come from all over the world and are put in small classes where no one feels out of place.  In addition, the school helps with accommodation and organizes tours and social events so even if you came alone, you won’t be isolated. Best of all, everyone at the school seems so invested in making sure you have a positive experience that I’m now one of those people who keep coming back again and again.

Linda L. 436  
Cape Town - Sudafrica
età: 60s  
professione: retired arts administrator

I spent a wonderful week at Saena Iulia in May 2019. I've done a number of similar short courses at language schools elsewhere in Italy, and Saena Iulia has definitely been one of the best. The fact that the school is small means that you are able to get to know everyone, not only those students who are in your class, and Mauro and the rest of the staff are so warm and friendly that you all feel like good friends very quickly. I particularly liked the way that the staff interacted on a social level with the students in activities such as aperitivi on the Piazza del Campo, the excursion to Volterra with Mauro and the Friday lunch cooked by Elettra, all of which not only provided plenty of opportunity for conversation in Italian, but did away with any feeling of division between staff and students.

Siena is a lovely place, big enough to have plenty to occupy one's free time, but small enough to walk everywhere. The school is perfectly situated, right in the centre, between the Duomo and the Piazza del Campo, and Mauro found me a lovely little flat to stay in that was two minutes' walk away from the school.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Saena Iulia to anyone wanting not only to improve their Italian but also to have a wonderful holiday in a beautiful place.

Michael V 435  
Menlo Park, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Finance
My first visit to Saena Iulia was in February, 2016 for two weeks.  I have been back each winter since with a visit spanning seven weeks this year.  It would be difficult to offer a more enthusiastic endorsement than others have already provided.  I typically arrange for three houras of class each morning.  Some of the classes have been solo, others in a small group.  Though different, both are equally valuable.  This year I had the pleasure of being taught by Sabrina, Elettra, and Mauro.  Each has a unique style of teaching, but more importantly, I was exposed to a slightly different way of speaking, accent, cadence, etc.  This is obviously very useful as each of us speaks our native language differently.  It is very helpful to become familiar with as many different voices as possible.  Equally valuable (and lots of fun) is the morning break for a cappuccino.  Class continues in a social setting which is great for conversation and provides a wonderful opportunity to become better acquainted with others at the school.
I have left the afternoons open each day to enjoy Siena.  It is an amazing city.  It is the perfect size to have plenty to offer, yet still be accessible.  There is no better place to relax after class with a slice of pizza in the Piazza del Campo.  Further, Siena is in the heart of picture-postcard Tuscany.  It is within easy driving (or biking) distance of Florence, Montalcino, Pienza, etc.  They are not to be missed.
Needless to say, I am an enthusiastic advocate of the school.  Italy, Tuscany, and Siena have opened a door to a new world for me, and a growing ability with the language makes all of it more accessible and enriching. But most importantly, those at the school have become family to me.  I can’t wait to return.

Charlotte R 434  
Dresden - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Ein Sprachkurs an der Sprachschule Saena Iulia in Siena ist die perfekte Gelegenheit um die Seele baumeln zu lassen und die italienische Sprache mit Leichtigkeit zu erlernen. Freundliche und kompetente Lehrer, die zu Scherzen aufgelegt sind und das Lebensgefühl der dolce vita vermitteln. Neben den lehrreichen Unterrichtsstunden und den zugehörigen Pausen, um in den verschiedenen Bars Kaffee zu trinken, bietet die Schule ebenfalls abwechslungsreiche Angebote für den Nachmittag: Kleine Ausflüge in nahe gelegene historische Städte, der abendliche Aperitif oder traditionelles toskanisches Kochen zeigen uns die italienische Kultur hautnah!

Auch Sienas Ambiente lädt zu langen Spaziergängen und Erkundungstouren ein oder einfach nur zum in der Sonne sitzen auf dem Piazza il Campo, der Platz im Herzen Sienas, auf dem das öffentliche Leben stattfindet.

Ich habe in Siena eine unvergessliche Erfahrung gemacht und empfehle Saena Iulia an jeden weiter, der Italien kennenlernen möchte ! Vielen Dank an Elettra, Mauro und Sabrina, ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt bei euch!

Jim M. 433  
Ringwood, New Jersey - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Teacher of Music

Every time I return to Siena I look forward to seeing my Sienese "family," the people at Saena Iulia. I have known them for about 7 years. They are more than teachers of Italian, they embody the Italian values of warmth and hospitality. I'm particularly fond of the lunches on Fridays - home-cooked Tuscan meals that bring all the students together for a few hours. It's wonderful to meet all the other students and find out where they're from, how they came to Siena, etc. 

Siena is a very special town - my favorite place in Italy. Not too big, not too small, not as many tourists (except for the Palio) as Florence or Venice or Rome. I hope to return often.

Bob B 432  
Cincinnati, Ohio - Stati Uniti
età: 30s  
professione: Craft Brewery Owner, Painter

I had a wonderful experience at Saena Iulia.  From the moment you arrive, the teachers welcome you as part of their family.  As they get to know you, your level of Italian, and your objectives, they’ll sculpt lessons to match.  I happened to have lessons with 3 different instructors, which wound up being great, since each had their own style of teaching and speaking.  I had such a great experience that the next time I came to Italy, I found myself going back to Siena to meet up with Mauro.  And I’ll definitely return again!

Zuzana J. 431  
Bratislava - Slovacchia
età: 20s  
professione: HR Operations & finance


Počas jari 2018 som mala možnosť stráviť  2 týždne v jazykovej škole Saena Iulia v Siene, o ktorej som sa dozvedela vďaka Talianskemu inštitútu v Bratislave. Bola to pre mňa v poradí už druhá jazyková škola v Toskánsku, ktorú som navštívila  (2 roky pred tým som navštívila jazykovú školu vo Florencii). Tento krát som však cestovala sama. Priatelia mojich rodičov boli prekvapení,že som išla do Sieny sama a predpokladali, že sa budem nudiť. Opak bol však pravdou. Každý deň sa prebiehalo mnoho zaujímavých vecí.  Navyše všetci učitelia boli veľmi priateľskí. Veľmi sa mi páčila výučba, najmä konverzačné hodiny so Sabrinou zamerané na taliansku kultúru a Elletrine prednášky o histórii. Čo však robí Saena Iuliu výnimočnou je individuálny prístup ku každému študentovi a všetky aktivity, ktoré škola organizuje.  Či ide o pondelkové privítanie, počas ktorého sa servíruje káva až po piatkový spoločný obed. Stále sa niečo dialo. Musím spomenúť najmä utorkové appertivo organizované Maurom, riaditeľom školy za účelom lepšieho spoznania sa a tiež každotýždňové výlety po Toskánsku alebo susediacich regiónoch.

Nakoniec by som chcela spomenúť, že Siena je úžasné žijúce mesto správnej veľkosti. Jediným nedostatkom bolo pre mňa to, že som nemohla na začiatku nájsť vhodné miesto na beh. Ak si chcete ísť zabehať tak ako ja alebo len trochu zacvičit, na to vám odporúčam pevnosť la Fortezza.

Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra, Elena a Sara, veľmi Vám ďakujem za túto neopakovateľnú skúsenosť, jedného dňa sa vrátim 😊


During spring 2018, I had a chance to spend 2 weeks at Saena Iulia, a language school located in Siena which I discovered thanks to the Italian institute in Bratislava. This was second language school I attended in Tuscany (2 years before in I spend also ľ weeks in a language school in Florence), but first time I travelled alone from my home country. My parents’ friends were surprised that I was going alone and supposed I would be bored. Definitely not. There were so many things going every day. All the teachers were very nice and passionate. I enjoyed the lessons (especially my 2nd week when with Sabrina and we spoke a lot about Italian culture and Elettra let us know to discover local history), but what makes Saena Iulia so special is individual approach to every student and all the activities the school has been organizing: from welcome coffee on Monday morning to Friday lunch organized by school and a lot of activities in between. At least I must mention “appertitivo” organized by school owner Mauro to let the students know better each other and a trip to a place in Tuscany or in a nearby region.

But, not least Siena is a great living city which is just the right size. The only negative thing about it is that I first could not find a place for running. If you’re a passionate runner or just want to exercise a bit, “La Fortezza” is a place for you.

Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra, Elena and Sara  “grazie mille per questa sperienza indimenticabile, un giorno mi ritornerò.” 😊


Glee M. 430  
Washington - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: pensionata

Saena Iulia is the second Italian language school I have attended in Tuscany (the other is in Lucca and is also excellent). I spent one week at Saena Iulia in October 2018. Both experiences in immersion were priceless and I know how fortunate I am to be able to study in this way. Others who have written comments about their experiences have accurately covered the basics of how Saena Iulia works, so I want to share my thoughts about what I came to understand is important to me when deciding where to study Italian in Italy, because there are so many choices.

My decision boiled down to three critical questions: 1) in what kind of town do I want to spend my time; 2) are the teachers native to the town (or area) and passionate about its history and culture; 3) is the school small enough to guarantee substantial personal instruction? 

In terms of the first question, Siena is about as perfect a location as you could dream of if you want to be in the heart of Tuscany in a town that's small enough to feel a part of, but big enough to offer splendid ways to pass your free time. Saena Iulia does organize weekly (or more frequent) outings to other places, but Siena's treasures and robust environment could keep you engaged without ever leaving town. I spent a week vacationing in Siena in 1998, but longed to return to get to know it better. Last October, I had the incredible dumb luck of witnessing the run-up to the special Palio celebrating the end of WWI. Exploring the contrade of Siena after school every day--made easier by following the flags marking contrada boundaries--was an amazing way to explore the mystery and unique personality of this gem of a city.

As for Saena Iulia's teachers (my second decision criterion), the founders are locals and deeply invested in providing language experience that incorporates the culture of their beloved city and province. I think this aspect may be the most important reason why I would recommend Saena Iulia to others. The teachers (including mine, the effervescent Sara who came from Firenze "just up the road") share their deep sense of place--"their roots"--as they teach. They are passionate about sharing their language and all the history and culture embedded in it. Best of all, that passion is shared with lots of laughter and socializing. School is fun!

Last, Saena Iulia is small enough for students to get to know others in addition to those in your class. The teachers organize outings and events (I attended a cooking class led by Elletra in her own apartment with a killer view over Siena one magical evening.) Small class size means lots of individual attention (perhaps there are many more students other times of year--a question worth asking if your schedule is flexible and small classes are important to you). I studied with just one other student, which was almost like having private tutorials. 

One word of advice to anyone attending Saena Iulia for the first time: be sure to ask for a copy of "what's going on at school this week." That's not the name, but there is a sheet describing what trips or special gatherings are planned. I didn't know about this schedule, and no announcements were made in class, so I missed out on some offerings. 

Saena Iulia maintains a robust website with a great section on verbs. The website also links to lots of other pertinent information. I refer to the site often, now that I'm back home and continue to study Italian.

I hope to return sometime for another immersive dip and maybe for another Palio. I happened to live in the contrada of Torre last October, and I embraced this neighborhood so enthusiastically that my family and friends now call me a woman of the elephant clan. True enough, and I will also add that I am now a woman of the Saena Iulia "clan." Great school. Unforgettable experience. 


Becky F 429  
Portland OR - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired

If you seek a school of experienced teachers who want you to learn the Italian language and feel at home in Italy, Saena Iulia is the place for you.   You will arrive as a stranger and leave as a friend of teachers like Sabrina, Elettra and Mauro, as well as other students from around the world.   Along with your instruction time, you will have at least three other times each week to commune with instructors and other students.  Optional activities include a communal lunch at the school, a “happy hour” gathering at a local restaurant and a “field trip.”  While I was there, I visited a monastery where we were given an impromptu tour by a monk, made a trip to Montepulciano for a walking tour and a wine tasting and attended a art gallery opening.  I was in Italy for 5 weeks and attended school for the first 4 weeks.  When I return, I will split my learning time so I have an opportunity to absorb and practice what I learned while visiting another city, then return to the classroom setting.  

Siena is a warm and welcoming city with many attractions to keep a curious person busy.

Mauro also chose well when he arranged for me to stay with a lovely family…a couple who have hosted learners for over 20 years.  I would not hesitate to put myself in the hands of the caring staff at Saena Iulia. 

David Coppini 428  
Portsmouth - Regno Unito
età: 50s  
professione: Retired

My wife and I have attended an Italian language class in the UK for 3 years. In April 2018 we spent a week in Siena with 4 others from our UK Class studying at the Siena Iulia School. We attended a daily morning class Monday to Friday and were taught/tutored by either Mauro or Elettra.

  Assessing from the time we arrived on the Sunday afternoon until the last lesson on the Friday, we as a group have nothing but praise for them. The standard of lesson was pitched exactly at our level and when interlinked with some other activities where we had a chance to practice our Italian, the whole experience was excellent!

Mauro and Elettra were professional, hardworking and fun which all in all ensured that we got the most out of the experience and would highly recommend the school to anyone like us trying to improve their Italian language skills.

All this on top of the fact that Siena is a stunning place to visit and the school is situated in a beautful old building right inthe centre, just a stone's  throw from the Duomo and the main Square.

If you want to have some Italian language lessons in Italy go here!! 

Miet D M 427  
Maldegem - Belgio
età: 50s  
professione: psycholoog

Ik volgde de cursus gedurende 2 weken eind aug. begin sept. 2018. Het was mijn eerste taalcursus in Italië maar meteen raak. Ik had er een zalige tijd. De school slaagt goed in een succesrijke combinatie. Vooreerst is er de originele lesinhoud, in een goed tempo gegeven door zeer gedreven, deskundige maar ook echt toffe leerkrachten. We kregen les in groepjes van 6 waarbij iedereen evenveel aan bod komt, prima aangepast aan de individuele behoeftes. Daarnaast creëren ze een warme en joviale sfeer, zowel in de les als erbuiten met de koffietjes in de bars in de pauze, de uitstappen enz.. De schoonheid en de wonderbaarlijke atmosfeer van Siena krijg je er gratis bij. Niet aarzelen, inschrijven en gaan.

Marla R 426  
Tucson - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Landscape architect and contractor

I expected to begin learning the Italian language, but at Saena Iulia I got so much more than I could have imagined. 

First, the class I attended was geared personally for me, according to my level of understanding and style of learning. The lessons and the pace were customized to give me the best possible experience.  It was a joy to go to class and I couldn't wait to go home to do my homework. Every day was so satisfying because while studying in Siena I could put my lessons into immediate practice.

I can't go further into explaining the curriculum without emphasizing the incredible staff of the school. They are not just teachers. They are immediate friends. I felt so welcome and so cared-for, it made staying in a foreign city easy and fun. These are truly dedicated teachers who love their job and their language and their city, and especially their students. 

Mauro is the owner and founder who saw the need a decade ago for a school that put the students first, with love and respect and dynamic learning.

Which is the perfect segue to go back to the curriculum. Whether you are in a private class or a group, the emphasis is on immediately using your new language in a gentle form of immersion. There are weekly excusions to beautiful places in Italy to bask in the culture and use your new or advanced skills. Also, every week the students gather with one or more of the teachers for a casual coffee or an aperativo (Italian happy hour that is irresistable) and the wonderful home-cooked authentic Italian lunch every Friday at the school. 

Also, the school set me up with a wonderful apartment for my stay. 

The atmosphere and effectiveness of this school cannot be better. I absorbed so much Italian in my experience there it astonished me.

I can't recommend Saena Iulia more highly.

Akemi.M 425  
Osaka - Giappone
età: 50s  
professione: Casalinga











Armando P 424  
Darwin (NT) - Australia
età: 50s  
professione: Director

Our family of 4 (kids aged 12 and 14) had a wonderful week at Scuola Saena Iulia in June 2018 where we were made to feel very welcome and the school was able to cater to our very differing experience with Italian which ranged from fluent to knowing some words. Mauro at the school was excellent in helping us by email before we left Australia to choose and tailor our courses to meet our needs and helped us find accommodation in a great apartment in the historic centre 5 minutes’ walk from the school.

The kids had their own teacher who took them out on excursions in the historic centre to practice their Italian ordering food from the local bars (cafes). Mum and Dad also has their private teachers for an hour each day which was more than enough given the concentration required. We were also provided with homework which was manageable to reinforce what we learnt that day. The school was able to arrange our classes so that we could start and finish at the same time.

Mauro organised afternoon trips for all interested students. We went on three trips: the historic Cortona, a winery in the Montalcino region and a tour of the underground water system of Sienna. These were great opportunities to meet other students from around the world, practice our Italian and learn more about Italian culture whilst seeing other places at the same time. Mauro was a wonderful host.

The school also put on a typical Italian lunch prepared by the teachers each Friday. Again, a great chance to meet students and experience Italian culture whilst practising our Italian in a supportive and fun environment. No to mention the excellent food.

We highly recommend Scuola Saena Iulia. Mauro and our wonderful teachers made it easy for us to plan our visit to Siena and our classes, and to learn Italian in a supportive manner. It felt like we were part of an extended family rather than a school which meant we were all immersed and learnt a lot of the language and the culture without realising it.

Solange W 423  
Strasbourg - Francia
età: 60s  
professione: Insegnante in pensione

J’ai eu l’opportunité de passer deux semaines à l’école Saena Iulia située dans un palais très ancien du quinzième siècle au cœur de la ville de Sienne.                                                                           C’était un grand plaisir de me rendre chaque matin dans cette école où régnait une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale avec des professeurs très impliqués,compétents,à l’écoute des besoins de chacun et soucieux de nous faire progresser dans leur langue.                         J’ai apprécié les rendez-vous quotidiens au bar lors de la pause du matin,les apéritifs en compagnie des professeurs et d’autres étudiants. Ce furent des moments privilégiés pour s’exprimer et tisser des liens en italien.                                                                                    Grâce à l’école et à Mauro en particulier, j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir résider dans une famille où Anna et Marcello étaient aux petits soins pour moi.                                                                                         Bref,ce fut un séjour enrichissant dans une école que je recommande et je remercie toute l’équipe pour son implication.


Karl R 422  
Callao, Virginia - Stati Uniti
età: 70s  
professione: Attorney

I can’t say enough good things about Saena Iulia language school in Siena. My wife and I attended classes there for six weeks this summer and it was a wonderful experience.

The staff are all very educated and extremely talented teachers. Their English is excellent and their ability to communicate about the Italian language, both in Italian (most of the time!) and in English (as necessary!) is outstanding.

The school is extremely flexible; each student receives instruction at his or her level. School begins each Monday morning when new students are “interviewed” (this is really just a very friendly meeting with an instructor to determine the student’s level and goals) and then integrated with returning students into small classes. In each of the six weeks we were there, we were placed in a class with students whose levels were very close to our own. From discussions with other students, it was clear that everyone, from complete beginner to advanced Italian speakers, felt they were in a class at the right level.

We arrived knowing some basic Italian. Our classes were taught almost entirely in Italian, although the teachers occasionally used English when necessary. The instructors were extremely patient, leading each student to the correct usages and pronunciation. The instruction was serious, but a lot of fun at the same time.

Most nights, we were given homework. Completing it was optional which was good for students with limited time in Italy who wanted to spend some time sightseeing after class. Completing the homework did, however, help us advance.

The school also organizes a lot of out of class experiences. Each Tuesday, students met with the instructors at a café on the Piazza del Campo for an aperitivo or two and very enjoyable conversation. Each Wednesday, there was a class trip to nearby attractions such as the city of Lucca, a cheese diary, the wine center of Orvieto, the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci, and so forth (there was an extra charge for theses trips which covered transportation). Most weeks there was an optional cultural lecture (at no extra cost) on topics such as the frescos at the local sites, the history of the Italian language, and so forth. Each Friday, the staff prepared a delicious home style Italian meal for lunch and everyone ate, drank wine, and had a great time (mostly speaking Italian). There was a donation box to cover the cost of the food.

We had originally signed up for four weeks of classes but enjoyed the experience so much that we took an additional two weeks, and we plan to return this year. Our Italian improved a great deal.

Leslie S 421  
Lottsburg Virginia - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Attorney

I loved studying Italian at Scuola Saena Iulia, so much so that after my initial 4 weeks of classes and private lessons, I returned for an additional 2 weeks.  The instructors are absolutely outstanding.  They are passionate about their work and their love of Italian language and history and culture, and in particular, their love of Siena.  Their enthusiasm is infectious!  The instructors take a personal interest in their students' progress, spending countless hours with their students both in and out of the classroom.  I loved the evening appertivo in the Piazza del Campo, the walking tours of Siena streets and markets and historical sites, the beautiful and well-planned excursions to places like Orvieto and a pecorino dairy in Pienza, and the Friday luncheons of delicious Tuscan dishes prepared by the instructors for present and past students.  The school was an extremely enjoyable and rewarding experience. I made enormous progress in my Italian, I made wonderful friends there, I fell in love with Siena, and I look forward to returning next fall.

Isabella S. 420  
San Anselmo - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Docente

Sometimes learning Italian is a little more than just grammar.

Here at Scuola Saena Iulia  all comes harmoniously together : the friendship between students and teachers,  coffee brakes with all students at a charming nearby coffee shop. And of course one speaks only Italian (almost……)

The Sienese, are welcoming. I loved to listen to their truly beautiful Italian.

The lunches and dinners in small family run restaurants. I try to duplicate at home.

So, in short : the combination of going to Scuola Saena Iulia , enjoying mornings filled with learning and laughter, afternoons ideal to discover and learn about Sienas rich history and of course some homework could not have been more inspiring. I stayed only for a short time. It would be certainly wise to stay a little longer.


牛島 由美 419  
大阪 - Giappone
età: 50s  
professione: 会社員





授業は朝9時から始まり、11時に30分のカフェタイムがあります 先生を始め生徒全員で近くのバールで休憩します












次回 イタリアに勉強に行くときも、この学校を選びたいと考えています。

James M 418  
Portland, OR - Stati Uniti
età: 30s  
professione: student

What a wonderful experience!  I learned more in one week with Mauro, Sabrina, and Elettra than I had in an entire month elsewhere.  The instructors are wonderful and they have a fabulous teaching philosophy--their program is the gold standard in my book.  I especially appreciated the individualized assessment at the beginning of the course that ensures students are placed in the right level from day one.  It is easy to see why many of my classmates had been coming back to Saena Iulia for years.  I would jump at the chance to come back here again!

Adriana P. 417  
Virginia - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Docente

Si estás pensando en hacer una experiencia en Italia con el propósito de aprender italiano, te recomiendo que te contactes con Saena Iulia! Realmente, mi experiencia fue fantástica. Nací en Buenos Aires, y llevo sangre italiana, como muchos argentinos. Pero nunca lo aprendí. Se me dio esta posibilidad y por recomendación llegué a Saena, en Siena! Todos los docentes del instituto son tan simpáticos y enseñan tan bien! Pero creo que la característica que más me gustó es la calidez del personal, y del director (Mauro) también. A su vez, siendo turista y no conociendo nada de Siena, fue muy importante tener la ayuda del director y de Elettra (una diosa!) en temas organizativos, de hospedaje, información general, etc.  Y ni hablar de la ciudad y de los paisajes! Me encantaron las clases culturales y los viajes que se realizaron. Sigues practicando tu italiano (al menos escuchándolo, si es que no puedes hablarlo!) cada vez que sales de la escuela. Espero poder volver a verlos a todos de nuevo, y vivir algo mágico de nuevo! 

Adriana P.

Lara C 416  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Projektmitarbeiterin Energieeffizienzprojekte

Ich habe zwei Wochen Sprachkurs im Juni 2018 gemacht. Gewohnt habe ich dabei mitten in der schönen Altstadt von Siena, nur 5 Minuten zu Fuss von der Schule, die sich auch im Zentrum befindet. Am ersten Tag gab es eine Einstufung in die Klassen, welche aus mir und max. zwei weiteren Studenten bestand. Die kleine Klasse war super für den Lernfortschritt, fordert aber auch einiges! Es war sehr anstrengend zu Beginn, weil ich kein Italienisch konnte, man aber sehr viel reden muss. Die Lehrpersonen sind alles sehr kompetent und gehen direkt auf Fragen und Schwächen ein, motivieren aber auch. Die Atmosphäre ist dabei sehr kollegial. Auch neben dem Unterricht macht man vieles zusammen, z.B. der Café in der Pause nimmt man in einer naheliegenden Bar ein. Freitags gibt es ein selbstgekochtes Mittagessen, mit wirklich sehr leckeren Speisen. Einmal pro Woche gibt es Nachmittags ausserdem einen Ausflug in die nähere Umgebung, auch dort geht es um Kultur und Kulinarisches und man lernt die Toskana von allen Seiten kennen. In Siena selber gibt es auch wahnsinnig viel lebendige Kultur zu erleben! Der Dom, das Palio, die Piazza, die Stadtmauern mit ihren Toren. Ich habe mich in den zwei Wochen sehr wohlgefühlt, viele Fortschritte gemacht, nette und interessante Leute kennen gelernt und es mir einfach gut gehen lassen. Ich würde jederzeit wieder dorthingehen.

martin c 415  
Maynooth - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Retired agronomist

Lovely city, superb school, great teachers.  Fantastic experience

Joëlle C. 414  
Strasbourg - Francia
età: 60s  
professione: Directrice d’école retraitée

Je viens de passer 2 semaines de cours d’italien à l’école Saena Iulia de Sienne. Je ne peux que recommander cette école car on s’y sent bien, on y apprend de façon efficace et l’ambiance est chaleureuse et sympathique. 

Les cours dispensés sont de très belle qualité, intéressants, riches et motivants. L’équipe pédagogique fait preuve de qualités didactiques, pédagogiques et humaines. Elle est très présente auprès des élèves pour les mettre à l’aise, en confiance, pour leur faciliter la découverte de Sienne et de la Toscane, pour leur donner les clés d’une meilleure compréhension de l’identité locale. 

J’ai beaucoup apprécié la teneur des cours; les contenus langagiers, grammaticaux et culturels correspondaient bien à mes attentes. La démarche utilisée était motivante et bien adaptée aux besoins des 3 élèves présents dans le groupe. La diversité des activités, les interactions entre élèves ont été très profitables en terme d’apprentissage.

A son arrivée chaque élève reçoit un recueil de références lexicales, culturelles et grammaticales très bien présenté, souvent utilisé pendant les cours pour mieux mémoriser.

L’école propose aussi un programme de sorties et organise des moments de convivialité ( apéritif de bienvenue, repas du vendredi) qui sont autant d’occasions de pratiques langagières. 

Les enseignants sont très professionnels, font preuve d’une patience bienveillante et ont à cœur de bien faire progresser les élèves.

Beaucoup d’élèves reviennent dans cette école plusieurs années de suite ce qui est un autre gage de qualité.

Merci à Sabrina, Elettra et Mauro pour leur accueil, leur efficacité et leur disponibilité. J’ai vraiment passé 2 belles semaines en leur compagnie et j’ai beaucoup appris avec eux. 

Nina Marija P 413  
Rijeka - Croazia
età: Teens  
professione: Alunna

Prošlo ljeto provela sam tri tjedna sa sestrom u Sieni učeći talijanski jezik u školi Saena Iulia. Izrazito pozitivno iskustvo, u predivnom gradu i među dragim i simpatičnim profesorima...Atmosfera je bila opuštena, a postigla sam velik napredak u talijanskom jeziku. Same pohvale!

Desislava Z 412  
Sofia - Bulgaria
età: 20s  
professione: Data Analyst

Здравейте! През лятото посетих двуседмичен курс по италиански език в школата. Изключително доволна съм от преподавателите, които освен, че са страхотни професиналисти, проявяват лично отношение и грижа към всеки от курсистите, съобразявайки се с нивото на владеене на езика на всеки от нас. Организацията на часовете, както и извънкласните дейности беше на високо ниво. Школата се намира в сърцето на красивата Сиена. Горещо препоръчвам курса на всеки! Аз лично с удоволствие бих се завърнала на това прекрасно място! 

Annie M 411  
Glasgow - Regno Unito
età: 40s  
professione: Development Manager


Earlier this year I booked a couple of months off work to explore a little bit of Italy. I thought a good starting point would be a week at an Italian language school to get to grips with the basics.   Saena lulia was more than I could have hoped for!  The teachers at the school are fantastic and teach with humour and warmth, and go out of their way to make you feel at ease. The day trips offered by the school were such a bonus and a great way of exploring the Tuscan countryside.  

They can sort out your accommodation and basically look after your every need.  Not forgetting the Friday lunch and aperitivo night (as an aside, this should be a mandatory evening activity in every country).

Given my limited knowledge, everyone at the school was incredibly encouraging and supportive.  It was a really wonderful introduction to the Italian language, and properly an experience I will never forget!
If you want to learn Italian in a relaxed way, in a beautiful setting and meet some new friends in the process, then this is the school for you.  Treat yourself to a week or two in Siena, you know you want to!

Jacinta K 410  
Dublin - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Psychologist

I had a really interesting week at Saena Iulia, and learned a great deal.  I attended 2 hours of individual  lessons which were tailored to my stage of learning,and enjoyed  the teaching approach which was higly facilitative and encouraging.  There was a very friendly atmosphere at the school, and both myself and my husband were invited to several social and cultural activities which greatly added to the experience.  We felt there was a genuine interest in introducing students to the culture and history of Siena, and creating engagement with the community. Many of the students I met had returned to the school several times, and I also hope also to return next year.  A week there  rekindled my enthusiasm for learning Italian and I recommend the School unreservedly.

Rachel M. 409  
Ames, Iowa - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Professor

I highly recommend Saena Iulia for your Italian language study! The location is wonderful. I had visited Siena before but had not stayed more than a few hours. I have studied for 2 weeks both in 2017 and 2018, and now Siena is one of my favorite towns in Italy. You can get a sense of local life, especially in the evenings when people go to their neighborhood bar for an aperitivo before dinner or in the piazzas to chat. The setting of the school right in the heart of the town can't be beat. I love to observe the particular shade of blue sky every evening.

One of the best assets of instruction at Saena Iulia is its personalized nature. It is not a cookie-cutter program with an inflexible curriculum. Each student's level is assessed weekly and the classes are formed to accomodate each one's goals. The small class sizes (2-6 students) are ideal for pedagogy. They facilitate conversation, which is a big component of class time. We practice with new vocabulary and grammatical constructions through conversations with a partner and through question-answer with the instructors. This kind of practice cannot be done on one's own and is really the best for learning a language.

The instructors are kind, patient, and thoughtful. They take the time to answer questions and explain the nuances of grammar and vocabulary. They have also been helpful in practical living matters outside of school, such as suggestions for stores and restaurants, a fitness center, and other activities. All instructors create a relaxed, friendly, and welcoming environment to all students, no matter their background or abilities.

I enjoyed the variety of activities from day to day. Each day is a little different with worksheets, drills over new material, videos, songs, and discussions, but there are some consistencies week to week with the daily coffee break, group aperitivo one evening, and the optional afternoon outing to a nearby town or site.

Studying at Saena Iulia has greatly improved my ability to speak Italian, and I feel more confident in engaging in conversations when I travel through Italy. I'm already planning on returning again next summer!

Fabia R 408  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: dotoressa

Absolut fantastisch!

Ich hatte das Glück zwei Wochen in der Schule Siena Iulia zu verbringen. Ich sage Glück, weil ich den Aufenthalt gar nicht richtig geplant hatte und die Schule zu einem Kombinationsangebot gehörte, aber ich hätte es kaum besser treffen können. Wir waren nur wenige Schüler, weshalb die Betreuung durch die Lehrer sehr intensiv und dadurch der Lerneffekt sehr hoch war. Die Lehrer sind durchs Band alle extrem motiviert und total sympatisch. Die Schule gibt sich enorm Mühe, um auch ausserhalb der Lektionen Angebote anzubieten, bei denen man noch mehr Italienisch sprechen kann. So zum Beispiel der Apero oder das Mittagessen einmal in der Woche, an dem auch meist alle Lehrer anwesend sind und mit einem über alles mögliche quatschen. (Immer auf Italienisch versteht sich.) Als Bonus ist natürlich auch die Stadt total schön. Die Schule liegt direkt im Zentrum und könnte kaum besser gelegen sein. Die angebotenen Ausflüge in die zahlreichen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Umgebung sind sehr gut organisiert und absolut lohnenswert.

Ich kann die Schule nur wärmstens empfehlen und kann nur sagen, ich würde (und wenn ich Zeit habe werde ich auch) sofort wieder gehen!

Zeno K 407  
Zurich - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Software Engineer

Diesen Sommer habe ich zwei Wochen in Siena verbracht, um meine rudimentären Italienischkenntnisse zu verbessern. Es hat mir sehr viel gebracht! Der Unterricht findet in Kleingruppen statt, es gibt viel Spielraum für Gespräche. Jeden Tag trifft man sich zur Kaffeepause, wo man sich auch Gruppenübergreifend austauschen kann. Neben dem Mündlichen kommen auch Vokabular und Grammatik nicht zu kurz. Die Lehrer boten auf die Fragen von uns Schülern immer kompetente und eingängige Antworten. Somit war ich nach zwei Wochen stolz darauf, wie sehr ich mein Italienisch verbessern konnte. Der Unterricht wird ergänzt von Aperitivo, Exkursionen und einem gemeinsamen Mittagessen am Freitag. 

Gewohnt und gegessen habe ich bei einer Familie. Dies wurde durch die Schule organisiert, was für mich sehr angenehm war. Meine Gastgeber waren ein liebenswürdiges, pensioniertes Ehepaar. Beim Frühstück und Abendessen haben wir uns reichlich ausgetauscht, so kam ich noch mehr zum sprechen. 

Der Aufenthalt in Siena hat mir sehr gefallen. Ich freue mich schon darauf, zurückzukommen!

Δημητρης & 406  
Αθήνα - Grecia
età: 40s  
professione: Teacher

Παρακολουθησα τα μαθηματα στη σχολη για 2 εβδομαδες τον Ιουνιο του 2018.Ηταν μια καταπληκτικη εμπειρια που θα την προτεινα ανεπιφυλακτα,σε ολους οσους θελουν να συνδυασουν την εκμαθηση της γλωσσας και την ζωη σαν πραγματικος κατοικος αυτης της πανεμορφης πολης!

Και τα δυο τα εγγυωνται και τα προσφερουν απλοχερα οι μοναδικοι δασκαλοι αυτης της σχολης!Αριστοι επαγγελματιες αλλα και γνωστες της ιταλικης κουλτουρας και της ζωης της πολης σε κανουν με τις γνωσεις,τον προγραμματισμο και την φιλοξενια τους να αισθανεσαι οικειοτητα και μερος της παρεας.Un italiano vero!

Γνωρισα ανθρωπους απο ολο τον κοσμο,πηγαμε εκδρομες σε πανεμορφα χωρια της Τοσκανης,φαγαμε ολοι μαζι σε τρατοριες,ηπιαμε απεριτιβο και φυσικα εσπρεσο στην μοναδικη πλατεια της πολης,μαγειρεψαμε και γνωρισαμε κρυφα μυστικα και στεκια της πολης.Ολα αυτα μιλωντας ιταλικα και βελτιωνοντας στην πραξη το επιπεδο μου.Καμια μερα δεν ενιωσα μονος χαρις στο προσωπικο της σχολης που  τα οργανωνε και τα πραγματοποιουσε κανοντας με να νιωθω σαν το σπιτι μου!

Τελος θελω να τονισω οτι τα μαθηματα γινονται σε μικρα τμηματα 2-3 ατομων ιδιου επιπεδου με συγχρονες μεθοδους διδασκαλιας,κατι που δινει τη δυνατοτητα για συνεχη ομιλια και βελτιωση.

Ευχαριστω πολυ νεοι μου φιλοι και ελπιζω να επαναλαβω συντομα αυτη την εμπειρια και να σας ξαναδω!

Paul S 405  
Boulder Creek, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Educator

I was only able to spend a week at Saena Iulia, but it was a great experience. I advanced my Italian capability significantly, and it really jump-started my progress in more formally learning the language. My instructor Sara was fantastic - we had a pretty small class, so it was almost like a week of private lessons. She was incredibly patient and flexible in how she arranged each day's lessons, tuning them to our specific needs and levels. If I can scrape together time next year, I'll be back!

Δημητρης & 404  
Αθήνα - Grecia
età: 40s  
professione: Teacher

Παρακολουθησα τα μαθηματα στη σχολη για 2 εβδομαδες τον Ιουνιο του 2018.Ηταν μια καταπληκτικη εμπειρια που θα την προτεινα ανεπιφυλακτα,σε ολους οσους θελουν να συνδυασουν την εκμαθηση της γλωσσας και την ζωη σαν πραγματικος κατοικος αυτης της πανεμορφης πολης!

Και τα δυο τα εγγυωνται και τα προσφερουν απλοχερα οι μοναδικοι δασκαλοι αυτης της σχολης!Αριστοι επαγγελματιες αλλα και γνωστες της ιταλικης κουλτουρας και της ζωης της πολης σε κανουν με τις γνωσεις,τον προγραμματισμο και την φιλοξενια τους να αισθανεσαι οικειοτητα και μερος της παρεας.Un italiano vero!

Γνωρισα ανθρωπους απο ολο τον κοσμο,πηγαμε εκδρομες σε πανεμορφα χωρια της Τοσκανης,φαγαμε ολοι μαζι σε τρατοριες,ηπιαμε απεριτιβο και φυσικα εσπρεσο στην μοναδικη πλατεια της πολης,μαγειρεψαμε και γνωρισαμε κρυφα μυστικα και στεκια της πολης.Ολα αυτα μιλωντας ιταλικα και βελτιωνοντας στην πραξη το επιπεδο μου.Καμια μερα δεν ενιωσα μονος χαρις στο προσωπικο της σχολης που  τα οργανωνε και τα πραγματοποιουσε κανοντας με να νιωθω σαν το σπιτι μου!

Τελος θελω να τονισω οτι τα μαθηματα γινονται σε μικρα τμηματα 2-3 ατομων ιδιου επιπεδου με συγχρονες μεθοδους διδασκαλιας,κατι που δινει τη δυνατοτητα για συνεχη ομιλια και βελτιωση.

Ευχαριστω πολυ νεοι μου φιλοι και ελπιζω να επαναλαβω συντομα αυτη την εμπειρια και να σας ξαναδω!

Michael Rufer 403  
Arnegg SG - Svizzera
età: 50s  
professione: Geschäfstführer

Die Scuola Saena Iulia bleibt bei mir nur in bester Erinnerung. Elettra, Mauron und überhaupt das ganze Team ist super. Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt, familiär, freunschaftlich und auch sehr humorvolle Stimmung. Auch ausserhalb der Schule ist der sehr gute, freundschaftlicher Kontakt mit mit Lehrern und Schüler immer sehr abwechslungsreich, Ausflüge, Apero's, gemeinsames Essen etc.... für meinen Teil hoffe ich wiedereinmal 2 oder 3 Monate nach Siena die Scuola Saena Iulia zu besuchen. 

Healy H 402  
Isle of Anglesey - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Psychologist

I attended a beginners week at Saena Iulia last May. I was a solo traveller and initially quite aprehensive about the trip. Mauro and the staff were simply fantastic and so welcoming I was swiftly reassured. The teachers are excellent combining a mix of formal and informal learning styles. It was wonderful to meet other students at the school and share in some of the social activities arranged. I would very highly recommend this language school in beautiful Siena and look forward to returning very soon for another course. Thank you so much !!

Loretta V. S. 401  
University Park, MD - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Social Worker - retired

Italian was my first language, but I haven't spoken it in many years. On my bucket list is the desire to again become fluent in Italian. I choise Saena Iulia because of its location near my zia in Siena and because of its rave reviews. I was not disappointed. On arrival, I spoke with one of the teachers at length - this was the class placement process. I was in the advanced class with two other students. Sabrina was our teacher - she is a master teacher! We spoke almost exclusively in Italian, taking a break mid-class to go for 'un caffe'" at a neighborhood cafe, where we usually met with the other students and teachers. We spent an evening together at an outdoor restaurant in Siena's main piazza - what fun, good eating and drinking! 

Saena Iulia found an apartment for my husband and me, just a short walk from the school. It was a simple apartment but had everything we needed, and the price was so reasonable. We felt like Siennese residents - so much nicer than staying in a hotel!

By the time my week of study ended, I felt so much more confident in my speaking ability. I looked forward to engaging Italians in shops and on the street to try out my newly acquired language skills.

The school is small, the teachers are so dedicated to their profession - I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to study there. Hope to return some day!

Eva B 400  
Chapel Hill - Stati Uniti
età: 70s  
professione: Pediatrician

Great school: efficient intelligently organized.

Fantastic teachers: thoughtful, caring, highly educated in the subject matter.

Location: cannot be better, ideal place to learn the language and have fun doing it.

Claire C. 399  
Santa Cruz, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: retired teacher

We signed up for a week at Saena Iulia and loved it.  It was a wonderful way to enrich our time in Italy.  I had studied Italian for 2 semesters at the community college and my husband was a complete beginner! I was placed with a small group of travelers from various countries (most of whom had been there several times before) for the morning classes while he had a private tutor! Our teachers were professional, engaging and patient. They modified the instruction to fit the group.  The other students were friendly and interesting and we enjoyed getting to know each other--in Italian and English!  The school was more like a community that we were instantly welcomed in to. We also had a wonderful homestay experience. Siena is the best place to study Italian-big enough but not very big at all.  I would recommend it to anyone entertaining the thought of a language school experience. It was one of the highlights of our trip.

Caramico 398  
New York - Stati Uniti
età: 30s  
professione: Account Supervisor, Advertising

I cannot say enough of wonderful things about this school. I was referred to Saena lulia by a friend who raved about it and upon arriving, I immediately understood why.

Mauro, the founder is at the very heart of this school and he and all of his carefully, hand-selected teachers truly put theirs into all that they do. From the private and group lessons, their desire and ability to understand how each and every one of their students' brains operate, as to better help them learn the language. The thought and planning that goes into their weekly events, excursions, culture lessons and Friday potluck lunches. They even help you with your accomodations! They care on such a personal level here, you seriously feel as if you're being looked after by family. 

I stayed at Saena Iulia for 6 weeks during the winter of 2018 but wish it had been longer. I was lucky enough to have Elettra, Sabrina, AND Mauro as my teachers during this time. Each one of them had a different style and approach but all of them were extremely passionate about their vocation. I am not the best student, but they managed to captivate and inspire me on a daily basis. Which was an impressive task considering I was there almost 6 hours a day. As teachers, they are all top-notch and as human beings, even more so. 

I was taught many valuable lessons pertaining to the Italian lanauage and about  life in general. For me, this was so much more than just learning the language- it was an amazing experience that I will treasure forever.

If you want to propel your language skills (whatever your level) in an environment that is both challenging, nuturing, and fun - this is it. This is a turly special way to learn and study the Italian language and I cannot recommend this  wonderful, little school enough. 




April B. 397  
Chicago, IL - Stati Uniti
età: 30s  
professione: Manager

We found Saena Iulia from a friend who had been to the school several times over the years. We had a fantastic experience each of the three times we have been there and have recommended it to many others. The teachers and administrators are very warm and strike a great balance between challenging you and encouraging you. Group sizes are small to encourage participation and allow for personal attention with the questions and challenges you bring to the class. Lessons are inventive and not your typical workbook language study. Their goal is to make it easy for you to communicate in Italian, not to follow a rigid pedagogy. Beyond teaching, they offer get togethers and trips in the afternoon/evening to get to know other students and continue your cultural and language immersion. Each teacher is warm, fun to spend time with, and get to know better. Siena is obviously amazing, too! Highly recommended!  

Anna Z. 396  
Barcelona - Spagna
età: 30s  
professione: university professor

Две недели в этой школе — это лучшее что случилось со мной за два года обучения итальянскому языку. Я изучаю итальянский в Институте Итальянского Языка и Культуры в Барселоне. После 5 семестров и окончания В1.3, я решила осуществить мою мечту и углубиться на 100% в итальянскую культуру, где я бы смогла попрактиковать, узнать, выучить больше, чем в простое путешествие в Италию. Мы очень много путешествуем, и в Италии бываем несколько раз в год, но этого недостаточно чтоб прочувствовать культуру и находиться 24 часа в сутки в постоянном контакте с языком.

Эта школа СаенаИюлия была рекомендована академическим директором Института Итальянской Культуры в Барселоне, так как уже были наслышаны позитивными отзывами наших студентов. Лучшего города чем Сиена для осуществления моей мечты нельзя было и представить. Этот город – изюминка Тосканы, да и всей Италии! (и кстати самый безопасный город Италии). Профессора школы вложи всю свою энергию, энтузиазм и усилия, чтоб мы прочувствовали жизнь Сиены до малейших деталей. Кроме почти индивидуальных групповых занятий (группы действительно достаточно маленькие) каждый день, я так же занималась еще час индивидуально (что было сфокусировано именно на мои проблемы и пробелы в итальянском). Так же каждый день профессора школы организовывали либо совместный ужин, либо лекцию о культуре (конечно же на итальянском), либо совместный поход в музей, либо поездку в соседний городок. После этой поездки для меня Сиена – город мечта, а следующая мечта – повторить этот опыт с моей семьей. Мое небольшое сочинение об этом опыте на итальянском можете прочитать тут:

Anja G. 395  
Ehingen - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Ärztin

Es war eine tolle Woche in der Schule Saena Iulia. Bereits im Vorfeld war alles super von Mauro organisiert worden. Der Unterricht in der kleinen Gruppe war sehr effektiv. Sabrina ist eine super Lehrerin: engagiert, sie macht einen sehr strukturierten Unterricht und das alles mit viel Leidenschaft und einem riesigen Herzen. Auch die Freizeitaktivitäten hatten genau das richtige Maß und das gemeinsame Mittagessen am Freitag in der Schule war eine würdige Abschlussfeier.
Danke an Euch alle. Ich komme gerne wieder (wie übrigens alle meine Klassenkameraden, die alle schon öfters da waren!).
Saena Iulia ist der perfekte Ort zum Lernen und Wohlfühlen!

Alexander B. 394  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Ingenieur der Elektrotechnik

Meinen Sprachaufenthalt bei Saena Iulia durchzuführen, war eine der besten Entscheidungen seit langem. Meine Ziele waren, mein bescheidenes Italienisch deutlich zu verbessern und Siena und deren Bewohner näher kennen zu lernen. Die Schule habe ich über das Internet gefunden und vor allem wegen der kleinen Klassen ausgewählt. Weiter hat mir die Präsentation des Teams und der Kurse auf der Webseite sehr gut gefallen und ich sollte nicht enttäuscht werden.

Schon vor meiner Reise nach Siena wurde ich umfassend von Mauro informiert und er hat auch die Unterbringung in einer Gastfamilie organisiert. Es war möglich, bereits am Freitag anzureisen und ich wurde sehr herzlich in Empfang genommen. Einerseits von Mauro, Elettra und Sabrina und andererseits von Silvana sowie Anna und Marcello, bei denen ich je zwei Wochen wohnen durfte ("Fai come a casa tua").

Saena Iulia ist viel mehr als eine Sprachschule. Es ist eine grosse Familie bestehend aus Lehrern, Schülern, ehemaligen Schülern, wiederkehrenden Schülern... Im Vergleich mit anderen Sprachschulen, die ich kenne, geht Saena Iulia einige Schritte weiter. Die Lehrer sind mit "Leib und Seele" bei der Sache und lehren nicht nur die Sprache sondern u.a. auch die Kultur. Es wird auf Wortschatz, Grammatik, Aussprache und Betonung Wert gelegt und jeder Schüler wird individuell gefördert. Es wird ein eigenes, exzellentes Lehrbuch verwendet und die Lektionen finden nicht nur innerhalb des historischen Palazzos sondern auch einmal draussen, auf einem Spaziergang durch die Stadt oder an der Bar statt. Man merkt, dass alle mit Freude und Leidenschaft bei der Sache sind und dies überträgt sich auf die Schüler.

Einmal wöchentlich trifft man sich abends zum Aperitif und freitags gibt es ein gemeinsames Mittagessen. So lernt man auch Schüler kennen, die nicht in der eigenen Gruppe sind.

Sehr empfehlen kann ich, während des Aufenthaltes in einer Gastfamilie zu wohnen. So umgibt man sich ausschliesslich mit der italienischen Sprache. Dies führt zu schnellen Fortschritten und auch zum hautnahmen Kennenlernen des täglichen Lebens der Seneser.

Einige der Möglichkeiten, die die Stadt und das Umland bieten, sind Touristen bestens bekannt. Die Stadt bietet jenseits von Palio und Piazza del Campo jedoch viele weitere Höhepunkte, die es zu entdecken lohnt. Dabei gibt es wertvolle Tipps von den Lehrern, den Mitschülern (zumindest so sie Wiederkehrer sind) und den Gastfamilien.

Vielen Dank an alle, die meinen vierwöchigen Aufenthalt in der wunderbaren Stadt der 17 Contraden zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis haben werden lassen. Ich werde schon bald wiederkommen. Sowohl die Sprachschule als auch die Stadt kann ich allen Italienisch lernen Wollenden wärmstens ans Herz legen.

Willi H. 393  
Siegsdorf - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: retired

Ende Januar/Anfang Februar 2018 war ich für zwei Wochen in Siena, einer der schönsten Städte der Welt. Ich hatte 50 Einzelstunden gebucht und konnte in dieser Zeit dank der sehr engagierten Lehrer/innen Elettra, Sabrina und Mauro meine rudimentär vorhandenen Italienischkenntnisse entscheidend verbessern.

Die perfekte Lage der Schule in einem uralten Palazzo neben dem Dom und die Nähe zur Piazza del Campo waren ideal. Mit den anderen Schülern traf ich mich abends zu einem Aperitivo am Campo und die Schüler und Lehrer gingen zusammen zum "pranzo" ins Ristorante "Desiderio".

In diesen zwei Wochen lernte ich diese unglaublich interessante Stadt sehr gut kennen und besichtigte den Dom, die Krypta, das Baptisterium, das Museo, das ospedale Santa Maria della scala, das Staatsarchiv und einiges mehr. Abends wird ein breit gefächertes Kulturprogramm angeboten.

Um Italienisch zu lernen ist Siena ideal (man sagt, dass man hier das beste Italienisch spricht). Die Sprachschule Saena Iulia kann ich nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich komme wieder.

Andrine d. 392  
Portland, Oregon - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Licensed Massage Therapist

What an amazing experience to learn Italian in Italy! I chose Saena Iulia because I wanted an authentic, local school with instructors from the region, rather than a franchise generic course. Saena Iulia proved to be spectacularly rewarding both in terms of the language instruction as well as the cultural experiences. Every instructor was highly competent, friendly, encouraging and genuine. Every day was rich in terms of the language training and the excursions. The courses are challenging, but fun. Siena is the most beautiful city in the world. You cannot go wrong with this choice of school.

Diane C 391  
Portland, OR - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: musician

I attended Saena Iulia in August 2017 for 3 weeks. It was really intense, but in a good way. I come to Siena every summer and my classes at the school demonstrably improved my Italian conversational skills. I loved that most of the teachers are from Siena as it's such a unique, magical place. It was also important to me to be at a school that was not a large chain-type of establishment, and because of its independent configuation, Seana Iulia is able to give personal attention and adapt to the needs of the students, changing the content every week to match who is studying. Classes are small, teachers are supportive and fun, and the sense of community is great. I was somewhat disappointed to return home to the teachers I have avaiable to me, and will absolutely be returning to Saena Iulia in the future!

Clementina D. 390  
Albany California - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Principal/teacher

I had a great learning experience and a wonderful time at the Scuola Saena Iulia school in Siena.  The teachers are wonderful and enthusiastic.  They are very knowledgable about language learning and the lesson are structured and focus specifically on your level and needs.  At every turn they encourage you to immerse yourself in Italian but they are there to not only serve as role models but also to provide the necessary support.  They give the students sufficient classroom time and homework reinforcement.  The school also provides extra-curricular activities that are not only fun but allow you to interact more with your fellow students.  I had a fabulous time with my adopted Italian family, which also allowed me to be even more immersed in the language.  Of course, Siena is a marvelous environment.  There is so much to see and do - churches, museums, ancient sites, mulltitude of restaurants, stores, and wonderful people. I highly recommend this experience!  

Mary L. 389  
Brisbane - Australia
età: 60s  
professione: Director of University Library Administration

I spent two weeks at Saena Iulia from the end of September. All the staff were excellent, as was the program. My teacher Sabrina was so encouraging and extremely patient. The first week I was by far the least advanced student and did ask myself what am I doing here - I felt that I was hopeless (which is not something I am used to feeling!) In the second week I felt a little more capable and now a month later travelling in Sicily I am actually speaking to the locals and they understand me! 

The program mix is very good - class room activity, drinks and nibbles one evening, a couple of excursions and lunch with the staff (cooked by the staff!) on Fridays. The booklet provided is very good and will be an excellent resource for me when I go home. I will definitely return and will be recommending the school to all my intalian language classmates back home.

Virginia K. 388  
Columbia, Maryland - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired college teacher/administrator

I have attended Saena Iulia twice and each time has been an enjoyable and rewarding learning experience. The teachers are excellent; the classes are fun and well-organized; the students are interesting and enthusiastic and the school atmosphere is warm and welcoming.

  • In addition to being engaging and effective, the teachers are warm, patient, and kind. Although they are clearly serious about teaching Italian, they also have senses of humor, particularly about the pitfalls of language learning. I very much appreciated their relaxed playfulness. (We laughed a lot.)

  • The classes are well-organized, covering lots of grammar but emphasizing speaking. They are conducted in Italian and class sizes are quite small; my last course had 4 students. The class activities were varied and fun. For example, we listened to Italian songs, watched clips from Italian movies, invented stories, and played games. While fun, each activity was serious in purpose and structured so we had to use specific vocabulary and grammatical forms in conversation.

  • An especially meaningful part of the experience has been getting to know the other students, who come from all over the world. And the warm and welcoming atmosphere at Saena Iulia helps promote a sense of inclusiveness and camaraderie. The school offers extra-curricular activities, such as social events (aperitivo, Friday lunch at the school), a weekly lecture on some aspect of Italian history or culture, and a weekly excursion to an historical or cultural site or city in Tuscany -- always interesting and enjoyable. 

As a bonus, Saena Iulia is located in a 15th century palazzo near the Duomo and the Campo, in the heart of beautiful Siena.

So...if you choose Saena Iulia, I think you will be very happy.

Miroslav L. 387  
Pardubice - Repubblica Ceca
età: 60s  
professione: troppe

Sedná škola, kterou jsem navštívil. Umístění na předních místech, velice přátelská atmosféra a individuální přístup k výuce. Příjemná atmosféra i v Sieně. Doporučuji.

Elisabeth V. 386  
Amsterdam - Paesi Bassi
età: 60s  
professione: manager

In oktober 2017 heb ik 2 weken op de School Saena Iulia in Siena, Italiaanse lessen gevolgd. Dit was een bijzondere en leerzame ervaring. De lessen werden gegeven in kleine groepjes en waren leerzaam en afwisselend van opzet. Verschillende docenten wisselden elkaar af en wisten precies welke lesstof nodig was om het niveau van iedere leerling te verbeteren. Je zou het lessen op maat kunnen noemen. Tevens werden er iedere week culturele excursies georganiseerd en een aperativo en lunch aangeboden om elkaar te leren kennen en om in het Italiaans te communiceren.

De school en de docenten gaven mij een alround pakket aan informatie over Italië en deze prachtige taal. Ik beveel het iedereen aan. In deze 2 weken heb ik héél véél vorderingen gemaakt en véél leuke mensen ontmoet.


Phyllis and Joe G. 385  
New York - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Grant Writer and Banker

The Saena Iulia School offers comprehensive Italian language instruction in a relaxed setting in the heart of Siena.  The Italian grammar lessons were excellent; and conversation sessions catered to our unique needs and levels of comprehension.  

The staff was very professional, friendly and accommodating.  The other students were equally welcoming and enthusiastic, making us feel like we were all old friends.

We would strongly recommend the school to students interested in perfecting their Italian or to those starting to learn the language from scratch.  The manual the school gives out is thoughtfully prepared, very useful, and something we will keep and refer to as we continue to study this beautiful language.

Ginny D. 384  
Warwick - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Writer and performer for theatre

I have been learning Italian for three years, during which time I have studied in a number of different types of class in the UK and Italy: group lessons, one to one lessons and conversation classes with teaching in both English and Italian. Several of these have been excellent but the teaching at Saena Iulia is exceptional.  I was put in a small class with two other students of similar standard.  The focus, attention to detail and patience of the teachers is just brilliant.  The entire dialogue in class is in Italian, which gives students lots of spoken Italian practice. Not a single mistake goes uncorrected and so, by the end of my week, I felt that many of my bad habits had been corrected and I was a better Italian speaker all round.  Every class was fun and full of variety. Time passed very quickly in such a stimulating environment.

Saena Iulia has a wonderfully warm and friendly atmosphere.  I was only there for a week and yet I feel I have made lifelong friends amongst both staff and other students.

In addition, the school organised some lovely extra-curricular activities: an aperitivo in a bar, an outing to a vineyard and Montalcino, a visit to a Contrada museum and fantastically informative historical tour of Siena with Elettra.  On the final day we were served a feast of Italian food cooked by our lovely teachers.

I can't believe the luck I have had in finding Saena Iulia. I feel there is nowhere else in the world where such safe hands would be able to teach me Italian. I'll definitely return. 

Monika H. 383  
Hamburg - Germania
età: 70s  
professione: Pensionata

Diese Schule ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Geführt wird sie von kompetenten und sehr engagierten Lehrern, die mir schon am 1. Tag vermittelten in einer liebenswerten Familie angekommen zu sein. Die Schule befindet sich in einem Palazzo am Dom, ich hatte also jeden Morgen das Glück über den wunderschönen Domplatz in Siena in den Unterricht zu gehen.

Zwei Wochen konzentrierten, abwechslungsreichen Unterricht in einer kleinen Gruppe (4 Pers.),indem es viel Gelegenheit zum Sprechen gab, waren beste Voraussetzungen zum Lernen. Auf eine gute Aussprache wurde viel Wert gelegt. Eine schöne Gewohnheit: Für den cafèe in der Pause gehen alle gemeinsam in die Bar, eine weitere Gelegenheit für lebhaften Austausch.

Nach dem Unterricht macht die Schule vielfältige Angebote Kultur+Küche in Siena und Umgebung kennenzulernen. Außerdem haben wir zwei Ausflüge in die herrliche Landschaft der Toskana, nach Volterra und Cortona, gemacht.

Diese Mischung aus qualifizierten Unterricht und der Möglichkeit, mit interessanten Menschen, in das italienische Leben einzutauchen macht das Besondere von SAENAIULIA aus. Beim Abschied hatte ich das Gefühl gute Freunde zu verlassen und der Wunsch möglichst bald wiederzukommen ist groß. Mille grazie.

Katja J. 382  
Berlin - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Universität

Wer auf der Suche nach einer Schule ist, die das Erlernen der italienischen Sprache mit der Herzlichkeit und Gastfreundschaft der Sieneser zu verbinden versteht, dem sei Saena Iulia wärmstens ans Herz gelegt.

Diese Erfahrung, die ich in einem einwöchigen Kurs selbst erleben konnte, hängt in erster LInie an den Lehrern von Saena Iulia. Diese ermutligen die Teilnehmer stets und von Anfang an zur Konversation in Italienisch - unabhängig vom jeweiligen Sprachniveau. Das bedeutet nicht nur, dass der Schüler so schnell wie möglich mit dem wirklichen Italienisch wie es eben in den Restaurants und auf den Plätzen gesprochen wird, in Kontakt kommt. Es stellen sich auch sofort Erfolgserlebnisse ein, eben weil man sich verständlich machen konnte. Besonders gut lässt sich dies in der kleinen Pause in einer der vielen Bars von Siena üben, wo bei Cappuccino und Cornetto gemeinsam mit allen Lehrern und Teilnehmern über das vergangene Wochenendes oder die Aussichten für die Woche geplaudert wird. Auch das Treffen zum Aperitivo, der Ausflug auf den Markt, das gemeinsame Mittagessen am Freitag oder die von Mauro so liebevoll geplanten Ausflüge in die näherliegenden Orte der Toskana dienen eben diesem Zweck. Unterstützt wird die Konversation durch systematische Grammatikübungen in den jeweiligen Klassen, die vor Beginn der Woche niveauentsprechend zusammengestellt werden. Ein besonderes Plus der Schule: die Lehrer rotieren bisweilen für eine Stunde am Tag, so dass für Abwechslung bei Themen und Methoden gesorgt ist.

Ich habe meine Zeit in Saena Iulia sehr genossen und für mein Italienisch (trotz der Kürze) viel mitgenommen. Es waren nicht zuletzt Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra, Elena und Franco, die mit ihrer herzlichen Art diesen Aufenthalt so besonders gemacht haben. Ich werde auf jeden Fall zurückkommen!

Daniel R. 381  
Reston, VA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Software Engineer

I'm really pleased with my 2 weeks at Scuola Saena Iulia.  The school has a warm and supportive atmosphere, which I found helpful in learning a new language

My classes were small, the first with 4 students and the second with 2 students.  I felt well-matched to my classmates.  My teachers were adaptable, shaping the material to our needs.  For example, one day most or all of us seriously butchered the reading of some Italian texts.  We immediately shifted the focus of the lesson to Italian pronunciation, to which we returned the next morning.

While rigorous, my classes were FUN.  The emphasis was conversational Italian,
but I learned lots of Italian grammar.  There were several non-class activities, e.g. a trip to Cortona, group meals.  All enjoyable social times.

Siena is a beautiful city with a very long and interesting history.  Many points of interest, which I was only able to sample on this trip.

All-in-all, a great experience

I hope to return in the next year to firm up my Italian and to visit my new friends at Scuola Saena Iulia.

Linda Joshua 380  
Santa Cruz, California - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Nurse practitioner

This group of teachers was very diverse and extremely talented. Of most importance to me was the warmth and hospitality with which we were received. It was non-judgemental and genuine. The school is run efficiently, and always with an attention to creating a comfortable platform from which to learn, both the language and the culture of Siena, as well as Italy.

This school represents education, not only in language but also the warmth and sincerity of the culture in Italy.

Really, to witness the effort and talent of this group of educators is so rewarding and as heartfelt an experience as one could hope for.

Thank you for everything,

Linda Joshua

Теодора 379  
София - Bulgaria
età: 40s  
professione: Мениджъ&

Сиена... един от най-красивите за мен градове в Тоскана...

Какво по-красиво и исторически ценно място за учене на италиански език . Преподавателите в "Савна Юлия" успяват да предизвикат интерес към културата и историята на града, пренасят те в атмосферата на палиото, организират събития, където италианският език, история, култура и кухня те карат да заобичаш все повече и повече Сиена и Италия! Двете седмици в Сиена, наученото , новите приятелства остават завинаги в сърцето ми. Говоря италиански с все по-голямо удоволствие , а Сиена е моят град, там се чувствам като у дома си! Щв се връщам отново и отново там! Благодаря ви, Мауро, Сабрина, Елетра и Франко! До скоро!

Susanne J. 378  
Strasbourg - Francia
età: 70s  
professione: Pensionata

Klein aber fein

das ist die italienische Sprachschule Saena Iulia in Siena in der Toskana, wo Sie in familiärer Atmosphäre in kleinen Lerngruppen mit kompetenten und sehr engagierten Lehrern Italienisch lernen können. Abgesehen von den Kursen trainieren Sie bei den Ausflügen, kulturellen Aktivitäten, aber auch beim Aperitif auf dem Campo oder beim gemeinsamen Abschiedsessen die Sprache. Sie können sich in einer von der Schule ausgesuchten Familie unterbringen lassen, wo Sie sich mit der Alltagswelt der Italiener vertraut machen und abends mit hausgemachter Pasta verwöhnt werden. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass Kunstliebhaber in einer Stadt wie Siena auf ihre Kosten kommen.

Kurz gesagt, es erwartet Sie ein gelungener Aufenthalt in der Sprachschule Saena Iulia in Siena.

Carole L. 377  
Strasbourg - Francia
età: 50s  
professione: Traduttrice

Après dix jours de cours, je ne peux que recommander l’école.

L’accueil est extrêmement chaleureux. L’équipe d’enseignants fait preuve d’une grande disponibilité et est très professionnelle, elle sait en effet tenir compte des besoins de chacun. L’enseignement, dispensé en très petits groupes, est varié et de qualité et les cours sont très bien préparés.

A l’apprentissage formel s’ajoutent de nombreux moments de convivialité (café du matin, apéritifs, excursions, déjeuner hebdomadaire) qui permettent  aux étudiants de tisser des liens tout en continuant à parler italien.

Mauro est aussi d’une grande aide dans l’organisation pratique du séjour, qu’il s’agisse du transport ou du logement.

Tous mes remerciements à Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina, Elena et Franco.

Janni M. 376  
Monaco - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: student

Mein Sprachkurs in Siena

Nachdem ich mich nach zwei Semestern Uni Italienisch für einen Sprachkurs in Italien entschieden hatte, stieß ich schnell auf die Sprachkursförderung von Ihrem "Instituto italiano di Cultura- Monaco".

Für meinen Zeitraum konnte ich mich unter anderem auf Siena bewerben, was ich sofort tat. 

Nach ein paar Wochen hatte ich eine Bestätigung: 100% Förderung für meinen Zwei wöchigen Sprachkurs.

Die Sprachschule "Saena Lulia" befindet sich im Herzen der Altstadt direkt neben dem Dom. Durch viele Treppen gelangt man in die schöne alte Wohnung mit vier Gruppenräumen. In Kleingruppen (3-5 Personen) lernten wir mit einem der 5 Sprachschullehrer Textverständnis, Grammatik sowie einiges über die Kultur und Traditionen von Italien und insbesondere Siena. 

In der Pause besuchten wir alle zusammen eine Bar in der wir das bestellen aber auch Unterhaltungen untereinander übten. 

Besonders diese Form des Unterrichts hat mir geholfen mein Italienisch zu verbessern. Dadurch dass der Lehrer die fehlenden Vokabeln ersetzte oder die Fehler verbesserte stellte sich schnell ein Lerneffekt ein. Und es macht natürlich Spaß sich ordentlich in einer anderen Sprache zu unterhalten.

Nach 4 Stunden Unterricht war die Schule vorbei. Es gab zudem öfters Ausflüge oder Aktivitäten die von der Schule am Abend oder nachmittags organisiert wurden.

In meiner ersten Woche in Siena fande eines der gefährlichsten Pferderennen der Welt statt. Das sogannte "Palio" ist weltweit berühmt. 

Unglaublich dass ich per Zufall genau in dieser Woche in Siena war und dadurch die Stadt mit ihren Traditionen und Einwohnern so kennengelernt habe wie es sonst gar nicht möglich wäre. 

Auch die Sprachschule trug einiges dazu bei und klärte uns auf und besuchte im Anschluss mit uns allen das Rennen. 

Unter anderem organisierte die Sprachschule eine Weinprobe im toskanischen Städtchen Montalcino, eine geschichtliche Stadtführung, Aperitif trinken, essen gehen, Abschluss essen in der Schule, Markt besuchen, Museumsbesuch...

Egal welche Frage man hatte, man wurde  nicht im Stich gelassen. Die Lehrer waren an allen Personen aus der Sprachschule sehr interessiert und hatten tolle Tipps auf Lager was die Stadt anging. Die Lehrer waren nicht nur im Unterricht interessiert und nett, sondern auch danach, wenn meine Fragen beantwortet wurden, mir Buspläne ausgedruckt wurden, Wege zum nächsten Schwimmbad aufgezeichnet wurden, gute Vinotheken empfohlen wurden...

Leider waren in der zweiten Woche keine "Schüler" mehr in meinem Alter da, die Lehrer haben aber trotzdem viel mit uns unternommen was schön für mich war weil ich außer meiner Gastfamilie keinen in Siena kannte.

In diesen zwei Wochen habe ich sehr viel gelernt. Mein Italienisch hat sich sehr verbessert durch die intensive Zeit in diesem vielfältigen und schönen Land. Ich habe sehr herzliche, liebe und interessante Personen in der Zeit kennengelernt und den besten Rotwein (Brunello) getrunken. 

Am Ende meines Aufenthaltes musste ich allen versichern dass ich auf jeden Fall wiederkommen werde. Das werde ich, certamente!

Vielen Dank dass sie mir durch Ihre großzügige Unterstützung eine tolle Zeit bieten konnten. Die Sprachschule Saena Lulia ist auf jeden Fall weiterzuempfehlen! Ich habe selten Menschen gesehen die mit so viel Leidenschaft ihre Arbeit ausführen. 

Jannika Mock

Goran L 374  
Belgrado - Serbia
età: 20s  
professione: sociologo

Proveo sam dve predivne nedelje u Sijeni i upoznao zanimljive ličnosti. Škola jezika Saena Iulia pruža savršenu priliku za neformalno učenje italijanskog jezika i italijanske kulture. Završio sam b2 nivo i stekao dobru osnovu za studiranje na italijanskom jeziku. Časovi se odvijaju u malim grupama. U pauzama se ispijaju kafice u lokalnim barovima, dok nakon predavanja u popodnevnim satima, vreme je rezervisano za izlete, seminare, muzeje, izložbe i razgledanje grada koji ima bogatu istoriju. Profesori su odlični i od početka grade drugarski odnos sa učenicima. Prisustvovali smo žurkama, koje organizuju kontrade (delovi grada) i imali smo priliku da vidimo kako teku pripreme za čuveni Palio (konjska trka). imali smo dva izleta u božanstvenim gradićima Toskane. Obišli smo vinograde u kojima se proizvodi poznato vino Kjanti. Naravno, bilo je prilike i za degustaciju. Na tvrđavi jednog malog grada uživali smo u fešti koja se obeležava još od srednjeg veka. Ustaljeni dnevni ritual bio je ispijanje spritz aperola tokom večernjih sati na jednom od najlepših italijanskih trgova, Piazza del Campo. Letnji bioskop na otvorenom (tvrđava) dao je dosta romantike našem boravku u Sijeni. Svakog petka u školi je bio organizovan zajednički ručak koji su spremali profesori. U porodičnoj atmosferi učili smo kako se spremaju italijanski specijaliteti. Slobodno vreme, tokom vikenda, iskoristili smo da skoknemo do magičnih peščanih plaža Tirenskog mora, koje se nalaze na svega sat vremena vožnje od Sijene. Bejaše to nezaboravno iskustvo, Svima bih preporučio školu Saena Iulia!


Jelena R. 373  
Varaždin - Croazia
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Provela sam dva tjedna u školi Saena Iulia za koju imam samo riječi hvale. Nastava se odvija u malim grupama tako da je svatko od nas dobio priliku da sudjeluje i već nakon prvih par dana svi smo govorili talijanski bez ikakvog straha i nelagode. Profesori su izuzetno strpljivi, dragi te se zaista trude pripremiti materijale koji bi nam bili zanimljivi. Ono što mi se posebno svidjelo je to što smo svakog dana u jednoj kratkoj pauzi između predavanja otišli u obližnji kafić na kavu i razgovarali na talijanskom. Škola nam je također svakog dana organizirala aktivnosti poput aperitiva, posjeta kontradama, izleta izvan Siene, raznih seminara, zajedničkog ručka te smo na taj način bili još više u kontaktu s jezikom. Uz ovu školu nisam samo poboljšala svoj talijanski, već sam i upoznala talijansku kulturu i običaje. :)
Grazie mille a Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina e Franco per quest'esperienza indimenticabile!

Mary L 372  
Maynooth - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Teacher

I have just spent two fantastic weeks in August in this language school Saena Iulia in Siena. The city itself is a very old walled city and very easy to walk around. You are surrounded by Medieval art and culture in the streets, the churches, the museums and the houses. Looking at some of the frescoes would make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. I was in awe of my surroundings and I know nothing about art! I chose Siena because it is not too big a city. It is easy to get to with good bus and train links. I flew into Pisa.

The school itself is small, personal and very well run. All the teachers are very friendly and supportive. They are very professional in preparing and presenting their lessons and adapt to suit all levels. Their spoken Italian does not have a strong accent and the people in the city do not speak too quickly, which was good for me, and I could carry on a conversation with the locals in the shops and bars.

The classes in the school are small, three in my class, and each person gets lots of attention. Every day we had conversation, grammar, listening, reading, memory and writing activities. The teacher used many methods and fun activities to help us learn Italian and have fun. Everyday was different and we had a good laugh. All of the classes took their coffee break in a local bar and we used our Italian to order food and chat with each other. 

The students come from all over the world and are of all ages. We all mixed well and helped each other and often went out socially together. We went to visit the nearby towns, sample the food and wine and experience the thermal springs. The school organised a trip to the beach, suggested other events for us and we had some lovely meals and drinks together. We experienced the famous festival of the Palio and shared a street party with Mauro's contrada, a great privilege, while all the time listening to and speaking Italian. 

I can't praise this school enough ... small, friendly, helpful, good fun, adaptable, professional, with a genuine interest and love of their language and culture and want to share that with others. It was a great experience and I will be back next year. 

Petra P 371  
Praha - Repubblica Ceca
età: 40s  
professione: present

Zažiť krásny čas v spoločností milých ľudí, v nádhernom meste, malebnej krajine a v škole ktorá ponúka viac ako všetko čo človek od jazykového pobytu očakáva. ... To sa mi podarilo v júli 2017 v Siene, škole Saenaiulia.

Elettra, Sabrina a Mauro sú ľudia na správnom mieste!!! Taliančinu vyučujú s láskou, vášňou a tiež s úctou k iným jazykom. Je jedno odkiaľ ste, budete sa tu cítiť ako doma. 

Siena je kúzelná. Je  to mesto, kde sa Palio nielen každoročne 2-krát koná, ale kde sa Palio v skutočnosti žije. Návštevník vidí iba to okolo, ale "la gente saenese" to prežíva veľmi, veľmi intenzívne. Kiežby sme my boli tak presvedčení o význame tradícií a lokálnych zvykoch.... Siena je mestečko o veľkosti "tak akurát" ponúka priestor na kultúrne vyžitie ale i na zábavu. V tom všetkom škola pomože. 

Jedna rada na záver: Žite tu intenzívne od prvého dňa...Nečakajte až na záver, posledné dni, kedy sa Vám určite nebude chcieť odísť....... 

Siena / Siena Iulia grazie! vediamo :))

Signe Breuning 370  
Copenhagen - Danimarca
età: 30s  
professione: Project manager

Hvad kan jeg sige andet end at Saena Iulia er et helt fantastisk sted! Virkelig kompetente og søde undervisere, der sikre at undervisningen tilpasses niveau og interesser, små hold og super sjove og spændende after-school-aktiviteter. Kan på alle måder varmt anbefale det til alle, der har lyst til at lære (mere) Italiensk, uanset niveau og alder. Jeg vender ihvertfald tilbage!

Ernst S. 369  
Vienna - Austria
età: 60s  
professione: professore universitario di pharmacologia

Mein Aufenthalt von 10 Tagen an der Saena Iulia war ein graßer Erfolg für mich. Die Schule ist gut organisiert, die Lehrpersonen kompetent und freundlich, das Kursangebot ist außerordentlich reich.Da ich bereits ein höheres Sprachniveau erreicht habe, war es für mich besodners wichtig, dass der Unterricht individualisiert auf meine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt war. Diese Erwartung wurde zu meiner vollen Zufriedenheit erfüllt, und zwar nicht nur im Einzel-, sondern auch im Kleingruppenunterricht. 

Zusätzlich organisierte die Schule viele und abwechslungsreiche kulturelle Aktivitäten, die mir einen direkten Kontakt mit der Kultur und der Geschichte Sienas ermöglichten.

Selten habe ich von einem Sprachkurs so profitiert wie dieses Mal. Ich kann die Saena Iulia uneingeschränkt empfehlen.

Jean M 368  
Davis, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Hospital Administration

I was living in Italy for a year with the goal of becoming as fluent in Italian as possible and am so grateful to Saena Iulia for helping me with that goal! I wasn't sure what to expect and was so pleasantly surprised by my entire experience, so much so that I returned for a second time. The teachers are incredibly good at what they do, tailoring the classes to meet the needs of their students.  They quickly recognized where my many weaknesses were (mixing up Spanish and Italian among others) and worked with me to help me improve in those areas. I also appreciated the flexiblity provided by Saena Iulia, they offer a variety of activities after classes which one can choose to participate in, as well as offering the option to help students find housing for the week, etc.  Saena Ilulia was recommneded to me by a friend who has returned multiple times for classes. I agree with him in that I would recommend it whole heartedly to others and I will surely return!

Eva S. 367  
Rijeka - Croazia
età: Teens  
professione: student

Kao osobi koja dotad nikada nije samostalno putovala i sama boravila u nepoznatom gradu s ljudima čiji jezik ne zna govoriti, odlazak u školu Saena Iulia pomalo me plašio, no na neki uzbudljiv način. Upoznavši školsko osoblje, moj je strah nestao. Iako moj talijanski na početku nije bio dovoljno dobar da bih s njima mogla komunicirati bez konstantnog zapitkivanja poznatog  Come si dice..?“,  oni su s tolikim strpljenjem meni izlazili u susret da se ponekad pitam kako im to uspijeva.

Nastava se odvija unutar grupa s malim brojem učenika, što je iznimno dobro jer se profesor stigne posvetiti zasebno svakome od učenika. Na početku samo praćenje nastave može biti zahtjevno jer se čitava odvija na talijanskome jeziku, čak i prijevodi riječi objašnjavaju se koristeći isključivo talijanski. Ovakav se način rada pokazao uspješnim jer sam i po sebi primjetila da sve manje u razgovoru upotrebljavam riječi na engleskome jeziku. Također, vrlo inovativne metode usvajanja jezika kao što su slušanje pjesama, gledanje filmova i sl. nastavu čine zabavnijom!

Svaki dan zajedno s profesorima uzme se jedna kratka pauza i otiđe u obližnji kafić. Sa šalicom dobre kave i eventualno nekim pekarskim proizvodom (preporučujem cornetto alla crema), nastavljamo razgovarati (na talijanskom naravno) i samim time može se puno naučiti. Svi su profesori iznimno dragi, zanimljivi ljudi čije sam priče toliko rado slušala.

„Što ću raditi cijelo poslijepodne?“, pitala sam se u početku. Ubrzo sam shvatila da je svako poslijepodne organizirana neka aktivnost. Obavezno aperitiv, ili na Piazzi del Campo ili na fešti nekih od Contrada. Zatim srijedom slijedi izlet izvan Siene (u mojem slučaju Certaldo, Monteriggioni, Chianti, Pienza, Bagna Vignoni). Ovi su izleti vrhunac tjedna; uvijek izrazito zabavni, ali i poučni budući da ih vodi Mauro koji ima široko znanje iz područja umjetnosti, znanosti, povijesti...Organizirani su i seminari jednom tjednom, teme su uvijek vezane uz talijansku kulturu (geste, etimologija riječi...), ali i teme karakteristične za Sienu (neizbježni Palio). I naravno, petkom zajednički ručak u školi. Unaprijed vas osiguravam da su ovdje profesori vješti kuhari. Na ovome ručku prisustvuju i neki bivši učenici i prijatelji, te se uvijek upoznaju novi, interesantni ljudi te se tako lijepo obilježi kraj tjedna.

Vikendom ne manjka mogućnosti. Iz Siene busom možete doći gdje god poželite. Jedna od omiljenih destinacija, gdje smo se i mi vikendom zaputili,  je Castaglione della Pescaia, gdje se možete kupati na prekrasnoj pješčanoj plaži, ali i prošetati jer je jedno vrlo slatko mjestašce. Ako odlučite ipak ostati u Sieni za vikend, nećete se razočarati! Same ulice Siene su kao da hodate kroz muzej. Siena je idealno mjesto za sve ljubitelje arhitekture, slikarstva...i općenito umjetnosti! Čak i glazbe, budući da je u Sieni smještena jedna muzička akademija. Hodajući ulicom nerijetko naiđete na zvukove glazbenika koji uvježbavaju.

Bila sam smještena u obitelji, i nimalo nisam požalila. Ne samo zato što sam imala osiguran doručak i ručak, već iz razloga što sam s tom vrlo simpatičnom gospođom mogla svakodnevno razgovarati istovremeno vježbajući talijanski i snaznajući nešto više o načinu njihovog života ondje.

Sve u svemu, kroz različite načine upoznavala sam talijanski jezik i kulturu i unutar tri tjedna jako se oslobodila i počela više pričati. Iako mi se često potkradu greške, osjećam se puno sigurnijom sama u sebe. Za to najviše mogu zahvaliti svojem dragom školskom osoblju (Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina, Franco) koji su me na dnevnoj bazi nasmijavali i motivirali svojim entuzijazmom. Grazie mille!

Sophie L. 366  
Ruffosses - Francia
età: 40s  
professione: Assistante

Je reviens de Sienne ou je suis restée une petite semaine pour améliorer mon italien. J'ai choisi cette école par hasard et ne regrette rien, bien au contraire. Dès le 1er jour, j'ai été chaudement accueillie. Mauro, Elettra et Sabrina sont très sympathiques et vous font sentir bien, tout simplement. Les cours sont de très bonne qualité, préparés à l'avance et adaptés aux lacunes de chacun. Des sorties extra-muros sont proposées autour de la culture et l'histoire de Sienne et de la Toscane. Des repas chez les profs, des apéros et le déjeuner du vendredi midi ne sont que d'autres moyens conviviaux d'inciter les élèves à pratiquer la langue en dehors de la salle de classe et d'aborder toutes sortes de sujets. Je ne peux que recommander cette école et j'espère moi-même pouvoir y retourner l'année prochaine.

Maureen S 364  
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire - Regno Unito
età: 70s  
professione: Lecturer/College Manager

This was my first trip abroad on my own since my husband died and I was very nervous about it.  I need not have been.  All the staff and students were friendly and helpful.  Only on one occasion did I dine alone - on every other occasion I was invited to join other students.

I was the only Brit at the school - though there were two ladies fro Southern Ireland with whom to sneak a few words of English after class.  Most of the other students in the school, and all the other students in my group came from Germany and we tended to converse together at meals in Italian, sprinklrd with English!  The staff at the school were terrific - helpful, good fun and very informative.  When I left after a week my Italian was definately more fluent than when I arrived, as was my confidence in speaking the language.

I'm hoping to return next year - for two weeks!  I can thoroughly recomment Saena Iulia and Siena - una buonissima scuola e una bella citta!

Suzanne E. 363  
Oxnard, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: artist

A year ago I turned 40 and decided it was time to do something I had wanted to do for a really, really long time.  I started planning a trip to Italy to study Italian and so began looking online for places to study. I had not yet been to Siena and it had been popping up in conversation for a couple of years as a place I might want to I followed my instincts and started looking into schools there.  I settled on Saena Iulia because after looking at other schools online it had a warmth to it that drew me in. The class sizes were small and I read a lot of positive reviews from adults who had attended and had overwhelmingly positive experiences. So, consider this review an addition to those!  

I signed up as a beginner for four weeks of classes and stayed with a host family for the first three weeks to get me fully immersed in the Italian experience.  I was exhilarated upon my arrival to be staying in a room with a view of not only a gorgeous old church but the rooftops of the homes across the street from me.  My host family spoke no English so I got the immersion I asked was not easy, but that was the point, to shake up my life a bit.  The classes were intensely challenging for me too as very little english was spoken (and often I felt as if I was drowning because I felt so lost!), but in retrospect I was just what I needed because it began loosening up my English-only brain and slowly allowing the new language in. Since then I have been doing at least a little studying/memorizing everyday to keep the words and phrases alive in my consciousness because one day I want to be fluent.  

What drew me to Siena was not only the school and the kind correspondence from Mauro via email, but the size of the town.  It is not so small that you get bored, but not so large that it is overwhelming. It is kind of perfect for a month-long school visit.  And there are so many beautiful towns to visit within just two hours of Siena.  Each week the school planned a trip to a new town...we visited Arezzo, Massa Marattima, San Galgano, Pienza, and Cortona. While there we spent a few hours learning a little something about each place, viewing important architecture, but also having an aperitivo at the end of the evening before the drive home.  

On the weekends I took trains/buses/cars with other students to Pisa, Castiglione della Pescaia, and Montepulciano, among others.  Tuscany is dreamy.  The green fuzzy softness of the landscape and the beauty of the old homes and architecture will mesmerize you.  And I did not know how great it could be to take a trip to the beach in Tuscany! That was a highlight for me. Just rent a lounge chair under an umbrella for a day near a cafe/bar in Castiglione della Pescaia and it will change your life:).  

The teachers at Saena Iulia (Elettra, Mauro, Sabrina and Franco), are charmed.   They have hearts of gold and are servants to the work, making everyone feel welcome upon arrival.  They were very patient with us students, and I honestly do not know how they do it everyday.  We all spoke so many different languages and I am sure it got exhausting trying to understand us all the time!  At any rate, they are passionate about what they do and take the time to help their students learn, and would let us know regularly about activities in town that we could go to to.  Every day during class a coffee break was taken at a local cafe, (my personal favorite, Il Bargello) and each week a night of aperitivo at a local bar/restaurant was part of the curriculum .  These experiences enhanced the learning experience and week after week I felt I was getting to know Italy from the inside out.  

I arrived just as Palio was beginning and highly recommend going to Siena during this time.  It was crazy and exciting and unlike anything I have ever before seen or experienced.  Before the event, the school offered a lecture about Palio so we could more fully understand what it was and what it means to the people of Siena. During the week leading up to it there were parades throughout the city, drummers practicing their drumming, and boys throwing flags into the air and somehow catching them.  There were a series of trials before the actual race that packed Piazza del Campo with spectators.  Mauro took a group of us to the race on August 16th and it was honestly the most exciting thing I have ever been be part of the crowd at an event that goes back hundreds of years is something that one does not get to do in America and should not be missed!  It felt electric.

Oh yes, another thing that the school does that is lovely.  Every Friday we had pranzo together at the school after class.  Everyone brought a little something to the meal and we spent time attempting to talk Italian to each other while eating and drinking.  

After the three weeks with the host family, I stayed in an apartment with other students for a week, then ended up staying two extra weeks because I liked Siena and wanted to do some artwork there after the intense month of classes.  I was happy with the accommodations, though I do recommend you be patient with any last minute changes/miscommunications which seemed to pop up in this area.  It all worked out well for me in the end, and I learned that as long as you can go with the flow and have a sense of humor, all will be well. The last room I stayed in had a dreamy view of Siena's rooftops and at my front door was the baptistry of Siena's duomo.  Incredible!! 

Lastly, I must mention the people I met at the school.  This place draws souls from all over the world and what kind and wonderful people they are!  I met people from Japan, Australia, Germany, America, Ireland, Spain, and Slovenia, etc., and each one had an adventurous soul and a kind spirit.

My experience with Siena Iulia was overwhelmingly positive and quite honestly changed my life.  I recommend it without reservation to anyone passionate about studying Italian. 

Alison T. 362  
Abbotsford - Canada
età: 30s  
professione: Student in Italian University

Saena came recommended through the Italian Cultural Institute when I was looking for a good language school for myself and a friend in the Siena area. Our experience was incredibly positive and my friend even came back the year after because he had formed meaningful relationships with Mauro, Elettra and Sabrina. It was more than a language learning experience, we were welcomed in like family. Our Italian improved, but most importantly we both grew personally in the beautiful and soulful Italia.

Joan F. 361  
Denver, Colorado - Stati Uniti
età: 70s  
professione: Business Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator

One of the real strengths of Saena Iulia is its small class size (six or fewer--I never had more than four) and its totally personalized approach to match students with others at their level of Italian fluency.  The school's location in Siena is another real plus as it's a walkable, beautiful, interesting, and extremely safe city.  Two other things that added greatly to my own personal experience were attending school during the Palio festivities and living with an Italian family.  I recommend both. I sincerely appreciate everything Saena Iulia did to make my experience so meaningful and memorable.       

Mc Carthy R 360  
Limerick - Irlanda
età: 70s  
professione: artist.FormerlyEngineerand Human ResourcesMgr.

Dear Elettra,

I wish to express my gratitude to all involved in the running of La Scuola.La Scuola Saena Iulia had been recommended to me by Irish students who had been with you previouslyand I am pleased to say that my time studying with you surpassed their high praise.

  The atmosphere of joyful tuition,overall communication and easy interaction with fellow students was very good.

  I would like in particular to thank my excellent tutor Sabrina and Mauro for his attention to my various requests re transport and accommodation.

 I look forward to spending time with you all again this year.

Best wishes to all from Irlanda,

Roger Mc Carthy.



Tomás A. 359  
Madrid - Spagna
età: 30s  
professione: Ragionere

Estuve en la escuela Saena Iulia de Siena haciendo un curso de dos semanas de aprendizaje del italiano durante el verano del 2016.

La localización es impecable, realmente al lado del Duomo de la bella localidad toscana.

El pequeño equipo que compone la escuela te hace sentir la experiencia de la lengua italiana de una forma muy particular: con cariño, cercanía y experiencia probada. Al ser los grupos muy pequeños se facilita la constante participación y flujo de información entre los profesorers y el alumno. Si vienes a esta escuela olvídate de aulas masificadas, no podrás escurrir el bulto :)

Sin duda lo mejor de la opción que propone Saena Iulia es el equipo humano que ofrece: desde Mauro, pasando por Elettra, Sabrina y Franco. Son todos magníficos profesores y he de destacar la amabilidad de Mauro, lo agradables y cercanas que son Elettra y Sabrina y cómo no, los inolbidables chistes, en italiano por supuesto, de Franco sobre "i carabinieri".

Además, al aprendizaje tradicional se le une el poder hacer excursiones como las que yo hice junto a los profesores: Arezzo. Así que uno hace realmente una inmersión en el italiano a todos los niveles. Como prueba los aperitivos que degustamos en un par de ocasiones y que tan italianos son.

En fin, una opción óptima para aprender la maravillosa lengua que es el italiano es la escuela Saena Iulia, en Siena.

Un saludo a todos.

Daniela Smith 358  
Washington, DC - Brasile
età: 30s  
professione: Creative Director

Sou brasileira, mas moro nos EUA há quase 10 anos. Com o dominio fluente de inglês e português e o desastre da tentativa de aprender alemão, fiz 6 semestres de aula presencial de italiano em Washington antes de ir para Siena.

Depois de muitas extensas pesquisas de diversas escolas na Itália, todos os caminhos voltavam a me levar a Saena Iulia. Fechei 2 semanas intensivas com a escola e foi a melhor escolha que já fiz! Já penso em voltar todo ano para me aprimorar - como muitos alunos que já passaram por lá.

Mauro, Elettra e as aulas particulares com Sabrina, me deram dimensões diferentes da lingua com seus estilos individuais de ensino. Os intervalos gastos no café da esquina, falando italiano regado a cappuccino, as viagens da escola as cidades vizinhas, os "aperitivos" semanais e os almoços comunais, fazem a experiencia ser única, uma grande "famiglia".

Se você achou essa resenha, como eu, pesquisando escolas, não procure mais. Vá a Saena Iulia, vc vai sair falando italiano e com uma experiencia memoravel!

Grazie, Saena Iulia!!!! <3

Cristina Samper 357  
Barcelona - Spagna
età: 20s  
professione: Business

Mi experiencia en Siena con la Scuola Siena Iulia fue realmente buena. Como academia para ir a estudiar italiano es 100% recomendable, por el profesorado y la dedicación que tienen a la hora de enseñar. Pero para mi, lo que marca la diferencia respecto a otras academias es la forma que tiene de crear una comunidad cada semana con los nuevos grupos de alumnos, desde ir a tomar algo a irte de excursión a un pueblo cercano. Siena además, tiene una historia y cultura muy particular y en la Scuola te permiten conocer realmente la autentica Siena.

Anneke Ekelschot 356  
Amsterdam - Paesi Bassi
età: 60s  
professione: lerares

2 heerlijke weken had ik op deze school in het hart van Siena in een prachtig Palazzo.  Docent Elettra gaf op een heel professionele manier les met ook veel humor ( ook niet onbelangrijk)! Na afloop van de les werden interessante excursies georganiseerd door Mauro : de sympathieke directeur. En die uitstapjes vonden natuurlijk plaats in een prachtige Toscaanse omgeving. Ik overnachtte op de nabij gelegen camping en ook dat beviel uitstekend. Heel prettig zo'n verkoelend zwembad in de buurt van je tent.Ook trof ik het met de mensen in mijn klas.De meesten waren leeftijdgenoten en we konden het prima met elkaar vinden. Ik kan iedereen , die overweegt een cursus Italiaans te gaan volgen, deze school met stip aanraden. Anneke Ekelschot


ÉloïseP 355  
Montreal - Canada
età: 30s  
professione: Flight attendant

J'ai passé deux merveilleuses semaines à l'école Saena Iulia.  J'ai reçu un accueil chaleureux et bien à l'image et à la hauteur de la réputation des Italiens. Je me suis sentie chez-moi et à l'aise instantanément. J'ai beaucoup apprécié l'environnement d'apprentissage détendu et convivial qu'ils proposent. Les excursions étaient très enrichissantes et pertinentes à l'apprentissage. Il a été très facile de tisser des liens avec cette école puisque le personnel est authentique et généreux. Ils étaient d'une grande disponibilité et ont fait preuve de dévouement envers moi et les autres étudiants. Je souhaite avoir l'opportunité d'y retourner dans un futur rapproché afin de poursuivre mon apprentissage et me replonger dans le quotidien de Sienne.

Alma 354  
Zagreb - Croazia
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Škola Saena Iulia je odlična. Nalazi se u samom centru, tik do katedrale i u neposrednoj blizini Piazze del Campo. Svi profesori su vrhunski i rado će pomoći i učenicima koji nisu u njihovoj grupi. Učenici im se mogu obratiti sa bilokakvim problemom te će ga oni pokušat riješiti. Škola je odlično organizirana. Grupe su male, do 5-6 učenika, nastava ne počinje prerano, a na pazu idu sve grupe zajedno sa profesorima u jedan od obližnjih kafića ili profesori pokažu neke skrivene kutke grada koje učenici sami nikada ne bi otkrili. Jako mi se svidjelo što škola organizira druženja učenika i profesora i van nastave te se tim druženjima priključuju i učenici koji individualno rade sa profesorima. Svaki ponedjeljak se ide na aperitiv, mi smo jedan ponedjeljak išli na feštu jedne od kontrada i to je bio jako lijepi doživljaj koji kao turisti nikada ne bi doživjeli jer se to nigdje ne reklamira. Svaki četvrtak škola organizira izlet u obližnje gradiće, a svaki petak nakon nastave se u školi održava ručak. Svatko donese nešto. Ručak bude uvijek odličan jer se mogu probati tipična talijanska jela, ali i jela iz drugih zemalja. Na ručak petkom su pozvani svi bivši učenici koji se nalaze u Sieni. Nastava je odlično koncipirana te škola ima vlastitu knjigu po kojoj rade. Ja sam bila u naprednijoj grupi pa smo imali malo više slobode u odabiru tema te samo svi imali priliku pokazati i poboljšati naše znanje talijanskoga. Atmosfera je cijelo vrijeme bila odlična te su se i učenici koji su na početku bili sramežljivi do kraja tečaja otvorili i slobodno komunicirali sa svima unatoč manjem znanju jezika.


Siena je maleni, ali šarmantni grad. Ima jako puno toga što treba posjetiti, od crkva i muzeja do samih ulica grada. U blizini se nalazi puno manjih gradića koje svakako treba posjetiti, a Pisa i Firenca su isto jako blizu. Sve u svemu, odlično iskustvo koje bi rado ponovila. :)

Jean H. 353  
Victoria - Canada
età: 60s  
professione: ESL teacher

It is my pleasure to comment on my experience last October in Siena and at Saena Iulia Language School.  It is important to mention that over the years I had studied Italian at language schools in Florence and Rome.  This, after studying for some years at home across Canada at similar language schools.  I feel, given my experience, I can justly say that Saena Iulia is, if not the best school on every front for any Italian language student, then one of the best. Your entire environment of gracious friendliness, inclusion and a superb methodology of language acquistion create a relaxed ease to the learning process.  Not to be forgotten are your extracurricular events that put your students into the “realItaly”.  These latter events include excursions to points of cultural and artistic interest both inSiena and in the neighbouring regions, the “aperitivi” gatherings an evening each week in the Piazza del Campo, the heart ofSiena and the home world famous Palio races in the summer. In these “aperitivi” evenings, our students sit among the Sienese just doing what everyone does in this magical Piazza, partaking of the incredible hors d’oeuvres each patio restaurant offers from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for pennies with your aperitif.  We were all Sienese on these occasions. Saena Iulia is located in the most wonderful 500 year old building that resonates of Siena’s history.  Its location could easily be in Il Duomo, it so close to its walls.  I was equally blessed with the apartment I lived in next door to the school wherein Il Duomo’s tower’s night lighting shone over my bed as I slept. I so enjoyed our Friday luncheons in school when all the students gathered at the long dining table to partake of the staff’s superb cooking, not neglecting the array of the region’s superb San Giovese wines Mauro would have for us.  Every thing was an introduction and education of our present “home town”,Siena.  Films of the Palio races so famous around the world that still occur after centuries only inSiena twice during the summer.  The significance of Siena’s unique Contrada system is ultra important to the Sienese, integral in every facet of the City’s culture, art, family and social life. I await as I plan my next attendance at Saena Iulia as there is now no other school for my beloved Italian language learning and its beautiful and intimate home,Siena.



Tünde B 352  
BUDAPEST - Ungheria
età: 40s  
professione: finance sector

Ho partecipato a un corso individuale per raggiungere l'esame di CILS al livello alto. Il corso a Saena Iulia era molto utile per me ho potuto migliorare la grammatica, la comunicazione cosi ho passato l'esame! Alla scuola ha anche attivita interessanti, mi piaceva comunicare con gli studenti prima dell' inizio del corso e andare al piccolo bar vicino a scuola con gli altri studenti e con insegnanti per beve un caffe, praticare la lingua. La gita per Cortona con l'aperitivo, con la cena e l'ultimo pranzo alla piazza del Campo erano fantastiche!

Teresa Peset Segador 351  
Madrid - Spagna
età: Teens  
professione: Estudiante

En septiembre pasé dos semanas en Siena gracias a una beca. Tenía 17 años y el equipo de Saena Julia me ayudó mucho tanto antes de llegar para poder organizar mi viaje hasta el que sería mi alojamiento durante esas dos semanas, como cuando me puse enferma y estuvieron muy pendientes de mí y por supuesto a lo largo de todo el curso. Mi profesor Franco, un apasionado del cine, me encantó. Dado que teníamos un nivel de italiano muy alto, las clases eran muy interactivas y productivas ya que siempre estábamos hablando y en cuanto teníamos un fallo lo repasábamos. Este me pareció un muy buen método si ya tienes una base consolidada, pero lo mejor era cuando nos íbamos a pasear por Siena y nos enseñaba sus secretos, cosas que ni los seneses conocían. Me resultó muy interesante tenerle como profesor y aprendí muchísimo.
Las excursiones que organiza la escuela son muy buenas. Nos llevaron a tres pueblos preciosos a los que es muy difícil llegar si no es con coche. Vimos la Toscana típica, descubrimos muchísimas cosas más sobre la cultura y la historia y nos organizaban siempre alguna degustación o llevaban ellos mismos una merienda con productos típicos.
En Siena, organizaban una comida a la semana donde todos los estudiantes y los profesores llevaban algo de comida y podías llegar a explotar de comer tanto y tan bueno. Casi todo se movía en torno a la comida ya que una vez a la semana íbamos a tomar el aperitivo todos juntos, pero con aprovechando la oportunidad para socializar como en España.
Con el alojamiento hubo un pequeño problema al principio, pero lo resolvieron enseguida, nada más llegar. El nuevo alojamiento fue aún mejor: consistía en una habitación enorme con unas vistas preciosas de Siena y el chico con el que compartía el apartamento era el responsable del alojamiento y era muy simpático.
Todo el equipo de la escuela fueron atentísimos y muy simpáticos, hacen que te sientas como si la escuela fuera tu segunda casa en Siena.
En resumen, ha sido la mejor experiencia de mi vida de la que he aprendido mucho y la recomiendo a todos, pero sobre todo a gente de mi edad porque me aportó muchísimo una experiencia así.

Nadya Y. 350  
Sofia - Bulgaria
età: 40s  
professione: Finance

Siena e Saena Iulia - una esperienza magica, superando tutte le mie aspettative!

La città affascina e la scuola, situata nel suo cuore e accogliente e familiare. Gli insegnanti, tutti professionisti bravissimi e persone meravigliose, ti fanno immergere nella caratteristica  atmosfera senese. E stato un piacere a tempo pieno - in classe e fuori scuola. Grazie amici!!!

Io sono sempre in cerca di esperienze nuove, pero adesso vorrei tornare - proprio a Siena, proprio a Siena Iulia.

Сиена и Саена Юлия – едно магично изживяване, което надмина всичките ми очаквания.

Градът те очарова, а училището, разположено в самото му сърце, е гостоприемно, чувстваш се като у дома. Преподавателите, всички отлични професионалисти и прекрасни хора, те карат да се потопиш в характерната атмосфера на Сиена.Беше истинско удоволствие, в клас и извън училище. Благодаря ви, приятели!!!


Аз винаги търся нови преживявания, но сега искам да се върна – точно в Сиена, точно в Сиена Юлия. 

Deborah L 349  
Charleston, South Carolina - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Marketing and Community Service

Whether you are just beginning your journey into the Italian language, or advanced in your studies, you will love La Scuola Saena Iulia! While immersion learning may seem intimidating, you will find a warm, welcoming staff that is passionate, caring and anxious to draw you in to a very personalized learning experience. Incorporating the sights and sounds of Siena's history, food and culture with the beauty of the Italian language in a small, intimate setting, Saena Iulia is the perfect school to begin or continue your journey. This past summer was my second time there; it most surely will not be my last! Grazie mille, Saena Iulia!

Shoki Goodarzi 348  
Brooklyn, NY - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: University lecturer in art history

I have tried and failed taking Italian classes for literally all my life and it was not until I joined the team at Saena Iulia that I realized why so many past attempts had left me with so little of this beautiful language.  The problem was in how the language was taught in the classroom setting.  Well, if you hear a similarity in learning Italian to my experience, let me tell you this is the school for you.  I cannot stress how wonderful my experience was.  I lived with a lovely woman whom I saw as my own family, I had the best daily learning experience in my classes whether it was with Elettra, Mauro or Sabrina, and, finally the school's overall pedagogy proved to me that these wonderful teachers know exactly what they are doing.  They have made language learning fun; they have figured out how to make both the drudgery of grammar fun by making you feel that you are capable of learning at your own speed but also how important it is to also experience the Italian culture while you learn the language. Our daily cafe breaks during class sessions, or our weekly organized excursions added a dimension to learning that was phenomenal.  If I could, I would do this every year and I would stay for a month until I perfected the language.  I miss Sienna immensely.  I miss the school immensely.  A city of lovely people, great food, safe and so so incredibly picturesque.  So, don’t doubt just sign up, you will not regret it!!!!


Julie B 347  
Mendocino, California - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired teacher/administrator

Saena Iulia is without a doubt the best language school that I have ever attended. I have studied Italian in college settings, in private groups and in seven different schools in Italy, I also studied at University how to teach a "second language" and the teachers in Siena, at Saena Iulia utilized best practices to bring their language to their students.

The warmth of the teachers was noticed immediately, producing a comfortable, and thus a risk taking environment. Many of them had been working there for years, and their experience showed. The small classes (6 and under) makes for plenty of time for interaction, laughter and learning.

The school makes use of the beautiful and intimate setting for informal gatherings and takes field trips that are definitely off the beaten path. But most impressive is the number of former "students" who returned in the three weeks that we were in Siena, to enjoy the Friday afternoon "pot luck" or the weekly aperitivo, or simply the daily 'pausa' in the bar down the hill. From the Monday morning, caffe and pastry to the last hug as we were leaving, a truly, uniquly italian learning experience! 

Margit M. 346  
Hof/Lbg. - Austria
età: 40s  
professione: Optik

Familär geführte Schule, wo man sich sofort wie zu Hause fühlt, tolles Freizeitangebot. Wunderschön gelegen. Hierher kommt man gerne zurück.

Sandra R 345  
Melbourne - Australia
età: 60s  
professione: General Manager

I would like to sincerely thank Mauro and the staff of Saena Iulia

I learnt so much during the week I attended.

Mauro, Sabrina and Elettra are not only patient and passionate, they are true professionals.The warm, friendly atmosphere, and their love of the Italian language, exceeded all expectations

The extra curricular activities are varied and tailored to suit each student's requirements.They offer so much during your stay


Because of all this, I hope to return again very soon to continue my studies and look forward to that.

I highly recommend the school.

Grazie a voi per un eccellente settimana

Dalibor H. 344  
Frankfurt/Hranice - Repubblica Ceca
età: 20s  
professione: Controller

V Sieně jsem strávil 2 fantastické týdny v březnu 2016. Škola Saena Iulia je umístěna v samém centru Sieny, v jednom z nejstarších paláců města, jen několik kroků od sienského dómu. Za dva týdny jsem se naučil tolik, co před tím cca za rok samostudia. Atmosféra v kurzu byla moc příjemná, za všech okolností se mluvilo italsky, a to i během mimoškolních aktivit (výlety, večerní aperitiv, společný páteční oběd & vaření či procházka městem). Vím jistě, že se vrátím, a i když nevím kdy, už teď se moc těším!!! Díky Sabrina, Mauro & Elettra!

Margaret M 343  
London - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: retired solicitor

Having previously taken courses in Florence, Rome and Montepulciano, I can say without hesitation that my best experience of Italian-lanugage learning was the two weeks I recently spent at Saena Iulia.  The school, ideally located just a few minutes' walk from the Piazza del Campo, is small and friendly.  The teachers truly take a personal interest in each student, and use a variety of teaching methods to take account of all learning styles.  

The extra-curricular activities are varied and tailored to suit students' interests.  I was particularly lucky to have one-to-one classes with Elettra focussing on Sienese art, which included a memorable visit to the State Archives (an incredible repository which is well off the usual tourist trail).

The other students, ranging in age from 25 - 70, came from as far as Brazil and Canada, as well as many European countries, and all shared an openness to learning that helped to create a relaxed and supportive atomosphere in the classroom.

I had my first experience of living with a local family during my stay in Siena.  I confess I was very nervous about this, but thanks to the thoughtful approach that the staff use in pairing students with host families, I couldn't have been happier with my accommodation, and I hope to stay in touch with the lovely couple who welcomed me so graciously to their home.  

Thank you to Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina, Leonora and Roberto for making my sojourn in Siena such a fantastic experience.  

Gabriele D 341  
Berchtesgaden - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: Tourism Marketing Manager

Meine Beteiligung am Sprachkurs in der Saena Iulia im April 2016 hat alle Erwartungen nicht nur erfüllt, sondern weit übertroffen. Dies betrifft nicht nur den Gruppen- und den Individualunterricht sowie die im Unterricht vermittelte Grammatik , die geläufigen Redewendungen und den Wortschatz, sondern auch das optionale Ausflugs-, Kultur- und Unterhaltungsprogramm. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die kleine Gruppengrösse, die eine Anpassung an fast jedes Leistungsniveau der Schüler ermöglicht. Die Schule und der Unterricht werden sehr familiär geführt und Siena mit seinem städtischen Charme, seiner kulturellen Vielfalt und dem studentischen Flair hat dazu beigetragen, dass ich mich von Anfang an richtig wohlgefühlt und viel gelernt habe. Den Sprachunterricht werde ich sicher nochmals buchen, und auf jeden Fall wieder in Siena und ganz bestimmt in der Saena Iulia! Besser geht's nicht. Danke sn das gesamte engagierte Team!

Lorna B. 340  
Caterham, Surrey - Regno Unito
età: 80s  
professione: Retired Lecturer

I spent a week in Siena in May 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed it.  The school arranged accommodation for me in a very comfortable and spacious apartment very conviently situated within about five minutes' walk of the school.  On our first morning everyone was interviewed to assess their level of Italian and to find out what each student was hoping to acieive after which we were divided into suitable groups.  My group consisted of 5 students.  There were classes every morning and afternoons were free unless a student had asked for individual lessons, which took place in the afternoon.

The atmosphere of the school is very relaxed and friendly and in addition to the language classes students are taken to places of interest.  All the members of staff are helpful and flexible.  I am partially sighted and am unable to read but this caused no problem.  I was also so unfortunate as to fall and break my glasses and the staff could not have been more kind and helpful.  I was escorted to an Optometrist who provided me with a new pair of glasses the very next day!

One word of warning if you have never visited Siena before - make sure you take a pair of comfortable walking shoes!  Siena is a mediaeval city with a rich and fascinating history but it is very hilly and some of the hills are very steep indeed so comfortable footwear is essential!


Chiyo K. 339  
Osaka - Giappone
età: 60s  
professione: Pensionata





Bree H 338  
Brisbane - Australia
età: 20s  
professione: Opera singer

When I decided that I wanted to study Italian in Siena, I chose Saena Iulia for two very simple reasons - small class sizes and the option to study "Italian for Lyrical Opera". But what I got out of the course was so much more than I ever expected. Attending this school means being part of the Saena Iulia family, an extremely special family indeed. The teachers - Mauro, Elettra and Sabrina - are not only exceptional teachers, but some of the loveliest people I have ever met. They're patient, encouraging, and supportive. I also did a homestay (organised by the school) with a lovely lady by the name of Stefania - she was like a mother to me for the 11 weeks I spent in Siena. I couldn't recommend Saena Iulia highly enough. You honestly won't regret any time spent here.

Jan A. 337  
Cincinnati, OH - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Journalist/communications/publicist

I came to this school to improve my Italian language skills; to get as fluent as I can. I am not disappointed, not one iota. The grammar drills were thorough and challenging, which is what I wanted. I also had an intensive one-on-one hour in the afternoon when we read the news or dissected a song. One of the best things the school does is organize a weekly day trip to a nearby town or village. Get your grammar five days a week but also enjoy the beauty and history of Italy. It's all part of learning the language. Soak in the culture. Meet the locals. Saena Iulia opens the door to all of it. I will go back. 

Lisa M. 331  
Bruxelles - Belgio
età: 50s  
professione: Health Services Administration

I've studied Italian on and off over the past decade both in formal classroom settings and with private tutors. However, after completing 2 weeks at Saena Iulia I've now decided that this school offers the preferred method of learning! Aside from being patient and kind, Sabrina, Elettra and Mauro are top notch professionals. This is evident based on the number of former students who return for additional classes year after year, as well as the students who stop in for a visit whenever they return to Siena. Classes are tailored to the needs of the students and the entire staff make themselves available to assist both in or outside of the classroom. Special thanks as well to Paula and Aldo as their assistance behind the scenes adds to the quality of the program at Saena Iulia. What a pity I couldn't stay longer than 2 weeks!       

Mary D 330  
Killaloe - Irlanda
età: 50s  
professione: Retired university administrator

I would like to sincerely thank the staff of Saena Julia for their very warm welcome to Siena.

I would recommend the school highly, the staff are kind, attentive, professional, and extremely eager to help in any way possible.

I was a complete beginner with about three words of Italian before I attended class with Sabrina and Elletra two amazing teachers. There were 5 people in class so plenty of time for each participant.

As well as attending classes, there are excursions to iinteresting towns and sites. Also, each week concludes with a lunch attended by all class participants and staff.. A very nice touch is going for coffee break to a nearby bar every morning -  to use the language. 

It is a small school which enables it to offer individual attention, and intensive teaching to small groups.

I would certainly go back for further courses if given the opportunity. Siena is a beautiful city and my three week stay there was made much better by attending a language course in Saena Julia.

Grazie Mauro, Sabrina, Elletra, Paula and Aldo.


Juraj P. 329  
Bratislava - Slovacchia
età: 20s  
professione: Studente

Penso che La scuola "Saena Iulia" sia un bel posto con atmosfera familiare e la gente amichevole. Sono sicuro che da voi è possibile migliorare e approfondire le conoscenze della lingua italiana perchè in ogni classe non c'è tanta gente e gli vostri insegnanti sono veramente bravi perché insegnano la lingua dal punto di vista pratico. Secondo me Siena è una città meravigliosa e uno dei posti più belli al mondo. Vale la pena vivere l'atmosfera unica di Siena e mi piacerebbe da tornarci regolarmente.

Christine VH. 328  
Dilbeek Brussel - Belgio
età: 60s  
professione: Pensionata

Wat een heerlijke week bracht ik door in de school! Vriendelijke ontvangst, en erg leerrijk. Elettra en Mauro zijn uitstekende leerkrachten! ik heb veel bijgeleerd, en ik kom zeker terug. Deze school is een evhte aanrader voor wie houdt van het Italiaans! 


Nicole R. 327  
Sint-Martens-Bodegem - Belgio
età: 60s  
professione: retired teacher

Saena Julia is een bijzondere school. Er is eerst en vooral de mooie locatie ervan, vlak naast de Duomo. Heerlijk is het dus om elke ochtend langs de kathedraal naar de school te lopen.

Dan is er het super vriendelijke team met competente en enthousiaste leerkrachten. Elke vraag die je stelt krijgt een grondig  antwoord.  

Verder is er de familiale sfeer; van zodra je er aankomt voel je je opgenomen in een familie.

De kleine lesgroepen en de leuke extra activiteiten bieden bijkomende kansen om je Italiaans aan te scherpen en doen je bijgevolg nog meer houden van de taal en het land.

Grazie per tutto!

Deze school kan ik iedereen aanraden

Jitka P. 326  
Praga - Repubblica Ceca
età: 50s  
professione: giornalista

Siena je nádherné město a škola  Saena iulia nabízí velmi vstřícný a přátelský přístup i velkou odbornost. Cítila jsem se tu jako doma


Siena e una cittá meravigliosa e la scuola Saena Iulia offre tanta eccellenza e anche accoglienza ed´ amicizia. Ci mi sono sentita come a casa mia

Marcel K. 325  
Dresden, Saxony - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Student für Lehramt Englisch, Italienisch

Nachdem ich eine Prüfung in einem Italienischkurs an der Universität nicht bestanden hatte, empfahl mir meine Lehrerin einen zweiwöchigen Sprachkurs an der Schule Saena Iuli. Ich beschloss mich diesem Abenteuer zu stellen. Dies sollte eine der besten Entscheidungen sein, die ich je getroffen habe.

Das Personal von Saena Iulia hatte mich in kürzester Zeit überzeugt. Binnen Minuten wurde jegliche Nervosität abgelegt und sich miteinander angefreundet. Noch nirgends habe ich vom ersten Moment an eine solch warme und offenherzige Atmosphäre verspüren können. Der Kurs war schnell zusammengesetzt und die erste Stunde konnte beginnen. Ich habe genau das bekommen, was ich wollte. Viel Zeit um meine Sprachfähigkeit und mein Hörverstehen zu verbessern. Die tägliche, halbstündige Mittagspause in einer wunderschönen kleinen Bar und mehrere Ausflüge, bzw. Treffen pro Woche halfen mir dabei sehr. Des Weiteren konnte ich genau die grammatikalischen Inhalte wiederholen, die ich eingangs angegeben hatte. Dabei waren die Lehrmethoden, besonders für mich, als angehenden Lehrer, äußerst interessant und vor allem effektiv.

Nun zu den Preisen. Die Unterkunft (3 Zimmerwohnung mit einer Mitbewohnerin) war äußerst günstig und außerdem gut ausgestattet. Der Kurs selbst ist natürlich relativ kostenintensiv, besonders für einen Studenten. Jedoch möchte ich jeden Leser dazu ermutigen, diese Investition zu tätigen. Sie ist es wert.

Zusammenfassend hat mir, besonders in meinem Anfänger- bis fortgeschrittenen Stadium, dieser zweiwöchige Sprachkurs das nötige Selbstvertrauen und die gute Beziehung zur italienischen Sprache gebracht, die ich so sehr gesucht habe. Außerdem habe ich tolle neue Bekanntschaften, nicht nur mit dem Personal der Schule, sondern auch mit liebenswürdigen Menschen aus aller Welt gemacht. Ich komme auf jeden Fall wieder :)

Joanne K. 324  
Melbourne, Victoria - Australia
età: 40s  
professione: Higher education administration

Attending just 2 weeks of this course really improved my confidence to speak Italian. I have met some lovely people through the classes and the staff at the school were just great. I regard this experience as a real highlight of my trip.

Ana G. 323  
Vitoria - Spagna
età: 30s  
professione: Traductora

Antes de visitar Siena para asistir a una semana de italiano en la escuela Saena Iulia, había leído comentarios sobre los profesores, el ambiente y la experiencia. La verdad es que me llamó mucho la atención el cariño que se notaba en las palabras de los antiguos alumnos. Ahora que yo también he vivido esa maravillosa experiencia de estudiar en vuestra escuela, entiendo perfectamente todas esas emociones de las que hablaban.

La acogida del primer día fue fantástica y en cinco segundos perdí todo el miedo que llevaba, de repente me sentí como en casa y hablaba en italiano como no imaginaba que sabría hacerlo. Cinco días después me sentía tristísima al tener que despedirme de personas que para mí se habían convertido casi en una familia, no solo italiana, sino una familia del mundo.

Nuestra profesora, Sabrina, ha sido impecable, ha conseguido ayudarnos con las necesidades de cada uno, siempre con una mezcla de simpatía y profesionalismo difícil de encontrar. Elettra tampoco se quedaba atrás y con su parte hizo que el curso fuera muy completo. Se nota muchísimo que disfrutan con el trabajo que hacen.

Qué decir de Mauro, el director de la escuela... no he conocido a nadie con más paciencia y sensibilidad para acoger a sus alumnos-amigos, y Paula y Aldo, siempre alegres y dispuestos a ayudar en todo. Ha sido, sin duda, una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido en mi vida, no la olvidaré y seguro que volveré.

Tamara W. 322  
München - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: kaufm. Angestellte

Ich war dieses Jahr zum 10. Mal in dieser Schule!
Allein diese Tatsache spricht für sich!
Ich habe mich hier schon seit dem ersten Besuch gut aufgehoben gefühlt und nie den Spaß am Lernen verloren. Das gesamte Team ist wie eine große Familie, so dass einem der Abschied immer wieder schwer fällt.

Wer in einer wundervollen Stadt, mit tollen Leuten und in einer herzlichen Atmosphäre Italienisch lernen möchte ist bei Saena Iulia bestens aufgehoben.

Ich komme wieder....


Merome D. 321  
Perth - Australia
età: 60s  
professione: Teacher

As always, doing a course at Saena Iulia was sheer pleasure.  The person who first recommended the school to me had returned SIX times, a fact that amazed me then, but I realise that I've now clocked up the same number of visits! The warm, friendly atmosphere, the excellent teaching, the love of Italian language and its fostering, and the opportunity to meet kindred spirits among the language learners are all reasons why I'll continue to return.

Nigel and Gillian S. 320  
St Albans - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: engineer (N) and lecturer(G)

We spent an excellent week at Saena Iulia.  The staff were all friendly and welcoming and arranged nice social events and outings.  Franco and Sabrina are excellent teachers.  We were in a class of five with students at a similar level of ability as us and the teaching was well matched to our interests and abilities.  The school is in a lovely old building, right in the town centre, very near the Duomo. 

Midweek, Mauro and Paula took us to Arezzo which was a lovely place to visit.  Mauro is very knowledgable and we were lucky enough to see a jousting match in the piazza in centro.

Thank you for an excellent week; we hope to return.

Tamara D. 319  
Melbourne - Australia
età: 30s  
professione: User Experience Analyst

I really enjoyed my time at Saena Iulia. It was my first time learning Italian and the intense Italian classes really worked for me. I loved learning all about the language, culture and Siena as a city. Especially great having aperitivo with new friends from the classes!

Anna N. 318  
Berlin - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: student

Die zwei Wochen Sprachkurs waren eine wunderschöne Erfahrung. Die Schule ist klein und familiär, die Kurse intensiv, das Miteinander schön. Man kommt schnell in Kontakt mit den anderen Sprachschülern (aus aller Welt) bei den gemeinsamen Unternehmungen wie Aperitivo oder Mittagessen oder dem täglichen Kaffeetrinken. Die Lehrmethoden sind unterschiedlich und abwechslungsreich, die Klassen sehr klein und dem jeweiligen Sprachniveau angepasst; sprich es parliert sich flugs Italienisch.

In diesem Sinne: Vielen vielen Dank an das gesamte Saena Iulia Team!

Klaus Th. 317  
Nürnberg - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: Ingenieur

Die Schule liegt mitten im Zentrum von Siena direkt am Dom in einem größen sehr alten Palazzo mit mittelalterlicher Atmosphäre. Fast alle Lehrer sprechen sehr gut Deutsch, Englisch sowieso und helfen sehr gerne bei der Organisation des Sprachkurses, z.B. bei  Terminsuche, Parken und Essen in Siena, Sightseeing, Übernachtung etc. Jeder wird nach seinem Sprachlevel in Gruppen zugeordnet. Der Kurs hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, gerne wieder. Noch ein ganz kleiner Hinweis am Rande: ein, zwei kleine Hinweisschilder im Haus würden helfen, die Schule schneller zu finden.

Nelly A. 316  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 60s  
professione: insegnante

Meine Sprachferien in Siena gefielen mir ausserordentlich gut: Die beiden Lehrer waren sehr kompetent, engagiert und freundlich, so dass die Stunden und Tage und Wochen im Nu vergingen. Es wird fast ausschliesslich mit eigenem Schulmaterial gearbeitet. Die Schule ist klein und bietet den Vorteil, dass sich alle kennen und bei gemeinsamen Aktivitäten ausschliesslich Italienisch gesprochen wird. Das traditionelle Mittagessen jeden Freitag ist ein Höhepunkt der Woche; miteinander essen, trinken und plaudern fördert die Geselligkeit und ist jeweils der letzte positive Eindruck der Schule, bevor die Studentinnen und Studenten nach Hause zurückkehren.

Jef V. 315  
Ternat - Belgio
età: 20s  
professione: music teacher

Dear Saena Iulia,

Coming to Siena and to your school was a blessing.
I've been already on Italian summer courses over the last couple of years. I went to schools in Milano, Bologna, Mola di Bari,... But this was one of the best schools I've been to. The teachers are good + friendly! The staff of the school is wonderful! Siena is a beautiful city and Il Palio is an experience you never forget. 

Thank you guys for everything.

Anika L. 314  
Aachen - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: studente

Während meiner Zeit in Siena habe ich sehr viele spannende Erfahrungen sammeln können! Die Sprachschule hat mir besonders gut gefallen, da die Stimmung immer sehr herzlich war und man durch die vielen Unternehmungen schnell in Kontakt mit anderen Sprachschülern gekommen ist. Da im August der Palio statt fand, gab es viele gemeinsame Aktionen und ich hatte die Möglichkeit dieses Ereignis aus den Augen eines Einheimischen kennen zu lernen. Ich habe bei einer Gastfamilie gewohnt, was mir außerdem geholfen hat, die Sprache noch intensiver zu lernen.

Der Unterricht hat immer viel Spass gemacht, weil die Gruppen klein waren und individuell auf das Sprachniveau der Schüler eingegangen wurde. Ein besonderes Highlight waren auch die Aperitivi und das Mittagessen, bei dem wir die italienischen Kultur und vor allem das Essen noch mehr lieben gelernt haben.


Lee C. 313  
Berlino - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: studiosa

Saena Iulia ist eine wunderbare kleine Sprachenschule, direkt hinter dem Dom in einem alten Renaissance-Palast gelegen. Die Kurse sind sehr klein (z.T. waren wir nur zu zweit!) und die Dozenten gehen thematisch auf die Interessen der Schüler ein (bei uns war es Kunstgeschichte). Man wird sehr herzlich aufgenommen, die Schule ist sehr familiär und Freundschaften mit anderen Sprachschülern werden schnell geknüpft, v.a. durch das tägliche gemeinsame Kaffeetrinken, wöchentliche Ausflüge und mehrere Möglichkeiten, den Abend gemeinsam zu verbringen. Auch mit der Gastfamilie habe ich beste Erfahrungen gemacht - so lernt sich eine Sprache fast nebenbei! Ich kann die Schule wärmstens empfehlen!

Ralph Toporoff 312  
New York, New York - Stati Uniti
età: 70s  
professione: Film Director / Writer

I’ve attempted to learn Italian over the years because of my frequent trips to Italy.  It’s been a struggle and I was sure that language learning was not part of my skill sets.  This summer (2015) I was going to be in Siena for three weeks and decided to try a two week full immersion Italian course at Saena Iulia .  The course was great and the attention given to each individual student went well beyond the class room to trips to the surrounding country side and socializing after class.  Saena Iulia  emphasizes grammar and structure, something I found lacking at other schools. So, after two weeks do I speak Italian?  Somewhat but my comprehension is way up compared to my abilities before attending  Saena Iulia.  The school’s emphasis on structure and grammar has helped me decode the Italian language as never before.       

Fuyuki M. 311  
Yokohama - Giappone
età: 60s  
professione: proprietario

2015年の6月中旬から4週間お世話になりました。HNKのラジオ講座などで2年ほど独学したのち、イタリア文化会館のクラスに週一回ですが一年ほど通い、CILSレベルA2のコースの途中でSienaのこの学校で語学研修を受けることを決めました。欧米人とくらべ、どうしても聞き取りや表現力でハンディがあるだろうと認識していましたので、クラスの人数が少なく生徒へのフォローが行き届いていると思える、また都市の魅力もありということで、この学校を選びました。結果は正解で、滞在中在籍クラスでは3-5名でしたし、先生方はみな優秀で、かつ手を抜かないので、感動すらしました。会話時に文法エラーがあれば、正しい文章になるまで、辛抱強くフォローしてくれます。クラスの仲間は皆モティベーションが高く、一緒に勉強する上で励みになりました。課外活動も毎週企画され、夕方のアペリティボ、文化セミナー、ワイナリなどへの遠足、料理教室、昼食会などがありました。これらはクラスの枠を超えて講師陣、生徒たち全員で参加できる仕組みで、小規模学校だからこそできるすばらしいことだとおもいます。宿泊は2食付のホームステイで、毎日美味しい料理を楽しみましたし、家族の方もいろいろと気遣ってくれ、気持良く過ごすことができました。今回の滞在中、街では有名なPalioの行事が行われ、歴史と伝統に根ざした現地の人たちのお祭りを目の当たりにすることができ、大いに満足しています。研修中に様々な国の人々と知り合うことができましたので、研修成果の一つとして、これからも交流していけるようにしようと思っています。帰国後もSaena Iuliaでの研修を生かして勉強を継続し、つぎはB1を目指してがんばりたいと考えます。 

Marianne K. 310  
Brig - Svizzera
età: 60s  
professione: Pensioniert

Diesen Sommer war ich für zwei Wochen bei Freunden in Siena. Die Stadt hat mich sofort begeistert und ich habe mich hier sofort wohlgefühlt. Zudem hatte ich das Vergnügen, in dieser Stadt die Tradition des Palios hautnah mitzuerleben. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wollte ich aber auch etwas Italienisch lernen. Seitens meiner Freunde wurde mir Saena Julia wärmstens empfohlen. 

Was ich dann kennenlernte war mehr als eine Schule, es war eine kleine "Familie" von Schülern verschiedenster Nationalitäten und jeglichen Alters. Es macht wirklich Spass hier Italienisch zu lernen! Immer wird man durch das ganze Schulteam gut betreut und begleitet. Der Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen, die Ausflüge, Apéros und gemeinsamen Mittagessen helfen dabei die Sprache und Siena mit seiner Kultur in sehr unterhaltsamer und lebendiger Art und Weise kennenzulernen.

Das Saena Julia Team ist toll und kompetent! Sicher jedem der einen individuellen Unterricht schätzt nur zu empfehlen.

Ich hoffe, die Schule, das Team und die Stadt bald wieder zu sehen.


Priscilla H. 309  
melbourne - Australia
età: 30s  
professione: english teacher

What can I say about Saena is not just a language school but a family that welcomes you with open arms. I have been to several language schools for different languages over the past years and Saena Iulia is very special in that they don't just teach you things like verb conjugations and prepositions, they go beyond this and immerse you in italian culture and daily life. I was there for two weeks and each day was interesting, challenging and fun. What I loved was that we were taught practical italian, and the classes really gave me the skills and confidence to communicate outside the classroom. The teachers are passionate, dedicated, experienced, supportive and just truly wonderful people. I really could not have asked for better teachers - thank you so much Sabrina and Franco! Class sizes are small and the other students in my class were so lovely. Also, the learning didn't end after class; we all had coffees, aperitivo, dinner and lunches together with the school, and all this made my time in Siena a very special one. In addition, the accomodation the school arranged was fantastic; I woke up everyday with the most beautiful view over the city and was only a few minutes walk from school. In my class there were other students who were returning for the third, fifth and even I think the 15th time, which is really testament to how good Saena Iulia is. 

Thank you so much for your passion and dedication in teaching not only Italian but giving me the opportunity to be part of the Saena Iulia family. 

For anyone considering learning italian in Italy I cannot recommend this school highly enough.


E.H. 308  
London - Regno Unito
età: 30s  
professione: Portfolio Manager

I have had many happy visits to Siena and Saena Iulia many times and my three weeks in June were no exception.  This time I travelled with my ten month old baby so I was initially a little apprehensive as to whether studying Italian abroad with a baby in toe would be "do-able".  With the help of the school, who arranged for us to stay in a very centrally-located, comfortable, light and airy flat belonging to a local family, and a good babysitter, it was!

Mauro, who runs the school, and his colleagues went out of their way to be supportive and helpful.  Nothing was too much trouble.  The school's small size means that you feel part of the Saena Iulia "family" when you visit.  For first-time visitors to Siena you needn't worry that you will be on your own as the school organises daily activities including a welcome breakfast, drinks on Tuesday evenings, a weekly excursion to another city/region/place of interest, seminars on topics such as opera, film, the Palio, art and much more.  In addition there are often cooking evenings with the lovely Elettra who takes inspiration from her grandmother's venetian recipe book.

Classes are in small groups and are very much tailored towards the students.  If there isn't a suitable group for a student the student will be taught individually.  I would wholeheartedly recommend Saena Iulia to anyone wishing to study Italian.  The school and its staff couldn't be better and Siena is one of the most beautiful and fascinating cities in the world.

Now back in London, I am missing Siena and the lovely Saena Iulia and can't wait to plan my next trip. Thank you so much Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina, Franco, Paula and Aldo. 

Dana K. 307  
Honolulu, Hawaii - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: writer

As usual, the courses and personnel of Saena Iulia exceeded my expectations this year. I would encourage both beginners and advanced learners to come to Saena Iulia.  The instructors are professional and friendly -- and I always meet wonderful people from all over the world during the classes.  In addition, there are informal gatherings, excursions in Tuscany -- this year, they even offered a cooking class and I learned how make a proper seafood risotta.  I'll be back again next summer for sure!

Claudia T. 306  
Dublino - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Retired teacher

My husband attended 1 week of classees somewhat reluctantly but to his surprise he benefiitted greatly from Franco's style of teaching and the encouragement of the only other student in the class.

I was fortunate to receive a bursary from the Italian Institute in Dublin to participate in a 2 week programme of classes. There were 2 other students in my class, both of whom were very fluent. i was definitely under pressure to try and keep up! I very much hope that my standard has improved thanks to Franco's quirky and creative approach and Elettra's detailed comprehension pieces- not to mention the marked homework! On one occasion when my  class mates could not attend I had a private lesson with Mauro on the Passato Remoto!

The visit to the Palazzo Pubblico to see the frescoes was all the more interesting due to a prior presentation delivered  by Elettra in the school.

All in all it was a valuable italian learning experience which we very much hope to repeat

Thank you to ALL the staff in the school

Agustín D. 305  
Santiago - Cile
età: 20s  
professione: Ingeniero Comercial

Hola amigos de la Escuela Saena Iuilia,

He tenido el privilegio de participar como alumno de su escuela, y creo que ha sido de las mejores experiencias que he tenido, no solo por la excelencia con la que desarrollan la enseñanza del lenguage, sino que también por el espíritu y la mística con que realizan tal labor.

Junto con aprender italiano y defenderme de lo más bien en tan solo un mes de curso (¡en Roma me preguntaron si era romano!), pude conocer gran parte de la Toscana y de la cultura italiana a través de las actividades extraprogramáticas (paseos, viajes, operas, visitas a museos e iglesias, charlas, etc).

Además,  en los exquisitos Pranzos de los viernes y en los aperitivos de los miércoles, pude practicar el italiano mientras interactuaba con mis compañeros de diferentes lugares del mundo (Estados Unidos, Australia, Japón, Polonia, Omán, etc).

Sin duda, el alma de la escuela es su equipo y los profesores, todos grandísimas personas, que hacen su trabajo con mucha dedicación, etrega y pasión.

Espero nos volvamos a ver!

Dawn Wong 304  
Singapore - Singapore
età: 30s  
professione: teacher

I love the coffee break in between lessons. If your lesson is 3 or 4 hours long, there's always a coffee break when everyone adjourns to a nearby cafe to drink coffee together. And teachers and students of all levels will try to converse in Italian about anything under the sun. 

My teachers were funny and very clever. They taught me the grammar of the Italian language clearly and gave me very fun activities to practise what I learnt. 

The activities after school were varied and gave me many opportunities to learn more about the region and the way of life in Italy. 

Most of all, I love Siena for the passion for Palio, the variety of restaurants and the quaint ways of a simple life within a medieval city. 



Greg W. and Tracy M. 303  
Wellington - Nuova Zelanda
età: 40s  
professione: health and marketing

We spent just 2 weeks at Saena Iulia School in April 2015.  We decided to learn Italian to make our time in Italy more enjoyable, including conversation with locals.  The school was everything we expected and more.  Elettra was patient and fun.  The school also organised our apartment accommodation.  We were met by Elettra on arrival to Siena and were very happy with the well appointed apartment close to the school.  We really enjoyed out of school time with the teachers and staff including aperitivo, coffee and school excursions.  We enjoyed close conversation with Mauro on excursions and aperitif's in the sun at Piazza del Campo.  On reflection in 2 weeks we had learnt a sound base of Italian basics which we can continue to work on if we are disciplined!  Thanks to Elettra so much.  We wouldn't hesitate to come again and we also enjoyed the company of Sabrina and Aldo very much.  

Patricia M. 302  
Sevenoaks - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Civil Servant

I very much enjoyed the week I spent at Saena Iulia in Siena in May 2015. The teaching was excellent and fairly intensive, particularly in spoken Italian , which was what I wanted. We were a small group so there was plenty of individual attention and it certainly helped to be hearing Italian all around;  a definite advantage of doing a course in Italy. Everyone at the school was very friendly and welcoming and I would certainly go back. A bonus was to be studying in the beautiful city of Siena, so after the lessons finished at 1 pm we would head off for lunch and then some cultural sightseeing.

Alice C. 301  
Chapel Hill - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Dentist/Oral Pathologist

Everything about the school exceeded my expectations on this, my first visit to Siena. I stayed for only one week but left wishing I had stayed for more. I had been studying on my own for two years in an effort to communicate with my Italian family that does not speak English. I felt I was ready for some "immersion" and that is just what I got! From the welcome coffee to the going away luncheon, everything seemed custom-designed for my needs... including my two classmates who were so dedicated to the language. We extended our school day by meeting every evening for a walk around the city, staying in Italian the whole time. I cannot think of one thing I would have wanted to be different.

The amount of work the staff goes through to make your stay comfortable and guide you through personaly meaningful lessons and exercises is very impressive. Since I am "older" I have been assuming that achieving fluency is not possible, given time and effort needed to reach that goal. I did not leave fluent after one week, but I left with the feeling that it is POSSIBLE. I believe that is the greatest gift they gave me was a sense of possibility.

Günter M. 300  
Dinkelsbühl - Germania
età: 50s  
professione: Bauphysik-Ing.

Es hat mir äußerst sehr bei Euch gefallen.

Meine Erwartungen Übung beim Sprechen zu bekommen wurden mehr als erfüllt.

Alle SaenaIulianer sind sehr nett und die Lehrer dazu noch sehr kompetent.

Die Übernachtung bei einer Familie hat die Sache abgerundet.

Kann die Sprachschule ohne Einschränkungen weiterempfehlen!

Ivo S. 299  
Vrhnika; Ljubljana - Slovenia
età: 60s  
professione: univ.dipl.el. ing.

Vtisi iz jezikovne šole za italjanščino ( scuola di lingua italiana - Saena Iulia), ki se nahaja v mestu Siena, v Toskani, v Italiji.

Že samo dejstvo, da sem se letos že tretjič zaporedoma udeležil omenjenega jezikovnega tečaja pove veliko. Šola je zelo prijetna locirana v samem centru mesta, učni program pa zanimiv, preedvem pa prilagojen znanju posameznika. Prvi dan pred začetkom šole se izvede kratko testiranje posameznikov, ki se nato razvrszijo v (običajno so tri skupine) v ustrezno skupino. V posamezni skupini so po tri do pet tečajnikov, tako da pouk poteka dokaj intenzivno. Predavatelji so strokovno in pedagoško zelo dobro usposobljeni, pa tudi zelo prijetni in družabni. Po žečji pa se je možno po zakoljučku vsakodnevnega tečaja dogovoriti še za dodatne individualne ure. Dodal bi še, da šola poskrbi tudi za vse ostalo, to je: kar se tiče prihoda (nekdo te počaka), namestitve, kjer lahko izbiraš med bivanjem pri familiji, apartmaju oz. v hotelu, zavisi od želje posameznika. Kot tećajnik si pri teh storitvah deležen tudi deležen določenih popustov.

Ne na zadnje šola poskrbi tudi za tvoje popoldanske in večerne aktivnosti, ki se jih udeležuješ po svoji želji. Ze aktivnosti vklučujejo popoldansko večerni izlet oz. ogled zanimivosti v Toscani, popoldansko predavanje kulturno, zgodovinskih in družbenih zanimivostih, ki jih ponuja Italija, ter večerna druženja v kakšnem od številnih aperitiv lokalčkov po mestu.

Če bo le mogoče se bom tečaja udečežil tudi v prihodnjem letu, vendar upam da takrat vsaj za dva tedana. Do sedaj sem zaradi službenih obveznosti prihajal samo za teden dni, kar je sicer malo, vendar se pa tudi v tako kratkem času pridobi precej znaja in odnese veliko prijetnih vtisov.

Lep pozdrav / Ivo

Anka L. 298  
Bremen - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Angestellte

Ich habe eine wunderschöne Woche in der Schule Seana Iulia verbracht und kann nur jedem empfehlen diese Schule zu besuchen. Vom ersten Moment an habe ich mich sehr wohl gefühlt. Die Lehrer und Mitarbeiter haben mich sehr herzlich aufgenommen und es war ein sehr kommunikatives Kennenlernen, auch mit den anderen Studenten. So entstand sehr schnell eine entspannte und familiäre Atmosphäre, die sich auch auf das Lernen übertragen hat. Der Unterricht in einer kleinen Gruppe hat sehr viel Saß gemacht und wir haben viel gelernt und dabei viel gelacht. Auch die alternativen Angebote der Schule, wie Kochkurs, Aperitivo, oder das gemeinsame Mittagessen haben für einige schöne gemeinsame Stunden gesorgt. Danke noch mal an alle, an Sabrina, Elettra, Paula, Mauro und Aldo für diese schöne Woche. Ich komme gerne wieder

Ulrike W. 297  
Edinburgh - Regno Unito
età: 70s  
professione: Dipl. Volkswirt, vormals Dolmetscherin

Eine kleine Schule mit ganz besonderer Atmosphäre: informell, herzlich, hilfreich, flexibel im Lernangebot.  Vorzügliche Lehrer.  Man lernt so viel, wie man will, und auf seinem Niveau. Ich kann die Schule sehr empfehlen.

Ulrike W. 295  
Edinburgh - Regno Unito
età: 70s  
professione: Economist; formerly interpreter

Small school in fabulous location, very pleasant atmosphere, friendly, helpful, cordial. Flexible study arrangements.  Very nice and knowledgeable teachers. One can learn at one's own pace.  Highly recommended.

Matthias R. 293  
Dinkelsbühl - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Angestellter

Ich war das erste Mal in Siena und bin Anfänger im italienisch Sprechen. Zwar war ich nur 5 Tage in der Sprachschule Saene Iulia, aber die 3 Stunden Unterricht am Tag in einer Zweiergruppe haben mir das Vertrauen gegeben italienisch zu sprechen, zu sprechen und zu sprechen. Es hat riesig Spaß gemacht.

Mauro und sein Team haben sich neben dem Unterricht vorbildlich um alles gekümmert (z. B. Unterkunft, Ausflug nach Arezzo, gemeinsamer Aperitivo).

Es war eine gelungener Aufenthalt in einer lebenswerten Stadt. Gerne wieder.
Grazie e un sorriso

Lyn Mannering 292  
Wrotham - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: in pensione

La scuola era una buona esperienza per me.  La classe era piccola e l'insegnante erano preciso ma gentile!  E mi piace molto la sera insieme e la viaggia a Pienza.

Andro' di nuovo.


Rita Bucher 291  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 70s  
professione: Pensioniert

Seit vielen Jahren hatte ich immer diesen Traun: Wenn ich pensioniert bin lerne ich italienisch.

Als es letztes Jahr soweit war, konnte ich es mir aber doch nicht vorstellen.

Freunde haben mir dann aber sehr begeistert von dieser kleinen, feinen Schule in Siena erzählt und mich animiert mit ihnen mitzukommen.

Ich habe es nicht bereut.

Mauro, Sabrina und Elettra sind so tolle Menschen und so verständnisvolle Lehrer, ich habe mich vom ersten Tag „daheim“ und willkommen gefühlt. Die Klassen sind klein, man lernt die andern „Mitschüler“ schnell gut kennen, hat es lustig zusammen, man hilft sich und freut sich, wenn man wieder etwas neues gelernt hat.


Die gemeinsamen Aktivitäten (Kaffeepause am Morgen, zusammensitzen bei einem Gläschen Wein am Dienstagabend, die tollen und interessanten Ausflüge in die Umgebung von Siena am Mittwoch Nachmittag und das Pranzo am Freitag (als wehmütiges Abschiedsessen am Freitag), das alles  macht die ganze Einmaligkeit dieser Schule aus.


Nebst dem eigentlichen Unterricht, tragen all diese Aktivitäten sehr viel dazu bei, dass man die Freude und das Verständnis für die Sprache findet.

Man muss einfach wieder kommen



Chiara A. 290  
Edinburgh (Scotland) - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Everyone at Saena Iulia is lovely, so friendly, knowledgeable and willing to help you in any way that they can. The small class sizes make learning easier and progress faster. The whole ethos of the school is relaxed and welcoming, helped by the weekly lunches where the teachers and students eat together and chat together. Saena Iulia made my experience in Siena wonderful and I cannot wait to go back and visit everybody again!

Agnieszka L. 289  
Warsaw - Polonia
età: 30s  
professione: marketing manager

W 2014 roku bylam na miesięcznym kursie językowym w szkole  Saena Iulia w Sienie, którą polecono mi we Włoskim Instytucie Kultury w Warszawie. Dwie rzeczy okazały się zupełnie wyjątkowe - samo miasto i jego atmosfera oraz najlepsza szkoła językowa, w której miałam okazję się uczyć. Kilka lat wcześniejszych doświadczeń w różnych szkołach we Włoszech pozwala mi to powiedzieć z pełnym przekonaniem. Co do samego miasta - jest super klimatyczne i ma wiele ciekawych, wręcz kultowych miejsc do zwiedzenia w jego okolicach. Z kolei tętniąca życiem i swoim Palio - Siena - szczególnie w miesiącach wakacyjnych, daje możliwość odpoczynku aktywnego i spokojnego zarazem. O szkole mogę mówić w samych superlatywach, grupy są bardzo małe, nauczyciele genialni i atmosfera quasi rodzinna, co odczuwa się już po pierwszym tygodniu :). Szkoła organizuje wspólne wyjścia i wyjazdy, piątkowe wspólne obiady, zajęcia nad morzem co sprawia, że pod koniec pobytu człowiek jest bogatszy i o bardziej płynną włoszczyznę ale też o grono nowych przyjaciół. Faktem jest, że po miesiącu wszyscy czuliśmy postępy w nauce włoskiego i w płynności wypowiedzi i używaniu gramatyki. Jeżeli poszukujecie szkoły we Włoszech to serdecznie polecam Saenę.

Chisa I. 288  
Saitama - Giappone
età: 30s  
professione: Scultrice 彫刻家







Tim H. 287  
Toronto (Ontario) - Canada
età: 60s  
professione: Author, Public Speaker

I had a wonderful experience at Saena. If I had merely learned a little Italian (I am a beginner) from these wonderful, caring professionals, that would have been enough. If a had merely experienced their hospitality and kindness, that would have been enough. If I had merely been exposed to their Siena, that would have been enough. But Saena offered so much more. I now have true friends in one of the most glorious cities in the world. I cooked with them, dined with them, toured with them, laughed with them—and as a result of their gentle, encouraging, multi-modal teaching style, my Italian is coming along very nicely! I will be continuing my studies through their distance program, and can't wait to visit them next year to continue my journey. If I were Michelin, I would give then ten stars!

Lajla M. 286  
Praha - Repubblica Ceca
età: 30s  
professione: Učitelka češtiny pro cizince

Moje zkušenost se školou Saena iulia je velmi pozitivní. Strávila jsem na letním kurzu dva týdny. Líbil se mi systém, že když člověk není začátečník, může začít kdykoliv v pondělí, kdy probíhá krátke seznámení, uvítání nových studentů nad kávou, v příjemné atmosféře! 

Skupinka, do které jsem byla zařazena, byla komorní, o to víc jsme měli šanci mluvit, vyjádřit se. Studovali jsme také gramatiku a například i četli noviny! 

Učitelé byli sympatičtí, příjemní, trpěliví, tolerantní a motivovali nás, bylo zjevné, že s výukou mají mnohaleté zkušenosti. Společně jsme šli jedn večer na aperitiv, organizoval se také výlet a v neposlední řadě i společná veceře.

Studium v této jazykové skole všem jednoznacně doporučuju. Sama se planuju vrátit!

Franca L. 285  
Toronto - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: Consultant

Another beautiful two-week immersion at Saena Iulia in Siena! This was my fourth year, and I will definitely be back again.

As to my high opinion of the school, the curriculum, and especially the teachers, you can see my previous comments in other entries below. They still stand.

This year was a special treat: I persuaded my husband to come too! He joined the beginner class and had a blast! He, too, will return. Ci vediamo prossimo anno!

Isabelle D. 284  
New York - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Curator

I took a one-week class at Saena Iulia last August. Classes were very good and helpful. In addition to the formal classes there were many opportunities to speak in Italian with teachers and other students. A daytrip to the beach was a lot of fun. I recommend this school very highly.  

Júlia Sz. 283  
Budapest - Ungheria
età: 20s  
professione: Customer Service Representative

Egy magyarországi ösztöndíjnak köszönhetően jutottam el Sienába a Saena Iulia nyelviskolában, és az ott töltött 2 hét után bármikor szívesen visszamennék. Az iskola sokkal többet nyújt "szimpla" nyelvóráknál: kirándulásokat, délutáni kulturális szemináriumokat, aperitivokat...:).A tanárok és a nyelviskola dolgozói már az első naptól kezdve nagyon barátságosak és segítőkészek voltak. Az órák mindig jó hangultban teltek,tanárom - Elettra- nagyon felkészült, jól felépített órái voltak, érthetően magyarázott, nagyon tetszettek az "alternatív" óráink amikor ellátogattunka piacra vagy a városban sétáltunk, ahol élesben gyakorolhattuk a nyelvet és kicsit beleshettünk az sienaiak mindennapjaiba - azért egy anyanyelvi társaságában mégis más:). Bárkinek bátran ajánlom!

Justin G. 282  
New York, NY - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Studente

My experience at Saena Iulia was truly special from start to finish. The teachers at Saena Iulia are some of the most talented and personable I have met. Their desire to teach and to help seemed endless and was not confined to the duration of lessons.

The teaching philosophy at Saena Iulia is centered around the idea that the use of a languageis a practical skill which must be taught through the facilitation of its usage, not with lectures and a textbook. Thus, the classroom learning seamlessly fused the explanation and implementation of theoretical and grammatical concepts, as well as explorations of Italian culture. More importantly, the education in the classroom was augmented by the facilitation of participation in Italian society.

Every day, we went out for espresso and pastries between lessons. The finish of each week was celebrated with a homecooked lunch. The teachers tailored their help to my interests and needs. I’m a 21-year-old student and musician. I was introduced to persons and shops I would enjoy, and given recommendations for numerous concerts and bars for the evenings. There was a consistent effort on their part to help me feel comfortable and happy, to learn well, to meet people with interests similar to my own. Their desire to teach me didn’t end with academics.

I also felt very lucky with my homestay family. The school connected me with a generous family, who I have kept in touch with and have plans to visit in the future. The opportunity to live with Italians completely changed my experience. The speed of my language learning was accelerated, and I learned an incredible amount about the history of Italy and Siena, the state of Italian politics, Italian culture and art, and anything else I had the curiousity to ask about.

Saena Iulia’s combination of teaching proficiency with the facilitation of participation in the local society is extremely intelligent and leads to gratifying, meaningful results. I often felt more like a guest than a student, and yet, learned Italian more quickly and effectively than I ever have (I’ve studied Italian at two other language schools in Italy, as well as at college/university in the states). I doubt this sort of personal treatment and thoughtfulness can be found in many other places.

Małgorzata B. 281  
Warszawa - Polonia
età: 50s  
professione: medico

Kiedy powiedziałam, że wybieram się na dwa tygodnie do Sieny do szkoły języka włoskiego, znajoma zareagowała tak : Siena to małe miasto-Plac,Katedra-wystarczy jeden dzień, żeby to zobaczyć, no maksymalnie 1 tydzień,żeby zwiedzić muzea, Katedrę, kościoły i co dalej-zanudzisz się !

Przyjechałam do Sieny wieczorem i w nocy poszłam na spacer pod Katedrę i na Piazza del Campo - wszędzie pełno ludzi, otwarte restauracje, światła, muzyka...magicznie!

Nie wiem, co sprawia, że Siena tak urzeka turystów ? Może to kolory : granatowe niebo, domy w kolorze sepii, ciepły bruk na Piazza del Campo, przepiękna Katedra, albo te nieustające przygotowania do Palio ? Można codziennie odkrywać nowe uliczki i widoki, a wieczorem i tak wraca się na Piazza del Campo...posiedzieć, posłuchać muzyki,napic sie wina.

Tuż obok Katedry znajduje się Saena Iulia-wyjątkowa szkoła,w której Mauro wraz  z przyjaciółmi uczą języka włoskiego z sercem i pasją.

Co tydzień, przy porannej kawie w poniedziałek witają z nieodmienną radością nowych studentów i przedstawiąją im "starych" oraz zespół nauczycieli i biura.

Zamiast testu kwalifikacyjnego jest rozmowa z nauczycielem, który kieruje osobe do odpowiedniej grupy. Grupy są rzeczywiście małe 3-4 osobowe, co sprawia, że mówi sie bardzo dużo.

Atmosfera w szkole jest taka,że ludzie z całego świata czują sie ze sobą dobrze i spędzają ze sobą czas rano i po południu na dodatkowych zajeciach z kultury, historii. Organizowane sa tez wycieczki po pięknych miasteczkach Toskanii.

W piątki po lekcjach wszyscy  przygotowują lunch-to okazja żeby poznać typowe dania regionalne i oczywiście potem wspólnie je spożywać. Ten zwyczaj bardzo mi się podobał.

Po pierwszym tygodniu w szkole-mówiłam,myślałam i śniłam po włosku; po drugim tygodniu-udzieliłam wywiadu o swoich wrażeniach z pobytu i do dziś nie mogę uwierzyć,że mówiłam tak płynnie!

Wiem,że tam wrócę, bo to miasto i szkoła mnie urzekły, bo muszę zobaczyć Palio i miejsca, gdzie nakręcono "Nostalgię" Tarkowskiego....przecież wrzuciłam monetę do Fontebranda!

Walter and Helena D. 280  
Perth - Australia
età: 70s  
professione: Accountant/Librarian

We have many fond memories of Siena. Despite attending your school only briefly, we found our time there immensely fruitful, not only for the beneficial effects it had on our Italian but also for the wonderful opportunity it gave us to learn about the history and culture of your beautiful city. What impressed us most about your language school was your integrated approach to teaching with your staff spending practically the whole morning or afternoon with the students, including coffee breaks around the Piazza del Campo. We also appreciated your after-hours activities which involved visits to museums and galleries, and to parts of Tuscany not otherwise accessible to the casual tourist. This meant immersing the students totally into language acquisition, enabling them to practise in everyday situations what they learnt in class. Moreover, while your experienced and professional teaching staff made the learning process enjoyable, your teaching programme was flexible enough to cover our particular personal requirements.

Robert C. 279  
Boston, MA - Stati Uniti
età: 70s  
professione: Architectural Illustrator

The essence of Saena Iulia extends far beyond the experience of learning Italian language and culture. You can read what other students have written in their comments about the small class size, the excellence of instruction, the individual attention, the daily activities and weekly excursions, the Friday family-style lunches, and so forth. All of that is absolutely true, and It is a heck of a lot of fun! For me, the heart and soul of the faculty and staff is what remains the most poignant of my memories there. The oil that lubricates this beautiful mechanism of learning, the glue that holds it all together, is the open-hearted kindness and sincere goodwill of all the people associated with the school. I would guess that every student who has studied at Saena Iulia has felt themselves become a part of this wonderful new family. What a marvelous experience to live in such a beautiful, vibrant city and to study at Saena Iulia amongst such a mosaic of kind, gentle, warm, life affirming people.

Claire G. 278  
Stafford - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Lecturer

I was a student at the school in June 2014, recommended by a friend.  Wonderful to study in Siena, a city not too big but always vibrant and welcoming, where I felt safe wandering around on my own or with friends from the school. 

All the information given about the course and finding accommodation was very much appreciated.  On arrival at the flat there was even someone there to welcome us! We soon felt at home in the city and managed to speak to all the people living in the same house, divided up into a number of apartments.

Joining the school felt very much like being part of a family... the staff all showed great thoughtfulness and gave so much time to the students.  Every morning we all walked together to a local cafe for cappuccinos and cornettos.  There was a varied programme of activities outside the classes...Friday lunch with all the students and staff, trips to local bars, lectures, and who could ever forget Mauro's trips or Elettra and Bastiaan's cooking tips?!!  Students also organised outings themselves and prepared meals.

The classes are small and the staff very supportive.  I will never forget Sabrina's impersonation of an Italian footballer or her warning hand in discussions, raised to show the arrival of the subjunctive!! Good balance between discussion and grammar.  Time spent learning about the local accent and others was incredibly useful and rewarding.

You come away from this experience with Italy under your skin and in your blood.

I loved every moment of my stay and I often think of all the warmth and friendship I found in Siena.  Thank you to everyone.


Grzegorz T. 277  
Gdańsk, Polonia - Polonia
età: 30s  
professione: software engineer

Tydzień nauki w Saena Iulia w mojej ocenie dał mi więcej niż kilka tygodni nauki w szkole w Polsce. Jadąc na kurs, nie wiedziałem, tak naprawdę, co potrafię i jaki jest poziom mojego włoskiego. W związku z czym, miałem pewne obawy. Na szczeście szybko zniknęły, ponieważ sympatyczni nauczyciele dbali o doskonałą i bezstresową atmosferę. Nauka w szkole była  bardzo przyjemna. Co prawda trudno mówić o dogłębnym przestudiowaniu włoskiego w ciągu tygodnia, ale możliwość obcowania z żywym językiem była nie do przecenienia. Nauczyciele bez trudu rozpoznają poziom ucznia, potrafią dobrać odpowiedni materiał,  żeby skorygować błędy. Lekcje zawierały odrobinę gramatyki i przede wszystkim dyskusje na różne, często przypadkowe tematy.  Poza porannymi zajęciami codziennie wychodziliśmy razem na kawę, zwiedzaliśmy miasto czy oglądaliśmy film. Nauczyciele przekazywali nam też dużo informacji o mieście, jego historii i zwyczajach mieszkańców. Jestem bardzo zadowolony z nauki w Sienie i podejścia do ucznia. Polecam szkołę Saena Iulia wszystkim tym, którzy myślą o kurie we Włoszech. Naprawdę warto!

Sylwia B. 276  
Ośno Lubuskie - Polonia
età: 40s  
professione: Logopedista

Serdecznie polecam tę szkołę wszystkim, ktorzy chcą uczyć się języka włoskiego i jednocześnie poznawać kulturę, jedzenie i życie codzienne Włochów z bardzo bliskiej perspektywy.
Wszyscy nauczyciele oraz osoby współpracujące ze szkołą są przesympatyczni, serdeczni
i bardzo dobrze wykształceni. Od pierwszej chwili znika wszelki dystans i okazuje się nagle, że masz bardzo dużo do powiedzenia w języku włoskim, choć zapewniam, że będąc w Polsce wcale tak nie sądziłam ;)
Program zajęć jest niezwykle urozmaicony. Pomimo, że byłam na tygodniowym kursie w mało atrakcyjnym turystycznie miesiącu styczniu, szkoła działała pełną parą, pokazując mi całą gamę swoich możliwości: wspólne wycieczki, spacery, obiady, wyjścia na kawę- to wszystko poza programem obowiązkowym, który wczesniej się wybiera.
To był dla mnie niezapomniany tydzień i na pewno tutaj wrócę :)))

Josette R. 274  
Marseille - Francia
età: 60s  
professione: ...

Comme élève à Saena Iulia j'ai déjà dit tout le bien que j'en pensais. Aujourd'hui je suis contente de découvrir sur le web que l'école est connue en France. Elle a été retenue parmi les fournisseurs de comités d'entreprise....voici le lien.

Bravo Saena Iulia!

Noriko, H. 273  
Kanagawa - Giappone
età: 50s  
professione: Casalinga

Un commento riguardo a Saenaiulia:
Ho frequentato questa scuola per un mese nell'autunno del 2014.
Saenaiulia e` stata la terza scuola e prima di allora avevo scelto le scuole piccole in citta` non grandi, ma questa è stata la scuola più famigliare e amichevole di tutte.
Prima di iscrivermi ero preoccupata perché non c'era una versione giapponese del sito 
ma potevo consultarlo in giapponese con una persona giapponese.della scuola per e-mail e mi sono tranqullizzata.
Cominciata la scuola, ho dovuto studiare l'italiano da sola perché non c'era qualcuno del mio stesso livello.
Tuttavia non mi sono sentita sola grazie al personale della scuola. 
Per esempio dopo le lezioni le insegnanti delle diverse classi mi hanno invitato a prendere un caffè insieme ogni volta.
Inoltre ci sono varie attività ogni settimana. Per esempio:
lunedì mattina: Caffè insieme. C'è un tempo di fare cosnoscenza con nuovi studenti prendendo un caffè insieme a insegnanti, personale e studenti.
martedì sera: apertivo insieme. Facciamo due passi in città e prendiamo insieme in apertivo in un bar.
mercoledì pomeriggio: Gita scolastica.  giovedì: Seminario culturale.
venerdì: Pranzo a scuola. Facciamo insieme un piccolo pranzo a scuola.
Secondo me, nella scuola hanno mostrato molta premura e attenzioni verso studenti.   
L'atmosfera era molto divertente e accogliente, mi è piacuita  e ho potuto trascorso un mese piacevole e indimencabile.
Ringrazio tutti, Mauro, Yumi, Franco, Sabrina, Elettra, Bastiaan, Paula e Aldo. 
Grazie mille per quello che mi hanno fatto.
Non so quando ma vorrei tornarci.
A presto e ciao!

Viktor T. 272  
Aalen - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: Journalist

Im Herbst 2014 war ich drei Wochen in Siena, mein zweiter Aufenthalt an dieser wunderbaren Schule. Ich war erneut begeistert, wie liebevoll hier Studentinnen und Studenten jeden Alters und jeder Nationalität betreut werden. Hier Italienisch zu lernen macht ebenso Spaß wie vieles andere rund um die Schule: Der abendliche Plausch beim Aperitivo, die Ausflüge, das Kulturprogramm und das gemeinsame Essen jede Woche. Und das alles in einer faszinierenden mittelalterlichen Stadt, die unglaublich viel zu bieten hat. Siena muss man einfach näher kennen lernen, in dieser Umgebung ist es toll, Italienisch nicht nur zu lernen, sondern auch gleich – erfolgreich – anzuwenden. Einen Aufenthalt an der Sprachschule Saena Iulia kann ich nur wärmstens empfehlen!


Kathleen D. 271  
San Francisco - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Artist

I just returned from four wonderful weeks at Saena Iulia.  The school exceeded my expectations in every way.  Mauro, the director has created a beautiful and stimulating learning environment with outstanding teachers and a nurturing staff.  The classes were small with lots of individual attention.  

Each day was interesting and challenging.  Sabrina and Eletera, my teachers, made every effort to help us learn as much as possible during our time at the school.  There were numerous additional activities scheduled, mostly at no cost.  All of the activities were interesting and enjoyable. Tuesday nights we met for apertivos.  Fridays we had lunch at school prepared by Elettra and some of the students. We also had fascinating weekly seminars on Italian art, history, or culture.  

What I enjoyed most, were Mauro's weekly outings to visit one of the beautiful sites in Tuscany.  Some of the excursions were to:  Cortona, Montalcino, Masa Marittima, and Assissi.  We also visited several beautiful old monasteries.  

Siena is a wonderful place to go to language school, especially if you love art.  It is a stunning city with lots to offer. The school is located in a wonderful old palazzo between the Duomo and Piazza de Campo.  The neighborhood is full of delightful shops and good restaurants. I enjoyed my experience at Saena Iulia very much and plan to return again next year.  

I would highly recommend Saena Iulia to anyone searching for a great place to study Italian.

Susete D. 270  
Lisbona - - Portogallo
età: 70s  
professione: insegnante di tedesco

Per due settimane sono state in questa scuola con una amica Olga L. Tutto ci è piaciuto tantissimo. L'insegnante era molto bravo e la lezione era sempre interessante. Il diretor organizza diverse attività . Il venerdi lo staff della scuola preparava un pranzo a scuola e noi aiutavamo anche un po'.E cosi l'ambiente diventava molto particolare e tutti eramo amici. Siena è una città belissima !

Ester L. 269  
Leiden - Paesi Bassi
età: 40s  
professione: Editorial coordinator

Vijfentwintig jaar geleden, een avond in Siena. Tijdens een stadswandeling stuitten wij op een openstaande poort met daarachter een tuin, waar een feest aan de gang was. Enkele aanwezigen kregen ons in het vizier en nodigden ons uit mee te eten aan de lange tafels. Het bleek een bijeenkomst te zijn van een van de buurtschappen van Siena, in de aanloop naar de Palio. Het werd een onvergetelijke avond: de groene tuin, het uitzicht over het landschap, de gastvrijheid van de Italianen, alles tegen de achtergrond van middeleeuws Siena zorgde voor een magische sfeer.  Laat op de avond namen wij nog deel aan een balspel. De ballen representeerden de deelnemende paarden aan de Palio, elk in een eigen kleur. Met zes flessen wijn en prosciutto, onze prijs, keerden wij na een hartelijk afscheid terug naar onze tent.

Op zoek naar een talenschool in Italië zorgde deze herinnering ervoor dat de keuze viel op Siena, de Saena Iulia school. Mijn verwachtingen werden niet teleurgesteld. De school ligt op een fantastische locatie middenin de stad. De klassen zijn klein, en de lessen afwisselend, zo maakten wij een wandeling over de markt waar ik veel nieuwe woorden heb geleerd. Door de betrokkenheid van de docenten voelde ik dezelfde vriendelijke gastvrijheid als vijfentwintig jaar eerder. Buiten de lessen om is er veel gelegenheid schoolgenoten en docenten beter te leren kennen, er zijn excursies, lezingen en gezamenlijke lunches. Nog dezelfde zomer ben ik teruggegaan voor een tweede cursus, en er zijn alweer plannen voor een volgende keer.

Johanna M. 268  
QLD - Australia
età: 20s  
professione: Journalist

I spent two amazing weeks at Saena Iulia and I loved every minute. The teaching staff are very patient and supportive, and when I left I definitely felt more confident in speaking Italian. The regular outings and excursions were really great and I met some really amazing friends through the school. I would recommend this school and wouldn't hesitate in returning. Thanks Seana Iulia! :)

Teri M. 267  
Dayton, Ohio - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Healthcare Administration

My 18-year-old son and I attended classes for 3 weeks during the Summer of 2014.  We both had a wonderful experience from beginning to end and our education is still paying dividends for both of us.  The director of the school, Mauro Faleri, was extremely helpful in getting us enrolled, securing our apartment, and advising us on transportation from the airport in Rome.  We communicated via email and he was responsive and accommodating to our every need.  The highlights of our time as students were the small class size, weekly excursions, and coffee breaks & lunches with fellow students and staff.  The students are considered “family” there and the gracious instructors have high standards in the classroom, but they are also lots of fun!  Siena is a safe and nice size town with everything one could want.  It is an easy bus ride to Florence or Rome and destinations around the area.  Tuscany is breathtakingly beautiful and of course we ate well!  I can see why many students return to Saena Iulia year after year.  Since returning, we have kept in touch with our new friends from around the world.  I now understand much more Italian than when I started and have a better knowledge of the grammar and structure.  I also know what I need to work on (verbs!) and have incorporated daily practice into my routine, which is easier now that I have the “big picture.”  I am also able to converse with the Italian-speaking members at our Sons of Italy Lodge.  Mark was well prepared to begin college classes in Italian this fall and is the top student in his class.  He said recently, “I miss my teacher, Chiara, at Saena Iulia.  I learned so much there.”  I think this says it all!  

Dragana S. 266  
Beograd - Srbija - Serbia
età: 20s  
professione: politikolog

Provela sam mesec dana u Sieni. Tesko je prepricati i docarati iskustvo koje sam stekla, i divne ljude koje sam upoznala upravo ovde. Grad koji odise tradicijom i bogatom istorijom, nece nikoga ostaviti ravnodusnim. 

Skolu Saena Iulia bih apsolutno svima preporucila, jer poseduje fenomenalne predavace, koji su strpljivi i veoma profesionalni i strucni. Dodala bih , da se uvek radi u malim grupama, sto je bolje za lakse savladavanje jezika. Ucenje italijanskog u skoli se nastavlja i nakon casova, na zajednickim druzenjima sa profesorima i studentima, ekskurzijama koje organizuje skola. Program rada je odlicno osmisljen i usmeren sto laksem i brzem savladavanju jezika. Skola je toliko intimna i divna, da sam je ja dozivela kao porodicu!

Grad je divan, okolna mesta takodje. Ucenje italijanskog u Sieni, je pravi izbor za ljude koji vole kulturu, istoriju, umetnost ... sporiji je tempo zivljenja, ali emocionalno bogatiji... 

Ja sam odusevljena Sienom i verovatno cu se vratiti uskoro


Catherine D. 265  
London - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: retired primary teacher

When I retired I had a list of activities that I wanted to do now that had more time. Top of the list was "learn Italian"  due to a lifelong love of the language, country, people, food, musicc etc etc........Having completed 2 years of study at a school in London I decided it was time for a week or two of "full immersion". Naturally I did research on the internet and eventually narrowed my choices to 3 schools, Saena Iulia being one of them. Then by chance I met two random people on different occasions who had been and could not sing their praises highly enough. Having now spent (sadly only one week) with Mauro, Sabrina and Eletra at their wonderful school I completely agree with everything I was told. It is situated 2 minutes from Piazza del Campo and all "must see" is accessible by foot from the school. The caring, intimate atmosphere is immediately apparant. On the first morning I was given a relaxed little interview to judge my level and put in class with 6 others of similar ability. Our course of study was varied, interesting and although detailed, accuracy was insisted on but all was very relaxed. The afternoons were free to explore the area, get to know other students whatever you please. The week I was there some of us  went on an excursion to Montepulciano and Pienza with Mauro it was wonderful and Sabrina gave a fabulous, moving lecture on Tosca. There is not enough room here to write what fun I had!

 There is a choice of types of accomodation available, I chose to stay with a family chosen by the school. Marcello and Anna are typically hospitable, friendly Italians and I was hapily lodged  with them in their appartment 10 mins walk from school. Needless to say the welcome and the food were superb.

 If you are looking for this type of experience you could not choose a better school than Scuola Saena Iulia. I shall definitely be returning.

Margaret C. 264  
Sydney - Australia
età: 30s  
professione: Software Engineer

Beware: gushing below, because my time at Saena Iulia was perfect.

I enrolled just before Christmas, 6 months before my trip, and was surprised when I received an immediate reply to get an idea of my goals, and the search for my accommodation was kicked off. (This proved to be a lovely appartment in the heart of the historic centre; I was practically on the doorstep of the Duomo's Baptistery.)

The mini group class arrangement worked really well, with a healthy balance between grammar, conversational practice, etc. Our very patient teachers ensured there was never a dull moment. As an example, on my last day of lessons I gave my multinational class a 20 minute introduction to the marvellous game of cricket - in italiano, of course. Bizarre and entirely satisfying.

Siena herself is an absolute charmer of a city, lively but not frenetic. And the school offered plenty of help to get to know her a bit better. I happened to be in town for the Palio of July and wound up amongst a group of students chaperoned to il Campo by Mauro to share the experience alongside the locals. Amazing.

After four weeks I finally discovered a problem with my idyll. My upcoming 18 day giro in Italy had lost its attraction because I wanted to hang around in Tuscany with my new senese family! And then a funny thing happened. I found myself engaging in LONG conversations with all sorts of friendly and chatty Italians (hotel receptionists, museum staff, fellow train passengers, bus drivers). I was floored by this repeated comment: "Complimenti! Parla/i italiano molto bene!" Amidst all the fun at S.I., to my immense joy I had finally developed the ability to communicate in Italian, which after all is the point of learning the language.

So now there's nothing left to do but impatiently wait for my annual leave balance to fatten up again so I can enjoy another "study" holiday with Saena Iulia!

Fiona B. 263  
Zagreb - Croazia
età: Teens  
professione: Student

U Sijeni sam provela dva tjedna.Siena je mali ali prekrasan gradic,mirno je i tiho, ljudi su izuzetno simpaticni i uvijek spremni pomoci a mozete naici i na puno turista.Sto se tice same škole nemam zamjerke.Profesori su stvarno odlicni i smireni,ako niste sigurni u nesto ili ne razumijete dati ce si vremena objasnti vam a i ponoviti milion puta.Svaki su dan nasmijani i s jednakim veseljem pristupaju novom satu.Osim profesora i ostalo osoblje skole je vrlo susretljivo i i potrudit ce se da se osjecate kao kod kuce.Program je odlicno osmisljen i uspjela sam puno  toga nauciti sto se nemoze nauciti od profesora koji predaju u nasim skolama jer nisu svakodnevni govornici jezika.Nece vam biti dosadno jer skola svakodnevno organizirava razne izlete,druzenja i uzivanja u talijanskoj kuhinji.


Filip S. 262  
Zagreb - Croazia
età: Teens  
professione: Student

Proveo sam dva tjedna u Sieni. Ovoj školi ne mogu naći niti jednu manu. Svi su zaposlenici dobro raspoloženi, sretni i strpljivi. Profesorica koja je predavala mojoj grupi (Chiara) niti u jednom trenutku nije izgubila volju ili entuzijazam (pa čak kad bi istu stvar objašnjavala po peti put). Uz sve to, program rada je izvrsno osmišljen i, iako je moje znanje talijanskog još uvijek prilično daleko od dobrog, siguran sam da se uz više vremena i uz ovaj pristup jezik može svladati bez većih poteškoća.

Što se tiče samog grada... Siena je mala i lijepa, kao i ostali obližnji gradovi koje sam tijekom ta dva tjedna posjetio. Puno je turista i mladih, ali bolje bi bilo da ne dođete potpuno sami jer bi vam moglo biti dosadno. Naravno, sve to još ovisi o dobi i interesima.

Sve u svemu, za mene je to bilo i lijepo i korisno iskustvo te definitvno razmišljam o tome da se vratim i nastavim s tečajem sljedeće godinee.

Eva K. 261  
Vienna - Austria
età: 40s  
professione: commercial employee

Ich war im Mai 2014 bereits das 3. Mal in Folge in dieser Sprachschule und war - wie immer - begeistert. Mauro, Elettra und Sabrina sind freundlich, hilfsbereit und bringen  mit ihrem Enthusiasmus der ital. Sprache und Kultur viel Motivation in die Stunden. Zuwachs Bastiaan passt mit seiner Fröhlichkeit hervorragend in das Team. Die Ausflüge und gemeinsamen Nachmittagsstunden sind eine ideale Ergänzung zum Lernunterricht und man lernt auch die andern Schüler, die aus allen Ecken der Welt kommen, besser kennen. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Kurs 2015!

Alfonso V. 260  
Bülauch - Svizzera
età: 60s  
professione: Oldtimer-Händler

\"Man kommt als Fremder und geht als guter Freund\".

Zwar ein etwas abgedroschener Satz, aber wenn er zu etwas passt dann zu Saena Iulia. 

2013 war ich zum ersten Mal in Siena um die italienisch Sprache zu lernen. 

Die ersten Schritte in der Stadt waren etwas ungewohnt : Ruhe, Stille, kein Betrieb, es war niemand auf der Strasse. Und das an einem Samstag Mittag.

Ich kenne andere italienische Städte und da war der erste Kontakt mit Siena schon sehr ungewohnt.

Durch meine grosse Neugier habe ich die Stadt am nächsten Tag mit einer anderen Erwartungshaltung angegangen und sie da. Die Stadt lebt auf eine entspannte, lockere

und sehr offenen Art. Man geniesst die Geschichten erzählenden Strassen, Gassen und Häuser. Man wird sehr schnell ein Teil dieser tollen Stadt der kurzen Wege.

Dann kam der erste Tag in der Saena Iulia. Die steile Steintreppe, die leicht klemmende Eingangstür und es folgt eine Begrüssung als wäre man einfach nur etwas lange fortgewesen.

Genial die sehr kleinen Klassen, wir waren zu zweit. Also kein zurücklehnen und warten bis man wieder dran war, man ist immer dran. Es ist zwar ein roter Faden drin, aber es wird sehr

individuell und aus der Situation auf die Teilnehmer eingegangen und die Sprache so äusserst lebendig vermittelt. Dazu gehörten auch die gemeinsamen Besuch von Einkaufszentren, Wochenmärken mit Elettra und Sabrina. Selbstverständlich mit dem Probieren der angebotenen Waren (Käse, Wein, Brot und anderes mehr) und dabei hatte man die Möglichkeit mit den Markleuten über Ihre Produkte sprechen zu können. Aber auch die gemeinsamen Mittagessen mit Elettra, Sabrina und Mauro gaben einem die Möglichkeit der italienischen Sprache zu frönen. 

Die wöchentlichen Besichtigungen einer Stadt unter der Führung von Mauro ist jeweils ein spannendes Erlebnis. Über all das hinaus kümmert man sich auch um das persönliche Wohlergehen der Teilnehmer. Kein Problem, keine Fragen für welche Elettra, Sabrina oder Mauro sich nicht persönlich Zeit genommen oder Hilfe angeboten haben.  

Nun, die zwei Wochen waren schneller vorbei als mir lieb war und viel gelernt habe ich erst noch. 

Zwischenzeitlich wurde Siena Iulia und Siena zu meiner Wahlheimat.

Nach 2014 ist der dritte Schulbesuch für Frühjahr 2015 bereits geplant.

Aldo P. 259  
Santiago - Cile
età: 30s  
professione: Pubblicista

En Saena Iulia me ha quedado demostrado con creces que las mejores instituciones están hechas de personas y no de ladrillos.

Comprender que el aprendizaje de una lengua nueva no se puede aislar a un profesor y un curso en un aula, si no que es un proceso holístico y complejo que debe recoger experiencias, conversación, sociabilidad, y por sobre todo, risas y momentos inolvidables; esto es algo que Mauro y cada uno de los que integra esta escuela tienen muy claro.

En las lecciones, salidas, aperitivos y almuerzos se desarrolla una sinergía donde no solo se aprende la lengua y la cultura, si no también de afectos y lazos que resultarán permanentes en el tiempo.

Gracias por abrirme un espacio como alumno y amigo, y por permitirme formar parte de una escuela de la que me siento orgulloso.

Un fuerte abrazo a cada uno.


Thomas G 258  
Chur - Svizzera
età: 50s  
professione: dipl. Ing. ETH/SIA

Meine Frau und ich haben 2 Wochen an der Schule Saena Iulia einen italienisch Kurs besucht. Nach vielen Jahren wieder in die Schule zu gehen hatte uns grossen Spass gemacht. Vom ersten Tag an hat man sich in der Schule Saena Iulia wohl gefühlt. Der Unterricht war professionell und das Ambiente familiär. Der Unterreicht wurde mit kurzen Ausflügen in die Stadt sehr lebhaft geführt. Mauro hat sich um alles gekümmert und war omnipräsent. Wir können uns sehr gut vorstellen, wieder in diese insprierende Stadt Siena zu kommen und in diese Schule zu gehen. Wir können diese kleine und feine Schule nur weiterempfehlen. 

Vicki V 257  
Auckland - Nuova Zelanda
età: 50s  
professione: Accounts administrator

What a wonderful week I had learning Italian at Saena Iulia in May this year. Mauro and staff were helpful, friendly and welcoming and the lessons were interesting and varied.  I surprised myself by feeling relaxed and comfortable with both the staff and students, none of whom I had met before.  I would love to return next year if I can as I felt the whole experience was good not only my knowledge of the Italian language but also for the confidence I gained in speaking it.

Dana K. 256  
Honolulu - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: writer

I returned to Siena for two weeks in June 2014, and also to Saena Iulia. As usual, I was delighted with the instruction, the skill and friendliness of the staff, and the many new and interesting friends I met among the other students. Saena Iulia is so much more than just learning the beautiful Italian language:  there are weekly topical seminars and afternoon excursions outside Siena, a welcome coffee to greet new students at the start of each week, and occasional no-host lunches and appertivi at local restaurants and wine bars.  At the end of the week, students and staff gather for a potluck lunch.   I have been studying Italian – primarily from Saena Iulia instructors – every summer for several years.  Through their patient and knowledgeable teaching, I can now can converse easily with my Italian friends as well as others who don’t speak my mother language.  We talk in Italian instead.  This little school has opened up the world for me.  Grazie infinite Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra, and all the other great teachers and staff at Saena Iulia!

Paula F 255  
Santiago - Cile
età: 30s  
professione: Journalism

Paula Frederick, Chile: “Encontré un hogar en Siena”

 “Siempre terminamos llegando donde nos esperan”. Esta frase del escritor portugués José Saramago, hoy me hace más sentido que nunca. Después de dos meses y medio como estudiante en Saena Iulia, tengo la misma sensación que el día que vine a la scuola por primera vez ; la certeza de haber llegado donde me esperaban. Esa familiaridad, transmitida con carisma, simpatía y profesionalismo por cada uno de los excelentes profesores, hace que la experiencia sea integral; no solo fortalece el aprendizaje eficaz de la lengua en su teoria, sino que también permite aprender a desenvolverse en italiano en diversas instancias de encuentro, conocer la cultura italiana de una manera cercana y especial, compartir momentos inolvidables con los profesores y estudiantes y crear lazos con personas de todo el mundo, que a corto andar se transforman en indisolubles.

La experiencia en Saena Iulia, sin duda, superò todas mis expectativas; cada conversaciòn, cada clase, cada paseo por la Toscana, cada cafè compartido, pasaron a formar parte de los recuerdos màs preciados de mi vida. Asi tambièn Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra, Bastiaan, Chiara, Franco y todos quienes conforman Saena Iulia, que màs que profesores, se transformaron en amigos.

Como tantos otros alumnos que han tenido la suerte de llegar a Saena Iulia, tengo la certeza de que esto es solo el comienzo, y que encontré un hogar en Siena; un lugar donde siempre quieres volver, porque es como retornar a casa.

 Paula Frederick, Cile: Ho trovato una famiglia a Siena

"Sempre finiamo arrivando dove ci aspettano". Queste parole dello scrittore portoghese José Saramago, oggi mi fanno più senso che mai. Dopo due messi come studentessa in Saena Iulia, ho la stessa sensazione che quella che avevo quando sono venuta qui per la prima volta; la certezza de avere arrivato al posto giusto dove mi aspettavano. Questa familiarità, trasmessa con carisma, simpatia e professionismo per ogni bravissimi persone che lavorano qui, fa che l'esperienza sia integrale; non solo rafforza l'apprendimento della lingua italiana nella sua teoria, ma anche permette imparare a esprimersi in italiano in diversi istanze d'incontro, conoscere la cultura di questo bel paese di una forma speciale, condividere momenti indimenticabili con gli insegnanti e gli studenti e creare legami con persone provenienti da tutto il mondo, che presto si trasformano in indissolubile. 

L'esperienza in Saena Iulia, senza dubbio, ha superato tutte le mie aspettative; ogni conversazione, ogni lezione, ogni gita per la Toscana, ogni caffè insieme, adesso fanno parte dei ricordi più belli della mia vita. Cosi anche Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra, Bastiaan, Chiara, Franco e tutti quelli che lavorano qui, che più di insegnanti, sono diventati i miei amici. 

Mai avrò abbastanza parole per ringraziarli. 

Come tanti altri studenti che hanno avuto la fortuna di arrivare alla Saena Iulia, ho la certezza di che questo e soltanto l'inizio, e che ho trovato una famiglia a Siena; un posto dove sempre hai voglia di ritornare, perché è come ritornare a casa.


Dorothee Scheffler 254  
Dresden - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Ich habe im vergangenen September einen 2-wöchigen Kurs in Siena gemacht. Und ich kann nur sagen: Siena ist wunderschön! Das Ambiente, die Leute, einfach das ganze Leben ist bewundernswert dort. Ich habe meinen Aufenthalt völlig genossen. 

Die Sprachschule ist ebenso toll. Es ist eine familiäre Athmosphäre, in der man sich einfach wohlfühlt. Die gemeinsamen Unternehmungen - sei der das gemeinsame Pause-Machen in einer Bar in der Nähe oder die Treffen jeden Dienstag Abend, um bei einem Glas Wein zusammenzusitzen - und das allwöchentliche Abschlussessen freitags, machen die Sprachschule zu etwas ganz Besonderem. 

Durch die Nähe der eigenen Unterkuft zur Sprachschule, ist man nicht noch zusätzlich auf öffentliche Verkehrsmittel angewiesen und spart somit Geld und Zeit. In der Unterkuft selbst habe ich mich auch sehr wohl gefühlt. Es ist alles vorhanden, was man braucht, sogar ein Wasserkocher ;) Ich habe jeden Tag den Blick auf die typischen Häuser im Toskanastil genossen und mich schon wie eine Italienerin gefühlt.

Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen einen Sprachkurs in dieser Schule in Siena zu machen. Diese Erfahrung gibt großen Einblick in die italienische Lebensweise und ganz nebenbei lernt man auch noch sehr viele freundliche Leute kennen! Ich komme gerne wieder!

Mike H. 253  
Malles /BZ - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Buschauffeur

Hallo zusammen, Jetzt möchte ich nach einem Jahr,auch ein Feedback abgeben,versprochen habe ich es ja schon lange :-) (letztes Jahr schon)  Die "Saena Iulia" habe ich 3 Wochen besucht. Und zwar vom 06.01.-25.01.2013. Angereist,bin ich mit der Bahn.Eine schöne und spannnende Reise,nach Siena. Der Aufenthalt hat mir sehr viel gegeben. Vorallem persönlich ;-) Ich war bei einer Gastfamilie untergebracht.Im Herzen der Stadt.Eine wirklich sehr,sehr nette Familie.Sie haben mich sehr verwöhnt,mit sehr guter toskanischer Küche.Traning für die Sprache inbegriffen. Schule hatte ich immer am Vormittag. Nachmitags waren Hausaufgaben zu erledigen und natürlich Freizeit, um die Stadt und die Umgebung zu erkunden. Eine Sache war etwas negativ,das lag aber gewiss auch am Zeitraum,meines Aufenthaltes. Und zwar,das es zu dieser Zeit keine Schüler hatte,in der Schule.Dies war ein bisschen schade.Der Unterricht war dann zwar schöner gewesen "Einzelunterricht".Aber,man hatte weniger Kontakt,mit Gleichgesinnten. Sonst würde ich die Schule sehr empfehlen.Die Lehrer,um Mauro haben sehr viel Einsatz gegeben. Super fand ich auch die Ausflüge,einmal sind wir sogar, mit dem Rad gefahren. Und das im Januar. War ein super Ausflug. Danke Mauro! Nun möchte ich noch ein Erlebniss erzählen. An einem anderem Tag, bin ich auf eigene Faust mal gestartet.Ich wollte eine Therme in einem Nachbarort besuchen. Dorthin bin ich mit dem Bus gefahren. Leider musste ich feststellen,das diese wegen Wartungarbeiten geschlossen war. Mit den wenigen Italienischkenntnissen,konnte ich erfahren,das es im Nachbardorf auch Therme hat und diese hätte geöffnet. Diese Information,habe ich von einem Gemeindearbeiter bekommen (ein bisschen Hilfe hatte ich schon,ich hatte Elettra´s Handynummer) daraufhin bin ich dann zu Fuß gestartet. Zu dieser Therme. Nach einigen Metern zu Fuß. Hupte ein Fahrzeug hinter mir. Ich dachte erst,für mich wird das bestimmt nicht sein,da ich ja Fremd bin. Ich beachte das Hupen nicht,dann hupte es nochmal,dann musste ich mich einfach mal zurückschauen. Dann stand dort auf einmal ein Ape. (Piaggio,ein Sitzer) und mit großen erstaunen war es der Gemeindearbeiter,den ich nach dem Weg fragte. Dieser brachte mich dann mit seinem Ape,zu dieser Therme. Was für ein Glück für mich. Aber man darf auch nicht vergessen, freundliche Menschen,in der Toskana. Auch wenn man die Sprache nicht beherrscht. Gut und sicher angekommen hatte ich dann einen sehr schönen Tag in dieser Therme,bei Rapolano. Ein Schwefeltherme. Echt super gewessen. Und wärmstens,zu empfehlen. Jetzt komme ich aber dann auch zum Ende. Mein Fazit: Super Reise,sehr freundliche,hilfsbereite Menschen,nicht nur in der saena iulia.Die Schule macht ihre Arbeit sehr gut und das nicht nur im Unterricht,auch die Freizeit wird gut organisiert,im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten.Vielen Dank an meine Gastfamilie,danke Mauro,Elettra und Sabrina und dem Restlichen Team.Wer weiß,vielleicht komme ich nochmal zu Euch.

saluti Mike

Anna D 252  
Warszawa - Polonia
età: 20s  
professione: Pracownik biurowy

Gorąco polecam zarówno zajęcia,nauczycieli (pozdrowienia dlacałej ekipy!),jak i samo miasto,które jest urzekająco piękne. Bardzo miło wspominam spędzony tam czas, którego nigdy nie zapomnę. Jeśli zastanawiacie się nad wyborem tego miejsca, to gorąco wam je polecam, bo spędzony tam czas będzie dla was z pewnością niezapomnianym przeżyciem oraz dobrze wykorzystanym czasem na naukę czegoś nowego w szybkim czasie.

Polecam i pozdrawiam,


Carolin F 251  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Innenarchitektin

Ende Septemer/ Anfang August 2013 war ich für zwei Wochen in Siena.

An die Zeit erinnere ich mich noch sehr gerne da mich das Team der Sprachschule Saena Julia wie eine kleine Familie begrüsst hat! Ich wurde sehr herzlich empfangen und direkt zu meinem Zimmer im Zentrum Sienas gebracht.

Da wir in sehr kleinen Gruppen Unterrichtet wurden habe ich schnell Fortschritte im Italienisch gemacht. Dies auch Aufgrund der Art des Unterrichts. Wir haben zusammen gekocht, Ausflüge unternommen Siena kennen gelernt wie es sonst nur die Einwohner selbst kennen! Die kleinen Gassen, Orte und Gemüsemärkte die dem gewöhnlichen Urlauber versteckt bleiben zu entdecken, lassen einen selbst in kurzer Zeit wie zu Hause fühlen :)

Durch die kleinen Gruppen gibt es auch schnell einen engen Kontakt zu den anderen Schülern von jung bis alt und auch die Lehrer sind sehr offen und für jede Frage bereit =) 

Auch nach der Schule haben wir uns deshalb gerne noch auf einen Apéro getroffen und die Zeit zusammen genossen =)


Ich freue mich wieder einmal in dieser kleinen aber feinen Schule vorbei zukommen und noch mehr von der italienischen Lebensweise kennen zu lernen =)


Dana K 250  
Honolulu - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: writer

Ciao!  I have been coming back to Saena Iulia since 2000, nearly every year, and besides the professional and individualized instruction, I return for the PEOPLE.  The caring staff, as well as the other language learners from all over the world.  I have literally never been disappointed.  Every year it is slightly different, as I improve in my language skills and meet new friends.  I have been to other schools in Siena, Bologna, and Sicily, but Saena Iulia is the absolute BEST.

Grace P 249  
Perth (Western Australia) - Australia
età: 40s  
professione: Environmental Officer

Unfortunately I only spent one week in Siena, it wasn't long enough. The staff were friendly and helpful, from the first day and even when booking in for my class. Siena is a beautiful place, and the staff and fellow students added to my enjoyable experience with excursions and small class sizes.

David B 248  
Aberdeen - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Medical doctor

I had an excellent experience at Sienaiulia. The teaching was appropriate to the assessed level of knowledge and flexible enough to accommodate each class member, with material produced in a way that challenged without terrifying! The staff are all incredibly patient, skilled and above all friendly and supportive. I cannot praise them and the school too much. Of course, Siena is a magical place to study, and being there in winter with fewer tourists in the streets was wonderful. 

Living with a family was an extra bonus for integration and learning. Italian family life is warm and welcoming, if a bit loud to Northern European ears!

Language school: try it out. You will not regret it!

Lee B 247  
Perth, Western Australia - Australia
età: 60s  
professione: Social Worker

I attended the Saena Iulia Italian language school in October this year for 3 weeks.  During my 3 weeks in Siena, I stayed with an Italian family, 10 minutes walk from the class room which was arranged by the school.  My tuition at Saena Iulia was in a class with three other students and was a very enjoyable and worthwhile experience.  I spoke elementaly Italian prior to starting clases and during the three weeks improved my skills in Italian and gained confidence in speaking.  The teaching was of a high standard and classes were supplemented by a weekly excursion, weekly lecture and social events.  The staff were very professional and friendly and made every effort to make learning an enjoyable experience.  I enjoyed meeting the other students from a variety of countries and age groups in the friendly atmosphere of the school.  I also enjoyed the antique and comfortable school building centrally located behind the Duomo.  My family was very lovely and made every effort to make me comfortable and provided me with delicious breakfasts and dinners.  I can highly recommend the school to anyone wanting to study Italian in an enjoyable atmosphere with professional teaching.

Katarina J 246  
Zagreb - Croazia
età: 20s  
professione: student

Koliko god gradova posjetila, niti jedan na mene nije ostavio takav dojam kao Siena.

Ne znam od kud da počnem.. Iako je prošlo već par mjeseci otkako sam se vratila u Zagreb, još uvijek se rado sjetim svakog dana provedenog u Sieni. Koliko god se trudila, jednostavno ne mogu opisati sreću s kojom sam se svakoga jutra budila znajući da me čeka još jedan dan u tom prekrasnom gradu.

Saena Iulija je škola koju bih apsolutno svakome preporučila! Radi se u malim grupama s profesorima koji će dati sve od sebe da ti prenesu svo svoje znanje i odgovore na svako tvoje pitanje. Ali oni nisu samo profesori, već i prijatelji s kojima ćeš rado otići na kavu, ručak ili pak izlet. Ako želite naučiti talijanski a uz to se zabaviti i nauživati uz fina vina i tjesteninu, te upoznati zanimljive ljude iz svih krajeva svijeta, nema vam druge nego otići u Saenu Iuliu!


Miriam Mcg 245  
Dublin - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Teacher


I have recently attended a course in SAENA IULIA . I would like to thank Mauro the director and his competent and professional staff for my unforgettable learning experience with them.

Scuola Saena Iulia is situated right in the centre of the stunningly beautiful city of Siena - minutes from the Piazza De Campo where the Palio takes place every summer.

There was great personal contact  between teacher and student. Classes were small. Grammar exercises and vocabulary expansion work were covered daily ending with relevant discussions. Towards the end of week the teacher led the group into the buzzing city to put our new skills into practice. We were learning while enjoying ourselves.

  Numerous afternoon and evening activities were available daily - trips, excursions and lectures.

We all enjoyed student/staff cooked end of week lunches, chats ,after school get togethers, and drinks in the open-air cafes .    Use of the Italian language was always  encouraged. We were learning in a wonderful environment with teachers who always put their students first.

We were all age groups and came from all over the world and as we bade farewell we all agreed we had completed an excellent course in a fantastic school!

It will be a pleasure to return to Scuola Saena Iulia.

Paul S. 244  
Dresden - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Ich habe 2013 einen zweiwöchigen Sprachkurs an der Saena Iulia gemacht und war mit der Entscheidung mehr als zufrieden. Die Lehrer sind ausgesprochen nett, sehr kompetent und auch im Alltag außerhalb der Schule hilfsbereit und unternehmungslustig. Die Unterkunft war unglaublich gut gelegen, direkt neben dem Dom von Siena, also auch nur 50m von der Schule entfernt. Die Zimmer waren geräumig und hatten eine traumhafte Aussicht.

Auch die Stadt an sich ist traumhaft schön und voller Leben, also auch nach der Schule alles andere als langweilig, mit einem überraschend guten Nachtleben und Möglichkeiten Freunde zu finden. Nur zu empfehlen!

Daniel M 243  
Warszawa - Polonia
età: 30s  
professione: praca biurowa

Niesamowite przezycie. Nauka jezyka wloskiego w jednym z najpiekniejszych zakatkow Wloch to niezapomniane doswiadczenie. Chlonalem kazda chwile, ktora spedzilem w Sienie (poranna kawa w ulubionej kafejce, przerwa z nauczycielami i innymi studentami, nauka na bruku glownego placu, wysmienite obiady w polecanych przez szkole restauracjach, smakowanie lodow wieczorem). Przezycia, ktore zostaja na zawsze!

Szkola super. Miesci sie w starej kamienicy zaraz obok katedry, co powoduje ze caly czas studenci czuja klimat starej Sieny. Niewielka liczba studentow powoduje, ze uczniowie bardziej sie ze soba zzywaja.

Nauczyciele rewelacyjni, bardzo dobrze przygotowani do zawodu i ktorzy maja super podejscie do studentow.

Polecam i szkole i Siene.

Miguel F. 242  
São Paulo - Brasile
età: 60s  
professione: Empresário

A Escola Saenaiulia com professores experientes é a melhor forma de aprender o italiano. Os professores tem excelente didática e são acolhedores e ajudam os alunos a se adaptarem a esta fantástica cidade de Siena. A professora Elettra e o professor Mauro são muito carismáticos e sabem orientar bem os alunos. A cidade de Siena é belissima e a localização da escola no centro histórico ajuda o estudante a entender a cultura e ao mesmo tempo aproveitar o tempo para conhecer os arredores desta linda região da Toscana. A escola é excelente para fazer o aluno falar corretamente o idioma tanto do ponto de vista gramatical e também do fonético. Altamente recomendável. Miguel F. de São Paulo Brasil

Claudia F 241  
Rotterdam - Paesi Bassi
età: 20s  
professione: Student

Via een talencursus op de universiteit kwam ik op het idee om een cursus Italiaans te doen in Siena. Ik koos ervoor om een talencursus te doen voor 2 weken i.v.m mijn werk en achteraf had ik daar nog wel een paar maanden kunnen blijven! Zowel de school, de docenten en Siena zijn geweldig! Op de eerste dag van de cursus krijg je een korte intakegesprek waar 1 van de docenten je Italiaanse level bepaald. Daarna wordt je ingedeeld in een kleine klas (max. 4 andere leerlingen) en krijg je les. De lessen zijn heel erg intensief, maar ook erg duidelijk. Vaak wordt een bepaald onderwerp voor een paar dagen behandeld totdat iedereen het begrijpt. De lessen zijn ook ingedeeld, vaak doe je voor de koffiepauze grammatica (bespreken van huiswerk) en na de koffiepauze doe je meer aan spreekvaardigheid. Zo komen alle vaardigheden aan bod. Verder kreeg ik ook les op locatie. Met onze klas gingen wij naar de markt en zo leer je het leven in Siena ook kennen. 

Naast de lessen is er ook de mogelijkheid om je in te schrijven voor trips naar mooie plaatsen vlakbij Siena. Deze trips zijn wel voor eigen kosten, maar het is de moeite waard! Zo zie je meerdere plekken dan alleen Siena. De docnten zijn dan de gids en weten veel te vertellen op de trips. Daarnaast zijn er ook andere evenementen die door de school worden georganiseerd zoals "apperitivo", "pranzo" of een wandeling, drankje op de piazza. Deze evenementen geven je erg de kans om de andere leerlingen beter te leren kennen en je spreekvaardigheid te verbeteren. Verder zijn de docenten erg aardig en heel toeganklijk. Zij staan voor jou klaar en je kunt ze altijd bereiken en proberen je te helpen mocht het nodig zijn. 

Ik vond de school, de docenten, de sfeer en Siena geweldig! Ik heb twee mooie weken beleefd en hopenlijk kom ik in 2014 weer terug. Voor de cursus had ik maar 8 maanden Italiaans gehad en ik merk dat ik veel heb bijgeleerd in die 2 weken. De docenten waren erg aardig en vaardig en mijn mede-leerlingen waren ook erg aardig. Ik hoop dat ik snel terug kan, maar dan wel voor meerdere weken!


Ela G. 240  
Strasbourg (France) - Francia
età: 50s  
professione: employée

Que de bonnes expériences!!

Siena est une ville merveilleuse, plein de charme! L'école et les enseignants super, j'ai pu améliorer mes connaissances de l'italien, les cours sont variés et intéressants, vu le petit nombre d'élèves, on a pleinement l'occasion de parler. Les groupes étaient bien constitués avec des élèves du même niveau.

L'encadrement par l'école est très bien, propositions d'excursions, de conférences, de repas, d'apéro...

Atmosphère très sympa, les enseignants très dispo.

Le logement très bien, l'accueil, la gentillesse, les repas, la conversation... J'étais logée chez un couple aimable, adorable.

je ne peux que recommander un séjour dans cette école!!


Viktor T. 239  
Aalen - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: Journalist

Italienisch lernen in Siena ist ein unvergleichliches und unvergessliches Erlebnis. Einen entscheidenden Anteil daran haben die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer der Sprachschule Saena Iulia. Sie befindet sich in einem schönen alten Palast mitten im Zentrum, im Schatten des Doms, und in ihrer familiären und aufgeschlossenen Atmosphäre macht das Lernen in kleinen Gruppen Spaß. Nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil die Lehrer mit viel Geduld liebevoll auf jeden einzelnen Teilnehmer eingehen. Großen Wert legen sie dabei auf das Sprechen der Sprache. Schon bald nicht mehr missen möchte man in der Pause den Gang in die nahegelegene Bar und den aperitivo im Zentrum, bei dem die Gespräche weitergehen – auf Italienisch natürlich, denn die Kursteilnehmerinnen und –teilnehmer kommen aus aller Herren Länder. Es geht erstaunlich gut in der „neuen“ Sprache und man knüpft schnell internationale Bekanntschaften. Siena bietet den passenden Rahmen, denn es ist eine bezaubernde mittelalterliche Stadt. Ich habe es genossen, das Treiben auf der piazza del campo zu beobachten oder abends durch die belebten Gassen zu schlendern. Unbedingt teilnehmen sollte man an der wöchentlichen Exkursion, bei der es Mauro hervorragend versteht, einem seine toskanische Heimat nahezubringen. Ich habe zwei Wochen in einer Gastfamilie gelebt – sehr empfehlenswert! Die Gastgeberin ist eine phantastische Köchin, ich habe selten so gut gegessen wie bei ihr. Gleichzeitig habe ich einen kleinen Einblick in das Leben einer italienischen Familie bekommen und war stets liebevoll umsorgt. Wenn Sie also Urlaub machen und gleichzeitig Italienisch lernen wollen, dann sind Sie in Siena und bei Saena Iulia genau richtig. Mit Sicherheit.

Jim M 238  
New Jersey - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: teacher

Mauro and Sabrina are gracious and very knowledgeable hosts with much to share about Siena. They are also terrific teachers for anyone wishing to go further in their Italian skills. They embody Tuscan warmth and hospitality. I look forward to seeing them every time I go.

Alice M 237  
Chevy Chase Maryland - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: lawyer

A measure of how much I value Saena Iulia is the fact that this past October was my third time there in three years, despite the long haul and airfare from the United States!  As before, the school creates a relaxed environment where you can learn or improve your Italian and make real progress.  My primary teacher was Elettra (with whom I have an ongoing Skype relationship); she and the other teachers, Sabrina and Guido, are excellent, and passionate about helping you improve.  My fellow students were an interesting mix of backgrounds, nationalities and ages (including a number of older students like me).  Siena is the perfect place to study -- very rich in history and culture, but not overrun with tourists as places like Firenze tend to be.  The school also organizes interesting side trips; the ones to less touristed places like the Maremma and Massa Marittima are particularly valuable.  All in all, if you are thinking of studying Italian in Italy, don't hesitate--this is the place!

Gunter Z. 236  
Muenchen - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: student

Wenn ich auch schon zahlreiche Male in Italien war, so waren meine beiden Aufenthalte in Siena – in Verbindung mit Saena Iulia – einer der schönsten und bewegendsten! Ich war im Herbst 2010 und für drei Wochen da und im vergangenen Sommer (2013) für zwei Wochen. Über die Schule als Einrichtung wie auch über die Unterrichtsgestaltung kann ich nur Gutes erzählen. Zunächst einmal die administrative Versorgung und die freundliche, aufmerksame Unterstützung in allen Fragen – sei es, dass es um winzig kleine Informationen geht oder auch wenn es um eine zufriedenstellende Lösungssuche bei Problematischem. Der Unterricht selbst, in kleinen überschaubaren Gruppen, gab mir Sicherheit und dank der Einfühlsamkeit der Lehrer baute sich zügig meine Sprachscheu ab. Als einen bedeutenden positiven Aspekt erlebte ich, dass die Lehrer sehr „ausgewogen“ unterrichten, also schönerweise jeden Gruppenteilnehmer im Blick behalten. Daher ist man immer geistig da; auch wenn man nicht an der Reihe ist, ist man gefordert; mitdenken, mitmachen, mitlachen. Ein weiterer Punkt, der mich sehr angesprochen hat, war das Miteinanderarbeiten ohne Buch, ohne strikte Vorgehensweise nach Plan. Immer erlebte ich die Unterrichtseinheit ganz nah an dem Vorwissen und aktuellen Bedürfnissen der jeweiligen Gruppenteilnehmer orientiert. An einem Nachmittag in der Woche gibt es das Angebot, an einem kleinen, unkomplizierten Ausflug in nahe oder ferner gelegene Orte teilzunehmen. Das fand ich schön. Es erhöht die Vertrautheit untereinander, und auf diese Weise kann man Kontakt zu den Teilnehmern aus den anderen Lerngruppen vertiefen. Es gäbe noch viel mehr zu sagen und zu erzählen........ unterm Strich: (!) Atmosphärisches Wohlgefühl (!) beim Sprachenlernen Lockerheit und Ernsthaftigkeit gleichermaßen (!) Italienisches Leben zum Anfassen und Mitmachen :-) ich vergebe 10 von 10 möglichen Sternen !! ### DANKE ###

Feride Gunes 235  
Ankara - Turchia
età: 50s  
professione: Lawyer

Ankara İtalyan Kültür Derneği'nin öğrencisiyim. Eylül 2013 ayı içinde 2 haftalık kurs için Siena'ya gittim. Saena Iulia daha önce gitmiş oldugum okullardan biraz farklı: Her pazartesi öğrencilerin seviyesine göre yeni gruplar oluşturuyorlar ve her seviye için sınıflar mevcut(İleri düzey hariç). Küçük bir okul, dört öğretmen ders veriyor. Öğrenci sayısı az, sınıflar kalabalık değil. Hiç italyanca bilmeyenler için bile uygun, çünkü, herkes ingilizce biliyor ve anlaşma problemi yok. Zaten genelde öğrencilerin italyanca seviyesi düşük... En azından benim orada olduğum dönemde öyle idi. Ögretmenlerin yaklaşımı çok dostane, her konuda yardımcı oluyorlar. Derslerle ilgili sorulara hiç yüksünmeden uzun uzun detaylı cevaplar veriyorlar. Dersler dilbilgisi ve konuşma şeklinde oluyor. İstendiğinde özel ders alma imkanı da var. Sosyal aktiviteler çok iyi... Her hafta yakın bölgelere tur düzenleniyor, ayrica, bazı akşamlar aperatif toplantıları oluyor. Sonbaharda Biblioteca müzesinin karşısındaki bar çok keyifli idi. Muhteşem Toskana şarafları, hararetli sohbetler, peynir ve salam eşliğinde çok iyi gidiyordu.

Şehre gelince, Siena küçük bir şehir, ancak çok fazla turist alıyor. Benim orada olduğum dönemde gündüzleri çok kalabalıktı, günü birlik gelen turistlerle şehrin her yerinde karşılaşmak mümkündü. Aksama doğru turisler gidip, ortalık sakinleşince gerçek Siena'yi hissedebiliyordum. Daha önce turistik amaçlı iki kez gittiğim Siena bu defa çok farklı geldi bana. Bu dönemde Siena'yı görüp gezmekten öte yaşadım. Siena'yı yaşamak çok keyifli!!! Üstelil etrafta gezip görecek çok yer var. Ben zaten Toskana'yı çok severim. Tekrar gitmek ister miyim? Kesinlikle evet! Görmek istediğim ve gördüğüm halde tam içime sindiremediğim daha çok yer var oralarda. Anlatılacak çok şey var oralara dair. Ancak, anlatmak yetmez. En iyi anlatım bile oraları tanımlamakta kifayetsiz kalır. Gitmek, görmek ve yaşamak gerek...



Nancy S 234  
Concord Ma - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Physician

A friend told me how wonderful her time was at Saenia Iulia, but what I experienced was so much more than I had expected. I knew no Italian when I arrived, but the teachers were patient, encouraging, and insightful. Within days I could speak quite a bit. I am not fluent in any language other than English, so this was not easy - classes were two or three people, of all ages, from many countries, and our common desire to learn brought us together quickly, despite our different bakgrounds.

The excurisions with Mauro show Tuscany in a way that few can access. The teachers have enormous knowledge of art, history, and bring so much more than just their skillful language teaching. I can think of no better way to experience a new part of the world than to try to learn its language, live in a city, experience its culture, and be looked after by the generous souls who teach at the school. I can't wait to return  - a life changing time.





Bobby M 233  
Dublin - Irlanda
età: 50s  
professione: Civil Servant

My experience of Saena Iulia was extremely positive. My classes were with Mauro: a mixture of individual classes, classes with my wife and classes with a small number of others. I would highlight five things: First, Mauro is a superb language teacher; he has a passion for the Italian language and for communicating both the language and the passion to others (he is the only teacher of any subject I have met who takes photographs of some of his written explanations to make sure that he is constantly improving his didactic methods). Second, Saena Julia gave me my first knowledge of la bella lingua but, more importantly, gave me the confidence to believe I would eventually be able to speak it. Third: Saena Iulia is in the immensely beautiful city of Siena - a campari in the Campo after a long day of language training makes even conjunctives seem tolerable. Fourth, there is a real sense of community about the school; we learned almost as much during coffee breaks and on our communal exploration of Tuscan villages as we did during the lessons. Fifth, my wife and I are still married despite doing language classes together - what's not to like about Saena Iulia?

Franca L 231  
Toronto - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: Webworker

The first year I came to Saena Iulia felt like a big risk... who are these people? What will it be like? Will it be worth it? The answers were evident immediately as I was welcomed with exactly the right balance of friendliness, tact and charm. During class my Italian capabilities immediately started to blossom under the school's tutelage.

The teachers are intelligent, cultured, friendly, and extremely professional. They know their own language inside and out but also have a sensitivity to how certain aspects are strange or hard to grasp for a foreigner. This makes all the difference!

But more than that, Siena itself is perfect. Just big enough (and quirky enough!) to be interesting, but not so big as to be overwhelming. A place where you don't feel yourself pulled in all directions all the time; you can just relax and learn the language and make your cultural experiences (which abound!) part of that. 

I have already been back and will continue to return every year that I can. Saena Iulia consistently provides an optimal language-learning experience: challenging, interesting, and includes lots of laughter and fun. Bravi, amici!

Simeon S. 230  
Lauf (Bayern) - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Doktorand VWL

Ich kann die Saena Iulia Sprachschule in Siena nur empfehlen. Kleine Klassengrößen, abwechlungsreiche Lermethoden, positive Atmosphäre und vor allem motivierte und sympathische Lehrer, die einen auch über den Unterricht hinaus in die lokale Kultur einführen. Siena und Umgebung sind absolut sehens- und lebenswert - ein weiterer Grund für die Scuola Saena Iulia! Mille grazie a tutti i maestri ed alunni per due settimane stupende!

Don Z. 229  
Santa Clarita, California - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Commercial Real Estate

Ciao Saena Iulia's Staff,

What a great experience I had while attending your school this past September.  I was a beginning student of the Italian language when I arrived and after just one week, I was confident that I could travel throughout Italy without a problem.

The Saena Iulia staff was excellent. It was apparent that each teacher was not only skilled at teaching the language but each also took a personal interest in the students and their progress.

I had the good fortune to have Sabrina as my instructor.  Her teaching methods were most effective and unique.  The class was challenging but fun too.  She was especially interested in her students learning the language and culture.  I hope to have Sabrina as my instructor when I return...but only if she does not require me to do the class skit again :)

Actually, the skit was quite fun and I learned a lot.  

Please tell Sabrina "ciao" from Don and reassure her that I will study the reflexive verbs before returning in the summer.

I wish to thank you all again for a wonderful experience.

With best regards now and always,


Lucas H. 黄凯权 228  
Singapore 新加坡 - Singapore
età: 20s  
professione: Editor 编辑

对 Saena Iulia 这间学校我就只有“赞”。教师们都非常的友善,非常的有耐心。能从实实在在的意大利人学习语言和文化是一件多么幸福的事!在那里的两个星期我了很多。 除了教室里的课程外还有出外游行的机会:有时是在锡耶纳中世纪的小街上步行,参观只属于托斯卡纳的土产商店;有时是到郊外的地方,例如阿西西等等的城市,这样边看风景,边体验意大利的文化,又同时让自己毫无顾虑的练习那美妙的语言 -- 我真的毕生难忘。

Saena Iulia 的朋友: 宝忠哦,大家!后会一定有期。

Julian S. 227  
Metz - Francia
età: 50s  
professione: International civil servant

I've just finished a three-week course at Saena Iulia.
I am completely satisfied with the course. I found the staff unfailingly helpful and responsive and believe I made considerable progress, achieving a degree of fluency I had never reached before. My class was tiny (three students at the beginning, then two, including myself), which was ideal for learning. I was very impressed by the way in which the staff do everything possible to make students feel at home in Siena, involving them in activities (Friday lunches and many interesting excursions). In fact they never stop teaching, even during the breaks! At other language schools the staff disappear the moment the lesson is over, not here though. Nothing is too much trouble for them. This obviously creates an excellent climate for learning, and in fact many students return year after year.
I was impressed by the fact that the common language among students (even relative beginners) was Italian, rather then English as is usually the case.
Having done many language courses (not only in Italian) over the years, I'm in a position to compare Saena Iulia with other courses:  I really think that Saena Iulia is an exceptional language school, managed very flexibly and calmly by Mauro, and would strongly recommend anyone thinking of doing an Italian language course to enrol with this school.

Lydia H. 226  
Emmen - Paesi Bassi
età: 50s  
professione: Docent

In oktober 2013 heb ik 1 week doorgebracht op Saena IULIA om mijn kennis van het Italiaans te verbeteren. Ik ben erg onder de indruk van de professionaliteit en de persoonlijke aandacht van het personeel. De lessen zijn afwisselend en erg interessant, de leraren hebben veel ervaring en geven erg goed les, juist van binnen uit (vanuit het gevoel) en niet te technisch.
Naast de lessen komt ook de Italiaanse cultuur aan bod, dmv. excursies interessante lezingen en gezellige ontmoetingen.
De school ligt prachtig midden in het centrum van Siena, naast de dom en een paar stappen van Het Piazza del Campo. Een prachtige, interessante  en fijne stad om een tijd te vertoeven, met een schat aan historie en mogelijkheden, ook in de omgeving!
Een echte aanrader deze Italiaanse taalschool!

Yasmin G. 225  
München - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Impiegata

Mit keinerlei Vorkenntnissen in Italienisch haben mein Mann und ich eine Woche 1To2 in der Siena Iulia besucht. Atmosphäre in der Schule, Engagement der Lehrer und Qualität des Unterrichts haben alles übertroffen, was wir bisher an Sprachschulen besucht haben. Der tägliche vormittägliche Besuch in der Cafebar, bei dem alle Schüler zusammenkommen, gemeinsames Kochen und Hilfestellung auch bei außerschulischen Fragestellungen. Mauro hat mit angenehmer Gelassenheit unterrichtet,  sich flexibel an unsere Vorstellungen angepasst und jede Frage präzise erklärt. Das schuleigene Lehrbuch ist klar strukturiert und der klare Fokus auf Konversation und Unterhaltungen über die Wesentlichen Elemente des Alltages genau was wir wollten. Und Grammatik lernen kann man auch beim Spaziergang durch Siena. Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt, und würden jederzeit wieder in diese kleine aber feine Schule kommen. 

Eva K. 224  
Bratislava - Slovacchia
età: 20s  
professione: assistant

My Siena - simply said - experiences shared, friendships made, opportunities offered and funny times spent. Two weeks in Siena & Saena Iulia scuola have been a learning and an enjoyable experience for me. Mauro, Sabrina, Elletra and Guido are more than teachers - they become your helpfull friends with open heart and neverending smile : ) I learned a lot, I ate a lot of great italian food, I travelled a lot around Toscana. Special GRAZIE to international friends I've met here. The saying goes - you always meet twice in life, my wish says - more than twice : ) That is why I would like to come back, to enjoy beautiful Siena streets, to visit this sunny soul school, sweet italian family I lived with and come back to time I felt happy - as I really lived La dolce vita.. I totally reccomend you Siena and Saena Iulia. Once you go there, you will not come back home ;)

Bastiaan Koekkoek 223  
Edinburgh - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Supervisor Marriott Residence Inn

From when I was younger I have loved Italy, it's people, food, wine and deep diverse culture. This year I choose to start learning Italian to prepare myself for a life here. In January I started with taking class at the Italian Cultural Insitute in Edinburgh and had developed a quick understanding of the language. However, I wanted more and asked what was possible in Italy. I was recomended to go to Siena.

I'm glad that I went to Siena and the language school, from the moment I arrived to the moment I had to leave again it's been a wonderfull experience. It felt like I had been going there for years already because the staff are so friendly, open and helpfull and it feels they are your friends from the beginning.

With regards to the course itself, I found that it was structured and developed to your needs. For example if you would like to focus more on grammar, they would help you with that and explain the way it works in a clear and sufficient way where you would learn as much as possible.

Besides the course there are lots of activities to do during a stay in Siena. The school offers excursions to different cities, wine makers, etc. It's a really good way of getting to know the area around Siena and speaking with people that have lived there whole life in Italy. It's also a good way of sucking up all that culture that's there for you to grab.

Therefore, if you are looking to learn Italian in the country itself and want to be able to enjoy the beauty of Siena, Tuscany, I would highly suggest taking courses at this language school as they are personal, small and in the end your friends.

Thank you very much Mauro, Sabrina, Elettra and Guido for the amazing experience, you are all stars! I think I will see you soon again though as my decision to live in Italy is now set!

Baci e abbracci  



Ulla S. 222  
Joensuu - Finlandia
età: 50s  
professione: Special teacher

Vietin kaksi täyteläistä viikkoa Sienan ihastuttavassa kaupungissa keväällä 2013. Mukava perhe, loistavat opettajat ja kulttuurisesti kiinnostava ympäristö tekivät ajasta todella ikimuistoisen. Olin opiskellut italiaa aiemmin vain viikon, mutta ihmeellistä kyllä, kaikki kommunikointi tappahtui italiaksi. Kielikoulun opettajat tekivät kaikkensa rohkaistakseen ja opettaakseen meitä italian sinänsä yksinkertaisesta, mutta ah niin monimutkaisesta, kielestä kiinnostuneita oppilaita. Emäntäni sanoikin, että SI ei ole mikään tavallinen kielikoulu. Se todella ptää paikkansa. Suosittelen lämpimästi!

Paula N. 221  
Helsinki - Finlandia
età: 60s  
professione: journalist

Vastaanotto koulussa oli ystävällinen ja mutkaton. Pääsin heti tehokkaasti opiskelun alkuun, vaikka italian taitoni olivat ruosteessa. Opettajat selvittivät, missä asioissa tarvitsin lisää opetusta ja sain myös yksityistunteja. Kurssit olivat kohtuuhintaisia. Siena on tavattoman viehättävä kaupunki. Renessanssiajalta periytyvän vanhan keskustan kävelykatujen alue on laajin mitä olen missään nähnyt. Kaupungin ilmapiiri on miellyttävä ja sivistynyt. Koulu sijaitsi vanhassa palatsissa, jonka paksut seinät ovat varmaan viileät kesälläkin. Toisessa palatsissa asuimme kuin ruhtinatteret. Teimme ympäristöön retkiä koulun kanssa ja matkasimme viikonlopuksi merenrantaan.


Donna I 220  
Illinois - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: University employee

I spent two weeks in May 2013 at Saena Iulia.  Not an absolute beginmer with studying Italian, I can say that even though I spent a short time there, immersion studying is a much better way to study.  I chose this school due in part to the kindness and promptness of Mauro replying to my questions and encouraging me to make the right decision for me.  I was looking at a school in another city in Italy.  I felt no pressure to make a quick decision.

Elettra was my teacher for two weeks.  Classes are small; my first week there were two students; the second week, there were four.  The more advanced class had small numbers of students, as well.   These small classes offer more opportunities for interactions with other students and with the teachers.  Daily breaks at a coffee bar with the teachers were fun and learning experiences at the same time.

Many thanks to Elettra, Mauro, and Sabrina for a wonderful two-week stay.  I enjoyed the outings; the shared meal; and what a surprise on my last day -- a chilled bottle of Prosecco and good wishes all around.

If you are thinking of studying Italian for pure pleasure or for some other reason, contact Saena Iulia before you decide.  And what a bonus in that it is located in Siena!




Josette R 219  
età: 60s  
professione: amateur (du verbe aimer)

Saena Iulia est le souvenir d'une parenthèse hors du temps et du monde.  D'abord, entrer dans la ville de Sienne, irréelle pour nous Français. Aux premiers pas, elle est un décor, et au bout d'un moment, on s'aperçoit qu'elle vit, qu'elle palpite, qu'elle rit..... Le décor, c'est nous !

Et dans cette ville de conte, dans ses rues qui flottent sous les brumes de Printemps, une équipe de vrais professionnels, perfectionnistes, précis, passionnés. Mais pas seulement. Des êtres pleins de générosité, de tolérance, curieux de découvrir l'élève et sa culture, prêts à enrichir et à s'enrichir. Ils sont sérieux et gais à la fois. Ils sont exigeants, et rassurants. Ils sont détendus et ouverts à toutes les compréhensions. Et si on disait "Humains" simplement ?

Sabrina et Elettra, à la diction parfaite (pour perdre votre accent français, vous n'avez qu'à les imiter), qui veillent à tout, voient tout, arrangent tout, et enseignent avec l'air de n'y pas toucher; quand elles ne sourient pas, elles rient, les petites fées ! 

Mauro, amoureux de sa magnifique langue : vous le regarderez contempler un mot, l'interroger des yeux, lui demander d'où il vient, où il va, qui sont ses frères et soeurs... et le mot lui dit tout....vous les verrez discuter tous les deux, en amis, et si vous vous y prenez bien, vous discuterez aussi....

Guido le jeune homme romantique, promène sa douceur comme une fiancée. Et le cotoyer est une façon merveilleuse d'apprendre.

Dans ces conditions, pas étonnant que les élèves soient en majorité des femmes, attirées par la chaleur apaisante. Dommage pour les hommes...mais c'est une autre histoire, qui reste à écrire.

J'ai fait des progrès fulgurants, j'ai acquis l'assurance orale, et j'ai demandé la nationalité de Sienne !

J'ai quitté Saena Iulia sans dire adieu. Tout mon coeur dit merci.

Ivo S. 218  
Vrhnika - Slovenia
età: 60s  
professione: consigliere

Čudovit teden na jezikovnem tečaju italijanščine v Sieni

V tednu od 13. do 18 maja 2013 sem se udeležil tečaja italijanskega jezika v jezikovni šoli SAENA IULIA v Sieni. Zahvaljujoč dobri organizaciji in izjemno prijaznemu osebju šole, sem preživel zelo lep, in kar se tiče učnega programa, tudi zelo koristen teden.

Sam se učim italijanščino že leto in pol na tečaju v Ljubljani. Kmalu sem ugotovil, da z uro in pol na teden ne bom prišel daleč.  Ker mi je mesto Siena že od nekdaj všeč sem v tem kraju po internetu poiskal jezikovne šole za tujce. Glede na to, da imam že 63, let sem imel pomisleke, da sem morda za to že prestar, vendar mi je gospod Mauro (direktor) iz šole Saena Iulia iz Siene zagotovil, da to ni in ne sme biti problem. Moram reči da je imel prav.

Že ob prihodu me je počakala prijazna gospodična Alesia, ki mi je pokazala kje lahko parkiram avto in me pospremila do apartmaja, kjer sem bil nastanjen. Nato mi je pokazala kako se pride do šole, ter mi dala še nekaj koristnih napotkov. Nastanitev ti po želji uredijo s strani šole, kar tudi priporočam: lahko v apartmaju, pri družini ali pa v hotelu. Sam sem izbral apartma in moram reči, da sem bil z izbiro zelo zadovoljen. V pogovoru z ostalimi tečajniki, nekateri od njih so stanovali pri družinah, sem videl, da je tudi to dobra izbira. Saj šola izbere prave lokacije in ustrezne družine.

V tednu ko sem obiskoval šolo nas je bilo 11 oz. 13 slušateljev iz vsega sveta. Razdeljeni smo bili v tri skupine glede na stopnjo znanja posameznika.

Zaposleni v šoli; direktor, dve učiteljici (Sabrina in Eletra) in en učitelj, so se zelo trudili, da bi nam  prenesli čim več znanja in istočasno napravili naše bivanje čim bolj prijetno. Lahko rečem, da so bili v tem uspešni.

Zraven šole, ki je trajala vsak dan od 9 do 13 ure, je bilo možno imeti še dodatne individualne ure izobraževanja, po želji pa si se lahko udeležil izletov v bližnjo okolico, družabna srečanja in podobno.

Tudi če prideš sam v mesto in na tečaj, imaš občutek, da nisi nikoli sam.

Z mirno vestjo lahko rečem, da je šolanje in dogajanje izven šole vsekakor vredno denarja in časa, ki se ga potroši.

Glede na izkušnjo, ki sem jo pridobil, sem že danes odločen, če bo le mogoče, da se naslednje leto vrnem vsaj za dva tedna.

Ciao Ivo

David M 217  
San Diego, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Professor of Music now retired

After having taught music for many years, I've learned more about good and effective teaching from the teachers at this school.  They quickly become personal friends you will never want to lose.  I remember more than once the tears of separation we shared at the end of our weeks(s) there.  Saena Iulia slips you under the skin of Italian culture.  If you want to know more than just the language you would go nowhere else.

You can learn in a safe environment and develop a love for both the language and the culture and above all, a love for the school and its wonderful faculty.

Asta L 216  
Helsinki - Finlandia
età: 60s  
professione: allenatore,coach

Opiskelin Saena Iuliassa kaksi viikkoa huhtikuussa 2013. Itse koulu sijaitsee ( varmaankin) 1500 -luvulta peräisin olevassa rakennuksessa, niinkuin kaikki muutkin rakennukset Sienassa. Koulu sijaitsee lähellä kuuluisaa Sienan Duomoa.

Opiskelu tapahtuu pienryhmissä, omassa ryhmässäni oli 6 henkilöä, eri puolilta maailmaa. Itse opetus oli äärimmäisen inspiroivaa, opettajani oli etupäässä Elettra Paresi. Hänellä on hyvin joustavat menetelmät, kielioppi solahtaa päähän ihan huomaamatta ja ryhmä rohkaistaan puhumaan. Opetukseen kuuluu myös paljon tietoa Sienasta ja Sienan kiehtovasta historiasta. Pidin kielenopetuksesta tässä muodossa erittäin paljon. Osa oppitunneista kului kaupungilla ja esim. markkinoilla. Opettajat rohkaisivat myös yhteisöllisyyteen oppituntien ( 4h) ohella. Hyvin usein kielikoulussa opiskelevat ja opettavat tapasivat aperitiivien merkeissä. 

Suosittelen koulua ja Sienaa lämpimästi.

Rauni L. 215  
Helsinki - Finlandia
età: 60s  
professione: pankkiiri

Huhtikuusa 2013 opiskelin 2 viikkoa Saena Iuliassa. Koulu on erinomainen: ryhmät ovat pienet (omassani oli 6 henkilöä) ja opettajat loistavat. Opetus oli välin hyvinkin vapaamuotoista ilman kieliopin strukturoitua läpikäyntiä. Tämä antoi oppilaille mahdollisuuden aktiiviseen keskusteluun joka olikin parasta antia koulussa. Opettajat myös järjestivät pari kertaa viikossa vapaamuotoista ohjelmaa jolloin heti tutustui muihin opiskelijoihin.

Siena on uskomattoman kaunis kaupunki, ja ydinkeskusta autoista vapaa. Ravintoloita on runsaasti ja ne ovat erittäin hyviä. Yhteydet Sienasta muihin kohteisiin kuten merelle ja Firenzeen ovat helpot.

Suosittelen lämpimästi!


040 559 3049


Eva K. 214  
Wien - Austria
età: 40s  
professione: Bankangestellte

Mein Besuch in der Schule war bereits mein 2.  Leider hatte ich heuer nur 1 Woche Zeit - es ging mir vor allem darum, Konversation zu betreiben und viel zu sprechen. Elettra ist eine geduldige und äusserst liebenswerte Lehrerin mit der wir in der Gruppe auch sehr viel Spass hatten. Als Alleinreisende fühle ich mich in der Schule sehr gut aufgehoben, man bekommt beste Unterstützung und wertvolle Tipps für Siena. Auch die wöchtentliche Ausflügen zu den verschiedenen Orten in der Toskana sind schon alleine den Besuch wert. Mauro versteht es, seine Heimat den Schülern der Schule näherzubringen! Vielen herzlichen Dank an Elettra, Sabrina, Mauro, Guido für eine wundervolle Woche. Wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr ganz bestimmt wieder !!!!

Franca L. 213  
Toronto ON - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: self

Saena Iulia is more than a language school: it is a complete cultural experience. I have enrolled in the school twice and completed a total of three weeks of training. Led by a team of gifted, sensitive and intelligent professionals, I have been given the opportunity to explore a side of Siena, Tuscany and Italy that very few stranieri ever have the opportunity to experience.

From class discussions of current events to impromptu tours of local points of interest, the teachers are always gently pointing us through the doorway to deeper understanding and appreciation of Italian culture. The curriculum is built around what the students will be seeing and experiencing in the city outside of the school: if you are there at Easter, you will learn about Siena's traditional Easter celebrations; if you are there during Il Palio, you will learn about that. And in all cases the context and the meaning of local celebrations, traditions, and historical events are carefuly illuminated... all in Italian, of course. 

To me, this is the very best way to explore: using language as a doorway to deeper knowledge and appreciation of the people who embody the culture. At Saena Iulia, all this is done while applying the highest standards of language training, and a level of sensitivity and integrity that keeps me coming back, again and again.

I will return next year, and I hope many years after, you can count on it.

Dianne S. 212  
Boston, VA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Attorney

Studying Italian with the dedicated and supportive teaching staff at Saena Iulia is a truly unforgettable experience.  I would recommend Saena Iulia to anyone wishing to learn or enhance their language skills and have a wonderful time doing it. I have spent a total of 5 weeks at the school - 2 weeks the first year and 3 weeks the next year and also took weekly Skype lessons that extended and enriched what I had learned in Siena. The school is unique among language schools in Siena, providing a caring, friendly environment in which the students and teachers share knowledge and experience with each other and become friends. The small classes and availability of individual instruction ensure that each student can progress at her/his own pace and can feel part of a warm circle of friends wile learning the language and enjoying the many cultural opportunities Siena offers.  The teachers are professional, attentive, and patient and demonstrate that a great deal of thought has gone into the teaching methodology and materials made available to students.  Weekly excursions to places in Tuscany that you would rarely find as a tourist provide an opportunity to speak to local people, learn about their lives, and acquire a deeper understanding of the region and its people. Given the outstanding quality of the instruction, friendliness and competence of the staff, and the beautiful yet intimate environment of Siena, I cannot think of a place I would rather study Italian than Saena Iulia. 


Eliza H. 211  
Berlin - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Project Manager Berlin Filmschool

Ich habe insgesamt fast 2 Monate an der Siena Iulia verbracht und diese sehr genossen. Die Schule liegt mitten im Zentrum dieser kleinen, mittelalterlichen Stadt und ist, wie fast alles in Siena, klein und hat einen familiàren Charme der einen gleich am ersten Tag Willkommen heisst.

Der Unterricht ist sehr genau an die individuellen Bedùrfnisse der Schùler angepasst und wird durch Exkursionen in die atemberaubende Toskana und Seminare zur Geschichte der Stadt begeleitet.

Ich bin sehr glùcklich eine Weile Teil dieser kleinen Familie gewesen zu sein und endlich italienisch gelernt zu haben!

Kathie L 210  
Guelph, Ontario - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: Social Worker

Among the options of schools in Siena, Saena Iulia is top notch in terms of quality of teaching Italian, taking care of the needs of students, providing information and teaching about culture of Siena and Tuscany, and the amazing warmth from the small, hardworking staff.

The school is in the centre of the historical part of Siena, and provides group and individual Italian lessons at all levels.  They also host small half day trips around the area, making it an enriching experience culturally, even if you travel without a car.   The supportive and positive nature of everyone I have encountered here has made my experience one of the most memorable of my two month stay in italy.

The accomodation recommended by the school is also excellent and affordable, with a choice of type of accodation, also provding comfortable and pleasant places to stay very close to the school.  The staff at the school takes care of any issues or problems that may arise and they respond quickly and with ease.

Thank you for this wonderful experience Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina and Ariela!


Susanne C. 209  
Berlin - Germania
età: 50s  
professione: Sekretärin

Liebe Leser dieses Kommentars,

ich möchte euch diese Schule wärmstens ans Herz legen, denn das hat sie verdient!

Um eine Sprache zu lernen, muss man sich wohl fühlen. Man muss sich sicher, verstanden und gut aufgehoben fühlen. All dies konnte das Team der drei Lehrer uns Studenten bieten.

Ich war drei Wochen im Oktober 2012 dort und habe zusammen mit etwa 15 Menschen im Alter von 20-60 Jahren diese Erfahrung machen können. Egal, um was es sich handelte: persönliche Dinge, die Unterkunft, die italienische Sprache oder Kultur, spezielle Wünsche...  alles wurden von dem Lehrer-Team in angenehmster Weise geregelt.

Es war möglich an schönen Ausflügen in die Umgebung von Siena teilzunehmen und auch da stand das Wohlbefinden der Teilnehmer im Vordergrund. Auch Extrawünsche ( ich z.B. wollte unbedingt mal ans Meer ... :) wurden ermöglicht.

Falls ihr bei der Anmeldung noch nicht wisst, welche Art von Kurs/Gruppe euch gefällt, dann ist das kein Problem. Ihr könnt eure Wünsche auch während des Sprachunterrichts äußern und ich weiß aus eigener Erfahrung, dass sie mir erfüllt wurden.

Genug geschwärmt! Ich wünsche der Schule und den LehrerInnen noch viel Erfolg und weiterhin Spaß an der Arbeit!


Judith J. 208  
strasbourg - Francia
età: 60s  
professione: retraitée

Je viens de passer deux semaines extraordinaires à l'école.  Les cours sont vraiment excellents, permettant de progresser tout en ne s'ennuyant jamais.Et l'encadrement est d'une gentillesse et d'une qualité exceptionnelles.

Hugues D. 207  
Fontenay sous Bois - Francia
età: 50s  
professione: Informaticien

En octobre 2012, j'ai fait un stage de 2 semaines de stages à l'école «Saena Iulia». Ce qui marque le plus, c'est la très grande gentillesse et disponibilité de l'équipe (Mauro, Elletra et Sabrina) qui fait tout ce qui est possible pour rendre le séjour agréable, faire connaissances avec les autres élèves (pots, apéritifs d'arrivée) et découvrir cette magnifique ville et ses bonnes adresses. D'un point de vue pédagogique, l'organisation est aussi excellente : le matin, des cours en petit groupe homogène – 3 personnes la 1ère semaine, 5 la 2ème – permettent d'acquérir les bases, de travailler l'oral avec les autres élèves;la mise en application pratique commence avec la petite pause au bar du coin. L'après-midi, les cours individuels permettent d'approfondir les points durs et de discuter, en italien évidemment. Tous les jours ou presque, un petit supplément culturel : exposé sur le palio, la via francigena, découverte du marché, de la ville … sans parler des excursions plus lointaines (Pienza, Assise) sur l'après-midi. Un manuel, résumant tout ce qu'il faut savoir, sert de support pour les cours et reste un support pour l'avenir. En bref, un excellent souvenir de l'école, de Sienne, de l'Italie.

Moni R. 204  
Sevelen - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: medical massage therapiest

Im September 2012 verbrachte ich zwei unvergessliche Wochen in Siena und der Sprachschule „Saena Iulia“. Die Schule ist sehr klein und es herrschte eine sehr familiäre Atmosphäre zwischen den Studenten und den Lehrern. Der Unterricht in Kleingruppen war sehr abwechslungsreich und praxisnah. Die Lehrer (Elettra und Sabrina) gingen sehr individuell auf die Bedürfnisse ihrer Studenten ein. Es wurde auch sehr viel Wert auf die mündliche Kommunikation gelegt, so dass man in kürzester Zeit Fortschritte machte. Die Schule organisierte auch einmal pro Woche einen Ausflug in die wunderschöne Region rundum Siena sowie verschiedene Ausflüge in die Stadt. Super! Auch die Unterkunft bei der Gastmutter war super und sehr zentral gelegen. Für mich waren es zwei absolut geniale Wochen und ich habe die Zeit in der Schule und der Stadt sehr genossen. Grazie mille a tutti!

Ben G. 203  
Luxembourg - Lussemburgo
età: 40s  
professione: Translator
I really enjoyed my time at the school, and found that everyone was very helpful and welcoming - the teachers were all very responsive to my questions and helpful in organising accommodation and advising me on travel arrangements in Italy. We were also given some very interesting insights into local culture and traditions. Many thanks to you all at Saena Iulia!

Adriana L. 202  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Pflegefachfrau (Nurse, Infermiera)

Die Schule ist sehr klein, aber FEIN. Super gute, professionelle und sehr fürsorgliche Lehrer, welche auch gerne Mal am Abend auf ein Glas Wein anstossen. Ich habe mich wahnsinnig wohl gefühlt. Ich war überrascht, dass es nicht sehr viele junge Leute hat (Teenager) das hat mir sehr gefallen. Ich hatte eine super gute Zeit und sehr liebe Menschen kennengelernt. Würde jederzeit wieder die Schule bei Saenaiulia machen!! Einfach nur genial. Auch das Unterrichtsmaterial, Lehrheft, ist sehr gut zusammengestellt. Die Möglichkeit, weiterhin Lektionen per Skype zu machen finde ich grossartig. GRAZIE MILLE ELETTRA, SABRINA, MAURO!!!!!

Jörg G. 201  
Sankt Andreasberg - Germania
età: 50s  
professione: Theaterleiter und Geschäftsführer
"Saena Iulia" ist eine kleine, sehr familäre Schule. Der Unterricht war intensiv, mit einer guten Ausgewogenheit zwischen Grammatik und Kommunikation. Die Lehrbücher sind sehr gut aufgebaut. Die Zusatzangebote im Freizeitbereich sind vielfältig und die Lehrer dabei sehr engagiert. Die Schule liegt äußerst zentral, meine Wohnung war nur drei Minuten Fußweg entfernt. Siena ist, gerade im Umfeld des Palio, ein erlebnisreiche Stadt und ein guter Ausgangspunkt für Exkursionen in die Toskana. Ich kann diese Schule, auch im Vergleich zu Schulen, die ich in Florenze, Rom und Kalabrien besucht habe, sehr empfehlen.

Christoph K. 200  
München - Germania
età: 50s  
professione: Softwareentwickler

In August/September 2012 hatte ich einen wunderschönen 2-wöchigen Sprachaufenthalt in Siena. Vormittags gab es Sprachunterricht in einer kleinen Klasse. Der Unterricht war extrem abwechlungsreich und motivierend. Die Lehrerin ging fast unmerklich auf die persönlichen Stärken und Schwächen der einzelnen Schüler ein. Beinahe jeden Tag gab es Hausaufgaben, die einmal mehr einmal weniger fordernd waren. Die Nachmittage und Abende standen zur freien Verfügung. Einmal pro Woche wurde von der Schule eine knapp zweistündige Kulturaktivität (Museumsbesuch, Opernbesprechung) kostenlos angeboten. Einmal pro Woche wurde gegen Bezahlung ein Ausflug in die Toskana mit Besuch eines Weinguts (Chianti, Brunello) gemacht. Ich glaube auch, dass alle anderen Mitschüler genauso zufrieden wie ich waren. Außerdem denke ich, dass wir alle einen ziemlichen Schub in Hinblick auf unsere Italienischkenntnisse gemacht haben.

Jana S. 199  
Bratislava - Slovacchia
età: 30s  
professione: marketing manager
Stay in Siena and Italian lessons in Saena Iulia far exceeded my expectations. Excellent teachers Sabrina, Elettra and Mauro taught us in a really high and professional level - exactly tailored to our needs. I appreciated the small groups of students in the classroom and excellent study materials. In this school, I felt like between the friends who I´ve already known since a long time. Responsive, friendly - almost family atmosphere. Trips to the Chianti vineyards, beauty of Tuscany, excursions around the city, art excursion and many more - all these activities were really amazing and well organized. We learned a lot, saw a lot, ate a lot :)and we had a lot of fun together. I really recommend Saena Iulia to everyone regardless of age and nationality. At the end we all agreed - we couldn´t choose better.

Ross MacRae 198  
Edinburgh, Scotland - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Student
Having spent two fantastic and unforgettable weeks studying at Saena Iulia I would thoroughly recommend the School to anyone seeking to learn Italian regardless of level or prior experience. The division of students into small class sizes (circa 5-6) is, I understand, not common practice in Italian language schools but certainly advantageous in that it allowed for greater interaction with the tutor and for progression at the student’s own pace. The numerous cultural excursions organised by the school were thoroughly enjoyable and interesting and gave me the opportunity to use my Italian in more practical situations as opposed to being confined to the classroom. These teaching methods combined with the warm, friendly and extremely accommodating staff made for a truly enjoyable and rewarding experience and I would recommend it without hesitation nor reservation.

Marilyn L. D. 197  
Bethesda, Md. - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Attorney
I attended Saena Iulia for two weeks in October of 2011 and am planning on returning for two weeks next April. Here's why: classes are small (one could say, tiny); the staff is very professional, committed, knowledgeable about HOW one learns a foreign language. The course is molto intensivo-- really for the serious student though we also had fun in and out of class. Each week there were one or more field trips to locations in Toscana you are unlikely to see or have known about as a tourist. And best of all, the field trips offer opportunities to meet and speak with native Italians about their villages and homes, their lives, things like viniculture. The scuola is in a beautiful palazzo mere steps from the Duomo. The staff is wonderful- I was quite emotional in leaving as the staff were not just my teachers but had become friends. I highly recommend Saena Iulia. As an aside, Siena is magical.

Ragnhild Ø. 196  
Stavanger - Norvegia
età: 50s  
professione: advokat
Skolen og opplegget anbefales på det sterkeste. I løpet av min uke lærte jeg mye. Vi har inndelt i små grupper, min lærer Elettra er meget flink, kunnskapsrik og lager en god stemning.Vi hadde det gøy i timene og snakket om de forskjelligste ting.Grammatikk var og inkludert. Mauro (sjefen)er svært imøtekommende. Alle legger vinn på at studentene skal ha et hyggelig opphold, også sosialt. Utenom "skoletid" snakket vi alle italiensk sammen. Derav ble utbyttet av uken enda større. Lærerne var alltid med i pausen da vi gikk for å få oss noe å drikke. De var og med noen ganger til lunsj. Mauro tok oss med på en flott rundtur i Toscana, besøkte blant annet Montelcino.

Ann Carroll 195  
St. Paul MN - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Teacher
I must begin by saying that if you are asking yourself whether you should take Italian language class at Saena Iulia, your answer should be an unqualified YES! I planned to enroll for three weeks and ended up staying for close to three months. Saena Iulia is more than just a school- it is like a family. The language instruction is outstanding (small classes, individualized instruction, highly skilled and energetic teachers) - but there are also excursions, dinners, visits to local artisans, markets, museums, concerts, cafes, weekly trips to surrounding cities and towns like Arezzo, Montepulciano, Volterra. Every week they offer a seminar on topics, often based on student interest, in Italian culture- including opera, art history, Italian cooking, and the History of Siena and its magnificent Palio. The staff works long hours but their enthusiasm and energy never wanes. It is clear that they love what they do! Mauro, Sabrina, Elletra and Karina always take the time to make you feel at home and comfortable in class, during daily coffee breaks at a local bar and in the city of Siena itself. I had the pleasure of meeting students from across the globe who return year after year- and I plan to do the same. I came to Siena with a basic knowledge of "tourist" Italian. Within a couple of weeks, and with the help of the incredibly patient and gifted Sabrina, I began to feel much more confident as my vocabulary grew and understanding of the complexities of the language increased significantly. More than that, though, I forged wonderful relationships in a magnificent city!! You will not find a better place to learn a language or to feel a part of something special.

Julia Donkel 194  
Dresden - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Studentin
Auf Grund eines neuen Angebotes meiner Universität der TU Dresden habe ich die Möglichkeit wahrgenommen für 2 Wochen im August nach Siena an die Scuola Saena Iulia zu fahren. Der Kurs wurde mir von der Uni gezahlt, die Unterkunfts- und Reisekosten habe ich übernommen. Von Montag bis Freitag hatten wir Unterricht von etwa 9 bis 13 Uhr. Wir waren 4-5 Personen pro Kurs, was diesen sehr persönlich machte. Wir diskutierten viel miteinander auf Italienisch über Alltagsdinge, was mir besonders geholfen hat, da ich mich vor allem im Sprechen üben wollte. Die Lehrer (Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina) waren wahnsinnig nett und wir bauten alle sehr schnell ein vertrautes Verhältnis auf freundschaftlicher Basis zu ihnen auf. Grundsätzlich ist alles an der Scuola sehr persönlich, das Arbeiten ist nicht nur strenges Lernen, sondern miteinander Sprechen, die Gegend erkunden, das wunderschöne Siena kennenlernen. Zwischendurch gab es eine Kaffepause, in der man auch wieder die Möglichkeit hatte sich mit allen zu unterhalten. Außerdem wurden von der Scuola einmal pro Woche ein Exkurs (ein Treffen am Nachmittag bei dem man zusätzliche Infos zu einem bestimmten Thema bekommen hat, zum Beispiel über eine italienische Oper) und einmal pro Woche eine Exkursion (Ausflug in das Umland von Siena, zum Beispiel Chianti, Montalcino, oft mit Weinprobe) angeboten, bei denen man freiwillig teilnehmen konnte. Ich empfehle natürlich diese Angebote anzunehmen. Nachmittags gab es dann viel Zeit das wunderschöne Siena zu erkunden, die Contradas, den Palio (den man im Juli und August besonders zu spüren bekommt), Pici und Panforte und die anderen seneser Besonderheiten zu entdecken. Gegen Abend haben wir (alle Sprachschüler und teilweise Lehrer) uns oft auf einen Aperitivo an der Piazza del Campo getroffen um uns zu unterhalten und zusammen zu sein. Wer Lust hatte ist anschließend in eines der zahlreichen und überaus köstlichen Restaurants gegangen. Ich habe fast noch nie so gut gegessen wie in Siena. Alles in Allem war es ein wahnsinnig schönes Erlebnis und wer nicht ganz verschlossen ist, der macht schon in 2 Wochen Fortschritte, was das Italienisch (Sprechen und Grammatik) betrifft. Allerdings wäre ich gerne viel länger geblieben, weil es für mich die beste Art und Weise ist eine Sprache zu lernen! Ich kann die Scoula Saena Iulia wirklich ALLEN ans Herz legen, ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschritte, hier findet jeder seinen Platz.' Wer gerne mehr Informationen oder besondere Tipps bekommen möchte, der kann mir auch gerne eine E-Mail schreiben: Ansonsten sind auch die Lehrer immer für euch da! GRAZIE MILLE ragazzi per un tempo meraviglioso!!! Non dimenticherò mai queste due settimane! Un abbraccio grande! Julia

José Manuel Serrano Arevalo 193  
Madrid - Spagna
età: 30s  
professione: impiegato d banca
La verdad es que pasé en Siena tan sólo una semana, pero fue una experiencia fantástica. Todo el mundo en la escuela se esfuerza por hacerte sentir como en casa, tratan de adecuar el curso el máximo posible a tu nivel, y además organizan actividades fuera de horario, para poder practicar el italiano el máximo posible. En mi estancia nos llevaron de excursión a Pienza y Monticchiello, donde además pudimos ver una obra de teatro en italiano, al aire libre! Para el alojamiento, yo recomiendo una familia, con desayuno y cena, porque se practica italiano mucho más. Yo estuve en casa de Silvana y Giampaolo, un matrimonio de señores mayores muy, muy simpáticos, a los que además les encanta hablar, lo cual siempre viene muy bien. Además, Silvana cocina de maravilla!!! Si os animáis, seguro que os traeréis un buen recuerdo!!!

Maria Fort 192  
London - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Primary School Teacher
I had a great time at Saena Iulia. Staff and other students were friendly and welcoming. The classes were very small so there were plenty of opportunities to practise speaking Italian and to ask questions. The weekly excursion was an enjoyable way to see some more of Tuscany. Thank you!

Dafni Crescenzi 191  
Salonicco - Grecia
età: 20s  
professione: Studentessa
Μια πολύ όμορφη εμπειρία! Δύο εβδομάδες που δε θα ξεχάσω ποτέ!Φάνηκε λίγος καιρός. Σίγουρα θα το επαναλάβω! Η πόλη είναι πανέμορφη, μια πόλη διαφορετική από τις άλλες που σίγουρα πρέπει να ανακαλύψεις. Το σχολείο δε βοηθάει μόνο στην εκμάθηση της γλώσσας αλλά και στο να αντιληφθείς την ψυχοσύνθεση και τον τρόπο ζωής της χώρας και των κατοίκων της μέσα από εκδρομές, σεμινάρια, μάθημα εκτός τάξης με βόλτες στην πόλη και συνομιλίες με ντόπιους, ομαδικές εξόδους σε παραδοσιακά εστιατόρια και μπαρ της πόλης. Το προσωπικό του σχολείου, ιδιαίτερα φιλικό και πρόθυμο να βοηθήσει σε ό,τι χρειαστείς, αντιμετωπίζει το κάθε άτομο ξεχωριστά και ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες και τα ενδιαφέροντά του προσαρμόζει το υλικό που του προσφέρει. Και φυσικά οι άνθρωποι που γνωρίζεις εκεί, οι συμμαθητές σου και όχι μόνο...άνθρωποι από διαφορετικές χώρες που σου δίνουν την ευκαιρία να αντιληφθείς και να γνωρίσεις τον τρόπο ζωής και σκέψης και στις δικές τους χώρες! Κάνεις φιλίες, δένεσαι μαζί τους και μαζί με το προσωπικό του σχολείου δημιουργείτε μια μικρή οικογένεια!! :)

Eleanor Houston 190  
Londra - Regno Unito
età: 30s  
professione: Analyst
I have just returned from a lovely week in Siena studying at Saena Iulia. This was my fourth visit to Saena Iulia since 2000. The school is in the centre of the city in the historically important Palazzo del Magnifico, next to the Cathedral and a few steps from Piazza del Campo. Lessons are taught in an informal way and are personalised to suit the groups in question. The size of the school means that everyone, students and staff alike, get to know each other and the teachers generously give up their own time to meet students for drinks and meals during the week. There is an introductory breakfast for everyone on Monday each week. Visits are organised according to student interests and requests. Last week we visited a winery in Chianti and the small town of Panzano. Elettra also arranged a visit to Siena's archives in response to a student's request. I would recommend Saena Iulia to people of all ages (last week the ages ranged from early 20s to mid 50s) from any country. It is very friendly and international and the staff go out of their way to ensure that everyone feels at home and has fun. There always seem to be a lot of repeat visitors which must be a good sign!

Katalin Vadnay 189  
Budapest - Ungheria
età: 20s  
professione: Student
Hol is kezdjem...életem egyik legjobb élményeként fogom elraktározni azt a két hetet, amit ezzel az iskolával töltöttem! A tanárok lenyűgözőek, velem Elettra foglalkozott mind a két héten, de az iskola vezetője, Mauro is bőven kiveszi a részét a közös programokból. Végre megértettem hogyan működik a Palio, csodálatos helyeken( Radicofani, Pitigliano) voltunk kirándulni, és úgy érzem, sokat fejlődött az olasztudásom. A társaság is szuper volt, mert nagyon hasonló érdeklődésű csapat volt a két hét alatt, így több alkalommal is elmentünk együtt egy bárba, fagyizni, vagy vacsizni. Szívből ajánlom mindenkinek, mert egy nagyszerű iskolában, szuper tanárokkal, gyönyörű városban eltölteni pár hetet örök élmény! Csak ne lenne olyan nehéz a búcsú... :)

Sally Livingston 188  
Delaware, Ohio - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: University Professor
My experience at Saena Iulia exceeded all of my expectations. I have attended other language schools, where, yes, I learned the language, but the teaching stopped once I left the classroom. Not at Saena Iulia! From my first email contact with Mauro, I felt embraced and welcomed into the magical experience that is Italy, that is Siena, that is Saena Iulia. My learning (with the magnificent Elettra and Sabrina) seemed custom-made for my needs. The generosity of spirit of the entire staff was simply amazing: there were days that they were with us for 12 to 14 hours, offering not only classes, but excursions into the countryside, drinks in the piazza, and contrada dinners. I echo what others have said: this school is truly a family, where each member is treated with incredible care. In short, my Italian improved a hundred-fold, and I had an unforgettable time in the process.

Anne 187  
Helsinki - Finlandia
età: 30s  
professione: Opiskelija
Opiskelin Saena Iuliassa kaksi viikkoa ja pidin kovasti. Ryhmät olivat pieniä (2-4 henkilöä) joten opetus oli erittäin intensiivistä. Opettajat olivat hyviä, asiantuntevia ja sympaattisia. Asunto järjestyi koulun kautta helposti ja koulu järjesti myös vapaa-ajan ohjelmaa. Vapaa-aika vierähti usein muiden opiskelijoiden kanssa. Siena paikkana on erittäin kaunis! Suosittelen lämpimästi sekä koulua että itse kaupunkia.

Susan G. 186  
Melbourne - Australia
età: 30s  
professione: Policy advisor

I can't speak highly enough of my experience studying at Saena Iulia. My month long stay studying and living in Siena has instilled a deep love for this amazing city and its kind and generous people. Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina and the other staff were fantastic. They are excellent teachers and always willing to share their culture and love for Siena. They have a wonderful approach to lessons and empowering students to put into practice what is learnt in the classroom. I made many wonderful friends during my time there and know that I will return many times in the years to come to continue my studies.

Ina Stepputat 185  
Berlin - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Software Consultant
Ich habe Saena Iulia nur durch Zufall entdeckt, so wie viele der anderen Feedback Schreiber auch. Ich hatte eine Schule gesucht, die einen Kurs über Lyrik in der italienischen Oper anbietet. Außerdem war mir wichtig, dass die Schule eher von älteren (30+) Studierende besucht wurde. Ich versprach mir eine höhere Lernbereitschaft unter den Studierenden. Ich war im September 2011 drei Wochen dort und weil es mir so gut gefallen hat, bin ich im Mai 2012 gleich noch einmal für drei Wochen nach Siena gefahren. Der Unterricht hat mir viel Spaß gemacht. Man lernt eher themenbezogen und nicht stur nach einem Buch, was mir persönlich sehr entgegen kam. Auch werden Wünsche und Anregungen der Studierende berücksichtigt. Die Gruppen sind sehr klein (wir waren maximal zu dritt), so dass man viel Zeit zum Sprechen hat. Die Themen für den „Opernkurs“ konnte ich mir selbst aussuchen. Mein Italienisch hat sich sehr verbessert. Die Lehrenden sind einfach toll. Man merkt ihnen allen an, dass sie nicht nur unterrichten möchten, sondern gerne auch den Menschen als solches kennenlernen möchten. Gemeinschaft unter den Studierenden und Lehrenden wird an dieser Schule sehr befürwortet. Durch die tägliche gemeinsame Kaffeepause in einer Bar wird dies zusätzlich gefördert Auch die wöchentlichen Ausflüge in der näheren Umgebung sowie die Seminare mit anschließendem Aperitif tragen dazu bei. Es herrscht eine sehr liebevolle Atmosphäre, in der man sich rundum wohlfühlt. Ich weiß, dass ich auch noch ein drittes Mal kommen werde. Nicht zuletzt, weil Siena und die Toskana noch viele Sehenswürdigkeiten bietet, die ich mir noch anschauen muss.

Charles Smith 184  
Dublin - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Retired electical engineer
My experience of Scuola Saena Iulia was a very happy one indeed. The school though small and informal, is first and foremost very professional and well organized, and is located right in the centre of the beautiful medieval city of Siena. The classes were always well structured, with a well balanced mix of language learning techniques and teaching aids, and covered all the necessary aspects of language learning such as oral competence, reading and writing, and grammatical development. The teaching staff were experienced and very competent. They were all very friendly and sociable, and the small classes were well structured, progressive and stimulating and yet at the same time pleasant and enjoyable. Although my own studies were at the lower levels of Italian language learning, my discussions with the more advanced level students I met at the school informed me that the school also provides intermediate and advanced levels and attracts advanced level students from overseas who return on a regular basis for higher level classes. A very important feature of the school is that there is a clear policy of cultivating a warm and friendly atmosphere amongst all the students either through café visits, the weekly group tour into Tuscan towns or places of interest, or the additional school seminars. It was a pleasure to study at the school, and to meet with international students, male and female, of all ages and I have no hesitation in recommending Saena Iulia Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana a Siena to any prospective student. Charles Smith, Dublin. 26.07.2012

Mary Quinn 183  
Galway - Irlanda
età: 50s  
professione: retired university lecturer
I spent two weeks in Saena Iulia in October 2011. I had already studied Italian and had a Diploma (about 1st year university level) but it was very rusty and my spoken and aural Italian was very weak. The formal classes were well structured with very good variety of material and different aspects of Italian - conversation, grammar, reading aloud,and writing. The small class size (I was in a group of five the first week and three the second week) was a real plus with genuinely individual attention. My teacher, Elettra, was unfailingly kind, encouraging and patient. Any written material handed out was of very high quality. I found everyone in Saena Iulia extremely welcoming, encouraging and respectful of our efforts. They always stretched us in our efforts to improve while at the same time keeping the atmosphere very relaxed. In fact, nothing was ever a problem with the Saena Iulia colleagues, and they were always willing to facilitate requests to discuss particular topics, and to visit local places of cultural or historical interest. My standard of Italian improved considerably over the two weeks, and probably more importantly, my confidence in using the Italian I had, improved also. I had intended to return to Saena Iulia this Spring, but was unable to do so for personal reasons. I am still planning to return either late 2012 or Spring 2013. Should you wish to contact me directly to discuss Saena Iulia, the administrator at Saena Iulia has my permission to pass on my e-mail address ... Mary, July, 2012

Diano Catherine 182  
Marseille - Francia
età: 60s  
professione: retired (national education)
J'ai suivi 2 semaines de stages à la "Saena Iulia scuola en Juin 2012. Nous étions 5 étudiants pour la 1° semaine et 4 pour la 2°. Les cours étaient organisés le matin, soit 4h soit 3h. Corinna était notre professeur, une jeune femme jolie et à l'écoute de ses étudiants. Electra s'est aussi occupée de nous pour converser en dernière heure. Elle savait nous mettre à l'aise et les échanges étaient toujours intéressants! L'humour a contribué à l'ambiance conviviale des cours ... Le manuel qui nous a été remis pour les cours est très bien fait, très utile pour l'apprentissage de l'italien. Certaines sorties sont organisées par l'école et aussi quelques apéritifs avec tous les étudiants des différents niveaux. Les après midi, nous avions tout le loisir de nous promener dans la belle ville de Sienne et de la visiter. Ce stage a été très positif pour moi et je me suis fait des amis étudiants, d'autres pays que le mien, ce qui est aussi enrichissant!

Alice Mattice 181  
Chevy Chase, Maryland - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired lawyer
I have tried to learn Italian off and on for years, but I only began to make real progress at Saena Iulia! I just completed my second two-week session at the school and also take weekly half-hour Skype lessons. A few years back I took a two-week course at a well-regarded school in Florence, and there is simply no comparison. The classes are much smaller than elsewhere, the teachers are uniformly excellent and caring, and the atmosphere is very relaxed; this all creates an environment where you are not afraid of making mistakes. The teachers tailor the lessons to the student's interests, so you have a real incentive to learn how to express yourself in Italian. To top it all, Siena is a wonderful place to study-- large enough to have a fascinating and rich culture but small enough to feel intimate. Unlike Florence the Senese will let you practice Italian. The weekly excursions outside the city have been wonderful. If you're interested in learning Italian, don't hesitate; you will learn and you'll have fun doing it!

Veronika 180  
Tirolo - Austria
età: 30s  
professione: Service Industry - Hotellerie
Hallo zusammen, naja wie soll ich sagen, ich habe die Schule durch Zufall gefunden und bin froh, dass ich mich entschlossen habe - genau hier 5 Wochen zu verbringen. Ich habe schon einige Sprachschulen besucht, aber hier bei Mauro, Elettra, Sabrina und Corinna war es mehr als Schule... Die Schule hält was sie auf ihrer Internetseite verspricht - "Mini - Klassen" - ich war in den 5 Wochen mit maximal 4 anderen in einer Klasse. Der Altersdurchschnitt der Studenten liegt im "oberen" Bereich - was das Lernen sehr angenehm macht und das Niveau hoch hält - in der Seana Iulia sind wirklich nur Leute die italienisch lernen wollen - niemand muss - der Unterricht wird individuell gestaltet, zusätzlich hatte ich noch Privatunterricht – ich kann nur sagen „grazie per tutti“ !!! Noch ein Pluspunkt, die Schule veranstaltet wöchentlich Exkursionen (in einem Minibus) das heißt auch hier immer eine kleine Gruppe – nicht die typischen „Touri-Exkursionen“… Pause am Vormittag – natürlich – aber selbstverständlich nur mit allen gemeinsam – inklusive den Lehren – damit auch ja italienisch gesprochen wird…! Wer eine „klassische“ Sprachschule will ist hier richtig – wer eine „klassische Sprachschule mit persönlichem Touch“ will – ist hier GOLDRICHTIG!!! Eine kleine Info zum Schluss – ich komme wieder … Tanti saluti VerOnika

Daniel und Rubina G.-L. 179  
Bern - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Informatiker

Meine Frau und ich haben zwei wunderbare und lehrreiche Wochen in einer äusserst persönlichen und angenehmen Atmosphäre bei Saena Iulia verbracht. Wir haben dabei sehr kompetente Lehrer(innen) aus dem Team von Mauro kennen und schätzen gelernt. Der Unterricht wurde mit kurzen Ausflügen in die Stadt sehr lebhaft und abwechslungsreich gestaltet. Glücklicherweise wurden wir in eine Klasse mit passender Grösse eingeteilt. Weiter sind auch die von der Schule organisierten Ausflüge in die Provinz Siena sehr zu empfehlen. Wir erachten Siena als geradezu idealen Ort, um seine Italienischkenntnisse zu verbessern oder aufzufrischen. Daneben haben Stadt und Provinz auch ohne Unterricht so viel zu bieten, dass der Aufenthalt von zwei Wochen geradezu lächerlich kurz bemessen war ... Zum Glück besteht ja die Möglichkeit, wider an diesen inspirierenden Ort mit der kleinen aber feinen Schule Saena Iulia zurückzukehren ...

Nick Adams 178  
Stratford-upon-Avon - Regno Unito
età: Teens  
professione: Student
I spent a month studying Italian with Saena Iulia. I found the teaching exceptional and thought that the mini group was the perfect environment in which to learn the language. All the staff were immensely helpful and the accommodation that Saena Iulia found for me could not have been better. The school is also very well located, right in the heart of the city. A great experience all round.

Julie & Roger France 177  
Auckland - Nuova Zelanda
età: 60s  
professione: ...
My wife and I are delighted to provide this feedback on our three weeks at Saena Iulia in June 2010.
It is almost impossible to fault our experience at the school.
In the first instance they gave us excellent advice on where we should overnight in Rome, how we should get to Siena and where we should stay in Siena. They then found us a superb apartment close to the Piazza del Campo and very close to the school itself at a very reasonable price.
All the staff (and for that matter all the pupils) at the school were extremely friendly and made us very welcome. Saena Iulia is not a large school: it is small and very intimate and we were made to feel at home from the moment we arrived.
Notwithstanding that it is a small school, it is nonetheless run in a very professional manner and to a very high standard. The school has a very well developed curriculum backed up by a large library of resource materials. My wife and I were taught in a mini-group lesson (with one other person) for three weeks by Sabrina who was, in one word, excellent. However, talking to other students, who had different teachers, it is apparent that all the teachers at the school are highly professional and capable.
I can offer no better testament than that my wife and I will be returning to Saena Iulia for a further three weeks in June 2011, and we can’t wait to get there.

Doerte M.-G. 176  
Hamburg - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Traduttrice
Ich war im Sommer 2010 auf einem dreiwöchigen Sprachkurs bei Saena Iulia und habe die Zeit sehr genossen, die gemeinsamen Ausflüge und die familiäre Atmosphäre. Schön war, dass der Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen individuell gestaltet wurde. Ich war von Siena begeistert, einer Stadt, die kulturell viel zu bieten hat und auch im Sommer nicht nur den Touristen gehört. Ich bin ein Mittelalter-Fan und war also in dieser Stadt genau richtig - ein bisschen war es, als wäre ich in eine Zeitmaschine geraten. Ich kann Siena und die Scuola Siena Iulia wirklich empfehlen!

Al and Tracy B. 175  
San Francisco, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Criminal lawyer and Teacher
We studied Italian for two weeks in Siena this past Spring 2010. It was an excellent experience starting with the enthusiastic assistance in helping us pick the right course, find an excellently located apartment, and making us feel comfortable from the moment we arrived! Our fellow students were from other countries and this made the learning experience even more international. The teachers were superb and the classes were tailored to our abilities and needs. The enrichment activities, including tasty field trips were well planned and expanded our cultural and historical perspectives. Siena is steeped in history and yet is a vibrant city. The lectures on the Palio and L'ultima Cena were fantastic: we will never look at a picture of the Last Supper in the same way again. And one day we will get back to Siena to enjoy the Palio first hand. Thank you to all of the staff of Saena Iulia for this most satisfying study vacation.

Celia L. 174  
Lebanon, New Jersey - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired - Teacher/Administrative Assistant
In 2010 I took my first trip to Siena, and therefore it was my first time at Saena Iulia. My experiences with the school and the city were amazing! All the professors were warm, and caring, taking time to help each of us individually. Besides lots of classroom time, we also enjoyed excursions to nearby villages, and wineries. Also seminars after class chatting about the history of Italian words to discussing Tosca! Living in the city of Siena for 2 weeks was a dream come true! Be ready to walk all over for the historic sites, architecture, the cathederal, other churches, piazzas, music, people watching, superb restaurants, elegant stores, and much more! Many fond memories to last a lifetime, and a yearning to return to Saena Iulia and Siena very soon.

Johanna U. 173  
Frankfurt am Main - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Pianistin
Ich habe die Sprachschule Saena Iulia ganz spontan und durch Zufall gefunden. Ich bin sehr froh darüber und meine Liebe zu Italien und Siena und der italienischen Sprache hat sich durch meine Erfahrungen dort noch verstärkt. Saena Iulia ist eine ganz besondere Sprachschule weil man dort wunderbare Menschen trifft! Den Unterricht fand ich sehr vieldimensional - anspruchsvoll, individuell, spontan. Es findet viel Austausch statt und man bekommt wirklich viel Einblick in alles Italienische. Das motiviert sehr weiterzulernen und wiederzukommen!

Reto T. 172  
Rapperswil - Svizzera
età: 30s  
Meine vier Wochen bei Saena Iulia werden mir in bester Erinnerung bleiben! Das tolle Lehrerteam, die überaus familiäre Atmosphäre und die netten Mitschüler haben viel zum Lernerfolg beigetragen. Bei den wöchentlichen Schulexkursionen in der Region habe ich so manche Trouvaille entdecken können! Diese Sprachschule kann ich wirklich weiterempfehlen...

Emi G. 171  
Santa Barbara, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
I loved the environment Saena Iulia provided! The atmosphere of the school was more like a family and inspired me to continue to work on learning Italian. When I first arrived, I was a bit nervous and spoke very little Italian, but as the weeks passed I learned not only in the classroom, but in the city of Siena. The location of Siena was perfect in the way that it helped me apply the lessons I learned daily to real life situations. When I returned two years later, it was like reuniting with my long lost family. The classroom sizes allowed attention to each student and helped improve everyone's speaking and writing capabilities. The school trips each week helped further learning in the areas of history, culture, and art better than any tour book or brochure. Overall, I would highly recommend taking a course at Saena Iulia if you are looking to get more than help with your Italian language learning. The school is in a great location, right next to the Duomo and Piazza del Campo, and allows students to explore Italian culture, art, and history in a unique and quaint setting that is not overwhelming.

Julia S. 170  
Wayville, SA - Australia
età: teens  
professione: student
I studied at Saena Iulia for 4 weeks in 2010 and the teachers were amazing! I learnt so much in my time there and they welcomed you and made you instantly feel at home. This was especially nice for me as I hadn't been away from home for this long before. While in Siena I stayed with a host family which was great, living the Italian way and trying new foods, as well as practicing the language. Siena is an amazing city enriched with history and character. It is an easy city for travel as everything is in walking distance and there is plenty to see. During the week the school would take us on trips to outlying places and during the weekends you can take a bus to other cities like San Gimignano, or the train to other major centres such as Pisa. The experience was priceless and I enjoyed every minute of it. One day I hope to return. For anyone thinking of going and studying Italian in Italy, Siena is a great place to do it. So GO!!!

Verena K. 169  
Basel - Svizzera
età: 50s  
professione: Kauffrau
Schon das zweite Mal habe ich die kleine aber feine Sprachschule Saena Iulia in Siena besucht. Dieses Mal hatte ich mich für Privatstunden entschieden, um die Konversation zu verbessern. Mauro und sein Team sind 100-prozentig auf meine Wünsche eingegangen und die Schulstunden sind jeweils wie im Fluge vergangen. Neben seriösem Lernen wird auch viel gelacht. Das Familiäre und Unkomplizierte gefällt mir sehr an dieser Schule. Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen! Auf bald wieder in Siena.

David B. 167  
Melbourne - Australia
età: 60s  
I spent a wonderful four weeks at Scuola Saena Iulia in March/April 2010. It was 'low' season and the school went out of its way to ensure that each student had the best possible cultural and learning experience. The teaching was exceptional (lessons were always stimulating and sensitive to the needs and interests of each individual student), and I not only made huge strides while in Siena, but my four weeks there provided a solid platform on which to build on my own in the months since. No less impressive was the effort the school made to acquaint us with Tuscan/Italian culture, through weekly excursions (exceptional guides and fun companions) to exquisite places off the usual tourist track (Massa Marittima and Arezzo were standouts), weekly seminars on a range of interesting topics (the seminar and subsequent visit to the bottini, Siena's incredible underground water system, were unforgettable), meals at the teachers' favourite restaurants, etc. In a word: Perfetto!

Martina S. 165  
Bremen - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: teacher
Eine kleine, aber feine Sprachschule inmitten der wunderschönen Stadt Siena. Sehr individuell wird auf die jeweiligen Fähigkeiten des Einzelnen eingegangen. In sehr angenehmer Atmosphäre besteht hier die Möglichkeit in kleinen Lerngruppen effektiv die Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern und gleichzeitig Land und Leute besser kennen zu lernen. Besonders gut haben mir die wöchentlichen Ausflüge und Veranstaltungen in die Region gefallen.

Laurence H. 164  
Claremont, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
Five years ago, as an intermediate-level Italian speaker, I looked into the possibility of studying in Italy. I was hoping to find a school, located in a small city filled with charm and culture, that would be intimate and welcoming (and non-threatening), with small classes and students of varying ages and nationalities. My research led me to Scuola Saena Iulia, which turned out to be an ideal choice. The experience far exceeded my (high) expectations. Since then, I have returned several times for a couple of weeks in the summer, and have continued my studies during the year using the school's distance learning program on Skype. The staff is energetic, dedicated and skilled and my classes were truly small! The lessons are well-planned, varied and lively. And Siena is a delightful city with art, music, culture, terrific restaurants in every price range, and a lively outdoor ambiance in the summer. (Sitting at a table on the Piazza del Campo with a glass of wine made doing homework almost painless!) At the end of your stay, parting will be bitter-sweet, and you will already be planning a return visit to the school! As they say in Italian, un'esperienza da non perdere!

Janet M. 163  
San Diego, California - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: retired college librarian
Siena is a magical place to study Italian, and Saena Iulia is one of the best parts of the magic. All affiliated with the school will shepherd you through it all with flair and style! My husband and I have returned to Saena Iulia 4 times over a 10 year period, and are determined to do it again. Each time our Italian improves geometrically, and our love for Italy and for Siena and our friends there grows as well. Our first time there, we were in a beginning Italian class for 3 weeks, and have managed to move on up the scale each time. We have stayed in apartments with roommates and by ourselves. I understand the positive comments from those who have stayed with families, who use their Italian to communicate with those with whom they live, but the apartment works too. It helps you learn to survive in the city – not always easy on the small back streets where tourists do not go. We shop, eat out, launder, dry clean, use the library and other public facilities. Great practice! Saena Iulia will accommodate your every need – travel information for weekend or future pleasure trips, private lessons in pronunciation and conversation, wonderful field trips within and without the city. Once we even did a 20-hour trip to Verona to see “Aida” in the Roman amphitheatre, returning to Siena at 5 a.m.! We recently visited Siena without time to take classes, since we were accompanied by 8 friends who don’t speak Italian. We introduced our friends to Saena Iulia's staff, and were able to arrange for a historical tour of Siena and a wine tasting trip in Chianti. Now our friends can’t wait to go back – they’re infected with the magic of Siena and Saena Iulia as well! My husband and I are recently retired college instructors, and over these past 10 years have learned much about teaching and learning from Saena Iulia’s instruction program. I certainly became more attuned to the needs of our English-as-a-second-language students, and have a deep admiration for what they are doing, struggling to learn a new language to be able to live in a new country. I think one way to come closer to world peace and understanding would be for everyone to study a foreign language, in that language’s home country – and where better than Italy and Saena Iulia?

Kath H. 162  
Warwickshire - Regno Unito
età: 50s  
I have been learning Italian for two years and have been studying with Saena Iulia since April 2009, with four visits and continuing on-line lessons. This tells you my view of the school. From my first e-mail exchange, I knew that the ethos of the school was caring with the students being of paramount importance. Nothing is too much bother for any of the staff. Once you arrive at the school, which is in a superb location in the heart of Siena, you are in the safe hands of people whose priority is the students, whose teaching methods are among the best, their professionalism, enthusiasm, caring, energy and also their knowledge of Tuscan and Italian culture will ensure an exciting and worthwhile stay in Siena. One recommendation - in my experience the value of two weeks immersed in Italian at the school is way more than double a one week stay, go for as long as you can!

Hanne R. 161  
Achim - Germania
età: 70s  
professione: Hausfrau
Im Juli 2010 war ich für eine Woche mitten in Siena neben dem Dom an einer Sprachschule, der Saena Iulia. Ich war sofort begeistert. Mich umgab von Anfang an eine Athmosphäre des Wohlfühlens. Der Kontakt zu den Lehrern und zu den Mitstudenten war sehr familiär und warmherzig. Z.B. verbrachten wir unsere Pausen zusammen in einem kleinen Cafè gegenüber der Schule, um uns zu stärken und auszutauschen. Wir besuchten nachmittags das Museum einer Contrade; wir nahmen an einem der jährlichen Feste teil. Alles wunderbare Erlebnisse, die ich ohne die Schule nie gehabt hätte. Es war eine unvergleichliche Zeit. Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf das nächste Jahr! Naturalmente in Saena Iulia!

Evey J. 160  
Placitas, New Mexico - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: studio artist - retired art teacher
It is wonderful to speak of Siena, a city of elegance and grandeur at every turn and it is my pleasure to speak of Saena Iulia, a school in the heart of Siena that presents to learners of all ages a personal and intimate view of language, life and culture in this hilltop Tuscan city. The staff are committed to finding a program suited to individual levels and after ten years of attendance, I am well versed in language but more importantly I have come to feel a part of the community as teachers and students share walks and talks and private moments among the hidden treasures of the backstreets of the town.

Juliane E. 159  
Hellenthal - Germania
età: 60s  
professione: infermiera
Weil ich eines Tages die italienischen Opern besser verstehen wollte,habe ich vor sieben Jahren angefangen diese wunderschöne Sprache zu lernen.Und weil das am besten gelingt im Land und mit den Menschen,die diese Sprache so lebendig machen,habe ich schon einige Sprachkurse in Italien gemacht,immer an einem anderen Ort. Wiederum weil ich dadurch Land und Leute der Unterschiedlichen Regionen kennenlernen konnte.Ein absolutes highlight,um es mal neudeutsch zu formulieren war Siena mit der kleinen Schule SAENA IULIA. Dort wurden meine Eindrücke und Erlebnisse, die ich mit der Schönheit und Kultur dieser einmaligen Stadt hatte,durch die Art und Weise,die Zugewandtheit und Kompetenz der Lehrer nochmals vertieft. Die nachmittäglichen Ausflüge oder Besichtigungen waren sehr interessant und einfach schön. Sehr gerne denke ich an meine Zeit in Siena zurück, und wer weiß, vielleicht werde ich meinem Prinzip doch untreu und kehre nochmal nach SIENA IULIA zurück. Vale la pena!

Ralf S. 158  
Bonn - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Pastoralreferent (Seelsorger)
In 2009 war ich das erste Mal für eine Woche in der Schule Saena Iulia, um endlich richtig Italienisch zu lernen, nachdem es in den Jahren vorher durch heimatliche Kurse eher so "dahindümpelte". Es war eine hervorragende Entscheidung! Schon der nette Mailkontakt im Vorfeld lließ die Vorfreude wachsen und gab mir die Sicherheit, mit allen notwendigen Informationen ausgestattet zu sein. Die Herzlichkeit des gesamten Teams ließ die anfängliche Nervosität schnell verfliegen, nach kurzem Test und Beratung des Lehrerteams stand die Einteilung der Schüler und Schülerinnen für die Woche fest. Ich habe die jeweils zwei Stunden Einzelunterricht bei Sabrina wirklich genossen. Ihre sehr hohe Kompetenz in der Vermittlung der Lerninhalte und ihre Freude am Umgang mit Menschen waren beeindruckend. Selten hat Lernen soviel Spaß gemacht! Das Lernen ging in der gemeinsamen Kaffeepause weiter, in der ich den Kontakt zu den anderen Lehrerinnen und TeilnehmerInnen fast jeglichen Alters aus Asien, Australien und Europa pflegen konnte. Für mich war es eine ideale Kombination aus effizientem Lernen im eigenen Tempo und Kontakt mit offenen Menschen. Ein Vortrag über den Palio und der Ausflug waren zusätzliche Lern- und Begegnungsmöglichkeiten. Bei meinem zweiten Aufenthalt (diesmal für 2 Wochen) habe ich schon fast heimatliche Gefühle entwickelt, so sehr fühlt man sich willkommen. Diesmal hatte ich über die Schule auch eine Wohnung gebucht; es war alles perfekt; eine großzügige Wohnung zu einem guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis im Herzen der Altstadt (von der Küche bis zur Schule nicht eine Minute Fußweg!!!). Wieder war ich begeistert von der ans Vorjahr anknüpfenden und in großen Schritten voranschreitenden Unterrichtsgestaltung, den beiden kunst- und kulturhistorischen Vorträgen und den Ausflügen. Außerdem wurde mir eine thematisch passende Lerneinheit in einer Kleingruppe geschenkt und am Schluss wurde gemeinsam gekocht und gegessen. Der Abschied fiel mir wirklich nicht leicht - da sei übrigens jeder gewarnt! Das Komplettpaket Siena mit dieser Schule ist für mich wirklich einmalig - diese kulturhistorisch bedeutsame Stadt, die Tradition mit Lebendigkeit verbindet und dennoch gemütlich und überschaubar ist; diese Schule im altehrwürdigen Gebäude direkt am Dom; und dieses Team, das inhaltlich und organisatorisch absolut kompetent arbeitet, sehr auf individuelle Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen eingeht und menschlich spitze ist! Erwähnt seien noch die guten Möglichkeiten, je nach eigenem Interesse online weiter in Verbindung zu bleiben.

Patricia A. 157  
Grenoble - Francia
età: 60s  
Je n'imaginais pas à quel point ce séjour linguistique pouvait être aussi agréable... En effet j'ai été enchantée par ces 2 semaines passées à Sienne que j'ai découvert avec émerveillement. Je remercie encore ici tous les professeurs dont j'ai énormément apprécié la gentillesse et la disponibilité, tous sont extrêmement sympathiques, amicaux, souriants, dynamiques, compétents.... les superlatifs me manquent... grazie mille a loro. Les cours sont très intéressants et chacun a l'occasion de s'exprimer librement sur la problématique du jour. J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer à l'Ecole Saena Iulia des personnes d'horizons différents et cela aussi est une expérience enrichissante. J'étais émerveillée comme une enfant tous les matins lorsqu'avec mon amie allemande qui partageait mon logement situé à deux pas nous arrivions sur la place du Duomo illuminé par le doux soleil matinal qui semblait lui faire un écrin et que nous devions traverser pour aller à l'Ecole. Le temps de pause au café du coin était aussi l'occasion d'échanges avec les autres étudiants et enseignants et de déguster un excellent capuccino ou un cafè macchiato accompagné de brioches... J'ai découvert la campagne environnante et les autres villes pittoresques de la région avec ravissement soit lors d'excursions organisées par l'Ecole ou par nos propres moyens avec d'autres

Janice G. 156  
Llantwit Major - Regno Unito
età: 70s  
professione: retired
I returned to the Saena Iulia school for the third time this year - a fact that in a way speaks for itself. As always, they were very kind and helpful with making arrangements, both for the lessons and for my accommodation. On each visit I have stayed with a family, which I find an ideal way of experiencing the Italian culture and practising my Italian. The host families have always made me feel extremely welcome and at ease, and the fact that their homes have been within walking distance of the school means that each day starts with a pleasant walk through beautiful Siena.

The school is housed in a lovely old building near the Duomo. The classes are small (usually about 5-6 students) and the atmosphere is very friendly. Students are encouraged to speak Italian as much as possible and the teachers are very patient. After overcoming one's initial shyness or hesitation about making mistakes, this works well. Morning coffee breaks taken together with the teachers at a nearby cafe help to break the ice and give the opportunity to meet students from other groups.

The school organizes a varied programme of afternoon seminars and one trip out each week, to which all students are invited. Sometimes an evening meal together is arranged, which gives the opportunity to chat informally, whilst enjoying Italian food and wine.

There are various options as regards study, so that you can choose a programme suited to your needs. I have always attended the group lessons, with the addition of some one-to-one lessons. The latter, which are tailored to your specific needs, I find useful to brush up on my weak points. The staff at the school are always available to give help and advice, deal with any problems that may crop up,and make suggestions for planning how to use your free time. By bus and train it is possible to travel further afield if you wish, but there is plenty to see in Siena itself.

Having returned home, to maintain my link with the school I subscribe to Area Studio, which offers a wide range of articles, video clips, etc. on various topics. This year I have also chosen to submit written work for correction and this can be on any topic. Comments and corrections have proved useful and I hope to repeat this. I would certainly recommend the school and hope to be able to return next year.

Peter V. 155  
Berkeley, California - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Violin maker
I spent two weeks studying Italian in Siena. I had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the classes and my teachers. I am an intermediate student and have been studying Italian for about 2 years. The teachers were very patient and able to communicate complex ideas using only Italian. At first it was difficult to only use Italian but soon I got used to it and found it very helpful to begin to think in Italian. We also took interesting trips into the countryside and learned more about the culture of Toscana. They also were very helpful in finding a wonderful apartment for me and helping me when I arrived in Siena.

Andreas W. 154  
Montreux - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Lecturer in German and Business Communication
Ich habe im August 2010 zwei Wochen bei der Saena Iulia Schule verbracht. Bereits nach der Enschreibung wurde mir klar, dass diese Schule mehr bietet als nur Italienischkurse. So gibt es zum Beispiel praktische Tipps für die Reise nach Siena und die Möglichkeit, sich durch die Schule eine Unterkunft buchen zu lassen. Unglücklicherweise bin ich am 15. August angekommen (Sonntag vor Palio) und musste – nachdem ich für meinen Mietwagen ziemlich weit weg vom Stadtzentrum einen Parkplatz gefunden hatte – mit dem Koffer den Weg durch die dicht gedrängte Stadt bahnen. Doch war es die Mühe wert. Die von der Schule organisierte Unterkunft war sauber und gepflegt und - wie sich am nächsten Tag herausstellte - die Schule mit ihren netten und aufgeschlossenen Lehrern und ebenso netten Studenten ein Erlebnis. Die Unterrichtsmethoden, die von den Lehrern angewandt werden, sind modern und kommunikativ und die Lektionen beinhalten auch eine Menge Kultur. Auf keinen Fall sollte man sich die an gewissen Nachmittagen angebotenen Seminare über kulturelle Themen entgehen lassen. Mich wird man bestimmt nächsten Sommer noch einmal an der Saena Iulia Schule sehen.

Steve W. 153  
Albany, New York - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired Helicopter Pilot
In October 2010, I attended Saena Iulia for 2 weeks. I was a beginning student of Italian. Due to the “total immersion” concept of only using Italian, and because of the excellent teachers, my confidence in speaking Italian increased tremendously. The quality instructors; small class size (3 to 6 students); and the teaching techniques made this a valuable learning experience. Two additional factors make me give this school an A+. First, the social/cultural activities of visiting Italian hill towns and wineries followed by a group dinner were extremely enjoyable and a pleasant diversion. Secondly, I lived with an Italian family which was a rewarding experience. The Italian couple that I stayed with spoke no English, I spoke very little Italian but we managed to communicate quite adequately. The family went out of their way to help me with my language struggles. As my Italian improves I’m certain they will be an even more valuable addition to my learning experience. Siena is a very enjoyable place to live and great for an “emerging” Italian speaker. Small, yet still a taste of a city. The best thing I can say about Seana Iulia is that I plan to return for another 2 weeks in the fall of 2011!

Dede H. 152  
Oakland, California - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
I had a fabulous two weeks in Siena and with Saena Iulia, and I hope to go back soon. I spent two weeks in October, 2010 living in a shared apartment which the school arranged for me in the center part of town. Siena is a beautiful city full of history and pagentry. I especially liked being able to walk everywhere, and to take the bus to other towns in Tuscany on the weekends.
I could not have asked for a better school experience than what I had at Saena Iulia. The administrator, Giorgia, handled all the details of my stay, and kindly helped me when I had questions about where to go, or what to do. The teachers were extraordinary -- all encouraging, enthusiastic, knowledgable, and just all around great people. In addition to daily classes, which were geared toward my level, the school sponsored a weekly lecture on history or art. The school also provided a weekly excursion to a neighboring city. Both the lectures and the excursions were in Italian, thereby further enriching my experience and my appreciation for the language and the culture. The other students in my small class were lively and interesting, and it was great to have new friends with whom to have dinner or to enjoy the extracurricular activities of the school and the city.
In the end, I felt that I learned considerable Italian, although I wished I could stay longer than the two weeks. It's amazing to me now to remember words, phrases and expressions that I heard while at Saena Iulia, and in Siena, that I can incorporate (and amaze my local teacher)into my Italian conversation. I can't wait to go back.

Carole G. 151  
Toronto, Ontario - Canada
età: 60s  
professione: writer
In Spring 2010, my husband and I spent two weeks studying at Saena Iulia, and it was a wonderful experience for both of us. The classes were both thorough and stress-free. There were very few students in my group, which meant that we each had a great deal of individual attention. There was also time to relax and socialize. It was an added benefit that during our breaks, we'd speak Italian and meet students from other parts of Europe and the U.S. We also had weekly presentations by our teachers on Italian culture and history, and I was struck by their passion and genuine desire to convey their love for these subjects. Their enthusiasm was contagious! In addition, we had fascinating weekly excursions, including a wine-tasting, and the two of us also spent a spectacular weekend absorbing the art in nearby Florence. Old Siena is an extraordinary, intimate city and our accommodations were perfect; close to the school. And all those wonderful little restaurants made our evenings very pleasant. We loved the city's warmth and friendliness, and this made it easy for us to speak Italian with confidence. Our stay was a total Italian immersion experience. By the time we left, my Italian was much improved and my husband - a complete beginner - could order meals and make simple conversation. We highly recommend this school, and we look forward to coming back again.

Алексан& 149  
Москва - Russia
età: 20s  
professione: первый р

О школе хочется говорить и говорить, причем самые что ни на есть приятные слова...Такого доброго и душевного отношения к ученикам, я уж думала и не встретишь. Все объяснят, помогут, научат...душевная атмосфера...интересные, и что главное, полезные уроки...Отдельное спасибо моей учительнице Соне, она просто чудо! В общем я очень и очень довольна, и непременно вернусь снова!

Aslanian P. 148  
Grenoble - Francia
età: 60s  
Je n'imaginais pas à quel point ce séjour linguistique pouvait être aussi agréable... En effet j'ai été enchantée par ces 2 semaines passées à Sienne que j'ai découvert avec émerveillement. Je remercie encore ici tous les professeurs dont j'ai énormément apprécié la gentillesse et la disponibilité, tous sont extrêmement sympathiques, amicaux, souriants, dynamiques, compétents.... les superlatifs me manquent... grazie mille a loro. Les cours sont très intéressants et chacun a l'occasion de s'exprimer librement sur la problématique du jour. J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer à l'Ecole Saena Iulia des personnes d'horizons différents et cela aussi est une expérience enrichissante. J'étais émerveillée comme une enfant tous les matins lorsqu'avec mon amie allemande qui partageait mon logement situé à deux pas nous arrivions sur la place du Duomo illuminé par le doux soleil matinal qui semblait lui faire un écrin et que nous devions traverser pour aller à l'Ecole. Le temps de pause au café du coin était aussi l'occasion d'échanges avec les autres étudiants et enseignants et de déguster un excellent capuccino ou un cafè macchiato accompagné de brioches... J'ai découvert la campagne environnante et les autres villes pittoresques de la région avec ravissement soit lors d'excursions organisées par l'Ecole ou par nos propres moyens avec d'autres

Mirva K. 147  
Helsinki - Finlandia
età: 30s  
professione: Freelancer
Jos sinä etsit koulua, joka tukee italian kielen opiskeluasi, tarjoaa sinulle kieliopilliset työkalut sen käyttämiseen, tutustuttaa sinut kulttuuriin, arjen tapoihin ja ihmisiin ja tekee tämän kaiken lämpimällä, ammattitaitoisella ja rennon jämäkällä otteella - silloin tämä koulu on sinulle oikea paikka. Valtavan ihastuttavien opettajien ja opiskelutovereiden lisäksi tämä koulu tarjoaa uskomattoman hyvä sijaintinsa ansiosta mahdollisuuden tehdä omatoimiretkiä vapaa-ajalla ympäri Toscanaa. Suosittelen todella. Tervetuloa Sienan sydämeen.

Gabriel B. 146  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Jurist
Das beste vom Pädagogischen und vom Menschlichen! Ich habe drei tolle Wochen in Siena verbracht und bin allen sehr dankbar. Ich glaube sogar, dass ich nächstes Jahr wieder kommen werde. Man füllt sich wie in einer Familie.

Dan M. 145  
Victoria BC - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: Retired
I spent the month of November 2010 in Siena, taking classes in Saena Iulia. I started as a beginner but had studied on my own extensively before arriving. I also chose to live with a family, at half-board, through the school. Prior to choosing Siena and Saena Iulia I had looked at both Florence and Rome as options for language schools.
I cannot express how happy I was to have chosen this school and this city. The other students all feel the same. First of all, Siena. Siena is for all intents and purposes, one large pedestrian only area. There are no traffic lights in the city. No pollution. And it is quiet. The restaurants in all their forms are very good. Every afternoon and evening everyone goes for a walk, elderly couples dressed up arm in arm, young kids playing, mothers with their children in strollers, and people dressing very well. There is no evidence of beggars, no evidence of graffiti, no drunks, and as a retired police officer I could not get over the behaviour of the youth. In comparison, Florence and Rome are big cities, noisy, somewhat dirty, and a lot less friendly.
I speak Spanish and have been to many Spanish language schools in various parts of the world, several of which were very good, and Saena Iulia may be the best. If not, as good as the best. Apart from small classes (generally three students in my classes), which is a must in the study of foreign languages, the teachers here are superb. Sabrina, who has been mentioned by several other students on this post, Mauro, and Carolina were my teachers. Each superb. There are no better teachers in the discipline and I thank them very much. The school runs free seminars on various topics once a week and runs an excursion to somewhere on the outskirts once a week. These "tours" offer opportunities not available to larger groups or tour groups and all guided in Italian, or English if and when necessary.
I debated with myself over what type of accommodation to get - apartment, bed and breakfast, or half board. When else would you get an opportunity to see how an Italian family lives? What they eat each night? How they behave. And if you ever need anything, you not only have a resource but likely have friends for life. And when you want to be alone, to study, rest, or email home, you have your own bedroom. Several students came to be envious of my choice - especially the night we dined on braised cinghiale or wild boar.
And one cannot but mention the help and guidance from the office. I could go on, but suffice it to say, you could not make a better choice by choosing Saena Iulia as your school in Tuscany to study Italian. Thank you Saena Iulia!

Andrew R. 144  
Sheffield - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Export Manager
I would recommend Saena Iulia to anyone who wants to learn Italian, at any level. The small groups ensure that every student is fully involved and the teachers take a genuine interest in helping everybody to improve. The methods of teaching are carefully thought out but the process always involves lots of laughter in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The experience is more than just learning. You are right in the middle of a beautiful city, you meet people from all over the world, and everyone at the school is enthusiastic about their culture, their city and their country and eager to share this enthusiasm. I have been four times and on each occasion the organisation has been faultless, the staff delightful and the experience genuinely rewarding.

Michael V. 143  
New York - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Student
After completing my undergraduate degree, I decided that I wanted to spend a good length of time in Italy learning the language and culture of the Italians better. I had spent a semester abroad in Italian as an undergraduate, so I had some basic understanding of the language. However, after spending three months studying at Saena Iulia, I had reached a near-fluency level. The Saena Iulia staff are incredible teachers, truly. I choose the school based on the recommendation of a former professor. The school ended up meeting all my expectations, given I had many. Saena Iulia was a big investment (financial and personal), that I do not regret, for me to make. I view everybody at Saena Iulia as more than just teachers, but friends, and very good ones at that. I look back on the weekly outings, and near weekly dinners with very, very fond memories. Un abbraccio forte forte per voi!

Dana K. 142  
Honolulu, Hawaii - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: writer
Of all the Italian language schools I have tried over the last 12 years, Saena Iulia has the best balance of professional instruction from genuinely caring instructors and the joy of making friends from around the world. My satisfaction with a group language course can depend on the other students in the class with me. At Saena Iulia, the small class size and skill of the staff in matching students of similar levels ensures that I always learn a lot and have a terrific time with new friends!

Marika H. 140  
Wien - Austria
età: 30s  
professione: Kunsthistorikerin
Liebes Team der Saena Iulia, der zweiwöchige Sprachaufenthalt in Siena war für mich ein echter Gewinn. Ich habe ein Sprach-Stipendium in Österreich gewonnen und dann musste ich eine Schule in Italien auswählen. Aber das ist ja gar nicht einfach, weil man nicht weiß, was man bekommt. Aber mit Siena habe ich quasi den Hauptgewinn gezogen. Es gab super kleine Kurse, in denen intensives Lernen möglich war. Meine MitstudentInnen waren ebenso wie ich sehr ambitioniert. Der Unterrrichtsstoff ist sehr gut aufbereitet worden und ein regelmäßiger Lehrerwechsel sorgt dafür, dass man sich nicht zu sehr an einen Lehrer gewöhnt. Die Atmosphäre dort ist international. Die Studenten kommen aus verschiedensten Ländern und man trifft sich auch am Abend, um sich auf dem Campo sitzend kulturell auszutauschen. Darüber hinaus ist Siena eine sehr sehenswerte und gemütliche Stadt. Für mich als Kunsthistorikerin natürlich besonders spannend. Ich habe in aller Ruhe die verschiedenen Sehenswürdigkeiten studieren können. Alles Liebe und weiterhin viel Erfolg wünsche ich Euch. Marika

Maritza B. 139  
Innsbruck - Austria
età: 50s  
professione: Tourguide
Da sowohl mein Mann, als auch ich, Italienisch im beruflichen Alltag beherrschen müssen, suchten wir vor Jahren eine passende Sprachschule. Das italiensiche Kultur-institut verwies mich auf die Schule Saena Iulia in Siena. Seither kamen wir bereits mehrfach zurück und sind in jeder Hinsicht vollauf zufrieden. Die Betreuung könnte nicht besser sein und auch bei der Wahl der Unterkunft steht man den Studenten mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. In Siena wird man liebevoll umsorgt - sei es mit Tipps für die besten Restaurants oder die interessantesten Museen und zudem wird wöchentlich ein gemeinsamer Ausflug in einen der vielen beeindruckenden Orte der Toskana angeboten. Über die excellente Qualität der Schule kann man nicht genügend Worte finden. Am allerschönsten jedoch ist die Tatsache, dass man sich auch als "Oldie" - sogar als alleinreisender - nie ausgeschlossen fühlt. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf unseren nächsten Aufenthalt (obwohl ich eine stinkfaule "Studentin" bin habe ich sehr viel gelernt).

Gudrun E. 133  
Vienna - Austria
età: Teens  
professione: Studentin
Ich habe drei Wochen in Siena verbracht und einen Italienischkurs auf höchstem Niveau erhalten. Entsprechende Kursunterlagen, tolle Lehrer und nette Mitschüler machten meinen Aufenthalt zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Den zusätzlich gebuchten Literaturkurs besuchte ich mit großem Interesse und profitiere noch jetzt von meinen Sprach- und Literaturkenntnissen. Jedem, der wirklich daran interessiert ist in einer familären Atmosphäre Italien, das Land, die Kultur und die Sprache kennen zu lernen, ist bei Saena Iulia genau richtig!Ich kann die Sprachkurse an dieser Schule jedem empfehlen!!!

Julie S.-H. 132  
Anglesea, VIC - Australia
età: 50s  
professione: Banking Officer
I loved the city of Siena - wonderful winding alleyways and quaint buildings. The fabulous apartment that G. had organised for me was fantastic and directly opposite the school entrance.
The course was well suited to my level of competence and I felt that I had improved considerably after an intensive week with excellent teachers. I met wonderful people from all over the world and would recommend the experience to anyone with an interest in the Italian language and culture. The midweek excursion was fun and very interesting. We enjoyed the Italian countryside and had a picnic of local produce. I hope to return again in 'due anni'.

Markus F. 131  
Bozen - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Hotelmanager
Der Aufenthalt in Siena war eine echte Bereicherung. Die Schule hat uns sehr gefallen und es hat uns sehr leid getan, dass wir nur wenige Tage am Schulbetrieb teilnehmen konnten. Auch wenn im November sehr wenig Studenten anwesend waren, war das Programm toll organisiert. Die Menschen von Saena Iulia sind wirklich sehr nett und hilfsbereit. Ein grosses Lob an G., die uns bestens betreut und beraten hat und vielen Dank auch an S. und F., die uns in dieser einen Woche sehr viel beibringen konnten. Die besten Grüße, Markus und Isabel

Adrienne C. 130  
Auckland - Nuova Zelanda
età: 30s  
professione: Business development manager
Having researched several language schools in Tuscany as well as other parts of Italy, I chose Saena Iulia on the recommendation of someone in my Italian class in my home town who had attended. From the moment I was in contact with G., I was given a lot of information on the school and my many questions were always answered with patience and understanding, both via email and on the phone. All the instructions I received prior to arriving were helpful and made my arrival and finding my apartment - and the supermarket - on a Sunday night a very straight forward process. The school is very welcoming and the course itself was perfect for me both in the level of class I was placed in and the content covered in the class. E. was an excellent teacher and the atmosphere was always friendly, fun and relaxed. You never feel stupid for asking a dumb questions or not understanding something! S. and M. were also excellent. My accommodation was 2 mins walk from the school and had everything I needed. Unfortunately I was only there for two weeks - and though I learned a lot I would love to return. It was a really enjoyable time. Grazie a tutti alla scuola!

Karin L. 129  
Thalwil - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Sozialarbeiterin
Eigentlich ein Geheimtipp den man gar nicht weitererzählen sollte...: klein, familiär, herzlich, kompetente Lehrpersonen, gute Organisation, individuelles Lernen, kleine Klassen, interessante und abwechslungsreiche Ausflüge, gute Stimmung, Vermittlung der besten Gastfamilie (! :-)) und grosses Engagement für die Studenten! Ich werde bestimmt wieder kommen....

Finn R. 128  
Oslo - Norvegia
età: 60s  
professione: Professore
Da vi ankom Siena i oktober, hadde vi allerede erfart å studere ved to andre gode språkskoler i Italia i løpet av de siste årene. Derfor hadde vi lite tro på at vi ville finne en enda bedre skole. Men vi tok feil! Fra vårt første møte med supersekretæren Giorgia og den fantastiske leiligheten som hun hadde funnet til oss midt i smørøyet til det historiske sentrum av Siena, til det etterfølgende møte med alle lærerne samme ettermiddag, følte vi at vi var i de beste hender.
Dette førsteinntrykket ble til fulle bekreftet de to ukene vi var der. Spesielt likte vi de små klassene med computere og tilgang til internett samt undervisningsmetodene med vekt på hva som foregikk i Italia både kulturelt og politisk.
Som et resultat lærte vi ikke bare å snakke italiensk bedre, men vi følte at vi hadde fått en videre og dypere forståelse av Italia både i fortid og nåtid. Da vi forlot skolen, visste vi at vi ville dra tilbake så fort vi fikk en mulighet igjen.

Gerald S. 127  
Linz - Austria
età: 30s  
professione: Banker
Mit Saena Iulia habe ich die perfekte Sprachschule gefunden, die ich auf diese Weise weiterempfehlen möchte: Alles begann mit meiner Anfrage über email. Meine Fragen wurden bereits nach wenigen Stunden umfangreich beantwortet. Die G. ist bei allen organisatorischen Angelegenheiten (Unterkunft, Kurskosten, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Veranstaltungen, Bushaltestellen usw.) außerordentlich hilfsbereit. Man musste sich wirklich um nichts selber kümmern, alles war bestens vorbereitet. G. beherrscht neben Italienisch noch sehr gut Englisch und Deutsch. Sie ist das ohne Zweifel das Herzstück der Schule. Nach der Ankunft im bezaubernden Siena, war ich auf den Unterricht und auf die Lehrmethode gespannt. Nach einem netten gemeinsamen Frühstück als Begrüßung in der Schule, wurden wir je nach Sprachkenntnissen in Gruppen eingeteilt. Der Unterricht ist in Kleingruppen mit maximal 6 Studenten/Studentinnen organisiert, was optimal für das Erlernen einer Sprache ist. M., E., S., F. et al. gestalten den Unterricht sehr abwechslungsreich und interessant. Sie gehen auf alle Fragen ein, der Spaß kommt nicht zu kurz, selbst das Grammatik lernen ist keineswegs trocken oder langweilig. Alle sind sehr liebenswürdig und sehr gut ausgebildet.
Obwohl das Lernpensum am Vormittag beachtlich ist, wählte ich zusätzlich einen Individual-Unterricht (Italienische Literatur), der jeden Tag für zwei Stunden am Nachmittag stattfand. Ich wollte die zwei Wochen fürs Italienisch lernen optimal nutzen. Meine Lehrerin hat in diesen zwei Wochen Beachtliches geleistet, habe ich sie doch jeden Tag mit zahlreichen Fragen gequält :o)
Fazit: Man fühlt sich in Siena und in der Sprachschule vom ersten Tag an sehr wohl. Die Sprachkenntnisse haben sich enorm verbessert. Es war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Ich werde eines Tages zurückkommen!

Menno V.
Karen v.O.
Utrecht - Paesi Bassi
età: 30s  
professione: Arts
Wij zijn in de eerste twee weken van september in Siena geweest en hebben daar een prachtige tijd gehad. We begonnen met een weekje taalcursus bij Saena Iulia en zaten in een klasje met in totaal 5 studenten. Alle leraren en leraressen zijn niet alleen goed maar ook enorm vriendelijk. We hadden al eerder een taalcursus gedaan (in Milaan) maar de knusse sfeer, de leuke uitstapjes en de interessante cultuur seminars maken deze taalschool tot iets heel bijzonders.

Jeannine S. 125  
Zurigo - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Studentin
Ich studiere Sprachen um einmal Übersetzerin zu werden. Um mein Italienisch aufzubessern, bin ich für vier Wochen in die Saena Iulia, habe bei einer Gastfamilie gewohnt und eine wunderbare Zeit gehabt. Die Schule ist sehr gut organisiert und bietet einem das, was man gerne lernen möchte. Ausserdem wird man mittels eines Einstufungsgesprächs in eine bestimmte Klasse eingeteilt, so dass die anderen Studenten mehr oder weniger auf dem gleichen Niveau sind. Dabei muss man natürlich auch noch ein bisschen Glück haben, denn nicht immer gibt es Studenten auf deinem Niveau. Ansonsten organisiert die Saena Iulia tolle Ausflüge, die zwar etwas teuer sind, aber bei denen es sich lohnt, teilzunehmen. Mit meiner Gastfamilie hatte ich unheimlich viel Glück, da ich bei einer typisch italienischen mamma mit superlieben Kindern untergekommen war. Meine Gastmutter war eine ausgezeichnete Köchin und zeigte grosses Interesse an ihren studentischen Gästen. So sind wir zum Teil stundenlang am Tisch gesessen und haben interessante Diskussionen geführt. Aber nicht alle meiner Mitstudenten waren von ihren Gastfamilien so begeistert wie ich. Siena ist eine wunderschöne Stadt, die viel Tolles zu bieten hat: Kathedrale, Kirchen, Museen, Piazza, Shopping, Freikino, Gelaterias, Bars, Restaurants, Feste und noch vieles mehr! Ich kann euch Saena Iulia bestens weiterempfehlen!

Seda D. 124  
Ankara - Turchia
età: 20s  
professione: Öğrenci
İtalya deyince aklınızda hayali bir resim canlanır ya... Hani dar sokaklı ve bol yokuşlu, şehrin arnavut kaldırımı sokaklarında arabaların değil, neşeli İtalyanların bağıra çağıra gezindiği bir resim... İşte orası Siena! Bütün İtalya'nın, bana göre, en güzel şehri. İşte bu en güzel şehirde de İtalyanca öğrenmek için gidelebilecek en güzel okul Saena Iulia.
Küçük ve güzel bu okulun, öğretmenleri de çok cana yakın. Sınıflar az kişilik, öğrenci profili de İtalya'nın diğer büyük şehirlerinde olduğunun aksine, çok daha kaliteli. Her yaş grubundan, ve başta Avrupa ülkeleri olmak üzere bir çok ülkeden öğrencilerle çabucak kaynaşabileceğiniz bir ortam sunuyorlar size. Okulun sıcak atmosferi, her yeni gelen öğrenciyi de arasına alıyor.
Gitmeden önce, bitip tükenmek bilmeyen soru ve isteklerimle dolu e-mail'lerime her zaman sabırla ve nazik yanıtlar veren Giorgia, Siena’da da bütün Saena Iulia ailesiyle bizi hiçbir konuda yalnız bırakmadı.
Ben Saena Iulia'yı bulmak için çok aradım. Bu yazıyı okuyan herkesin de, benim gibi aradığını bulması dileğiyle ...

Pierre S. 123  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 60ss  
I got to know the Saena Iulia school two years ago and am now contaminated with the "Siena Virus". Following courses (mostly intensive ones) three times in these two years, was enough to attack the CELI4 exam this november, and I'm sure I will not resist the virus in the next future and meet the highly professional staff again. Further to professional there is an exceptional ambiance and as learning in good mood is so much easier, I learned a lot! Thanks to all!

Ronald S. 122  
Roosendaal - Paesi Bassi
età: 40s  
professione: Area Manager
Mijn korte verblijf in Siena zal mij nog lang bijblijven. In twee weken heb ik met een maximaal aantal studie-uren geprobeerd mijn Italiaans te verbeteren en dankzij de hulp en inzet van Seana Iulia is dit gelukt. Ondanks dat ik in de drukste (Palio, bijzondere ervaring!) en warmste (augustus) periode in Siena aanwezig was heb ik zeker genoten en zal daarom zeker nog eens terugkomen.
Ik vond de kwaliteit en inzet van de school goed en kan deze school aan iedereen aanraden!

Akasya Kansu 121  
Ankara - Turchia
età: 20s  

Siena'ın harika.Bunun yanı sıra Saena Iulia çok şirin, küçük,içten bir okul..Adeta bir aile ortamı diyebilirim ... Hocaları da hem çok deneyimli hem de cana yakın ...

Hannah G. 120  
Miami, FL - Stati Uniti
età: Teens  
professione: Student
I took my gap year last year and spent some time in Italy, something I would absolutely encourage everyone to do. I studied at Siena Iulia for about 5 months and loved every second of it. I came in without speaking a word of Italian and now it is the only language I want to speak. Everyone at the school is great and helps you in every aspect of your learning experience. You can spend as little or as much time learning italian as you want in small groups with individualized attention or completely solo.
I've been trying to write this paragraph for 2 months and I still can't express how much enthusiasm I have for Siena Iulia. The school offers an absolutely perfect introduction to Italian culture and language. I can't think of a better place to learn italian!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me:

Paul H 119  
Cambria, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Teacher
For three weeks, I took an excellent course in Italian at Saena Iulia - while the course was not cheap, it was one of the best travel bargains in Italy. For a little over $100 a day, I received three to four hours of high quality, Italian lessons a day nd the best homestay experience I’ve even seen. The instruction was very thorough. The classes were smaller than most of the competing schools in Italy offer. My intermediate beginning level class had three to five students per week and the instructor was very patient, prepared, friendly, and professional. She took my obsessive questions about differences between Spanish and Italian with stride and encouraged students to speak Italian without ever making us seem foolish or incompetent.
In just a three week period, I began to be able to understand and speak about many subjects in Italian, though sometimes my conversations and comprehension was fleeting. My only criticism is that the instruction was a bit grammar heavy, as I had to be taught some basic conversational themes (i.e. how to pronounce words, tell time, and learn colors) that most basic classes should have covered automatically.
The school did an excellent job providing optional activities for its students. Once a week, they provided us with a free lecture about Italian culture, music, art, or history. Every Thursday afternoon the school also organized a trip into the Tuscan countryside for students: wisely, they always chose to take us to place that could not be reached easily without a car and were relatively off the beaten path for the typical tourist. I particularly loved visiting Monte Oliveto and Massa Marittima. Our guide provided such a thorough explanation of the amazing frescos that I felt like I had taken a short course about life and art in monastic Italy.
I can’t give enough praise to the homestay that the school provided me. My host-mother was a born host. My room was large, comfortable, and well appointed. My home was also ideally located – only about four blocks from Il Campo, Siena’s main square. Though it was a bit of a slog to reach her home (on the fourth floor - Tuscany is not for anyone who can’t climb stairs easily!), her guests are rewarded with a picture postcard view of the Tuscan countryside from her balcony. It was a great joy to sit out on the balcony, eat breakfast or dinner, and soak up the view).
The other students at Saena Iulia rented apartments rather than use a homestay and thus did not share many of my experiences or schedule. Nonetheless, I did meet several nice students there and felt that the friendliness of the school’s staff (and host-family!) made up for some of the shortcomings I felt with the other students.

Mike B. 117  
Dublin - Irlanda
età: 50s  
professione: Lecturer
Attending the Scuola Saena Iulia was an absolutely great experience - one of the best I've ever had. What I was looking for was a gentle way to learn some Italian in an Italian environment. What I got was great teaching, flawless organisation, enthusiasm and encouragement from the moment I made contact.
Class sizes really are small and the teachers are friendly, encouraging, passionate, skilled, relaxed, considerate.
Through the school I arranged to stay with a host family who were simply a delight. And of course, Siena itself is a jewel: sparkling with character, friendly and quintessentially Italian.
An unexpected pleasure was making the acquaintance of people of similar interests, of different ages and backgrounds, all studying Italian at the school. Though it does sound corny, I really did meet some new friends.
Looking back, I learned a good deal of Italian and met some wonderful people among the students and staff of the school. And I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
If you would like further information, I would be delighted to help you. Please ask Giorgia, the school's estimable administrator, for my email address.

Mercedes I. 116  
Bern - Svizzera
età: 40s  
Je viens de passer, pour la deuxième fois et avec deux ans d'écart, deux superbes semaines à Sienne à l'école Saena Iulia. Ce que j'aime, c'est leur manière de combiner étude et plaisir. Les petits groupes permettent une prise de parole constante. Les enseignants déploient une grande palette d'activités qui visent à intégrer les structures aprises. Il y a des devoirs tous les jours, ce que je considère très important. Ce que j'ai bien apprécié aussi, c'est la sensibilité des enseignants pour savoir quoi introduire quand. Avec notre enseignante, nous avons fait une ballade dans la ville, en guise de leçon dans la dernière heure, pour nous imprégner de la culture circondante qui est tellement riche. Elle nous a aussi montré la meilleure gelateria du coin! A l'école on se sent toujours très entouré. Tout le personnel est très amicale et font de leur mieux pour nous faire sentir des siens dès l'acceuil. Toute l'école fait la pause en même temps alors on arrive à connaître les autres clases aussi. Ce n'est alors pas surprenant que l'ambiance pendant les superbes excursions hebdomadaires soit très conviviale. Comme je suis allée en période avant le Palio, nous avons eu le droit à un séminaire très illustratif pour pouvoir comprendre mieux cet événement. J'ai séjourné chez une famille, avec demi-pension. Je peux dire simplement que c'était superbe. En premier lieu, c'est très généreux que les Siennois ouvrent leurs portes à des étudiants. J'ai pu voir comment vit une famille italienne, et cela m'a permis de parler tous les jours, pendant les magnifiques repas, des sujets aussi variés qu'intéressants. Je ne peux que recommander cette option. Alors, je conseille à tous ceux qui veulent apprendre la langue de Dante, de se laisser séduire par les charmes d'une ville de proportions humaines (où l'on peut aller partout à pied!) et où l'art et la culture nous enivrent. A quand une troisième fois?

Veronique De B. 115  
Wachtebeke - Belgio
età: 20s  
professione: Medewerker communicatie
Een cursus aan de Saena Iulia volgen is zoveel meer dan alleen maar je kennis van de Italiaanse taal bijschaven, het is eerst en vooral ondergedompeld worden in het échte Italiaanse leven, in een authentieke sfeer die je je als “gewone toerist” zelfs niet kan inbeelden en een paar weken in het gezelschap vertoeven van een bijzonder enthousiaste en gepassioneerde groep leerkrachten die je optimaal begeleiden op je reis doorheen hun cultuur. Zo word je geheel onverwacht opgenomen in een grote familie waarin iedereen dezelfde interesse en hartelijkheid tov elkaar toont. Verschillende nationaliteiten, leeftijden en persoonlijkheden vormen hierbij geen enkele barrière en verhinderen niet dat er op de Saena Iulia duurzame vriendschappen gesloten worden, integendeel. Je leert er heel verscheiden mensen kennen en iedereen leert geweldig veel bij van elkaar, kortom, naast de boeiende “leer”ervaring wordt het bovenal gegarandeerd een superverrijkende “levens”ervaring. Het decor waarin dit avontuur zich voltrekt is moeilijk anders dan sprookjesachtig te noemen. Siena is een prachtig, gezellig en veilig stadje in het hart van Toscane dat sinds de Middeleeuwen niet bijzonder veel veranderd is, de sfeer op Piazza del Campo, het mooiste plein ter wereld en tevens de plaats waar de Palio gereden wordt, is uniek, evenals die in de rest van de smalle steegjes die je van de ene in de andere verwondering doen belanden, en de verschillende contrada’s (wijken) met hun kleurrijke optochten, hun trommels en gezang, kunnen je niet anders dan betoveren. Een paar uurtjes meeproeven van de wondermooie architectuur, schilderkunst, muziek, gastronomie en panorama’s die Siena te bieden heeft, en geloof me: je bent onmiddellijk verkocht en wil daar nooit meer weg! Naast de kwalitatieve lessen waar menig student reikhalzend naar uitkijkt wordt er door de school ook één keertje in de week een seminarie en een uitstap georganiseerd. Tijdens de seminaries kom je alles te weten over zaken die alleen Italianen “pur sangue” je kunnen vertellen, tijdens de wekelijkse “gita” verken je samen met je medestudenten en leerkrachten één van de parels die rondom Siena, temidden van de Toscaanse heuvels, verscholen liggen. Eén blik op het glooiende landschap en je kan je alleen maar afvragen waarom je het overgrote deel van het jaar nog in een land als België wenst te vertoeven … Dus: Saena Iulia, bedankt voor alles, voor de bijzonder boeiende lessen en seminaries, voor de supertoffe uitstappen, voor het uitermate warm en persoonlijk contact, voor alle sublieme levenservaringen die ik dankzij jullie mocht beleven, voor de nieuwe wereld die voor me openging en … tot weerziens!

Frank M. 114  
Chemnitz - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Bauplaner
Die hübschen Italienerinnen auf einer Kreuzfahrt bestärkten meinen schon länger gehegten Wunsch, italienisch zu lernen. So begann ich autodidaktisch, suchte aber bald nach einer Sprachschule in Italien. Inzwischen war ich schon zweimal für je zwei Wochen an der Schule Saena Iulia und meine Erwartungen wurden stets übertroffen.
1.) Siena begeistert mich durch seine historische Architektur und gilt überdies als sehr sicher. Den Palio habe ich aus der Sicht der Senesen erlebt und verstanden.
2.) Meine Gastgeberin war bei meinen anfänglichen unbeholfenen Kommunikationsversuchen mittels Wörterbuch immer sehr geduldig. Bei der abendlichen Hauptmahlzeit mit ihrer Familie ergaben sich viele interessante Gespräche, die wesentlich zum Lernerfolg beitrugen.
3.) Zur Schule Saena Iulia gehören außer dem Direktor Mauro wenige Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und ein guter Geist namens Giorgia, der bei allen organisatorischen Fragen hilft. Giorgia spricht wenn nötig sehr gut englisch oder deutsch, freut sich aber immer, wenn man es erst einmal auf italienisch versucht. Der Gruppenunterricht mit nur 4-6 Studenten erlaubt intensive Mitarbeit und flexible Unterrichtsgestaltung. Den Einzelunterricht habe ich noch nicht getestet. Die Schule stellt Arbeitsblätter bereit, aber man sollte sich unbekannte Wörter notieren und nachschlagen. Viele Studenten erledigen hoch motiviert die Hausaufgaben. Vokabeln habe ich nie bewußt gelernt, habe aber immer gestaunt, wieviel trotzdem hängengeblieben war.
4.) Die fakultativen Seminare und Ausflüge an zwei Nachmittagen in der Woche haben mir viele interessante Einblicke in Land, Kultur und Geschichte beschert.
Fazit: Nach insgesamt vier Wochen Unterricht und gelegentlichem Selbststudium seit 1 3/4 Jahren kann ich ungefähr 60% der grammatischen Formen verstehen und anwenden. Das deckt ca. 80% der Alltagssituationen ab. Verschiedene Einheimische waren überrascht, daß ich erst seit so kurzer Zeit Italienisch lerne. Mein Wortschatz ist zwar begrenzt, aber ich kann im Wörterbuch gefundene Vokabeln sofort richtig anwenden. Das Lernen an der Schule ist sehr effektiv und macht den meisten jungen Studenten zwischen 17 und 70 Jahren viel Spaß.

Eckhard S. 112  
München - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Dipl. Kfm.
SAENA IULIA ist eine Sprachschule die ich sehr empfehlen kann. Es war die perfekte Organisation im Vorfeld, die Unterstützung bei der Wohnungssuche, die freundliche Atmosphäre vor Ort sowie die Kompetenz der Lehrkräfte, die mich überzeugt haben und Garant für einen erfolgreichen Sprachkurs sind bzw. waren. Ich bedanke mich dafür und werde mit Sicherheit das nächste Jahr wiederkommen. A presto!

Jakov Milicevic 111  
Croazia ( Republika Hrvatska ) - Croazia
età: 20s  

Opisati iskustvo iz Siene zaista je veoma tesko jer ne znam od kuda poceti. Prije svega reci da je sve idealno i savrseno nije realno, ali bih htio naglasiti velikodusnost i gostoprimstvo ljudi koju cete osjetiti kad dodjete u Sienu. Grad kao iz snova, stvoren za one koji zele odmor od grada i ubrzanog ritma zivota, a pritom uciti talijanski jezik i upoznavati kulturu zaista je jedinstvena prilika. Osjecati ce te se kao da ste jedan od stanovnika jer u svakom trenutku kad zatrazite pomoc (cak i ako ne znate talijanski) netko od prolaznika ce Vam priskociti i pomoci... Zaista ljudi su velikodusni, strpljivi i uvijek nasmijani. Sto se tice skole Saena Iulia zelio bih pohvaliti visoku razinu profesionalnosti i uvjezbanosti nastavnika kao i upotrebu modernih didaktickih metoda u sto laksem savladavanju jezika. Buduci da u skolu dolaze novi ' ucenici ' svaki tjedan, grupe se mijenjaju s obzirom na napredak studentata uz promjenu nastavnika sto je prema mom misljenju jako dobro. Zamjerke: - ne postojanje nikakvih dodatnih aktivnosti nakon zavrsetka skole - smjestaj (osobito u obitelji) - izbjegavati jer mozete imati neugodinih iskustava - Siena,jako skup grad za nase prilike (cijene taksija, shopping ...) - nikako ne ici jesti u restorane u centru grada (Piazza del Campo...) jer uvijek postoji alternativa (kuhati sami u stanu, restorani udaljeni 15 do 20 min od centra) Na kraju ocjena: 7 / 10

Birgit P. 110  
Tuebingen - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Fotografin
Wer sich fuer Saena Iulia entscheidet, den erwartet eine sehr warmherzige, familiaere und kompetente Schule mitten im Herzen von Siena. Von dieser Stadt kann ich nur schwaermen. Auch wenn sie manchmal sehr voll ist von Touristen, findet man immer ein paar Schritte abseits ein sonnengewaermtes Baenckchen oder einen Brunnen an denen ich z.B. gerne sass und Vokabeln lernte. Ueberall begegnet man echte Offenheit und Herzlichkeit als waere es das Motto aller Senesen. Meine Gastgeber z.B.: Sie haben sich mit viel Geduld, Phantasie, Haenden und Fuessen verstaendlich gemacht und mir dadurch auch eine Menge beigebracht. Was ich erstaunlich fand: sie haben sich darauf eingestellt dass ich Vegetarierin bin und Bruna servierte 14 Tage lang abends wenn ich mitgegessen habe nur Vegetarisches, was Paolo als passionierter Jaeger und Fleischesser ohne weiteres akzeptierte, er meinte sogar es taete ihm zwischendurch auch mal ganz gut und Bruna nickte. Diese Familie zu finden verdanke ich Giorgia, die mehr ist als die Sekretaerin der Schule. Sie kuemmert sich liebevoll um alle Belange von Einschreibung bis Anreise und alle anderen Dinge des taeglichen Lebens. Der Unterricht findet in kleinen Gruppen statt der wirklich individuell gehalten wird. Ich hatte Gelegenheit vier verschiedene Lehrer in Gruppen sowie Einzelunterricht zu erleben. Von jedem habe ich ein Stueckweit eine neue Sicht und mehr Verstaendnis ueber die Sprache und das Land gewonnen. In meinem Fall musste ich fuer einen sieben Monatigen Arbeitsaufenthalt in Italien in 14 Tagen soviel wie moeglich lernen und so wurde fuer mich ein ganz individueller Plan gemacht. Fuer mich anstrengend aber auch effektiv und poduktiv. Ich konnte in der Zeit danach noch lange von den erhaltenen Unterlagen lernen und wiederholen. Fuer mich war es wirklich eine schoene Zeit und auch heute, ein paar Monate spaeter, schaue ich immer noch gerne vorbei wenn ich in Siena bin. Ich kann Saena Iulia eigentlich nur weiterempfehlen und hoffe, dass euch diese Stadt und ihre Bewohner sowie die Schule auch das Herz so erwaermen wie mir.

Julia B. 109  
San Francisco, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: student
I lived in Siena and attended classes at Saena Iulia for a total of 6 months and I enjoyed my entire experience there. From living with a homestay family, to the daily "lezioni" in the mornings, to the cooking classes, wine-tastings, trips to near-by Tuscan towns, and just having time to myself or with other students exploring and relaxing in Siena itself. I started taking classes at Saena Iulia without knowing more than three words in Italian and I left with the ability to express myself in Italian in a variety of ways, through writing, conversation, and even song! At Saena Iulia I made instant connections with the teachers, staff, and my fellow students (whether they were from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia or elsewhere). These friendships and the rich cultural experience I had in Siena has impacted my life and my lifestyle back in the U.S. greatly. I gained a knowledge of the Italian culture and language that can never be replaced. Siena and Saena Iulia will always have a place in my heart!

Markus M. 108  
Salzburg - Austria
età: 40s  
Hab 3 sehr schöne Wochen in Siena und bei Saena Iulia verbracht. Die Lage der Schule ist sehr zentral zwischen Piazza del Campo und dem Dom. Die Lehrer sind alle sehr bemüht und durch die Kleinheit der Schule sind die Übungsgruppen hinreichend klein, um einen verbesserten Lernerfolg zu gewährleisten (hatte 2 Wochen lang eine 4er Gruppe und dann eine 3er Gruppe). Es waren Studenten verschiedenster Altersstufen vertreten, ein Faktum, das für mich auch ausschlaggebend bei der Wahl der Schule war. Am Do findet außerdem jeweils ein optionaler, allerdings nicht ganz preiswerter Ausflug zu interessanten Zielen statt. Da muss man dann eben abwägen ...
Sehr empfehlenswert: ein Aufenthalt bei einer italienischen Familie. Obwohl ich keine Italienisch Vorkenntnisse hatte und in der famiglia auch nur italienisch gesprochen wurde, war das kein großes Problem. Die Signora und der Signore waren wirklich sehr freundlich. Auch die Abendessen Option mit der Familie kann aus meiner Sicht nur empfohlen werden. In meinem Fall war das Essen wirklich ausgezeichnet und ich war wirklich Bestandteil einer italienischen Konversation. Auf diese Weise lernt man auch einiges dazu und man bekommt ein Gefühl dafür, wie die Einheimischen wirklich sprechen. Leider hab' ich erst gegen Ende hin auf die Abendessen Option umgestellt.
Die Stadt Siena ist sowieso immer eine Reise wert. Aber auch in der näheren Umgebung gibt es viele lohnenswerte Ziele. Dies kann man natürlich dann ausnutzen, wenn man so wie ich mit dem Auto und dem eigenen Fahrrad angereist ist. Die Distanz nach Siena von Österreich aus ist wahrlich keine unüberwindliche. Die Radausflüge in die Hügel des Chianti und der Crete Senesi waren ganz wunderbar.

Lee Ann C. 107  
Cincinnati, OH - Stati Uniti
età: teens  
professione: student
Though I was only 19 years old and had little prior knowledge of Italian when I arrived at the beginning of my 3 month stay in Siena, I was no stranger to language classes. Years of French classes, in middle school and high school, had taught me the ropes of article agreement, verb charts, and vocabulary memorization. I arrived, prepared for 4 hours a lessons a day - and grammar I did learn. What I was not prepared for, on the first day of class when I stood sipping my espresso in the old palazzo, were the songs I would learn, the dishes I would cook, the towns I would see, and the friends I would make during my sojourn here. Taking Italian at Saena Iulia is truly beyond the basics - even if you're coming in as a beginner. The dymanic staff will wrap you up in cultural seminars, day trips to Tuscan towns, meals and good cheer. Small class sizes allow you to absorb the language at an appropriate pace, and group activities cultivate a sense of community. More than just memorizing conjugations, you will internalize the language through daily use. Something I never understood from my desk-bound education back home, but have grown to appreciate so much about Saena Iulia, is their ability to weave culture and hospitality into language instruction. Grazie mille per i mesi belli!

Jan-Cees B. 106  
Rotterdam - Paesi Bassi
età: 20s  
Siena, op een zomeravond. Een vrouw vraagt me beleefd naar Fortezza Medicea. Ik wijs haar zorgvuldig de weg naar deze onwaarschijnlijk mooie plek. Ze bedankt me met een hartelijk ‘grazie’. Mijn avond kon niet meer stuk.
Het is misschien het perfecte voorbeeld om te illustreren wat twee weken taalcursus op Saena Iulia met me gedaan hebben. Het gaat snel, verrassend snel. Niets is mooier dan het geleerde in de praktijk te brengen. Participeren in de Italiaanse maatschappij is het ultieme bewijs van progressie.
Voorzover ervaringen over deze taalschool in het hartje Siena al niet verteld zijn, hier nog een klein stukje: Saena Iulia blinkt uit in persoonlijk aandacht. De verhouding leerling-docent bestaat haast niet. Een docent kan een vriend worden. Je kunt er’s avonds makkelijk een biertje mee drinken op het wonderschone Piazza del Campo.
Niet alleen de docenten streven naar de juiste individuele service. Ook Giorgia, het manusje-van-alles op de school, doet er alles aan om je de juiste informatie te verschaffen.
Zodoende ontstaat een perfecte sfeer om je de Italiaanse taal eigen te maken. De lesstof is divers, variërend en prikkelend. Naast de uren op school is Siena een uitstekende locatie om je te vermaken. Ik ging naar de zee, de zon en het strand, bracht avonden achtereen door op Piazza del Campo en had de tijd van m’n leven. Zo hartelijk als de vrouw zei: Grazie!

William O. 105  
Wirral - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Editor
Thoroughly rewarding experience in Siena. Beautiful city, fabulous food and weather, but most importantly a friendly and intimate school. Italian lessons were stimulating and interactive in groups small enough to ensure contributions from everyone. I arrived with a middling level of Italian attained from books. With the help of the teachers at Saena Iulia I really felt more confident and more ready to carry on my Italian studies at a later date. The Italians are regarded as enthusiastic and open people and all the teachers in the school correspond to this most positive stereotype. A special mention to my teacher Sabrina, who began every day with a big smile on her face. That's something we are not used to so much in Britain!! The school is located very centrally and within a few minutes' walk of all the major sites, including the Duomo and the Campo. Highly recommended.

Stephan I. 104  
Wohlen - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Förster
Seit Jahren trug ich den Wunsch mit mir herum: „Italienisch lernen in Italien“! Ein unbezahlter Urlaub von vier Wochen, schöne Erinnerungen an einen früheren Kurzaufenthalt in Siena und die Empfehlung eines Freundes führten dazu, dass ich mich online über Saena Iulia informierte und bald darauf anmeldete. Was dann passierte, sagt viel über diese Sprachschule aus und ist bezeichnend für den Stil. Ein E-Mail von Giorgia, postwendend, freundlich, herzlich, ausführlich, ... einladend! Und genau so war auch la squadra della scuola: Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die kollegial und mit viel Wissen und der Fähigkeit zu begeistern an uns gelangten. Uns, das war in drei Wochen und wechselnder Zusammensetzung eine Gruppe von sechs bis sieben Menschen im Alter von 20 bis 70 (Schätzung). Internationaler Austausch, Lachen, gelöste Stimmung, ein geschichtsträchtiges „Schulhaus“ zwischen Dom und Campo, wunder-BAR-e ESPRESSI, Delikates aus Küche und Keller, Ausflüge und Velotouren ins toskanische Hügelland ..... Zum Glück habe ich unter anderem das Passato remoto noch nicht auf sicher! Ein guter Grund wiederzukommen.

Richard S. 103  
Pleasanton, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: retired
I was not a student, my wife studied at Saena Iulia for a month, so I got to participate in many of the activities and used the school's computers every morning to access email and do some work. Had some enlightning and interseting conservations with Giorgia. Siena is a wonderful city, we felt like residents rather than tourists during the month of our visit. The school arranged for us to rent an apartment just down the hill from the school and the Domo and a half block off il Campo, it couldn't have been better! Three large rooms, a kitchen and clothes washing machine. I went on three of the four planned excursions and had a great time visiting old walled Italian Hill Towns, a first class winery and an alabaster factory. Everyone at the school made me feel welcome, I actually learned a bit of Italian (even though I'm linguistly challenged). I learned a great deal about the culture of Siena, watched and heard the preparations for the Palio, attended a string instrument concert in a restored Renaissance Park, went to a free concert at the Domo during music week and helped celebrate Siena winning the Professional Basketball championship for the second time. All-in-all this was an experience I won't forget, the staff is terrific and friendly, the city a joy.

Tamara W. 100  
Bayern - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Kaufm.
Ich bin in diesem Mai zum 2. Mal hintereinander in dieser wunderschönen Stadt und in dieser netten Schule gewesen und kann so einen Aufenthalt bei Saena Iulia nur allen Studenten der ital. Sprache, wärmstens empfehlen. Auch in diesem Jahr bin ich von der Anmeldung hin, bis zur Abreise bestens betreut gewesen, habe erneut viel gelernt und auch wieder jede Menge netter Leute aus vielen Nationen kennengelernt, die Land und Leute sowie natürlich die ital. Sprache lieben. Das Lernen macht einfach so viel Spaß mit dem ganzen Team hier und diese unglaublich schöne Stadt verzaubert immer wieder. Ich bin sicher, dass ich noch viele Male zurückkehren werde!

Maritza B. 99  
Natters/Innsbruck - Austria
età: 50s  
professione: Tour Manager
Die Schule Saena Iulia ermöglicht es allen Studenten auf treffliche Weise Urlaub mit sehr effizient durchgeführten Sprachunterricht zu verbinden. Alle Lehrkräfte sind mit ganzer Engergie und Liebe bei der Arbeit und sie gehen auf jeden einzelnen Studenten ein und zwar nicht nur im Einzelunterricht, der sehr empfehlenswert ist, sondern auch im Gruppenunterricht. Die Gruppen werden sehr klein gehalten, so dass niemand vernachlässigt wird. Dies trifft sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene Kursteilnehmer zu.
Mein Mann kam als Anfänger nach Siena und spricht jetzt bereits ein ganz passables Italienisch und in meinem Fall musste vor allem an meinen "Schlampigkeitsfehlern" gearbeitet werden - und diese auszumerzen gelang den Lehrkräften wirklich sehr gut. Zudem wird jede Woche ein Ausflug in die nähere Umgebung durchgeführt, wobei man sich wiederum bemüht Sprache und Sinne zu verbinden (eine wunderbare Weinprobe in einem der besten Weingüter der Toskana wird uns lange in Erinnerung bleiben).
Die Verwaltung der Schule ist auch bei der Anmietung von Ferienwohnungen behilflich - unsere Wohnung war wirklich sehr schön und groß und bot alles was man sich nur wünschen kann. Man musste sich um nichts selbst kümmern - alles wurde bestens arrangiert. Wir planen bereits unseren nächsten Aufenthalt und ich werde diesesmal mehrere Freunde mitnehmen.

Marie-Noelle M. 98  
Grenoble - Francia
età: 60s  
professione: Retraitée
Le séjour linguistique que j'ai fait dans votre école m'a beaucoup plu. Tout d'abord,nous étions très peu dans chaque groupe ce qui permettait un temps de parole intéressant. Ensuite,nos professeurs nous apportaient leurs savoirs dans différents domaines de façon toujours très vivante (excellents pédagogues, disponibles pour répondre à toutes nos questions). Les pauses au petit bar, très sympathiques, permettaient aussi d'échanger en italien avec étudiants et enseignants. Mauro nous a fait vivre le Palio en nous le présentant avec images à l'appui et m'a donné envie d'assister à ce moment exceptionnel. Bref,je n'ai qu'un souhait, avoir assez de temps pour revenir à Sienne et perfectionner ma connaissance de l'italien dans cette école, aller manger une pizza avec vous! Amitiés à tous..

Sarah O. 97  
Galway - Irlanda
età: 20s  
professione: student
After a life-long wish to learn Italian, I was fortuante enough to attend Saena Iulia for one week of classes for beginners (the classes are all small, max. 6 people). I thought it would be very difficult to learn anything in such a short time, especially because I don't have a good grasp of English grammar(!!), but my teacher, Elisa, was very helpful and patient. The class was for three hours every morning (Monday to Friday) with an outing one afternoon. The trips are to various places near Siena. We went to Montalcino where we visited a beautiful old abbey on the main pilgrimage route to Rome, a very good vineyard for wine tasting, and walked around the scenic town of Montalcino. The school's staff are very knowledgable about the local area and its history. Another evening we had a lecture about the history of Italy which was facsinating.
The medival city of Siena is drenched in history and culture... art, architecture, fantastic food, wine and coffee!! If you can you should go for at least two weeks, more if possible... but even after a week I learned a lot more than expected!!! I would highly recommend this school to anyone interested in learning the Italian langauge and about Italian culture. Just talk to Giorgia at the reception...

Pascale G. 96  
Sint-Niklaas - Belgio
età: 40s  
professione: Lerares
Hoge verwachtingen toen ik vertrok. Toch ook wat spanning voor het onbekende. Maar Giorgia, de secretaresse, had me via mail al stevig geïnformeerd en voorbereid : de treinuren, een leuke beschrijving van de familie waar ik zou verblijven, ... Zelfs mijn hotel voor de terugkeer had ze al geboekt. Oef! Op stap, dus! En ik werd ruim beloond!

Een sympathieke staf, die de cursus professioneel aanpakt. Eerst een kort gesprekje om mij naar de juiste klasgroep te richten. Naderhand bleek dat de professoressa perfect op de hoogte was van mijn verlangens. Leuk en boeiend! Ook om uit te wisselen met mensen van overal in de wereld. Allen samen rond hetzelfde doel : Italiaans bijspijkeren. Veel gelachen, ook veel opgestoken : een prachtig taalbad met veel culturele weetjes, die alleen rasechte Italianen je kunnen vertellen.

Met mijn familie? Een oudere dame, die met harte traditionele Toscaanse gerechten klaartovert. Met haar bracht ik vele uurtjes door op het balkon, gezellig babbelend over koetjes en kalfjes. Of deed ik nachtelijke uitstapjes om mensen van de ‘contrada’s’ te ontmoeten. Siena heeft een eigen sociaal leven, onderverdeeld in ‘contrada’s’. Spannend om even contact te hebben met het leven in deze ontmoetingsplaatsen. Mede door dit systeem geeft de stad je zo’n veilig en gezellig gevoel. Op elk uur van de dag kan je er op je gemak door de straten dwarrelen.

Kortom, ik ben thuisgekomen vol enthousiasme en zin om me verder te verdiepen in de taal en het Italiaanse leven. P.S. : Ik ben zeker van plan om de Palio, in zover mogelijk, op de computer te volgen.

Melissa M. 95  
Santa Barbara - Stati Uniti
età: 30s  
professione: Writer, College Administrator
An independent woman traveller in my 30’s, I must say this is my first international trip. Like many, I have always thought of coming to Tuscany and learning Italian. When I decided that I would take an Italian language course (taught in Italian) (in Italy), many friends asked why I couldn’t just take a class at the local college in Santa Barbara. Travelling solo and taking risks I thought would lead to much more interesting outcomes. So, I left my job, sold my belongings and left the comfort of cozy Santa Barbara.

After researching the Italian language schools in Siena, my logic and intuition pointed directly to Saena Iulia. Giorgia's full-of-knowledge and guidance made me feel like she was sitting right next to me helping me to navigate some of the details of my trip. This full-of-character, yet academically strong/school was not only the best choice for learning, but for growth overall.
Saena Iulia and it’s philosophy of teaching are truly compassionate, intentional and so sincere. Sabrina, one of my teachers, told me that learning another language is “To travel inside yourself” and also that learning a new language reveals a person's soul -- these descriptions have stuck with me and describe my overall experience.
While I am pleased with what I learned, I am not content with my knowledge – I want to learn more Italian! I also recognize the other lessons of my course. I can give myself a pat on the back and know that I understand much of a conversation and I can read Italian and I can have simple conversations. All of these factors give me an unbelievable motivation and desire to continue learning Italian wherever I am . Lastly, my Italian course has been an revealing and even therapeutic. I am more clear on my strengths and weakness and on my learning style. My teachers Mauro and Sabrina are such genuine, effective teachers. Sabrina's way of opening my heart and mind to the how-tos of this language was patient and gentle and I enjoy her spirit. Mauro's way of teaching shows his passion for the language and the history of his culture, but also for each and every student and their quirks and challenges. I could see clearly that every day of lessons he was determined to help me understand my blocks and challenges and we worked through them in a way that was fun and enlightening.

My desire is that every woman have the opportunity to dare to take such a liberating journey, one full of insights and epiphanies. I would always recommend Saena Iulia to prospective students. Thank you Giorgia, Sabrina, Mauro and Elisa for your compassion, knowledge, guidance and TLC. You are each unique and wonderful teachers who lovingly share your wisdom. Blessings,

Melanie W. 94  
Zuerich - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Mgr Marketing & Corp. Communications
Wer die Alpen vermutet in Siena, nicht ohne das taegliche Vollkornbrot sein kann oder Langeweile sucht – der ist hier definitiv falsch!

Aufgepasst! Pack die schwarze Sonnenbrille ein, flache Schuhe (in den Gassen von Siena sind Schuhe mit hohen Absaetzen nicht zu empfehlen), Wanderutensilien fuer die Wochenenden und stell dich schon mal darauf ein, dass du mit ein, zwei Kilos mehr nach Hause kommst. Unbedingt zu probieren sind die sogenannten Pici (dicke Spaghettis an einer Tomatensauce – himmlisch), die Ribollita (toskanische Suppe – unvergesslich), Sfizi (Apero-Haeppchen – einfach zum Geniessen) und die Panini (vielgelobte Mittagsbroetchen - unverzichtbar).

Alle Weinliebhaber sind im Herzen des Toscana sowieso am richtigen Ort. Sei es Vino Chianti, Nobile di Montepulciano oder Brunello; Wein Proben gibt’s ueberall und wer obendrein einen wahrhaft wunderbaren Kaese zu schaetzen weiss (Pecorino), koennte es nicht besser treffen.

Bist du ein Wandervogel? Dann kann ich die Cinque Terre, Certaldo-San Gimigniano und Assisi empfehlen (es gibt bestimmt noch weitere Wandergegenden – Giorgia gibt gerne Auskunft). Fuer etwas “Stadt-Feeling” sind Rom, Florenz und Bologna in der Naehe.

Damit die italienische Kommunikation so richtig in Schwung kommt, dafuer sind die LehrerInnen an Schule “Saena Iulia” zustaendig und sie machen ihre Sache wirklich gut! Die Gastfamilie haben mich ebenfalls von Beginn an herzlich aufgenommen.

Susan T. 93  
Edinburgh - Regno Unito
età: 40s  
professione: Housewife
Saena Iulia was more than I had hoped for. All of the staff were so helpful and friendly and went out of their way to make us feel so welcome. They don't just want you to improve your Italian, they want you to have a whole Italian experience. They couldn't be any more enthusiastic. We were only able to stay one week, but in that time we had a wonderful trip to Pienza and Bagno Vignoni. We were also very fortunate to have a fascinating tour of the Contrade museum in Siena. They introduced us to their music, their culture and the history of Siena, and anything else we wanted to know. The school itself is on a beautiful old building right in the centre. Our classroom overlookd the Duomo! The lessons are outstanding, Very small groups (6-7 people) with wonderful teachers who clearly love their job. So much laughter! Our teacher took so much time with each and every student - it was a joy. The other students were from all over the world and we soon formed a good relationship. Giorgia made all the arrangements for our (wonderful) accommodation and sent us very useful information on trains. Siena is a beautiful city with a wonderful feel to it. Quaint and charming and not too touristy. I felt very safe. Would I go again? - yes - I have already booked for next year.

Donna G. 92  
West Hartford, Connecticut - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Leadership Development Director
I have a personal goal of becoming fluent in the Italian language. So, I chose very carefully when I had the opportunity to study in Italy in the Fall of ’06. The research I did on line was pretty thorough and I could not be happier with my choice of Saena Iulia in Siena.
The school met my expectations and needs, and though not fluent yet, I am closer to my goal. The two weeks I spent there helped me improve my skills, motivation and confidence in the language. I have come back to the States to resume my lessons here with more determination than ever to become fluent.

The teachers are very knowledgeable, talented and caring… the perfect combination for me. Mauro’s lessons and lectures are top notch; Elisa’s teaching skills were terrific, and Giorgia makes the whole place hum in a very special way. They make you feel like part of a family, even if you are only there for two weeks like I was.
If you are a history lover or you just love Italy, I can’t think of a better place to study than in Siena. This was my second trip to the medieval city, and I am profoundly enamored with everything about it: its architecture, art, people, food, wine, and traditions. My knowledge of il Palio, the medieval horse race, and the parish system of the contrade has greatly increased. It is so fascinating to live, however briefly, in a city that retains its treasured traditions and allegiances. The small size of the school with a wide range of student ages and nationalities added to the richness of the experience. The city is safe and welcoming, an important consideration if you are a woman traveling alone. When friends and family ask if I would I like to go back for more, without hesitation my answer is “in a heartbeat”. I truly did leave part of my heart there.

Janet H. 91  
Toronto - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: retired teacher
This Sept/Oct I spent 3 weeks studying with Saena Iulia in Siena. The experience was extremely positive. Pre-arrival communication is thorough and prompt thanks to the precise details offered. Don't worry about communicating in Italian if you're a beginner, Giorgia's English is impeccable! Greetings were warm and friendly, even from staff with whom I had no classroom contact.

Class sizes were very small (5 of us together for the first 2 weeks, then just 3 of us for the last week). Mauro always had thoughtfully prepared lessons trying to present the logical "strada" to learn by rather than just accepting things as memory work. Sabrina presented creative and fun lessons with a variety of techniques to get us speaking and interacting. We had homework and it was always worth the time invested in the afternoons or evenings to enhance the classroom learning.

The school's location is ideal - in the heart of Siena close to sites of historical and artistic interest. Nothing is more than a 10 or 15 minute walk from the school. I had originally asked for accommodation in an apt shared with fellow students but in the end accepted accommodation with Luisa in her home. This relationship proved more than satisfying and I now feel that I have an older sister in Siena. The city itself is ideal for a stay of a few weeks. I have also studied in Florence and in Feltre, and of the three Siena is the winner for location. The city is safe and secure and even a single woman should never feel worried about being out and about alone, even late at night.

There are plenty of sites to visit in the afternoons to complement your course work in the mornings. If you're into hiking or biking, the Tuscan countryside is literally minutes from the Piazza del Campo. Make sure to visit the Piazza every evening. I recommend ordering a glass of Prosecco (3 - 4 Euros) and soaking in the "ambiente" as you people watch.

The school also organizes 2 adventures during the week. One is a lower-key activity in Siena (maybe "la cucina italiana" or a visit to a contrada) and the second is usually a bus tour out to the Tuscan countryside to explore wineries, discover other cities or links to the history of the country. The visits are low-key and relaxed and allow you the opportunity to explore on your own, to engage locals in conversation but also to visit galleries, museums or churches. Keeping in touch with your reality (home responsibilities, etc) is often a necessity even when you're away. This is the first school I've discovered where there are computers available for your use. There are 4 so there is seldom a wait: you pay 10 Euros per week for this service.

People at the school were friendly and helpful. I heard people requesting advice on weekend travel plans, on how to get medical attention and even on how to find a pianist to accompany a young opera singer as he prepared a new role. Phone calls were made and answers provided. When you don't have a lot of time to waste researching or any ideas as to where to begin this help is invaluable. Try Siena - it is sure to please!

Matt R. 90  
Newport - Regno Unito
età: 30s  
professione: writer
I recommend Saena Iulia extremely highly on the basis of the excellent staff, the personal attention afforded by a small school, and Siena itself.
The school's website enables you to calculate the cost of tuition and lodging easily (whereas many schools present a long, complicated schedule). The price of lessons is low compared to other schools I looked at. Arranging the course/lodgings is very easy as Saena's staff finds a place for you to stay and sets up your arrival efficiently. (My wife and I stayed in a mediaeval apartment a few yards from the school, which is itself in between the cathedral and the main piazza of Siena.)
The small size of the school and the personability of each of the teachers gives a genuinely warm, family atmosphere. Group activities, such as a cooking night, are good for practicing Italian, but also enjoyable because there are people there from all over the world who're simply so happy to be in Italy and studying the language.
Classes focus on the speaking of Italian. I was delighted with the amount of grammar and vocabulary my teachers covered in a month and confident about the ability it gave me to continue developing my Italian. The classes (and the weekly lecture on some aspect of Italian culture) also give a great deal of insight into the way Italians live, which I found almost as fascinating as the language.
The teachers are extremely patient and excellent, and I fully intend to study with them again next year. Siena is a great place to attend a language school. It's big enough that I was able to take a long walk in the mediaeval town every day for a month and always notice something new. But not so big that I had to go a long way from the school/historic sights to find affordable accommodation. Despite the large numbers of tourists, I also never felt that the Sienese exploited me as a tourist: none of the restaurants, for example, served me the kind of second-rate food slopped out in many Roman restaurants near tourist sights. The culture of Siena itself is, of course, worth studying, too, and my wife and I came away from our lessons with fascinating insights into the history of the local accent and the development of the famous Palio race.

Bernd W. 89  
Berlin - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Dipl.-Ing.
Die Saena Iulia ist eine kleine, familiär geführte Schule, die, anders als man es in Italien vielleicht erwartet, sehr gut organisiert und straff geführt wird. Man fühlt sich vom ersten Tag an sehr wohl. Entsprechend den Vorkenntnissen wird man in kleine Klassen aufgeteilt, die von sehr gut ausgebildeten Lehrern unterrichtet werden. Das Lernpensum ist beachtlich, wird aber individuell abgestimmt.
Für jeden, der wirklich Italienisch lernen möchte, ist diese Schule nur zu empfehlen. Die Stadt Siena und die Toscana bieten dazu ein traumhaftes Umfeld, in dem es nie langweilig wird.

Miriam B. 88  
Sebastopol, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Software Developer
It was just a fluke that my parents and I attended Saena Iulia. We were on our third trip together in Tuscany and had already experienced all of the regular tourist stops. Italy is a very easy country to get around in if you don't speak the language, but I really felt that I was missing out on something by not knowing some Italian. I told the proprietor of the agricultural estate where we were staying that we wanted to take Italian lessons, and asked if she could set it up for us. We were only going to be in the area for 6 days and I doubted that she would be able to find anyone on such short notice. She made a call and then told us that if we didn't mind going ten minutes away to Siena, that her friend Mauro would give us lessons.
We had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into, and arrived at the school, without even paper or pens. We were introduced to Mauro, who took us back to a room, got us each a pen, some paper and a glass of water, and then politely asked us what we wanted to get out of our lesson. We told him what we wanted and he crafted a lesson plan, on the fly, which was appropriate for each of our foreign language levels. We spent a total of 6 hours with him, soaking up as much Italian as our brains could handle, and left feeling much more confident in our abilities to understand and communicate in the language.
We highly recommend the school, even for just a taste of the language. Our brief experience left us hungering for more and we hope that someday we might be able to enjoy a longer course of study at Saena Iulia.

Mäni S. 87  
Beckenried - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Kfm Angestellter
Um meine Italienischkenntnisse zu verbessern, habe ich mir einen dreiwöchigen Aufenthalt in Siena gegönnt. Die Schule wurde mir von einem Schulkollegen wärmstens empfohlen! Seine Erzählungen haben meine Erwartungen hochgesteckt und alle wurden vollends erfüllt. Die Schule war ein tolles Erlebnis! Das Personal war bereits bei den Vorbereitungen sehr hilfreich und der Empfang und Unterricht war so herzlich und familiär, dass man sich wirklich wohlfühlt. Die Klassengrösse mit 3-5 Schüler war hervorragend und auch die Aktivitäten der Schule waren immer ein Erlebnis! Sei es das gemeinsame Mittagessen in der Schule, die Ausflüge oder auch die WM-Partien mit Italien, welche wir gemeinsam in der Schule angeschaut haben! Ich bin überzeugt, bald wieder einmal einen Kurs in dieser Schule zu besuchen.

Markus v. G. 86  
St. Gallen - Svizzera
età: 40s  
professione: Geschäftsleiter
Nach einer turbulenten Phase an meinem Arbeitsplatz, verbrachte ich zwei Wochen Sprachaufenthalt in Siena. Die Schule „Saena Iulia“ habe ich über das Internet gefunden. Sie hat sich wohltuend von den anderen Angeboten abgehoben. Ich war gespannt, ob sich mein guter erster Eindruck, der sich durch die vorangegangenen E-Mail-Kontakte verstärkt hatte, vor Ort bestätigen würde. Und wie! Vom Empfang in meiner Gastfamilie, hin zur zentralen Lage, der guten Infrastruktur und professionellen Betreuung an der Schule, sowie der abwechslungsreichen Gestaltung des Unterrichtes und den unterhaltsamen Ausflügen und Seminaren, bin ich voll des Lobes. Die ganze Belegschaft der Schule hat Spass an ihrer Arbeit, was sich unweigerlich auch auf mein Wohlbefinden übertragen hat. Erholung und Lernen in optimaler Balance. Ich werde so schnell wie möglich zurückkehren!

Tamara W. 85  
Grafing - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Angestellte
Habe im Mai 2006 eine wunderbare Woche in Siena verbracht und kann sowohl die wunderschöne Stadt als auch die Schule wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Schon von der Anmeldung an, als auch während des ganzen Aufenthalts, fühlt man sich wunderbar betreut. Der Unterricht (in meinem Fall, Einzelunterricht), war effektiv, auf meine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt und immer mit viel Spaß verbunden. Auch die Familie bei der ich wohnte, war mit viel Sorgfalt ausgewählt. Abgerundet wurde die schöne Woche noch durch gemeinsame Auflüge/Unternehmungen, bei denen wir jede Menge Spaß hatten.
Grazie per tutto, e ci vediamo a Siena!

Kylie M. 84  
Sydney - Australia
età: 30s  
professione: Manager
Everyone at Saena Iulia made me feel so at home it is going to be very hard to leave. The atmosphere is very friendly, personal and relaxing.
Giorgia was particularly helpful in sending me information prior to my arrival, about the school, Siena and my accomodation so that I was prepared for everything. Giorgia was most helpful in also recommending trips to make, places to see and giving directions!
Mauro presented seminars on different cultural topics of interest each week and also took us on trips outside of Siena each Thursday. Particularly memorable is the bike ride to Murlo through the Toscana countryside! Mauro's relaxing, calm nature is contagious.
Sabrina, my dear teacher, was forever patient and most encouraging. Sabrina and Caterina taught us how to make pesto and we all sat down to a beautiful lunch of pasta al pesto afterwards with some vino rosso (of course)!
I have loved the teaching style here (small class sizes, lots of conversation, discussing snippets of movies, activities outside of the classroom) and I feel like I have progressed enormously after 2 weeks of school. I came here with little knowledge of the langauge and am truly inspired to one day become fluent (I hope!).
I have met people here, both students and teachers, that I will continue to keep in touch with. I highly recommend this experience to anyone.
I will remember this 2 week stay forever and will reflect back on it with fond memories and hope to return one day.
Grazie mille Saena Iulia!

Jan S. 83  
Winterswijk - Paesi Bassi
età: 40s  
Mijn eerste ontmoeting met Siena is ongeveer 10 jaar geleden. Op een zekere dag vroeg in de ochtend heb ik de oede weg van Florence naar Siena genomen. Op een zeker moment zie je een zebra, dit is natuurlijk geen echte zebra maar de dom van Siena. Na elke bocht groeide de zebra!
Maar ook de `Torre del Mangia`zie je al van verre. Een geweldige aanblik! Van een bepaalde afstand ziet Siena er uit als een middeleeuwse stad met ridders en prinsen ui lang vervlogen tijden. Om een uur of negen verschijnen de eerste toeristen en is de betovering een beetje vervlogen.
Maar s`avonds zijn ze bijna allemaal weg en is Siena weer van de Senezen. Vele jaren later had ik de mogelijkheid om de Palio op 16 augustus te bekijken, en datgene wat ik nooit had durven dromen werd werkelijkheid, Siena was een middeleeuwse stad, maar nu een levendige stad vol vuur een passie. Dat jaar heb ik besloten om het volgende jaar Italiaans te gaan studeren in Siena., de school met de naam Seanaiulia leek mij een uitstekende school.( Seanaiulia is de oude naam van Siena.) De school is gesitueerd tussen het plein en de dom, een prachtige plek in het centrum van de stad. De leraren, leraressen zijn erg gepassioneerd en bijzonder attent, slapen gedurende de lessen is er niet bij! Ik ben er nu een aantal keren geweest en het niveau van mijn klas was altijd de juiste.
Het is bovendien interessant om mensen uit de hele wereld te ontmoeten, in de eerste week heb je met iedereen wel een praatje gemaakt. Siena is een heel beroemde stad maar de sfeer is nog steeds dorps. Maar Siena is bovenal een veilige stad, een wandeling maken is geen enkel probleem, ook s`nachts niet. Dus iemand die italiaans wil studeren en beetje cultuur wil snuiven moet zeker een keer naar Siena gaan. De secretaresse Giorgia spreekt perfect Engels, Duits en begrijpt alle andere talen van de wereld. Wanneer er problemen zijn worden deze meteen opgelost en niet dagen later. Mauro volgens mij het fundament van de school spreekt alleen maar italiaans, hij kan of wil geen andere talen spreken, maar hij weet wel alles van Siena en wanneer ik zeg alles bedoel ik ook alles, cultuur, palio gewoontes, alles. Voor hem is Florence al buitenland! Maar Siena is bovenal een rustige, gastvrije stad vol met cultuur, restaurants, winkels, met alle spullen die toeristen graag kopen. Tot ziens in Siena!!
Groeten, Jan Schreurs uit Winterswijk.

Jean H. 81  
Llancarfan - Regno Unito
età: 60s  
professione: Artist
The school Saena Iulia in Siena has been for me an unforgettable experience. Siena itself is very beautiful and the school is in the centre of a medieval city surrounded by the original walls. The streets leading to the school are therefore very steep and then there is a long climb up centuries old stairs before one reaches the welcoming atmosphere of the school itself.
The view from there is breathtaking in every respect, but is perhaps a problem for those who are not super-fit like me. But, take heart! - the teaching and the teachers will revive you. A wonderful experience. I hope to live long enough to go back very, very soon and anyway, as Mauro says: studying Italian keeps you forever young!

Merome D. 80  
Perth - Australia
età: 50s  
professione: English Language Teacher
The best recommendation for a school is that a student returns - and when I returned to Saena Iulia this year after a happy and satisfying stay last year, the first three people I met were fellow-students from my previous classes!
Everyone, it seems, is keen to return, both to the charming, culturally rich and people-friendly city of Siena, and to a school which meets our varied needs. I've studied Italian at other schools and in other cities, but not found elsewhere the consistently high level of teaching skills or the perfect mix of warm friendliness and professionalism that Saena Iulia offers. The small class sizes, monitoring of progress and flexible tuition programme mean that individual needs are both assessed and catered for. And at the same time, one is immediately welcomed into a lively, varied and interesting multi-cultural community whose shared focus is Italian.
So, with the prospect of another rewarding learning experience, and eagerness to maintain precious friendships with my homestay family and other Sienese, I'll return to Saena Iulia again next year. And, as a specialist language teacher myself, there's no higher accolade I can give a school than that!

Judy L. 79  
London - Regno Unito
età: 40s  
professione: Yoga teacher
If you are thinking of studying Italian in Italy, I can whole-heartedly recommend Saena Iulia. First of all, Siena is a beautiful and fascinating town and a great place to spend some time. It's small enough to go everywhere on foot yet full of interesting places and quaint and quirky buildings. There is plenty of life on the street and in the Piazza del Campo. So I spent more time wandering around the streets than in the many museums, palaces and churches. It was easy to explore other places in Tuscany from Siena - I went by bus. Plus the gelati are the best in Italy that I've tasted!
Why Saena Iulia? The classes are small and the teachers are friendly, encouraging and very enthusiastic about the Italian language and culture and they know how to teach; the classes take place in a relaxed yet professional atmosphere and there is a weekly seminar on a cultural topic. Before you even get to the school, Giorgia, the administrator, is very friendly and efficient to help you make your arrangements. I really felt that everybody was concerned to ensure that you derived maximum benefit from your time at school and in Siena. The other students were a friendly bunch who came from all over the world and were aged from 18 to 70. I stayed with a lovely family. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, got a lot out of it and am looking forward to going back!
One word of caution: a couple of older students found that the steps everywhere in Siena, and leading up to the school itself, rather challenging...

Kurt S. 78  
Wohlen - Svizzera
età: 60s  
professione: Lehrer
Vom 19. bis 30. September 2005 habe ich an der "Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana - Saena Iulia" einen zweiwöchigen Sprachkurs besucht. Grund: Als Pensionierter wollte ich meine Italienischkenntnisse auffrischen und vertiefen. Während dieser Zeit profitierte ich von einem engagierten, methodisch-didaktisch kompetenten Lehrerteam. Ich machte grosse Fortschritte, vor allem auch im mündlichen Ausdruck. Als willkommene Abwechslung empfand ich die wöchentlichen Exkursionen in kulturell und landschaftlich interessante Regionen der Toskana. Aber auch die lebendige Kulturstadt Siena hat mich sehr bereichert angeregt und fasziniert. Als Liebhaber der italienischen Küche kam ich voll auf meine Rechnung: überall porcini, tartufi und cinghiale. Was wollte ich mehr! Ich werde sicher wiederkommen.

Walter B. 77  
Volketswil - Svizzera
età: 50s  
professione: Unternehmensleiter / CEO
Zwischen 2 Jobs habe ich mir eine Auszeit gegönnt und mir gleichzeitig den langgehegten Wunsch erfüllt, die Grundlagen der italienischen Sprache im Land selbst zu erlernen.
Über die gut gemachte Internetseite bin ich auf die Schule gestossen und mich nach kurzem telefonischem Kontakt spontan entschlossen, 3 Wochen in Siena zu verbringen. Ich bin begeistert von der Schule, sowohl vom Unterricht, aber auch von der professionellen persönlichen Hilfe, welche in und um die Schule angeboten wird.
Die Lernerfolge in der kleinen Gruppe (4 – 6 Schüler) kamen rasch und in den Einzellektionen am Nachmittag wurde an meinen Schwächen gefeilt sowie ein speziell auf mein berufliches Umfeld abgestimmtes Lernprogramm durchgenommen. Der Unterricht war so praxisbezogen, so dass ich das Erlernte schon oft in der Praxis anwenden konnte. Ich wohnte bei einer Familie mitten in Siena, organisiert durch die Schule. Ein tolles Erlebnis, welches ich Jedermann nur empfehlen kann. So hatte ich die Möglichkeit, das Erlernte direkt in der Praxis bei der Familie erproben zu können.
Da die Schule sehr klein ist, entsteht rasch ein persönlicher Kontakt zu allen Lehrkräften sowie auch zu allen Schülern gleich welchen Alters, so dass auch ausserhalb der Schule vieles gemeinsam unternommen wird.
Für mich war der Sprachaufenthalt in Siena ein toller Erfolg und ich kann die Saena Iulia allen nur bestens empfehlen.

Janet W. 76  
Pretoria - Sudafrica
età: 50s  
professione: Semi-retired
My Italian has improved tremendously after a three week stay at the school.
These are the best teachers on the planet!

John C. 75  
New York, NY - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Graphic Designer
I spent November 2004 at Saena Iulia, and the school exceeded my expectations in every way. I was impressed with all the help and advice I received before leaving for Siena and with the constant attention, once I had arrived, to providing not only a quality learning experience but a fulfilling social and cultural experience as well. The instructors took great care in continually assessing my progress with the language and in helping me progress as quickly as possible, and the small class size (5 students max, in the three levels I was in) made sure everyone participated consistently. The teachers were exceptionally nice and patient, and the teaching techniques were stimulating and innovative, not the memorize-this-textbook kind of learning--I learned a lot and had a lot of fun doing it. In addition to regular classes, Saena Iulia offers weekly discussions/seminars, cooking lessons/meals, and group outings. In November, we visited nearby hill towns, a winery, an olive oil factory (amazing oil!), and an abby. The month was filled with the perfect mix of studying and fun, and with the amazing beauty of Siena and the familylike atmosphere of the school. I can't recommend Saena Iulia enough. I'd return in a second, if at all possible.

Edith F. 74  
Maienfeld - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Sachbearbeiterin
Ich war fuer ein Monat an der Saenaiulia. Habe da viel gelernt und der Unterricht hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Die Leher/innen sind sehr motiviert und gestalten einen individuellen Unterricht. Ein grosser Vorteil ist der Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen.
Die organisierten Ausfluege in die Umgebung von Siena sind sehr schoen, interessant und informativ. Ebenfalls die freiwilligen Seminare am Nachmittag.
Usserdem isch Siena a u khuli Stadt und as gid do extrem guati Pizza und Pasta, vom Glacé gar nid z reda! I chans uf jeda Fall witerempfaehla.

Emma A. 73  
Perth - Australia
età: 20s  
professione: Doctor
I attended Saena Iulia for one month last year (2004). From the very first communication with the school via email, I found it to be extremely friendly and helpful. My accommodation with a local family was all arranged prior to my arrival which made it a much easier transition into Italian life.
The school has a very warm and open atmosphere, without losing any professionalism. The teachers at the school are excellent. Their skill is such that they are able to maintian a relaxed, non threatening environment whilst covering a large amount of intense learning.
Saena Iulia is committed to provide its students with not only with an education in the Italian language, but also in the city/architecture, the food, the pastimes and passions, the art, the surrounding regions....
I can wholeheartedly recommend this school to anyone who is considering such an Italian experience. You will not be disappointed!

Kelly O. 72  
Madison - Stati Uniti
età: teens  
professione: Student
I spent nearly three months in the fall of 2004 studying at Saena Iulia. It has been an all-around wonderful experience and great introduction to the Italian language. For anyone looking to take some time away from home to explore the Italian language and culture, Saena Iulia is an excellent place to do it.
From the moment I arrived at the school, every member of the staff embraced me and made me feel welcome not only to the school, but also to the community of Siena. I was very nervous when I arrived at the school, since I had absolutely no previous Italian language experience. Yet from day one, the teachers and fellow students were very encouraging in helping me to develop and practice my Italian skills. The classroom experience is wonderful and laid back.
During my time at the school, I had lessons with every one of the teaching staff. Without exception, every teacher is energetic, enthustiastic, patient, and an overall great resource inside and outside the classroom. I always felt at ease in the classroom, and asking any question that I had was never a problem. I really benefitted from the variety of learning methods that were used, which involved watching films, listening to songs, practicing written and spoken skills, and playing games. The fellow students were all very diverse and interesting. I met people from all parts of the world and of every different age, not to mention different levels of Italian.
The weekly trips and cultural seminars are great times to interact with all of the other students. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot on every school trip that I went on. There is always a good mix of sight-seeing and relaxation. The cultural seminars were also always interesting, convering such diverse topics as Italian music, art, and the media. The cooking classes were a great opportunity to spend time with the teachers and fellow students while practicing language skills, not to mention enjoying a great Italian meal afterwards. Overall, my experience at Saena Iulia has been very positive.
To anyone looking for a fun adventure and insight into the Italian language and culture, I would definitely recommend signing up for language classes with Saena Iulia!

Tatsuji H. 71  
Tokyo - Giappone
età: 20s  
professione: Barista
私がこの学校に決めたのは、運命だったのかもしれません。留学をする前に2度イタリアに来たときは、イタリア5大都市以外にはほとんど回らなかったのですが、シエナには写真を見て絶対に行ってみたいという衝動に駆られました。実際来てみるとカンポ広場、マンジャの塔、町並みの古めかしさ、町としてすべてが気に入りました。このときは留学をするなんて考えてもいなかったです。 いざ留学をしようと考えたとき、まずイタリアの中部にいこうと考えました。なぜかと言うと上にも下にも行くのに都合がいいからです。 そこで旅行に回った際一番気に入ったシエナを選びました。場所としては、私が心底愛しているトスカーナ地方のバスの便がよく、シエナに来た当初は本当にトスカーナめぐりにぞっこんになってしまいました。(日帰りでかなり動けます) イタリアに留学で訪れて初日学校に行かなければならなかったのですが、まったく場所がわからず電話で「近くにいるんだけど・・・」といったら受付のジョルジアが「すぐ行くから待っていて」と飛んできてくれたのは昨日のように覚えております。どれだけほっとしたことか。 私は初めの2ヶ月をシエナで過ごし、更に一度カラブリアに4ヶ月行き、又学校に戻るというイレギュラーなことをしてしまったため授業がスケジュール通りに行かなくなってしまいました。 しかしそのことに関しては、いろいろな提案を聞いてもらえることになりました。相談をすれば無理なことでない限り話を聞いてくれる学校なのです。 無事に帰ってきてからも学校に通うことが出来ました。 それはひとえにスタッフ(家族みたい)が全員、非常に親切な為だと思います。 なぜかと言うと学校長は、以前大きな語学学校の先生していた人で、十分な生徒に対する対応、授業の内容が行き届かないと考え小さな学校を作ったからなんです。 学校長マウロはこの思惑通り学校を作っていると私は確信しています。 授業の内容も少ない人数で行うことにより、受ける授業ではなく、自分達が進める授業となっていくのです。 私の知り合いの人で他校に通った生徒は、本当に不満を抱えている人が多かったですが、4ヶ月弱通った私が見た生徒は全員(他の外国人の人たちも)が満足して帰っていました。 言うまでもなく私もです。 そして、コミニケーションがとれるまでに話せるようにいたったのも、この学校で習ったからだと思います。自分達で進める授業は、しゃべることの怖さをなくしてくれるからです。7ヶ月を振り返りこのことは間違いなく語学を学ぶことに一番大切なものだと思っています。それを実践してる学校は聞いたことがないです。 日本語で書いているので彼らにはわからないかもしれませんが、この場を借りてお礼をしたいです。 2004/11/01 始沢 達司

Jakob G. 70  
Aarhus - Danimarca
età: 30s  
professione: Programmer
Jeg har virkeligt nydt mit 3ugers ophold på skolen i oktober 2004. Folkene på skolen er dygtige og engagerede, og man føler virker der bliver taget hensyn til de enkelte. Derudover er selve byen meget flot og interessant, og har en dejlig atmosfære (kun biler med tilladelse må køre inde i centrum, hvor skolen ligger).
Jeg boede hos en familie, hvad der var en stor hjælp for at øve sproget - det kan jeg anbefale. Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvad der er den bedste sæson at komme i, men denne oktober var forholdsvist varm og behagelig, og en dejlig afveksling fra "det kolde mørke nord". Der kunne jeg nok godt finde på at tage hen en anden gang...

Claudia K. 69  
Lörrach - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Büroangestellte
Vor drei Tagen bin ich von Siena zurückgekehrt und könnte eigentlich grad wieder in den Zug sitzen. Dieses Jahr war ich eine Woche, was viel zu kurz war. Es war das zweite Mal, dass ich diese Schule besucht hatte, und nächstes Jahr werde ich wieder hinfahren.
Diese Schule kann man wirklich wärmstens empfehlen!! Es ist wunderschön, wie man dort empfangen wird. Es ist familiär und man hat das Gefühl man kommt "nach Hause". Man spürt, dass der Schulleiter, die Sekretärin und die Lehrer wirklich Freude an ihrer Arbeit haben. Das wirkt sich auch auf den Unterricht aus. Es ist immer was los, man lernt auf eine tolle Art und Weise. Die Gruppen sind klein, was von Vorteil ist.
Die Ausflüge sind jedesmal sehr interessant. Wir haben auch zusammen gekocht. Leute aus Australien, Amerika, Schweden - es spricht für die Schule, dass hier Leute aus aller Welt anreisen! Wenn man offen ist, offen für andere Nationalitäten, wenn man lernen will, Spass hat an dieser Sprache, die Küche liebt und sich frei und wohl fühlen will, dann MUSS man dorthin!!Man kann in der Freitzeit alles tun, man kann aber auch alles bleiben lassen.
In der Wohngemeinschaft zu wohnen war diese beiden Male für mich eine schöne Erfahrung. Wir waren wie eine zusammengewürfelte Familie. Man hat sich nach kurzer Zeit schon so gefühlt. Das Zuhause vergisst man völlig. Hoffe, ihr habt ein bischen Hunger bekommen...!
Es lohnt sich, dorthin zu gehen!!

Noele S. 68  
Waterford (VA) - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Mum
the greatest asset of saena iulia is the people who work there. beginning with the hands-on director, and filtering down throughout his team of teachers and office administrators, i was impressed with the deep level of commitment with which the school is directed.
the very small size of the language classes allows the teachers to truly understand the needs of their students. this in turn leads to a flexibility with lesson plans, the ability they have to "seize the moment" of learning when it appears in the class, and for as much individualized attention as a student wants or needs.
my own teachers made each class one that you looked forward to attending through their sense of humor, by their enthusiasm for conveying the language and its history to us, and by their drawings and scherades. this approach worked well with a class student body that was diversified in both age and nationality.
a true compliment to the school is the number of returning students. not only do these alumni return for additional classes, but the more advanced students - the graduates if you will - return on vacation and join in on the weekly cultural outings. in and of themself, these outings are so fun, and so professionally planned, they would put any professional tour organization to shame.
bravo saena iulia!

Karin S. 67  
Lörrach - Germania
età: 40s  
professione: Physiotherapeutin
Ich habe die Schule als sehr abwechslungsreich erlebt. Trotz unterschiedlicher Leistungsstufen innerhalb einer Klasse, wurden die Lehrer dem Stoff und den Schülern gerecht.
Gut fand ich, wechselnde Lehrer gehabt zu haben. Im Einzelunterricht wurde ( bis auf eine Ausnahme ) auf meine Bedürfnisse eingegangen.
Obwohl kein festes Buch als Lehrmaterial verwendet wird, hatte ich jederzeit genügend Unterlagen. Sehr geschätzt habe ich die private Atmosphäre der Schule, Frage zu Siene und Umgebung waren jederzeit möglich, Hilfestellung wurde immer gegeben. Die Gastfamilie war spitze! Schulräume und Lage der Schule waren für mich potimal.
Das Ausflugs- und Mittwoch Kulturprogramm habe ich sehr genossen. Die Schule, ihre Lehrer und vor allem ihren Chef kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.

Michelle W. 66  
London - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Procurement Representative
Although my stay in Siena and time at Saena Iulia was a short 2 weeks, I learned so much and met so many wonderful people. It's fantastic having class every day, because students are using and learning the language every day. Additionally, the school offers cultural seminars, exhibitions and social gatherings, where students not only learn more about Italy, but also converse in Italian with each other (we are given so many opportunities to hear and speak with different people, which develops our listening and speaking abilities).
Saena Iulia doesn't just teach the Italian language; it really is a cultural center. The teachers ensure that the students understand Italian (especially Sienese) culture. The weekly excursions allowed me to see parts of Tuscany that I probably wouldn't have known to see on my own.
The teachers and staff at Saena Iulia are incredibly accommodating, organized and patient, especially working with students of all backgrounds and speaking capabilities. They're always happy to provide information and make sure that the students' stays in Siena are comfortable.
Siena is a fabulous town; it's large enough to have the facilities one needs for long-term stays, but it has fantastically retained its culture and character. It also acts as a good base for any travelling around Tuscany (it's so easy to take a bus or train to other small or large Tuscan destinations).
Thank you to everyone at Saena Iulia! You gave me a wonderful experience that I hope to relive again soon!

Rainer H. 65  
Christchurch - Nuova Zelanda
età: 50s  
professione: Doctor
I had such a good time. Siena is a lovely city, I had been here before but only on a daytrip. What a difference it makes to live here right in the centro storico for 2 weeks and what a difference it makes to leave after 2 weeks being able to communicate abbatsanza bene with the locals. The teachers and of course Giorgia were so helpful and nice. Even if one does not understand Italian the body language of L.aura, our lovely teacher, says it all. The excurtions were most interesting and piacevole and I hope to come again prossimo anno.

Doris K. 64  
Orpund - Svizzera
età: 50s  
professione: Sachbearbeiterin Buchhaltung
SaenaIulia - Ein tolles, intensives Erlebnis!
Ich musste über 50 werden um endlich einen Sprachaufenthalt in meiner Lieblingssprache zu machen. Im Internet stiess ich auf die Schule SaenaIulia. Die gute Homepage mit allen gewünschten Infos sprach mich sofort an. Vorallem der Hinweis, dass die Schule nicht allzu viele Schüler aufnimmt. Schon die erste Anfrage per e-mail wurde auf sehr sympathische und herzliche Art beantwortet, dass ich mich schnell entschloss an diese Schule zu gehen. So reiste ich Ende März '04 für 4 Wochen nach Siena. Ein liebenswerter Empfang aller "studenti" durch die Sekretärin und die Lehrerinnen liess jegliche Nervosität verschwinden. Im Laufe der 4 Wochen hatte ich Unterricht mit allen Lehrerinnen. Professionelles und interessantes Vermitteln der italienischen Sprache sowie grosses Einfühlungsvermögen, Liebenswürdigkeit und Humor zeichnet alle aus. Ob Grundkurs, Intensiv oder Kulturseminar - ich habe überall viel gelernt! ES WAR SUPER!! Die Ausflüge mit dem Schulleiter an diverse wunderschöne Orte, das gemeinsame Zusammensitzen mit Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters und aus den verschiedensten Erdteilen bereicherten den Aufenthalt und machten mir viel Freude- ich habe es genossen! Die Zeit ging viel zu schnell vorbei, ma ritorno certo fra un anno!

Nick B. 63  
Reading - Regno Unito
età: 50s  
professione: IT Consultant
My impression from the internet site and previous students' comments was that Saena Iulia would be a friendly, well-organised school with a high quality of teaching and small classes. From the first email contact to my last day all my high expectations were easily met.
The school is in a fantastic location and everyone - staff and students - are all very friendly. I had a great feeling of belonging even on my first day. Outside class, the Thursday afternoon trips were great fun and very worthwhile.
Both the small group classes in the morning and the intensive individual sessions in the afternoon were stimulating, enjoyable and effective. I'm now recognising and beginning to use whole areas of the language which were a closed book to me before.
The accommodation in an Italian home was perfectly suited to my needs although I should have eaten less pasta!
My only regret is that this time I could only spend 2 weeks at Saena Iulia. I look forward to a return visit.

Charlotte B. 62  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Reiseverkaeuferin
Ich war fuer vier Wochen hier in Siena und die Zeit ist nur so geflogen, kaum angekommen, heisst es schon wieder packen. Ich habe diese Wochen hier wirklich genossen, die Schule ist klein und die Leute hier sehr nett. In dieser guten Atmosphaere habe ich sehr viel gelernt, nicht nur waehrend der Lektionen, sondern auch in der Familie, waehrend den Spaziergaengen in der Stadt, mit anderen StudentInnen... Also, ich kann diese Schule wirklich nur empfehlen.

Hiroko M. 61  
Tokyo - Giappone
età: 30s  
professione: Office Clerk

Andrew, Christa N. 60  
San Francisco - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: City Planner & Physical Therapist
We spent a month in Siena at Saena Iulia and loved it. The teachers and Giorgia made us feel part of the city ... so much so that leaving brought tears to our eyes.
The school has a extremely welcoming and friendly atmosphere - and a great location. We loved to go to school and to live in the heart of Siena. Our mid-morning coffee breaks at the espresso cafe down (literally) the street taught us the importance of Italy's espresso ritual.
Everyone at the school was happy to give us hints about Siena, Italy, culture, and everyday life ... they were incredibly patient and supportive when we practiced our "language skills" on these occasions.
The afternoon programs and tours were very entertaining, interesting, and fun. We loved visiting the olive oil cooperative. Eating bruschetta with just pressed olive oil on bread freshly toasted from the open fire in the cooperative's kitchen was a real highlight.
The teaching methods were lively, encouraging, and made us love the italian language, culture, and people (even more than we did when we started!). We didn't just learn language - we learned a lot about the different italian life styles - including food and wine!
We really can very warmly recommend Saena Iulia and the Saena Iulia team members who are willing to give you MORE than just language skills. Andrew and Christa.
We are looking forward to coming back for another month!

Willem D. 59  
Amsterdam - Paesi Bassi
età: 50s  
professione: Architect
Wij hebben in het voorjaar van 2003 6 weken op Saena Iulia doorgebracht en met veel plezier veel Italiaans geleerd. Onze klas bestond uit maximaal 6 leerlingen, dus wij kregen meer dan genoeg aandacht van de (erg goede) 'juf', S... . Saena Iulia is een leuke school, ideaal gelegen in het hart van Siena, met aardige mensen, leuke activiteiten en een goed lesprogramma. Zeer aanbevolen!

Tomohiro M. 58  
Tokyo - Giappone
età: 20s  
professione: Salesman
2003年の4月から8月まで、このSaena Iulia に通いました。 2002年の夏から既にローマの語学学校に通う事が決まっていましたが、せっかくの留学だし年齢的に20台後半でしたから、最初で最後と思っていたので、この際欲張ってローマ以外にもう1つ、合計2つの街で住もう!と決めました。 ただ、そうは言ってもどうやって学校や街を選んだらいいのか?と日々検討していた時、最初に通う学校が既に決まっていて、ローマでしかも大規模な学校だったため、次に行くところはのんびりと、そして小規模な街、学校にしようと考えながら探し、フィレンツェやミラノのような大きなところではなく、小さい街で探そうといくつかの学校に日本から問い合わせました。 私の経験上ですが、かなり高い確立で、受付や事務所の対応の良さはそのまま学校の内容にも比例すると思っています。絞りに絞ってイタリアの北から南まで10校前後に資料請求した際に、この学校の対応の良さ、親切さ、スピード等々1番でした。 そしてシエナという街のことも一切知らなかったのに、すぐにこの学校に決めていました。 ローマで通っていた学校は大きく、その規模や雰囲気に慣れていたため最初は戸惑いましたが、授業はローマのときよりはるかに少人数で密度が濃かったです。小さい学校なのに、とてもわかりやすい資料がものすごく豊富で感心したくらいです。 少規模な学校故、自分と同じレベルの生徒がいないときは事業時間数は減るものの個人授業になったりもします。 そして個性豊かな先生が揃っていますがみな教えるのが上手と思います。 恥ずかしがりの人でも、生徒数が少ないので気軽に自分の意見や、「わからない」の一言が言えると思います。 毎週木曜日には遠足やイベントがあり、毎回有料で金額も内容によって変わりますが、私はほとんど参加しました。それだけ楽しかったということです。 自分で行くのは不可能、 自分で探すのは不可能、 自分で計画するのは不可能、そんな催しが毎週あります。 ワイン工場見学、アニメで見るような大草原への遠足、日本で販売しているガイドブックには載っていない小都市(これが実に素晴らしいところばかり)巡り等、いろんな光景が今でも鮮明に出てくるほど充実していました。 シエナは小さい街ですが、世界遺産でもあり、今でも時間が止まっているような錯覚になります。 食べ物も特産物が多く、食べるのが好きな方にも楽しいと思います。 また、超が3つ付くくらい安全です(笑)。 私がずっと住んでいたローマ、そして東京とは比べ物になりません。 人それぞれ希望や想像は違いますが、とにかく「せっかくの留学」なので、のんびりしたい、ゆったりと勉強したい人にはこの街も学校もオススメです。 街自体が時間が止まっていて、本当のイタリアを見る気がします。

Courtney B. 57  
Bainbridge Island, WA - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Opera singer
I arrived in Siena with my mother and my almost 2 year-old son, a car full of old cheese and bread crumbs of 2 days travel from Germany; and besides a boy that needed a diaper change, a curious expectation of adventure. It now seems very strange to me to write about a school, for in truth it is a very small village of capable, dear people, of whom I now think of in very distinct ways.
I'm inclined to find truth in the adage "you get out of something what you put into it", so I suppose if you tried very hard you might be bored, might be lonely, might not learn all of the Italian you set out to learn, may not fall in love with the charm of the occasional mad, marching, flag-waving, drum-beating, cross-dressing, bellowing (otherwise known as singing) contrada that appear out of nowhere on your already too small side street while you are attempting to have dinner with your toddler much too early in the evening (it seems that no Italian would voluntarily dine at 7 p.m.....); but you would have to have to be quite stubborn and exhibit a heroic amount of volontà.....
I studied in Siena for 7 weeks, and had the express purpose of learning as much Italian as I possibly could, as I need to speak as fluently as possible for my vocation, which is opera. This resulted in my attending a beginning group class in the first weeks (of which I am grateful for, as it is perhaps a bit more comfortable to flail around in grammatical overdose in the company of others) as well as taking a few private lessons. I then continued by switching to strictly private lessons. One of the strong points at Saena Iulia is that whatever your skill-level may be, they will look for the best way to help you learn. I do not know anyone there who does not love what they are doing. Every person on the staff of Saena Iulia, with their own specific talents, shares with committed joy the great cross-cultural confusion of learning and teaching a language with those who choose to be receptive. If you have what I like to call organizational obstacles, toddlers....., grandmas who for some reason want to enjoy the Chianti wine occasionally, and not just how to say carousel, duck pond, and pediatrician in italian, do not fear!
I remember reading on the website before I decided to go to Siena Iulia, that if you have any unexpected problems, there is nothing that a nice bottle of wine and a discussion shouldn't be able to resolve. I was certainly no secretary's dream, and was fully prepared on arrival to accept the necessity of inspecting my cellar for extra bottles for possible bribery..... but I suppose if you have obstacles, they only make the journey more interesting.
My mother and I walked 80 steps up and down to our apartment every day, a few times a day..... (she hadn't been that skinny since college), my son's babysitter is now a family friend, as well as her family, and to repay all of the maps I was given at the desk (did I mention the side streets in Siena?), and my very blessed experiences, I write this letter in thanks to my friends at Saena Iulia. I don't recall any bottle of wine ever having been a necessity, only un piacer - Salute! C.

Valerie E. 56  
Bend, Oregon - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Attorney
Saena Iulia! Where does one begin... First, of course, with a committment to learn or improve one's Italian. Then to Giorgia, communicator par excellence, who makes every step from dream to reality effortless. Bus and train schedules, accommodation, where to pick up your car, arranging for extra lessons. You name it, she can do it and fluently in at least three languages that I heard while there. Next, to class where not only will you learn Italian but you will have more fun and laughs than you can possibly imagine! The classes are small and the teaching is phenomenal. The teachers are creative, sensitive, fun loving, encouraging, patient. And, they know just when we need a break for a cappuccino and perhaps a small pastry before launching into some new material.
There are trips into the countryside for an outdoor class at a nearby farm, a visit to a monastery with incredible murals and an ancient library, a glass of wine at a hilltop town at sunset, an evening of guided wandering Siena's ancient streets. There are wonderful talks by Mauro in Italian. Even if you do not understand all that he says you will pick up the rhythm, the phrasing, the music of the language. At Saena Iulia one feels like part of a family - a family of people who love learning, have an innate curiosity, and a desire to share. After two weeks you will feel like a native of Siena, knowing some of its streets intimately. You may feel a developing loyalty for your contrada. You will definitely have your favorite gelateria, cafe, and pizzeria. You will make new and treasured friends. Best of all you will be on your way to a remarkable new sense profiency in Italian!

Denis L. 55  
London - Regno Unito
età: 20s  
professione: Student
Saena Iulia presented me with an exciting opportunity to do more than just improve upon my Italian, it re-introduced me to a rich, wonderful and diverse country whose identity can be readily experienced as soon as you enter the city walls of Siena. A small but quaint town set in the realms of Tusacany, bursting with historical buildings, unique traditions and with its warm and friendly inhabitants, Siena is definitely the ideal location to embark upon a linguistic sabbatical whether you are a beginner or at a more advanced level. I learnt so much during my two month stay in September, and I truly believe that this was due to the highly competent, motivated and friendly staff who clearly have an extreme passion for the Italian language.
I was made to feel very welcome by everyone at the school, who were always prepared to advise me if I had any questions regarding the course itself, accommodation and tips for exploring the region. With the aid of the independent as well as group lessons, the great mix of people (nationalities and ages), and the feeling of being surrounded by family, I was able to progress at a steady pace and had the opportunity to concentrate on areas I had difficulty with. The excursions and seminars, carefully organised on a weekly basis were both varied and insightful - truly a pleasure to take part in. They provided the chance for me to get to know the other students and teachers and of course to experience the Italian culture - I have some very fond memories of these expeditions - they were all great fun. With regards to accommodation, I was extremely happy with the results and how my needs were met. My shared appartment was clean, spacious and located within close proximity to the school, and to all of the cafe's, shops and museums. I was sharing with a great bunch of people who also attended the school, enjoying some great times and who later became very good friends. All in all I have nothing bad to say about the school or my experiences there, except that I wish it could have been a lot longer!
Grazie tante a Mauro, Giorgia e lo staff della Siena Iulia! Ci vediamo!

Janet T. 54  
Auckland - Nuova Zelanda
età: 50s  
professione: Architectural Design & Writing
I thoroughly enjoyed my two weeks at "Saena Iulia" School of Italian Language and Culture in October 2003, and would recommend the school highly to anyone. It's a great place to visit and learn Italian language, and immerse yourself in the local culture.
As a small organisation, the school offers a truly personal and friendly environment, with very small class groups and an opportunity to get to know everyone easily. The atmosphere is welcoming and the teachers are excellent. We also went on several lively and fun expeditions every week, had interesting talks about history and culture, and socialised together quite frequently in the evenings.
The school is right in the historic centre of old Siena behind the Duomo, and handy to everything. The household where I stayed was just down the street from the school, and I could walk everywhere easily. Shops, museums, cafes and restaurants were all around, as well as useful things like internet points and vegie shops. Siena is a beautiful place, full of history and fascination for visitors, and nearby to other interesting spots in central Italy.
I learned heaps in two weeks at Saena Iulia and had fantastic fun with lovely new friends of all ages while doing it. Thank you to everyone at Saena Iulia. I will return for sure! Tante grazie a tutti alla Saena Iulia! Tornero' certamente un giorno. Ci vediamo. Vi ricordo con affetto, Janet.

Elaine F. 53  
Tel Aviv - Israele
età: 60s  
professione: Retired
Usually when one dreams about something, especially a dream that lasts for some 30 years, it can't live up to expectations. For all this time I have imagined myself sitting in a school somewhere in a small town, living in an apartment, shopping for food and talking to local residents, and learning about the culture and habits of the people around me. What I never gave much thought to was the scope of the school itself. That I would feel enveloped in an atmosphere of good will and warmth that far transcends the regular learning experience -- never occurred to me.
We can't begin to thank you all enough. But thank you, Giorgia, for all the good-natured assistance you gave from the very first email until the day we left. You're a rock of stability for the many students from all over the world. Mauro, many thanks, not only for the wonderful trips, but for your sensitivity to the needs of different students and your interest in everyone as an individual. And the teaching staff... you are all unique and very, very special. I can still hear Sabrina telling us to open our mouths or Italian will never come out. Laura putting a finishinig touch to one of your wonderful explanatory drawings. Marina patiently listening to our stumblings and thoughtfully copying out a book for us.
Once again, you all contributed to an incredible experience and we haven't stopped talking about it since we've returned. Thank you for making us a part of a wonderful learning family. Elaine F.

Manuela A. 52  
Luzern - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Klavierlehrerin
Letzten Sommer habe ich mir einen Wunsch erfüllt, und bin für drei Wochen in die Toskana gegangen, um mein Italienisch anzuwenden und zu verbessern. Dazu habe ich einen Sprachkurs an der Saena Iulia in Siena besucht. Saena Iulia ist eine kleine und familiäre Schule, was mir sehr zugesagt hat. Man ist nicht einfach einer von vielen. Der Unterricht erfolgte in einer kleinen Gruppe, was sehr vorteilhaft war. Wir hatten auch einige Ausflüge, bei denen wir die wunderschöne Umgebung kennenlernen konnten. Am besten in Erinnerung bleiben mir die vielen schönen und lustigen Erlebnisse mit meinen neuen Freunden aus aller Welt, die ich an der Saena Iulia kennengelernt habe. Saena Iulia hat mich auch bei einer sehr netten Familie untergebracht, eine tolle Möglichkeit, das italienische Leben kennenzulernen. Die drei Wochen in Siena waren eine wundervolle Zeit, die ich nie vergessen werde.

Jana S. 51  
Stockholm - Svezia
età: 30s  
professione: Musician
Jag har tillbringat 2 veckor i Siena för att plugga italienska mycket intensivt med privatlektioner. Visst, ett dyrare alternativ till grupperna, men jag tycker det var absolut värt det! Siena är en underbart vacker och lagom stor stad med mycket kultur och nattliv. Bara turisterna kan bli lite för övertaliga på sommaren...Skolan är liten och personlig, man träffar lätt sympatiska människor som tycker om att mötas och lära känna sina nya gäster. Fritidssysslor är inte heller något bekymmer - det är alltså helt ok att åka ensamt. Rekommendation!

Oyeshiku C. 50  
Boston - Stati Uniti
età: 30s  
professione: Ph.D. Student
I discovered Saena Iulia on the web three years ago when I was searching for a affordable way to learn italian, a language i needed for my doctoral research. I had never before been to Italy so both the language and culture were going to be completely new experiences for me. Saena Iulia was the perfect introduction to Italian life, language and culture. Siena and Tuscany are the perfect location if you have an intrest in art, history, wine, or biking and everyday you can practice what you have learned in a real italian environment.
Unlike, other programs that are filled with students who are abroad solely for the travel opportunity, Saena Iulia is a place for serious students. The student body is international, which means that sometimes Italian is the common meduim, and diverse. During my studies there I have met professional chefs, opera singers, and other doctoral candidates, all of whom came to Saena Iulia because they had heard it was a place where one could learn Italian well. My proof is that after six weeks of study I was able to return to my university and pass a reading italian exam, although i had never specifially worked on reading at Saena Iulia, simply on conversation.
After three years away, I returned this past year for two weeks and found that my italian returned easily. Great teaching combined with cultural activities and an immersive italian experience make Saena Iulia the place for people who really want to use the Italian they study.

Bill G. 49  
Vancouver, BC - Canada
età: 30s  
professione: Software Developer
In a nutshell, Saena Iulia is the best language school I've attended. It is well organized; the enrollment process and the arrangement of accommodation were a breeze. Students were put into classes of appropriate levels and of reasonable size - my class at the beginning of October had 5 students. The language lessons and course materials were excellent. The instructors were sharp, kind, helpful and humorous. The school also rotated teachers so that we would learn slightly different accents and pronunciations. In the one week I was there, we had an afternoon outing to beautiful Monteoliveto and a day trip to a farm where we had classes in the open air followed by wine, cheese and bread. We also had an educational slide show on the Sisteen Chapel's ceiling. It was a full week, especially when you had homework each night. And, finally, Siena itself is one of the nicest and most interesting cities in Italy. Now all I have to do is to figure out when I can go back...

Anu K. 48  
Helsinki - Finlandia
età: 30s  
professione: Production manager
Hei kaikille italian kielen ystäville! Vietin ihastuttavat 3 vkoa Toscanassa kesällä 2003. Olin Sienassa koulussa vain yhden viikon, jonka jälkeen jatkoin lomailua Villapontebellossa lähellä ihastuttavia Lucignanon ja Cortonan kaupunkeja.
Valitsin kurssiksi Main Coursen eli 20 viikkotuntia. Tunnit vähenivät 3 h kun meitä oli vain 2 alkeisopiskelijaa - se harmitti. Koulu oli loistavalla paikalla, aivan Piazza di Campon kulmilla. Henkilökunta oli loistavaa ja opetuksen taso hyvä.
Asuin perheessä (puolihoito) kaupungin ulkopuolella. Viikko perheessä asumista oli oikein kiva kokemus, vaikka kommunikointi oli hieman hankalaa 4 kk:n italian opiskelun jälkeen. Opiskelukaverit olivat ympäri maailmaa. Meillä oli todella hauskaa yhdessä. Oli kiva kun koulu järjesti retkiä ja yhdessäolon hetkiä. Kaipaan takaisin ja varmasti palaankin!
Ci vediamo in Siena!!

Marion M. 47  
Delft - Paesi Bassi
età: 40s  
professione: Musician
In de herfstvakantie van 2003 heb ik een week doorgebracht in de school van saenaiulia, en het is mij prima bevallen! Aardige docenten mooie oude school vlak bij de dom. Ik volg een loi-cursus in Nederland en heb ongeveer 4 maanden daarvan gedaan, dus t was moeilijk om mij te plaatsen, omdat ik al wel iets wist maar nog niet heel veel. Na spannend intake gesprek uiteraard in t italiaans, met Sabrina werd ik in beginnersgroep geplaatst die al een tijdje bezig was, bleek goede keus. De administratie (lees: G...) is ontzettend behulpzaam (spreekt perfect engels) en ze hebben contact met heel veel organisaties om je bijvoorbeeld te helpen als je zelf uitstapjes maakt naar andere steden. Je kunt een appartement via de school krijgen en dan zit je vaak echt vlakbij! Kortom mijn ervaringen zijn prima, heb veel geleerd door veel te moeten converseren. Een aanrader voor iedereen die van Siena en van italiaans houdt! Groetjes marion

Anita S. 46  
Solna - Svezia
età: 20s  
professione: Migration Officer
I am very pleased with the school, the lessons, the teachers and the atmosphere at the school. If I should describe the school for someone who hasn't been there I would say it is a small school, and the fact that it is small is a benefit, because that makes the atmosphere familiar, personal and friendly. As a student you are not one among several others. The teachers and the lessons are proffessional. How much you want to learn is up to you, your are treated as an adult, but at the same time the teachers are very inspired and have a lot of enthusiasm, they really want you to learn the language. Siena is a small and beautiful town. Credo che sia un vantaggio essere e studiare a Siena. I really would not mind to go back next year to the same school to take an other language course. I think that the school, the teachers and the quality of the lessons were even better then I had thought.

Claudia K. 45  
Lienz / Tirol - Austria
età: 40s  
professione: Language teacher
I have decided to write my feedback in English to make sure that as many people as possible can understand it. I spent 3 weeks in Siena last July, attending an intensive course at Saena Iulia, which I had come upon surfing the net. My first impressions - when communicating with Giorgia had already been very very positive and were absolutely confirmed when I got there. Everything was very well organised, the family I was staying with was superb, I was given a very warm welcome at the school by Mauro and the staff, the lessons proved very instructive; even though I teach Italian I picked up lots of things I had not known before. As I was doing an individual course, I particularly enjoyed the trips to Verona and to the "Chianti", where I got to know other students and I made new friends. Almost every evening we met "in piazza" to have a drink, and to chat and I am still communicating with some of them via e-mail. If you want to study the Italian language in a unique city, with teachers that will also be your friends, in a really pleasant atmosphere - I can only recommend you to come and try for yourselves!

Gesa B. 44  
Braunschweig - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Student
Im Oktober 2003 hatte ich das große Glück, vier Wochen an der Sprachschule Saena Iulia in Siena verbringen zu dürfen. Ich bin eigentlich eher zufällig an diese Schule geraten und bin im Nachhinein sehr froh darüber.
Die Schule besteht aus einem Schulleiter, einer Sekretärin und einigen, sehr netten Lehrerinnen. Generell sind alle MitarbeiterInnen der Schule sehr freundlich, engagiert und immer interessiert an neuen Leuten aus der ganzen Welt. Auf diese Weise wird eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre in der geamten Schule geschaffen. Jeden Donnerstag werden von der Schule Ausflüge in die Umgebung Sienas angeboten. Während meiner Zeit habe ich drei dieser Ausflüge mitgemacht- und ich muss sagen, einer war besser als der andere! Der Schulleiter Mauro kann viel über die verschiedenen Orte und ihre Hintergründe erzählen, und Woche für Woche merkt man als Zuhörer, dass man immer mehr von Mauros italienischen Erzählungen versteht.
Jeden Mittwoch werden außerdem kostenlose Seminare über unterschiedliche Themen, wie z.B. Oper oder den Palio (das große Pferderennen von Siena) von der Schule angeboten. Die sind nicht nur interessant, sondern man lernt auch die anderen Sprachschüler sowie die Lehrerinnen bei solchen Aktivitäten besser kennen. Mir persönlich hat besonders gut gefallen, dass die Klassen stets sehr klein (nie mehr als acht Leute) und altersmäßig bunt gemischt waren. So hatte man nicht nur Leute im eigenen Alter, sondern von Studenten über 30jährige Ingenieure bis zu sehr netten Rentnern alles dabei- eine Chance die man sonst eher selten bekommt.
Der Unterricht ist ebenfalls klasse; man kommt um einiges schneller voran als beispielsweise Sprachschüler an der Universität. Nach ca. zwei Wochen können die meisten Sprachschüler von Saena Iulia schon ein flüssiges Small-Talk-Gespräch über Familie, Freunde, andere Länder, Reisen usw. führen. Ich hoffe, dass ich noch einmal die Chance bekomme, einen Fortgeschrittenenkurs an der Schule Sanea Iulia zu machen und kann Euch diese wirklich wärmstens empfehlen. Viel Spass beim Italienisch-Lernen!!

Martina B. 43  
München - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Studentin
Ein Sprachkurs in Siena ist einfach ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Ich habe in den vier Wochen nicht nur eine Menge Italienisch gelernt, viele neue und interessante Menschen aus der ganzen Welt getroffen und neue Freundschaften geschlossen, sondern auch viel über das Leben vor Ort erfahren. Begeistert war ich vorallem von der warmherzigen und familiären Atmosphäre, die in der Schule geherrscht hat, aufgrund derer man sich vom ersten Tag an wie zu Hause gefühlt hat. Zudem gingen die Lehrer sehr individuell auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse der Schüler ein, was meiner Meinung nach ein großer Vorteil einer kleineren Schule ist.
Ich habe jede einzelne Minute meines Aufenthalts in Siena genossen und werde bestimmt wiederkommen.
Una parte di me è rimasta a Siena !

Aleksey P. 42  
New York, NY - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Physician
I am pleased to share my impression of the school. I've just returned from Siena a couple of weeks ago. That was my second time at school, the first one was 6 months ago. Every time it's an extremely pleasurable expeience. As a busy professional I found it extremely convenient that Saena Iulia School will accomodate a student for any length of time (even as short as 1-2 weeks). One also can pop on at any week of the month. The teachers are superb, highly professional, dedicated and enthusiastic about teaching and Italian language, of course. The school will take care of accomodations upon request and for every budget level. I found it to be very comfortable; Giorgia does a superb job. I also enjoyed enormously weekly trips to nearby towns and regions, dinners together in restaurants and home of Mauro. My italian improving exponentialy after every visit, I plan to return to the school again and, probably, again.

Roger M. 41  
Reinach - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Insurance manager
Quand je cherchais une école de la langue italienne, la seule chose dont j’étais sûr, c’était le fait que je voulais aller à Sienne en Toscane. Mes recherches sur Internet m’ont conduit sur le site de 'Saena Iulia' et ce que j’y ai lu m’a plu. Bref, je viens de passer 3 semaines inoubliables à Sienne. Les profs étaient excellents et sympas. Le premier jour on a anlaysé mon niveau de connaissance de la langue italienne et on m’a mis dans un groupe de 5 étudiants (le maximum est de 7 étudiants dans un groupe). Les profs étaient très exigeants et je quittais l’école chaque jour avec tête plein de nouveautés et encore plus de devoirs (le mot en italien est «còmpit » et on ne l’oublie plus après très peu de jours). Parce que l’école n’est pas trop grande, on y experience une ambiance plutôt familiale. Les excursions culturelles et sociales sont enrichissantes et divertissantes. Ce qui m’a aussi beaucoup plu c’est le mixe des étudiants. Ma langue maternelle c’est l’allemand et sauf pour appeler à la maison je n’en ai parlé pas un mot pendant les 3 semaines, parce que mes co-étudiants étaient japonais, canadien, anglais, américain, sud-coréenne, nouveau zélandais, australien etc. Après seulement 3 semaines à 'Saena Iulia' j’ai pu omettre deux semestres de l’école ici en Suisse et mon prof (qui est toujours le même) est exalté du progrès que j’ai fait.

Kathrin H. 40  
Düsseldorf - Germania
età: Teens  
professione: Student
Vier Wochen an einer Sprachschule scheinen eine lange Zeit, zumal wenn man wie ich froh ist, die Schulzeit gerade hinter sich gebracht zu haben. Ich versichere aber, sie sind es nicht. Zumindest sind meine vier Wochen an der Saena Iulia wie im Flug vergangen. Liegt das daran, dass man - kaum in Siena und an der Schule angekommen - eine Vielzahl neuer, weltoffener Menschen kennenlernt, mit denen es viel Zeit zu verbringen lohnt? Liegt es eher daran, dass man sich in einer Stadt wiederfindet, die viele Überraschungen bereit hält und zum flanieren einlädt? Oder aber sind es die intensiven, kurzweiligen Unterrichtsstunden an der Schule, die die Zeit so schnell verrinnen lassen? Nun, sehr wahrscheinlich ist es die Kombination aus all diesen Aspekten, die einen Sprachschulaufenthalt an der Saena Iulia in Siena zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis macht. Ich kann nur jedem - auch jungen Menschen (lasst euch vom Alter unter den verschiedenen Feedbacks nicht abschrecken) - raten, das Abenteuer zu wagen und einige Zeit in Siena zu verbringen. Natürlich kann ich nichts versprechen, aber zumindest kann ich von mir selbst sagen, dass ich mit der Erinnerung an zahlreiche schöne Erlebnisse, einzelne Momente, neue Freunde (darunter auch Lehrerinnen der Schule)und an viele unterhaltsame Abende auf der schönsten Piazza der Welt ein wenig schwermütig nach Hause zurückgekehrt bin. Allora, vale la pena frequentare Saena Iulia, non solo per migliorare le proprie capacità di capire, di parlare e di scrivere l'italiano, ma soprattutto per conoscere della gente aperta, cordiale e amichevole da tutti i paesi del mondo.

Claudia C. 39  
Poschiavo / Grigioni - Svizzera
età: 20s  
professione: Studentessa
La scuola Saena Iulia è ideale per imparare l'italiano, scrivendo e parlando, e la cultura italiana. Si possono conoscere molte persone di diverse età, non mancano il divertimento e l'allegria, la compagnia è assicurata. Ve la consiglio, andateci! E' un'esperienza indimenticabile!

Birgit K.-H. 38  
Frankfurt - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Werbeberaterin
Eigentlich ist ja schon alles von meinen "Kollegen" geschrieben worden. Und ich kann nur sagen: sie haben nicht uebertrieben. Saena Iulia ist eine kleine, feine Schule, in der Du nicht nur die italienische Sprache und viel ueber das Leben und die Kultur der Italiener/Toskaner lernst sondern auch Freunde aus aller Welt finden kannst.
Ich bin nun zum dritten Mal hier (was nicht heissen soll, dass die Lehrer nicht in der Lage waren, mir die Sprache schon beim ersten Mal beizubringen :-)...). Ich habe in allen Moeglichkeiten Unterricht genommen - Gruppenstunden und Individual-Unterricht - sowie alle Lehrer kennengelernt, die in ihrer Art natuerlich unterschiedlich sind aber mir alle in professionellster und sympathischster Weise die Sprache mit einem unbrechbaren Engagement naeher gebracht haben.
Was ich am bemerkenswertesten finde? Wie flexibel die Schule auf individuelle Wuensche und Anforderungen eingeht. Passt Du nicht in einen Gruppenkurs, da es in Deinem Sprachlevel gerade keine Gruppe gibt? Kein Problem: Du bekommst Einzelunterricht. Hast Du eine Einzelstunde gebucht, kannst aber an diesem Tag nicht? Kein Problem, sie wird verschoben. Musst Du fuer einen Tag zurueck in die Heimat, weil die Firma ruft? Auch kein Problem, die Stunden werden nachgeholt.
Und nach Unterrichtschluss und nach den ausgiebigen Hausaufgaben ist immer noch Zeit, Ausfluege zu machen, Seminare ueber bestimmte kulturelle Themen zu besuchen oder einfach gemeinsam zu feiern.
Dies findet man hier inmitten einer der schoensten Staedte der Welt (meiner Meinung nach), in der man unbedingt den Palio, das verrueckte Pferderennen erleben muss. Und in einer Region, die alles hat, was schoen ist: Meer & Berge, Wein & gute Kueche, Kunst & Kultur. Ich hoffe, Du machst Dich auf den Weg hierher.

Sems K. 37  
Istanbul - Turchia
età: 30s  
professione: Isletme Muhendisi
Italya 'ya cok kereler yolculuk etmeme ragmen Siena 'da hic bulunmamistim. Bu olaganustu sehri, Saena Iulia 'da Italyanca ogrendigim zaman tanidim. Saena Iulia 'yi raslanti eseri internette bulup ve hakkinda hic birsey bilmeden kayit olmustum. Sonra da ne kadar sansli oldugumu farkettim. Sehrin gobeginde, Piazza Del Campo 'ya 50 metre uzaklikta, sevimli ve dunyanin her kosesinden, her yasta ve italyanca sevisinde insanlarin geldigi bir okul. Hic Italyanca bilmeyenlerinde veya cok ileri derecede olanlarin bile cok iyi bir zaman gecirebilirler. Okul yonetimi ve ogretmenleri cok candan ve sicak insanlar. Ayrica ogrenciler icin yer ayarlamada yardimci oluyorlar Ben ilk baslarda kendi basima bir otelde kaliyordum. Daha sonra okulun evlerinden birinde bir odaya gecip bir kac ogrenci ile beraber ev paylastim. Ev paylasmayi kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Fiyatlar cok uygun ve arkadaslar edinip pratik yapabiliryorsunuz. Okul cok kaliteli ders programlari yaninda, Siena 'nin cevresinde geziler organize ediyor. Siena 'yi ikinci evim gibi hissetmistim. Bir kac yil oldu orada bulunali ve yakinda tekrar gitmeyi planliyorum. Sems

Rebecca C. 36  
Washington D.C. - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Technology Integration
I have to say that Siena was beautiful and so was the experience I had at Saena Iulia. Everyone working there was incredibly kind, helpful, and flexible. They took care of everything from finding accomodations to planning course time around a flexible schedule. The instructors were wonderful, each with a slighly different style that complemented each other. While in Italy I was able to compare my Italian with some people studying twice as many hours per week at one of the larger schools and I had learned more! The techniques used coupled with the small class size is an excellent combination for a beginner like myself. I really enjoyed my time there and would absolutely go back or recommend Saena Iulia to anyone!

Philip R. 35  
Dublin - Irlanda
età: 30s  
professione: Hotelier
This school is a special place. My hearts desire was to learn some how to order a caffè doppio with some degree of confidence; the people of Saena Iulia taught me so much more and I keep going back! The teachers and administration share such a culture of inclusiveness, hospitality and natural easygoing professionalism they enabled me to learn from themselves and from many fellow international students of all ages. The small classes (five or six students) coupled with gentle introductions to local people during the wonderful excursions and many, many dinners proved a deeply enriching experience. I am lucky now to count among my true friends many individuals first encountered in Siena and Saena Iulia. I have travelled extensively throughout Italy, from Palermo to Milano, but it is only in the safety of Siena that I truly feel at home; in the place where I was taught a new way to speak and a new way to live. I hope to return many more times. This school is a very special place indeed.
Should anyone wish to contact me directly for further testament please ask them for my email address, I would be honoured to answer any questions regarding Saena Iulia (or indeed Siena) and will to do so to the best of my ability.

Hande K. 34  
Ankara - Turchia
età: 20s  
professione: Student
kursa basladigim ilk gun cok heycanliydim ama okulda ki gorevlilerle ve ogretmenlerle tanistiktan sonra tum heycanim ucup gitti ve kaldigim sure boyunca asla bana yabanci oldugumu hissettirmediler.. sehir ici ve disi turlarla, okul sonrasi yemeklerle ve diger aktivitelerle kursu daha eglenceli bir hale getirdiler.. bu benim icin sadece bir italyanca kursu degil ayni zamanda unutulmaz bir aydi.. turkiye ye dondugumda aslinda cok fazla seyi hiç sikilmadan ogrendigimi fark ettim cunku ogretmenler kendimizi rahat hissettiriyorlardi ve dersleri ogretici ama ayni zamanda eglenceli bir sekilde anlatiyorlardi.. ayni zamanda Siena dünyanin sayili harikalarindan biri.. kucuk, guvenli bir sehir ve bir cok tarihi eser var.. ve gecelerin kendine has bir guzelligi var.. arkadaslarinla bulusup Piazza nel campo da bir bara oturdugun zaman gunun tum yorgunlugunu ve sikintisini unutuyorsun.. umarim bir gun tekrar o ruya sehrine gidebilirim ve okulumu tekrar ziyaret etme sansini bulabilirim..

Catherine R. 33  
Vancouver, B.C. - Canada
età: 20s  
professione: Classical singer
My two 'vacations' at Saena Iulia had a significant impact on both my professional and personal life. I would highly recommend this school to anyone who wishes to spend a few weeks in heaven. I received excellent teaching, in a wonderful, beautiful, social atmosphere, and feel that I got a real taste of what Siena is about. This experience was priceless. I will never be able to go back to learning a language in a class setting outside of its native land!

Jun 32  
Siena - Giappone
età: 20s  
professione: studente


Ann C. 31  
New York - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Music
Saena Iulia is an extraordinarily fine school with talented and generous teachers. I learned a tremendous amount in a short time because of their careful, skilled teaching. Their lessons are inventive, effective and fun. In addition, "the school" is a group of wonderful and kind people who share not only their language but the beauties of their city and countryside, the Siennese culture, cuisine, art , and general joy in living. I happily went back a second time.

Jason H. 30  
Atlanta, GA - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Opera singer
This school was really great. I also attended a very famous language school in Siena, and there was no comparison! The classes are small and individualized, and the private sessions were extremely helpful, too. I have reccommended Saena Iulia to a number of my friends already.

Neri A. 29  
Los Angeles, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Student
I had a wonderful time in the five weeks that I stayed in Siena. The staff at the school was very kind and helpful, and the instruction was excellent. I stayed with an Italian family who made incredible food. It was great to practice my Italian with them also. Siena is a beautiful town. I can't wait till I return.

James S. 28  
Washington D.C. - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Teacher
I loved my experience at Saena Iulia. Everyone at the school made me feel extrememly comfortable. They found me an apartment; they made suggestions about local restaurants, museums and nearby towns; and they even helped me negotiate the monitary damages to un motorino when my mom crashed it. (She is okay).
The school is just the right size and the instructors are friendly. I could go on like this, but I won't. Sign up now; there's no way it won't be fun.

Beto W. 27  
Miami, FL - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Banking
La escuela es excellente y la experiencia muy bella. Sobretodo, aprovechense la temporada de il palio. Toda la gente de la escuela es cheveresisimo y siempre hay actividades para conocer los compañeros y el pueblo. Quisiera regresarme lo mas pronto posible y se la recomendo a todos.

Serge G. 26  
Zürich - Svizzera
età: 30s  
professione: Conseiller
Ai passe deux semaines geniales a Sienne. L'ecole Saena Iula est une petite structure, qui privilégie les rapports humains en offrant un service presque individuel. Le nombre d'etudiants par classe est limite et les profs ont la passion de leur metier, ils le font par vocation. Mon cours prive sur l'opera italien reste une experience inoubliable. Les etudiants presents sont enormement motives et ont tous en commun un amour de la culture italienne.
J'ai particulierement apprecie d'habiter dans la campagne chez une famille, de prendre les repas le soir sous la tonelle avec la vue sur les collines avoisinantes.
La bas, on prend le temps de vivre, de parler, prendre son cafe le matin est une aventure, le spectacle est dans la rue, bref ça rigole.

Carla P. 25  
San Francisco, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Office manager
I just completed 7 outstanding weeks of study at Saena Iulia and I highly recommend the school to anyone seriously interested in studying Italian in Italy.
The class size is smaller than at most language schools and this makes learning the language easier and faster. Also, Siena is a beautiful, small, town where you can feel completely safe if you are visiting as a single person.
I participated in group classes for 4 weeks, followed by 3 weeks of one-on-one, personalized study and I found both types of classes to be very instructive, helpful, and enjoyable.
The instructors are excellent and the entire staff is extremely helpful and friendly and they all help to make your visit as pleasant as possible.
During my time here at SI, I also met very interesting people from around the world and this added to a very positive experience.

Frank B. 24  
Detmold - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Angestellter-Internationaler Möbelbeschlaghandel
In den vergangenen Jahren bin ich bisher 3x (insgesamt 10 Wochen) in Sienagewesen. Insbesondere hat es mir gefallen, dass die Schule nicht zu groß, kein anonymer Massenbetrieb ist. Es herrscht vielmehr eine familiäre Atmosphäre. So sind wir zum Beispiel einmal als wir nur eine kleine Gruppe von Studenten waren, im Haus eines Mitarbeiters gewesen und haben dort ein italienischer Essen mit lauter Spezialitäten veranstaltet, die man sonst nicht so ohne weiteres im nächsten Laden hätte kaufen können. Das Lehrpersonal ist im Schnitt recht jung, gut ausgebildet und motiviert. Man trifft sich auch mal abends in der Stadt, um gemeinsam in eine Kneipe zu gehen. Als Unterbringung hatte ich jeweils eine Wohnung mit anderen Studenten zusammen gewählt, die dann teilweise auch von anderen Schulen kamen. Hat mir eigentlich immer gut gefallen. Insgesamt kann ich nur sagen, dass mir meine Aufenthalte in Siena und Umgebung so zugesagt haben, dass ich wiederhinfahren werde.
Für weitere Fragen könnt Ihr mich unter jederzeit kontaktieren.
Frank Brinkmann

Heinz-Richard S. 23  
Rodgau - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Telekommunikation
Ich bin 1999 nach Siena gefahren um italienisch zu lernen. Ich verbrachte den besten Urlaub meines Lebens. Wir waren eine internationale Gruppe aus Irland, Dänemark, Canada, Schottland, Holland und Deutschland. Spaß, Kultur, gutes Essen und Wein, was braucht man mehr. Ich war seit dieser Zeit noch 6 mal in Siena. Ach ja, das wichtigste! Die Schule ist sehr kompetent und ich habe auch ganz passabel italienische gelernt. (Sono un pò pigro, ma adesso parlo italiano abbastanza bene) schon mal was zum nachschauen.

Silke S. 22  
Friedrichshafen - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Sozialpädagogin
Die italienische Sprache hat mir immer schon sehr gut gefallen und es war ein kleiner Traum von mir, die Sprache im Land selbst zu erlernen. Ich besuchte Saena Iulia im August und September 2002 und kann die Schule auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Ich habe mich richtig wohlgefühlt, denn in der Schule herrscht ein tolles, familiäres Klima, es wird auch viel gelacht. Alle Lehrerinnen sind engagiert und gestalten den Unterricht interessant und abwechslungsreich. Mir hat es jeden Tag viel Spaß gemacht! Außerdem fand ich es klasse, daß die Mitarbeiterinnen Giorgia und Birgit von der Verwaltung die Unterkünfte für die Schüler besorgen. Ich lebte zwei Monate bei einer sehr sehr netten Gastfamilie, wo es mir ebenfalls gut ging. Sie haben sich richtig Mühe mit mir gemacht, vor allem bei der anfangs noch recht holprigen Konversation. Und vom super-leckeren italienischen Essen muss ich hier ja nicht noch anfangen zu schwärmen.... :-)
Während meines Aufenthalts in Siena durfte ich auch den Palio miterleben, der auf besondere Art und Weise beeindruckend ist. Es war eine tolle Zeit in Siena: lustig, abwechslungsreich, spannend, sonnig, wunderbar, interessant und einfach unvergeßlich!

Nicola M. 21  
Delray Beach, FL - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired
I was very impressed with the Italian language school Saena Iulia. The school itself is conveniently located within a few minutes of Piazza del Campo and therefore close to the interesting and rich life of the city. My quiet apartment was a short, pleasant ten minute walk to school. Of course, the most impressive aspect of my stay was the quality and level of instruction at the school. The instructors are dedicated and expert and their broad knowledge of the culture and history of Italy enriches the hours spent in class. I would also like to make special mention of the opportunities for extra-curricular activities and trips which also enhanced my stay there. The administrative staff was also exceptionally helpful in all of the little details that made adjustment to life in Siena helpful -- from explaining bus/train schedules to finding the best currency exchange rates. And on more than one occasion helping with the homework!

Christian S. 20  
Frankfurt am Main - Germania
età: 20s  
professione: Economics/Philosophy student
Guten Tag,
da Sie diesen Text lesen, nehme ich an, dass Sie an einem Kurs des Italienischen an der Schule Saena Iulia interessiert sind und gern wissen möchten, wie es anderen Lernenden erging - einer davon war ich. Mein Aufenthalt in Siena und insbesondere das Lernen des Italienischen bereitete mir sehr viel Freude, wozu die Mitarbeiter (obwohl dieses Wort es eigentlich nicht trifft, weil die Beziehung eine liebevollere ist und somit eher an eine Familie denn an eine Firma erinnert) nicht unwesentlich beitrugen. Es erfordert Überwindung, jedenfalls kostete es mich ein wenig, mit geringen Sprachkenntnissen in ein fremdes Land zu fahren, um sie dort aufzubessern und man fühlt sich doch recht allein. So suchte ich als erstes nach etwas Bekanntem, was für mich, ich muss es zu meiner Schande gestehen, in Siena eine international verbreitete Fast-Food Kette war, in welcher ich somit meinen ersten Hunger stillen konnte, ohne meine innerhalb kurzer Zeit erworbenen und wohl eher als bruchstückhaft zu bezeichnenden Italienischkenntnisse sonderlich bemühen zu müssen. Alle anfänglichen Ängste erwiesen sich jedoch bald als unbegründet, denn nach einer Nacht und einem italienischen Frühstück, was so konnte ich erfahren verglichen mit einem deutschen Frühstück im Allgemeinen etwas kärglicher ausfällt, begann auch schon die neue Woche und somit der Kurs. Ein Einstufungstest hört sich für mich immer recht erschreckend an, war aber sinnvoll und Grundlage für die Bildung von Lerngruppen, obwohl ich vor Aufregung sicher mehr Fehler als notwendig gemacht habe. Es folgte ein gemeinsames Frühstück in der Schule zum Kennenlernen und schließlich der Unterricht.
Wir waren eine kleine internationale Gruppe (von Irland und England über die Niederlanden und Deutschland bis hin nach Australien) bestehend aus sieben Personen und fanden somit recht schnell Zugang, sowohl zu der Sprache als auch zu uns. Die folgenden zwei Wochen gestalteten sich sehr angenehm und abwechslungsreich; so unternahmen wir Wanderungen, die wunderschöne Ausblicke boten und auf denen man auch, selbst wenn die Lehrer nicht dabei waren kleine italienische Gespräche führen konnte. Es ist mithin anzuraten, auch nach der Schule untereinander ein wenig Italienisch zu sprechen, dies übt ungemein. Damit komme ich zu meiner letzten Anmerkung, der Unterbringung.
Ich wohnte während meiner Zeit in Siena, die nebenbei bemerkt viel zu kurz war, bei einer Familie, doch könnte ich auch ohne Übertreibung sagen: "mit dieser". Anfängliche Berührungsängste waren aufgrund der nettesten italienischen 'mamma' schnell beseitigt und sowohl das Essen als auch die Gespräche, die anfangs zwar stockend, doch von Tag zu Tag immer flüssiger verliefen, waren wirklich fantastisch. Es ist, denke ich, eine wunderbare Gelegenheit sein in der Schule verbessertes Italienisch, bei einem gemütlichen Abendessen anzuwenden und zu vertiefen.
Schnell gewinnt man die getroffenen Menschen lieb und gar zu früh muss man sie wieder verlassen, deshalb sei Ihnen ein Hinweis noch mitgegeben: Sie werden merken, dass sie etwas in Siena zurücklassen müssen aber auch viele Eindrücke mitnehmen dürfen. Christian S.
PS: Grazie per il magnifico soggiorno e anche se non ho chiamato i nomi, credo che sapiate chi vorrei ringraziare. Ci rivedremo, Christian.

William P. 19  
St. Andrews - Regno Unito
età: 50s  
professione: Retired
Why study Italian at Saena Iulia in Siena? Many reasons, Siena is a beautiful vibrant town, the students are a lively, interesting and cosmopolitan bunch, the teachers are friendly and enthusiastic about their language and culture and the office staff could not be more helpful. All in all a very positive and rewarding experience.

Evey J. 18  
New Mexico - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Artist / Teacher
It is my pleasure to write about my experience at Saena Iulia, it was wonderful! For me Italy is about the people, and everyone at this school cared about you in the most gracious and personal way. I stayed for a month and will certainly return. The staff was always there to help with anything and everything. But for me, it was really the teachers, as well, that made my time so important. Each teacher was well trained to take you to the level of study you were ready for. I appreciated being able to format my program to suit my needs and I have to say I am surprised at how much I learned. All that, and to be in Siena, was just a marvellous experience!

Rita G. 17  
Boca Raton, FL - Stati Uniti
età: 60s  
professione: Retired
My all too short experience at Saena Iulia gave me the impetus I needed to study Italian with more vigor and direction. Former classmates stay in touch and have already contacted me to make plans for next season.Fatevi sentire.

Daphna A. 16  
Youngstown, Ohio - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Editor
I found Saena Iulia through the internet -and good thing I did! I spent a wonderful month as a "beginner" Italian student. I loved the small classes, the teachers and staff, and the friendly but professional atmosphere. Siena is an exquisite town, I stayed with a wonderful family the school helped me find, and it was with great reluctance that I left at the end of the month. I am going back for another month (at a more advanced stage of Italian), which says it all. I highly recommend this school for anyone and everyone, though another part of me wants to keep it a secret from the rest of the world!

Allan L. 15  
Copenhagen - Danimarca
età: 30s  
professione: Assistant Professor
I stayed at Siena Iulia for two weeks in early March 2002. We were 4 students in my group and had 4 lessons each morning from Monday till Friday. We concentrated on speaking Italian throughout the lessons which really improved my spoken italian considerably. During the lessons we mixed grammatical exercises, reading texts (like magazine articles) and watching and discussing videos. The teachers and the staff were very skilled, ambitious and also very friendly and with a good sense of humor. Besides the Italian courses during the morning hours we also went on a couple of very enjoyable half-day trips to some of the surrounding cities. My Tuscan spring in Siena was definitely worth remembering in the years to come!

Cathrin v. D. 14  
Hamburg - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Marketing direktor
Sprachunterricht an der Saene Iulia? Dies in Kürze, was Dich erwartet: 1. Siena: ein Ort, wo sich Tradition, Geschichte und Kultur mischen mit jungen Leuten aus der ganzen Welt 2. Toskana: eine der schönsten Regionen der Welt, mit superschönen Dörfern, tollem Wein und fantastischem Essen. 3. Italiener: richtig nette, offene Menschen, die verglichen mit deutschem Standard, das Leben deutlich optimistischer und leichter nehmen. 4. Saena Iulia: eine Schule mit richtig persönlichem Ambiente, die einem das Gefühl gibt nicht nur Student/-in sondern Mitglied einer Familie zu sein. Bei allen merkt man, dass ihnen der Job super viel Spaß macht und sie pushen die Studenten richtig - inklusive bis zu 3 Stunden "freiwilliger" Hausaufgaben. Hinzukommen Sonderunterricht in italienischer Oper, Palio etc. und wenn man Glück hat, kann man auch ein Dinner in der Schule geniessen - mit selbst zu bereiteten toskanischen Spezialitäten. Kurz: eine Supergelegenheit Land, Leute, Kultur und Sprache kennenzulernen. Nur schade, dass man irgendwann wieder abfahren muss.....

Toon v.d. H. 13  
Doorwerth - Paesi Bassi
età: 50s  
professione: Export manager
Together with my wife Patricia I spent 2 weeks at SAENA IULIA to improve my knowledge of Italian and was impressed by all the personal attention and help of my teacher M... and the whole staff of SAENA IULIA to succeed. Apart from the lessons I enjoyed also very much the Italian culture offered in addition by means of lectures by Laura and Sabrina on the Opera “La Boheme” and “Tosca” and the lecture by Mauro on the famous “Palio” of Siena. Furthermore, the excursion to the Abbazia at Monte Oliveto concluded with the very Italian feeling of having a meal together at the Scuola organized by the staff. In short, it was a great experience; I met new friends, learned a lot, but feel that there is still much to learn and therefore will certainly be back next year for further studying, and to meet friends again.

Victor B. 12  
Belfast - Irlanda
età: 60s  
professione: Professor
I started learning Italian for fun six months ago. Having surfed the net I finally settled on Saena Iulia as the school for me. I have no hesitation in recommending 'la Scuola' Saena Iulia to anyone who values personal attention and small classes. Althought there were people from Japan, USA, Germany and Canada in my class (of six) the atmosphere was like that of a family. At the age of 60 I thought I might not fit in; in fact it seemed natural to have a wide variety of backgrounds and of different ages. The accommodation, the location, the teaching, the cultural seminars, and the administration all exceeded my expectations. I decided to lengthen my stay, and others did likewise. You can do that when you are retired.

Kathi O. 11  
Westfield, NJ - Stati Uniti
età: 40s  
professione: Hairdresser/Handbag importer
If you are looking for the perfect place to go for your first total immersion Italian language lessons, let me help you with your decision! You can trust my advice, because being a person who does nothing "halfway", I wrote to no less than eight schools in order to find just the right one for me. There was really no contest once I received the response from Saena Iulia. They answered me back immediately with a very personal and informative letter, and continued to respond to my many additional questions with the same kindness. I was pretty sure that I had found the right school, and once I arrived, I knew. I was treated like a friend right from the start, and made aware by the staff that my time at the school was as important to them as it was to me. Classes are small and customized to fit the needs of the individual students, and no matter how minimal your knowledge of the language when you arrive, you will be surprised at how much you will learn in a short period of time. The staff is also very sensitive to the fact that this is a vacation for a lot of the students, and makes every effort to see that everyone enjoys their time in Siena (which isn't hard to do in such a beautiful place).Guaranteed you'll be planning your next trip back there on the flight home. So there you have it, a small school with a wonderful staff, limited size customized classes, lots of fun activities outside of class in one of the most beautiful cities in Tuscany, great memories...AND you get to go home speaking Italian...what more could you ask for? Nothing...Trust me, I know...I've been back four times now!

John A. 10  
Pennsylvania - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Lawyer
My two weeks at Saena Iulia far exceeded my expectations: I never thought that I would advance in such a short time from the rudimentary tourist phrases that I already knew to complex grammatical constructions, and have so much fun doing it! Siena seems to be the perfect place to learn, lively and interesting but not too distracting, and I can't imagine a school with a more capable and friendly staff than Saena Iulia's. The small classes, personal attention to students, and cultural enrichment programs (opera appreciation, cooking lessons, wine tasting) all contributed to a wonderful experience. I have enthusiastically continued my study of Italian since returning home, but I am looking forward to an opportunity to return to the school to be immersed again in the language and culture. Grazie a tutti

Donald C. 9  
San Francisco - Stati Uniti
età: 50s  
professione: Pilot
My wife and I spent a week with Scuola Saena Iulia, one teacher for both of us, four hours a day, and improved our italian enormously. Everyone in the school was very friendly and helpful, and we especially enjoyed a group outing to Pienza and Bagno Vignoni with one of the instructors. Siena is a lovely town to stay in as well. We even became morning regulars at the Roxy Cafe next door to the school during our week there. Che fortunato!

Patricia v.d. H. 8  
Doorwerth - Paesi Bassi
età: 40s  
professione: Management secretary
Ik kijk op twee weken Saena Iulia terug met heel veel plezier. In deze toch korte tijd heb ik enorm veel geleerd op een prettige en efficiente wijze. Er wordt goed geluisterd naar evt. wensen en goed ingespeeld op het aanwezige kennisniveau. De begeleiding van de leraressen is uitstekend. Ook de assistentie bij het zoeken naar een hotel/appartament of gastgezin is snel en accuraat. Er is nog veel te leren op het gebied van de italiaanse taal en cultuur en daarom zal ik zeker terugkomen.

Justine B. 7  
Banning, CA - Stati Uniti
età: 20s  
professione: Student
I really fell in love with Italy, safe, clean, and beautiful. Prices are reasonable and people are hospitable. It is possible to travel on limited funds without going into debt, my advice for future students is to remain positive when school gets overwhelming, do your homework, enjoy the food, and the scenery. Happy travels. Justine Boyer, California State University, Monterey Bay.

Katja V. 6  
Linköping - Svezia
età: 20s  
professione: Researcher
I really enjoyed my two weeks in Siena. Due to the small size of the school it was easy to get in contact with both the staff and the other students. The teachers were very motivated and friendly, and I feel that I learned a lot. The only negative thing to say is that time seems to pass so much faster in Siena than in other places! Best wishes to the staff of Saena Iulia and all my fellow students!

Alix C. 5  
Sydney - Australia
età: 30s  
professione: Sound Engineer
I spent a month at the school, and wanted to stay. I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Learning another language is a difficult and confronting thing to do, but all the staff at the school are so supportive and helpful - it's like being a part of a family. I shared an appartment with students from another school in Siena, and their experiences paled in comparison to mine. I even brought them to Saena Iulia to watch the world cup on the weekends, and they were amazed at the atmosphere and the people. I have made some amazing friends who I am sure I will remain in contact with for a long time. I hope that some day in the near future I can return and continue with my studies, or even return to live and work somewhere in Italy.

Sheila B. 4  
Toronto - Canada
età: 50s  
professione: Retired
For a month in March of this year I studied at Saena Iulia. I was impressed by the homey feel of the school and the friendliness of the staff. From the moment I first visited the website to the time I reluctantly left Siena my expectations were exceeded. I was struck by the professionalism of all the staff and by how hard they work to help you relax and to help you learn. They also try to make sure you have fun doing it! The excursions, seminars and tutorials were an unexpected and delightful bonus. At the end of my stay I was surprised and excited by how much I had learned. I was only sorry I couldn't stay longer but am now beginning to work on plans to return in 2003 to continue learning the language my soul tells me I was born to speak.

Else-Marie K. 3  
Skjetten near Oslo - Norvegia
età: 60s  
professione: Secretary
Mi piace molto Siena e Saena Iulia. And now it is easier for me to write a few words in English. I had a very nice stay in Siena this August. It was an excellent idea to stay with a family, and the S... treated me very well. I would love to come bak to learn some more. Ciao, Else-Mari

Kerstin S. 2  
Bielefeld - Germania
età: 30s  
professione: Management assistant
I have very much enjoyed staying in Siena and attending the school Seana Iulia. I have learned a lot in a short period of time and school was always fun. Siana is a wonderful city to study in with friendly people and a beautiful countryside. I look foward to coming back - hopefully next year!

Patrick H. 1  
Nendeln - Liechtenstein
età: 30s  
professione: Research Analyst
The school and the city do represent the best of Italy for me: warm and personal, very cultural and strong local customs, etc.... I could go on like in a tourism brochure, but perhaps one thing will express more than long sentences: I will be back!